
Political Strategy Quotes

There are 3511 quotes

"Pelosi was someone who, as many have said, ruled with a Gucci glove. She knew how to get the votes and she never put a bill on the floor that didn’t have the votes."
"I went as far as to suggest to the Prime Minister that he could achieve a win if he listened to the growing calls against the carbon tax and reversed his decision."
"History will teach us that the former has been found a much more certain road to the introduction of despotism than the latter, and that of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people; commencing demagogues, and ending tyrants."
"That's one of the reasons I'm going to win: women in my state don't trust them; men in my state think that this is a decision between a woman and her doctor, not a bunch of politicians in Columbus."
"What better way to stick it to all those coastal elites than by taking over the office they cared so much about?"
"If you want to make NATO less vulnerable to criticism from Donald Trump, the best thing the Europeans can do is to get up to that 2% benchmark."
"So even though she succeeded in her initial goal to repeal the non-discrimination ordinance, there is no question that in the long term, Anita Bryant was the loser."
"I'm planning to do a collaboration government in the U.S. That would be quite nice."
"Be grateful that if you're able to walk and you have two good legs and you have your health, be grateful and stop looking down on other people."
"Granted, no one's yours for life regardless of how they voted before, the color of their skin, any other identifying characteristic that would differentiate themselves from anybody else. You've got to go out there and fight for them."
"Trump should not be shy about telling the American people the threat of China and explaining the threat of China because China is in fact a threat."
"If you give people a choice between a Republican and a Democrat who sounds like a Republican, they're just going to pick the genuine article."
"The war on drugs was really about. The Nixon campaign in 1968 and the Nixon White House after that had two enemies: the anti-war left and Black people."
"The only way that Democrats are going to get out the base... is because whoever is running is talking about these issues that you and I have been talking about."
"The greatest Ally that the non-leftists have is reality."
"If you were going to do a U-turn and Rishi Sunak's not stupid, he knows that one of the biggest reasons Conservatives have lost their popularity is because of Brexit."
"This entire charade is ridiculous...instead of lowering costs for families before the holidays or protecting women's freedom to make their own health decisions, House Republicans are taking orders from Donald Trump to force through a partisan political impeachment with no evidence, no witnesses, and no wrongdoing on behalf of the president."
"Misinformation means a foreign government is putting out false information in order to bamboozle or hoodwink Americans."
"You don't win the vote of identity all at once; it's just one vote at a time."
"Lincoln has the combination of personal leadership, a fundamental moral character, and just the ability to fight the fight of politics to play the game of it and to get where he's going."
"This is a debate within the Chinese current political leadership, and adding fuel to the fire of that debate by causing internal debate within China to conclude that the rest of the world is anti-China right now does not help in producing an optimal outcome internally."
"Human life is not cheap. All of the warring powers thought that just by throwing more men and more material at the front, they would solve their political problems with military force."
"How do we win? In mass, calmly, peacefully, with smiles on our faces, the voters go out in November and overwhelmingly vote."
"It's the most politically effective thing to do: to call out the lies and stand by our values."
"That is not a great position to be in, but if you are a Republican candidate running for president and your strategy to be the nominee is still predicated on the Justice Department taking down Donald Trump, I don't know what to tell you."
"His campaign is entirely run on empathy and unity, which is probably why he's not gonna win, because that's like a losing thing in America."
"Say what you will about Nancy Pelosi, that woman knew exactly to the vote who she had on deck for any given bill."
"If democrats don't act boldly, republicans will regain control of the senate in two years and possibly even the house."
"When we can find common ground, working across party lines, that is what I will seek to do."
"The CCP does not mean the Chinese people...We don't want China to fail; we want the CCP to fail in its designs."
"Grow the economy, interesting, now living standards up, achieve political legitimacy on a sustained basis with the Chinese people by continuing to have higher levels of disposable income but also greater national economic power through which to fund other critical national capabilities, most particularly those of the military."
"Ron Romney McDaniel literally changed her name to take out the Romney because it was offensive to Donald Trump."
"The route to both social democracy and democratic socialism is the same road, and it's through class struggle."
"Pragmatism by its definition will get us towards socialism faster than anything else."
"Jim Crow 2.0 is about two insidious things: voter suppression and election subversion."
"We have lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections. Our cause is right, but we have failed to win the confidence of a majority of Americans."
"The reason why Democrats often get beaten up when it comes to the messaging game is because Republicans...have found a way to rouse the emotions of their base."
"This is a pretty ringing rejection of the defund the police strategy."
"Democrats cannot afford to undershoot this one; they cannot afford to go small."
"The most that the Democrats could hope for is that they win over a few Republicans to their side, but given that they need a two-thirds majority, that's quite a few to win over, and it's not honestly, it's the chances of it happening are very slim."
"The only people who don't want you voting are people who know they can't win when you vote."
"The Tea Party made a fuss and then got folded into the Republican Party effectively supplanting their goals and moving them rightward."
"Our strategy has to be a little bit different... we got to scare some people in purple districts otherwise we can't get their votes in Congress."
"The funny thing is, what they don't understand is, for people who are populist, it doesn't matter how many establishment figures you use to try to delegitimize someone, because that actually makes him more powerful."
"It's time to stop governing for the sake of the wealthy and the powerful and the corporate interest and start governing for what Richard Nixon called 'the silent majority,' for what Trump called during the 2016 campaign 'the forgotten man.'"
"The ability for us to be demonized is eroded and broken down... the more difficult it will be for power centers to keep us divided and to prevent us from ever working together."
"In short, he deftly maneuvered his way through the murky political situation in Rome, sowing the seeds of a Caesarean pseudo-monarchy."
"That the people with the opposition refuse to own their own position. I think that's an indication it's not a very good one."
"Republicans don't want people to vote because they know they will lose, and Democrats want people to vote because they believe in democracy."
"If you can, in addition to building broad-based from below movements for reproductive rights and really connecting that to existing movements for civil rights, for labor rights, and also use that kind of energy to begin to build a consensus within the Democratic Party about getting rid of the filibuster, about court reform, then I think in the more medium term, you might be able to make some changes via voting."
"If he had said on March 20th of twenty twenty, 'we're printing Magga masks and we're letting the doctors handle this,' I think he essentially sails to reelection."
"Every day that Trump is on the defensive is another day he is not catching up to Joe Biden."
"It's a political reality which is he is foregoing an opportunity to use the power of the presidency to help his re-election."
"In a personalised system like this one, the leader is most secure when they rely on division, competition between subordinates, divided power groups, and selecting people on the basis of loyalty rather than just competence."
"If the Republicans run against inflation and crime, they probably retake the House."
"You can't placate them at the same time you try to overthrow them."
"The president always talks about this: Reaching across the aisle, you can actually deliver for the American people."
"Republicans have a huge opportunity in this midterm to have a super majority if they campaigned properly."
"What we're identifying, what the right does, the con that they play on their own voters is obviously effective... but it's also, in theory, very, very easy to beat if you had a competent party that could offer an actual alternative."
"Nancy Pelosi as much as I dislike Nancy Pelosi she threaded the needle with an extraordinarily slim Democratic majority."
"If a sizable portion of the Democratic electorate here in Michigan votes uncommitted during the primary, that will be a five-alarm fire for the White House."
"There's a populist rebellion, and if we don't capture that rebellion, someone else will for much darker purposes."
"Lincoln knew what to do and how to do it, and he knew what strings to pull and when. He knew how to bend the law when he needed to."
"Biden has set the stage to make sure that doesn't happen to him. He is working to try out ideas that are far more progressive than anything I ever expected from Biden."
"It's always fun to see how the Democratic Party manipulates the media, and how the media just go along with it."
"As long as we see China as a cautionary tale rather than a model that ought to be replicated, then I still see that there's a way out of this for us."
"A lot of folks...they see the flashy viral ads, the stuff that messes with Donald Trump's headspace. All that's very necessary."
"It doesn't really make sense for the Democratic Party to constantly vilify 50% of the electorate."
"The bottom line is there are ways forward, but it's going to be a bipartisan path."
"Republicans will just keep lying over and over again as though it's happening all the goddamn time."
"I don't know what a pollster or a consultant could tell me that I can't learn from listening to people that I want to represent and serve."
"The new right is trying to answer that question by saying we have to upend the left's march to the institutions."
"We should be really open to bringing these people back into the fold now that they're seeing that they've been lied to. Now that the goal posts are being moved, we should be embracing them, welcoming them back."
"Some level of pragmatism and restraint just attests to realpolitik."
"Republicans are holding that aid hostage with their political gimmicks and games."
"The right is largely like, 'We're going to lead by example'... but we're losing because of it."
"What we believed in for the last five years shouldn't be ripped up into shreds; it was possible, and we should fight for it."
"Strength in the left... means that we need to be able to work together, have common goals, have a long term and short term set of destinations we're trying to work together towards."
"If you can't connect with voters, you can't win."
"Andrew Yang said, 'When we're talking about Trump, we're losing.' Bravo, Andrew Yang."
"We're not just talking about this election; we want a big enough seat pickup so that we have a majority for the next decade."
"A more viable strategy for progressives than trying to win over Trump's supporters right away would be to continue to win elections powered by energized majorities of Black Americans."
"I think the best way to get a $15 an hour minimum wage is to get more Senate seats. That's how it has to happen."
"The argument makes sense for Muslims to be Republican, but Republicans are doing a terrible job winning their vote."
"We stand ready to engage with the European Union to negotiate in good faith to make sure that we can have a friendly relationship in the future."
"All Democratic popular politics should be populist. It's up to the politician to convince the voters that their agenda should be the popular agenda."
"It would behoove the Democratic Party to get a clue, and to get a clue quickly, and to provide a vision that provides provision for the people."
"This All or Nothing [stuff] is only a position that the most privileged can take."
"I think you could draw a peace agreement that gives Putin some face-saving ability to get out of this thing because it hasn't worked well for him."
"Normal, popular, practical accomplishments from President Biden and the Democrats versus 'burn it all down' radicalism being screamed at the top of their lungs by Republicans under Donald Trump."
"Elections are fundamentally won by turnout, not by persuasion."
"Every primary is a chance to bring up dirt on the candidate."
"Any good political game needs to have a central tension that is the driving force behind all the conflict in the world."
"We get more progressive legislation done the more Democrats we have in Congress."
"We all objectively have to realize that this 'vote blue no matter who' strategy is giving Democrats permission to [expletive] you over."
"Politically, if you are working inside the White House and your goal is to try to prove that this is a rational, sane president, this comes at a particularly bad time."
"Let's get those independents and moderate Republicans who cannot stomach this guy anymore."
"How do we make this tiny little squeak of a group function as a majority? How do we make them wield their power?"
"We should find common cause across effectively all ideological lines. Every Patriot should be aligned with the idea that whatever our best move is to write the ship of state and to expel those who have captured it."
"The Democratic Party needs to beat Donald Trump and have a sweeping victory across the country."
"They are pandering to those young Americans' basest instincts."
"If you can distribute enough of these people all over the country, you can turn the so-called proverbial red States into blue States."
"We have reason to believe the house managers manipulated evidence and selectively edited footage."
"Trump was signaling that we're going to get rid of this petrodollar deal and these Middle Eastern countries are going to have to pay for protection now."
"A ceasefire that simply freezes current lines in place and enables Putin to consolidate control over the territory he seized and then rearm and retack is not lasting peace."
"The CCP's priority is deception, lies in Saving Face at all costs."
"It's good that the left is playing their hand as hard as they can, because this gets it out in the open."
"President Biden wants to center these midterms as a referendum on democracy itself."
"Every crisis is an opportunity to cram down a social justice viewpoint on the world."
"We're fighting for real solutions instead of the continuation of the show."
"The lie that somebody will suspend the house is not in order."
"Did they all separately have the idea that we are going to put Republican inspectors in pens? Like, just by coincidence?"
"Politicians can win on these social issues because they're human rights issues."
"Donald Trump is proving... his method of appealing to the base... actually works."
"Republicans plan to use that as a cudgel against her but she now has been on the bench for a full decade."
"If Boris Johnson said we are legalizing cannabis, he could be picking the curtains for number 10."
"If the Republican Party knew what it was doing and actually wanted to win as opposed to being terrified of the elites they would force the Democrats to run on these radical propositions."
"All of this is to try and get his eye off the ball get his eye off the prize make him stumble as he's trying to run for president."
"It's better than a kamikaze clean break Brexit."
"Uniting a multiracial working class coalition around social democracy is incredibly important and very heartening to hear."
"Turns out it's not only possible politically to do this sort of thing, it's the smartest thing you could have done."
"The best political weapon is the weapon of terror."
"Populism is telling you what you feel... It's mirroring your feelings back to you, telling you what you want to hear."
"Because so far, they've been walking into rakes, and they will continue to walk into rakes."
"Disaster capitalism means using disasters to push through even more capitalist politics."
"What we have here is kind of a case of easy opponent in a tough district versus tough opponent in an easy district." - Narrator
"The future of the Republican Party is based on a multi-ethnic, multi-racial working-class coalition."
"Him meeting with Nick Fuentes is the same reason he was willing to meet with Kim Jong-un and a whole bunch of other people that you know people don't necessarily like but that's a good thing."
"Preparing for war can not only divert attention from internal crisis but at the same time help to shape himself into the image of a national hero who defeats both foreign forces and political enemies."
"He split the left by his own rightward turn and in turn has bolstered the concept of ownership politics that has inadvertently swung all the momentum to France's political right."
"The left's principle is not let's have anything abstract other than like we should win and they should lose."
"We are putting forward the biggest ever package to crack down on dirty Russian money."
"The bill to ban TickTock is a trojan horse for the internet."
"Putin must face the most punitive of sanctions. The world must isolate Russia like the rogue state it is."
"The left strategy always is to grab a hold of the public school system and then indoctrinate kids into what they ought to believe about this stuff, against their parents."
"The only war I'm going to wage is the war on our deep State here at home."
"Democrats do kind of ignore racial minorities for the most part because they're kind of treated like a guaranteed vote. You know, like the majority of Black Americans are going to vote blue no matter what and the Democrats know that."
"If participation in bourgeois electoralism will dull the edge of your communist revolutionaries, those communist revolutionaries will certainly not survive the temptations after a proletarian revolution."
"If you fix the presidency, that gives a lot of leeway and a bigger bully pulpit to do stuff in the senate to do stuff in the house."
"Forcing Biden to the table after he said he wouldn't go to the table is a thing."
"Let's focus on improving the economy and getting rid of these, then we'll figure out how to redistribute the wealth."
"Clinton worked hand in hand with the bipartisan Congress."
"If Trump can't get enough support for the two thousand dollars checks in the senate... we may just have to go with the Biden third stimulus check."
"They saw his big, bold logo, they questioned building a wall, and they debated making America great again."
"Donald Trump made the move of trying to take the abortion issue off the table at least for federal elections."
"If you keep voting Conservative then they'll, uh, liberals will have absolutely no reason to support you. You have to keep incentivizing them."
"If the disbelievers are considered more powerful and numerous than Muslims, then the Imam may decide to hold a treaty if he judges that entails a benefit for the Muslims."
"Katie Telford thinks it gives us cover in the business community and the legal community and that it would allow the Prime Minister to say we were doing something."
"The Cruz's idea is a fantastic idea because now instead of voting yea or nay on throwing out votes, they're voting yea or nay on whether or not to have a simple commission to simply investigate."
"It gives Trump a fighting chance, still a long shot but it's a long shot from the 30-yard line rather than your own 30-yard line."
"If Donald Trump appears to be a victim, he will gain support. If he appears to be prosecuted, persecuted, he will gain support." - Frank Luntz, political strategist
"How could you more successfully kneecap any Republican president than to take that issue out of his or her hands?"
"The world, we can take it back, we can't take it back if we have no money."
"Newspeak's political purpose is to eliminate shades of meaning, ambiguity, and nuance."
"There was no end game, and there was no collusion on the part of Trump with these extremists."
"Hamilton sees opportunity, arguing that the new federal government should assume the states' debts in order to unite the nation as one."
"Conservatives need to go full nuclear Trump 2024."
"Anytime you hear somebody saying that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election, that is Russian disinformation campaign directed by Vladimir Putin. It’s a false claim promulgated by Russia to hurt the Kremlin and hurt the United States."
"Brilliant about Trump is he not only had good instincts for what the public overwhelmingly wanted, but it was always something that the media would so hate."
"The most important thing is to not buy into the BS hype of you must go corporate and you must not fight for your voters if you want to win in a purple district."
"If Democrats keep playing this game where they think that radicalism for radicalism's sake is going to be the victorious notion, they're actually missing the appeal of their own appeal, which is a religious appeal in nature."
"If one of those candidates did that it might kill them in the primary but they would have a much better shot at the general election."
"We have to break out of this idea that we can create systemic change within a particular election cycle."
"Give them the microphone because overwhelmingly whatever they're saying to the American people the American people despise and detest."
"They're making Donald J Trump sympathetic to America."
"Trump taught them we can win and even if we lose, we can have a lot of fun."
"The right is winning the culture war by demonstrating that the left is willing to be this radical."
"Donald Trump's team, how can I put this nicely, doesn't know what they're talking about."
"We can't be the Republican party that just plays Mr. Nice Guy all the time."
"The best way for Democrats to defeat Trump's fake anti-establishment populism is with the real thing coupled with an agenda of systemic reform, and this is what Bernie offers."
"If the Democratic Party ends up using that nicer strategy, they will not have a leg to stand on. Voters are already distrustful of the process."
"Universal programs could represent a key avenue for a better politics, fostering class solidarity and democracy."
"You don't have to be a genius to stage a coup."
"The Trump campaign is not stupid, I mean, they're going to be spending a lot of time messaging those voters."
"Teach the lesson: if you try to adjust to a momentary challenge, when you try to dial that back everybody will assume that you're trying to do bad things."
"My confidence is when you get to the legislative political side Democrats are in enough important positions."
"We cannot defeat Donald Trump's politics of personal destruction if we practice the politics of self-destruction."
"But I think he feels he has to to protect the Russians that are there, he has to force this in order to get the attention of the United States and its NATO alliance."
"The only thing that's going to ever bring about any meaningful changes ongoing dedicated popular movements which don't pay attention to the election cycle."
"Until the left learns that unconditional support means that you have no leverage, which means you're gonna be ignored and that the left will continue to be ignored and have no power."
"Step one in destroying America is convincing citizens that some people will have to sacrifice their existing rights in order for others to have new ones."
"There are times when supporting favorable movements is the best prevention against communism."
"I mean, while the Democrats are trying to figure out exactly how they're gonna thread this whole witness needle in the impeachment."
"I think the Republicans are turning right now."
"This top-down thing it ain't working and we must fight it."
"A motivated young multi-racial multi-class base is exactly what the Democratic Party needs."
"The basic idea here is to do for Bidonomics what Barack Obama did for Obamacare."
"Republicans are somehow going to blow it, which is incredible because Democrats have blown it."
"Whatever they're accusing the enemy of is exactly what they are trying to do."
"The Democrats strategy is to appeal to those people on the right... they try to make it into a bad thing."
"We're just assuming that because it's sun and wind and those are friendly and filled with flowers, it's all okay."
"He could galvanize them, that's what he does."
"It uses all the tools at the Kremlin’s disposal: the state-sponsored television that it beams into the West, the proxy groups, the Web trolls and Twitter trolls, the cutouts and surrogates."
"Mutations are drummed up to such a degree that it's like Tim said, they're not letting a good crisis go to waste."
"I believe in the sixth inning theory of baseball... I think we got to go six innings. That means we got to stay on the same team, have the message of productive engagement politically for our people."
"What a very big mistake for the president to alienate people for no good reason." - Chris
"This is politics more than anything else. Their agenda is to play to the base." - Pat
"Donald Trump deciding to do exactly what he does best all the time and go directly at those who are attacking him."
"If you run on an anti-corruption message and you run on a populist message, you will win everywhere."
"Persuasion is the only way out of our current predicament."