
Costume Design Quotes

There are 413 quotes

"Costume designer... pursued counsel from Indigenous elders and hired Indigenous artists directly."
"The suits themselves: awesome. The helmet design does really well with their animals."
"I really liked how they updated Moon Knight's costume... it really makes you look at him and think Egyptian."
"Inventing costumes this weird and completely new that still fit within the expressionistic framework of the story the film is telling is a really impressive feat."
"This might be one of the best costumes in the whole goddamn game."
"The aim of a costume will always be to highlight the key things you need to know about a character, namely their purpose, their personality, and their history."
"They have absolutely got the correct fabric that is strip woven fabric, and I would not be surprised if they got it from the exact region." - They absolutely got the correct fabric.
"Maleficent's costume greatly resembles artworks of the era where you see women wearing houppelande."
"I wanted to take it one step further than she did when it comes to historical accuracy."
"Contrary to what a lot of the internet may have you believe, a lot of period costume in film and TV is actually, if sometimes a bit imperfect, generally passable."
"Jesus Christ this [__] goes hard. This costume looks amazing in my opinion."
"Holy dumb [__] I think this is potentially another 10 out of 10 classic costume so sick I love it."
"The costumes, hairstyles, and makeup worn by the characters of Black Panther are incredibly impressive."
"Costume design is an art, you know. You try a lot of different things and sometimes the big out-there ideas are usually when they try too big out-there ideas and they work, those are my favorites."
"Seeing anyone in that costume is gonna be fucking amazing."
"Since more modelers could build garments, Pixar's artists could dress over 300 animated characters for 'Toy Story 3,' compared to the 76 in the first movie."
"Costume design needs context, it is not the same as a collection of fashion- it is very individualized and meant to be in a specific world."
"Captain Marvel's costume honors a lot of her previous comic versions."
"Captain America has some of the best costumes in the MCU."
"But my absolute favorite costume in the MCU isn't actually on one of the heroes."
"It's just so wonderful seeing a contemporary film get accolades for costume design."
"Costume design is one of the most important jobs in the film industry."
"You can learn just as much about a character from their wardrobe as you can by what they say."
"The costumes were more than deserving of their Oscar win."
"Ruth Carter's afro-futurist designs were equal parts tradition and innovation."
"From the very first moment you see Rose DeWitt Bukater, you're instantly made aware of her class."
"Frida's wardrobe is a beautiful representation of Carla's artistic vision."
"The white dresses that Eliza wears to both the ball and the horse races are utterly beautiful."
"Deku's costume journey: from homemade to hero gamma."
"When you see the white armor coming out of a black room, you just see the armor. And it's a great, terrifying sort of moment."
"Those little touches actually add so much personality and character to a stormtrooper outfit."
"We leaned into designing a variant, sort of a blend between the classic Boba Fett helmet and the stormtrooper helmet."
"The last time Val's band the suit was probably made Val pretty happy."
"With all of these advancements, costume designers could bring an even more realistic Batman to the screen."
"Every part of the suit was practical, even down to the insignia."
"The mix of practical effects and CGI has created costumes that feel more real."
"It's a shared identity, and that doesn't mean a bright green suit, it could be like black just with green accents, and it could be black with red accents."
"I love the physics of her costume, that is crazy."
"This costume design is genre media seniors art brought to life... and has played such a crucial role in bringing this character to the mainstream."
"The tight spandex-based material of the costumes had restricted movement, making the intricate martial art sequences and stunt work even more challenging to perform."
"It always looked like a person in a duck suit."
"Velma's primary outfit in the show resembles the one worn by the character in the first live-action movie."
"I think most of them are here to find out more about Star Wars. Daisy Ridley's talking about it."
"I would love to give a costume design Oscar at a Beauty and the Beast"
"This short would be set in the 1890s and featured Daisy in a period-inspired gown."
"Sam Raimi's Spider-Man featured a costume that was not only a spitting image of its comic-book character but looked good on the big screen."
"Ewan McGregor is wearing a wig and fake beard in some scenes."
"Next up we have Jigglypuff's first new costume, actually one that returns from Melee, giving Jigglypuff back her crown."
"Kirby's Z secret costume turns him into Yarn Kirby, based off the appearance in Kirby's Epic Yarn."
"Jigglypuff's Z secret costume is known as El Globo, an original skin meant to give Jigglypuff her own wrestler."
"Squirtle's alternate costume is Shinobi Squirtle, dressing him up as a ninja."
"These are two of the best outfits I've ever seen in Marvel."
"It's nice to do something a little different. I don't think I've really done a character with like a heavy drapery so far."
"A graceful and airy costume to depict either the fairy of moonlight or the goddess of the night."
"There are so many cool and many you have not seen at all costumes that are extraordinary."
"This is without a doubt the most like cumbersome costume I've yet built."
"The details, like the hair clippy thing, really captured the whimsical feeling."
"Not only is it this beautiful Lush color palette with all of Ruthie Carter's costumes and this incredible visual of this waterfall but you see and feel the pain in the violence of Killmonger."
"Everything about this fits and this is a great-looking set."
"Thor's outfit here is filled with easter eggs."
"This jaw-dropping costume must have taken hours to create, and the final product could put Bill Skarsgård to shame."
"Seeing Black Superman was cool, why would you not use the black suit?"
"The choreography was stunning, the costumes A plus plus plus, the score was dramatic and beautiful."
"I really do like um I really like Ben's Batman outfit a lot it was really that was really tailored for his physique and his body type but I really like the Ben app with Batman one all right what's next."
"I can see all of the mistakes but actually what is really good about this particular performance is that the costume was really, really nice."
"Worn underneath an orange silk cloak, the dress has Bejeweled panels on the Empire bodice and hobbled knees, instantly reading as extravagant."
"The dresses worn by Lucy have to suggest the eccentricity of the role each costume needed to be sexy, unique, and have an aristocratic Elegance."
"The suit itself did turn out really impressive."
"Everyone brought their A-game... some costumes were truly mind-blowing." - Commentator
"The execution on the other hand was out of this world... the aesthetics of this costume, just wow." - Commentator
"Spider-Man, MCU-inspired costume, huge part of the story."
"Star-Lord, with mask on and off, love the variations."
"I'm so excited for Spider-Man's Dr. Strange-esque suit in No Way Home."
"A good superhero suit makes a statement and really sets you apart from the hundreds of other heroes you see running around out there."
"When it came to making Maleficent fly, a pretty simple costume addition ended up being one of the most challenging things."
"Rare Tutu is yet again another amazing rare magical design, rather than Tutu's design though, this one is much more taking on the ballerina appearance."
"I've been asking for the match with Brian Danielson since the Wednesday after the pay-per-view."
"This new badass all-black suit... maybe Fury was taking a note from his old friend Carol Danvers about discretion."
"Berlin-based costume designer Gabrielle Binder illustrates the evolution of the character from troubled orphan to glamorous chess phenom."
"He's fetching costume included a winged helmet as a nod to the Greek god Hermes and the Roman god mercury."
"Excessively booby breastplates are indeed quite silly but breastplates that are so flat they look like backplates are an over correction."
"Armor doesn't have to be perfect to be non-distracting to the vast majority of your audience."
"The suit is better than the original suit. I'll die on that hill all day long."
"Which sheet of foam wants to be a Boba Fett helmet today? Oh look, that one already has the pattern on it. Let's get to work!"
"You want the best costume for Guile in the game, we got it."
"This is like the perfect costume, in my opinion."
"Pixar's blending of state-of-the-art technology grounded in hard math and physics with imaginative fashion and art direction makes its costume design language so appealing."
"Never enough, so cool to see the new costumes."
"I always liked the underwear. It's just a cool aspect of the costume that made him unique."
"Ray's entire look in the final act of The Last Jedi."
"The werewolf suit was built around a performer who could control its movements and give it a sense of life and energy."
"This is a hood done right. You can have it sitting back here so you can see him or all the way forward, have him in the shadows. I love that. That is definitely the pièce de résistance for this figure. It looks absolutely amazing."
"Jules was easily the best skin in the battle pass."
"Every Batman to date has had an iconic batsuit."
"Captain Falcon's first new costume is his now iconic all gold-color scheme."
"Conker's first color scheme changes his fur color to gray and gives him a pink hoodie."
"Mewtwo's first color is obvious: a bright green referencing his shiny sprite."
"All of Marth's costumes are fairly straightforward, being all plucked from Marth's official appearances in Smash."
"The ape suit is actually really good. It's by far the best part of the whole movie."
"Villains need flair and what could be more dramatic than a dark cape fluttering in the wind obscuring the wearer's body."
"There are two variations of Batsy a light style and a dark style we really love the dark cat-shaped mask on the dark style variant."
"Oh my gosh true magic that was made with this costume character."
"The cape: treated as another character, defining mood and journey."
"One that doesn't feature black outfits and a grounded tone..."
"The late 17th early 18th century is such an epic time period for fashion but it is so under loved and underrepresented."
"Next up, The Vivienne giving us a little 'Into the Woods' wicked fantasy."
"They did an excellent job with the game mechanics and gameplay."
"At least he's wearing armor, and considering what Hollywood has given us..."
"All in all, I'm liking what I'm seeing costume-wise, set-wise, looking pretty good thus far especially that Super Duper Mart."
"At the end of the film, Miles and his father created his brand new suit looking like the original Spider-Verse costume with spray paint."
"I enjoy Marceau when he said, 'We see who were the better costume.'"
"Echo had by far the best live-action Harley Quinn costume."
"Thanks to Olson's charismatic performance, she really goes for it and some incredible character design from a comic's accurate costume to new flourishes like those awesome black fingertips. So cool and she's just so damn powerful."
"But I think my favorite costume from series one was the suit that I killed Bill in. There was something about that that all came together, you know? I think it was one, being in Bellem, I felt so comfortable in that suit."
"The first order stormtrooper helmet is amazing... zero complaints."
"Black noir is still an enigma wrapped up in a stylish black super suit and the fact that we still don't know his true face or history in the show makes him all the more terrifying."
"For Robocop 2, a different suit was made out of fiberglass which actually made the suit look more metallic and helped Weller to be able to move around more freely."
"So, how many of you were able to tell that the armor I've been wearing this brigandine is actually not metal? Indeed, it is."
"Historically oftentimes they mixed and matched as well so why not both."
"When they lifted each other dressed like the devil and an angel like how perfect it caught the holes in the comment is apart."
"I'm a costume designer and maker. Can relate to the multiple projects."
"Layla's costume man yeah the drift yeah it's a little perfect falcon but with swords."
"This suit is a nearly perfect comic-book representation of Wally West and Barry Allen's classic Flash suit."
"The costuming by Ruthie Carter was exceptional."
"It's interesting that he brings up kendo because the costumes in that film costumes and the armor are so heavily influenced by Asian armor."
"Believe me when I tell you that Diana's range of motion is limited by her useless booby armor."
"A good costume can make or break a superhero film... if it's bad, it ends up on the bottom of lists."
"Black Widow's costumes throughout the series have never been super flashy... but the best of the bunch comes from Captain America: The Winter Soldier."
"Hawkeye's Captain America: Civil War version finally gets a comic-book accurate shade of purple... and it makes his costume stand out just a bit more."
"Loki's costume is a great mixture of Asgardian style and classic supervillain flair... except for those ridiculous horns."
"Their outfits did a really great job of kind of highlighting the more wacky personalities that these characters had."
"It wasn't like anybody had thought that a person could wear a suit of powered armor and it would look anything other than like a guy in old night armor wobbling around on a set."
"The Flash's suit is specifically designed to be immune to the effects of friction and can be stored within a ring."
"It's so awesome to appreciate people who make their own costume."
"Lola's next outfit is one of my favorites in the entire movie because it's just so absurd and yet utterly perfect."
"The SMB was larger and the Cape took on a more bulky look instead of being tucked into his top."
"We produced over 10,000 facial appliances over 1,800 body suits and foam latex."
"The costumes in this movie are fricking fantastic."
"Seriously, Fozziwig's Christmas party is genuinely one of the best examples of 1790's fashions I think I've ever seen in a film."
"Okay, this is the one that gives me like the muscle chest plate."
"Let's make ourselves a little bit of a clean lady hat, alright, let's take a look at this thing, let's see what it looks like, alright, hello, it's a dragon with a hard hat, surely they know where it's come from now, right?"
"Originally, Rogers' mask was a separate piece of material, but an early engagement had it dislodged, almost exposing his identity."
"The costuming was good. Granted, the 1950s isn't a super hard era to replicate in fashion, but there are smaller details that match their characters quite well."
"Rubber nipples on the bat suit. Two reasons to never watch this movie."
"Despite finding other super suits, if you will, to be some of my favorite that we'll get to, this just has to be one of the best that they've created for the HBO Max shows. It's just incredible."
"This is one of the better N'Zoth transmogs I've seen."
"Red Hood looks good to me. It looks like such a good adaptation of the Red Hood suit overall."
"It looks all of this looks good. I love Star-Girl's. Well, it's made by LJ Super Suits, so what am I going to say?"
"This wig was the one thing about this cosplay that when I looked at that design I really had no idea how I was gonna do it."
"This suit is the first indication of BBS being in the past and this being the future."
"I liked Drama Girl's costume, oh me too, I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan so that was awesome."
"The first biker alt is red which is a fusion of his red and black costumes from brawl."
"The Bones armor earned my respect with its cool sequence and design."
"Boys loved his costume design though and the animation style they used here really hearkens back to how it was in the 90s."
"You're telling a lot about these characters just by how they're costumed."
"You're gonna have to pay real close attention to the details of the costuming because as I said it don't seems to be just so like they you know put a lot of time into figuring out the details."
"I feel like this is a solid seven, I love how sparkly the bodice is and the wings too, very sparkly and very big."
"It's the end of our show, and the PJ masks and the LOL babies are ready to go trick-or-treating in style."
"Whoever came up with that xenomorph mask needs a freaking raise."
"I ended up going with an 1800's poofy dress wearing lady."
"The costumes are so unique that they are guarded jealously as cast members aren't even allowed to keep any as souvenirs."
"This to me is almost the perfect bat suit in capturing the way I envisioned Batman in live action."
"I've always loved the simplistic look of the bat costume in this."
"I love the aesthetic provided by the costuming of the Pirates films."
"Multi-Mouse is really cute, it's another step up from the original Ladybug costume."
"One thing I really enjoyed about this movie was obviously the costume design for the villains."
"The uniform design seen in the first few seasons of Star Trek Discovery seems to be something of a hybrid between the blue jumpsuits of Enterprise and the TOS era uniform forms."
"There's no fixing Raay outfit. Who the hell saves the galaxy in freaking Capri? Why the daily arm wraps from waist? Yeah, that was weird. Feel like they could have done something with that."
"Gwen's costume is actually really subtle instead of going with giant spider webs."
"I love all of the costume design for everybody; it was 80s high fashion couture goodness."
"Edith's sleeves are more than just for show."
"Edith's costumes convey her personality, feelings, and even foreshadow the plot."
"Lucille's dress gives the impression that blood is spilling from her, pooling on the floor."
"There would not be a successful cinematic worldwide successful version of Spider-man in the 21st century if it wasn't for the most creative costume in comic book history."
"...an incredible job at bringing the folks of the capital and all the districts to life through the use of costuming."
"Cheers to Alice Davis, the lead costume designer on It's a Small World."
"What the costuming does so well is it doesn't seem like they're just putting together an outfit because they deem it cute it's also always aiding and telling us who this character is."
"I originally built this suit to help me prune the bushes with a few alterations it became quite the intimidating monster costume."
"Sam Raimi has put the most thought into how this suit would look on film and what kind of shots he could do with it more than any other spider-man production I've seen."
"And then we had to differentiate the way people dressed in the urban environment in the city and the way people dressed in the carnival and we used layers. We had people in leather jackets, we had people in denim jackets, we had women in working clothes."
"It's just all so smartly put together; the costume designs are excellent for this show."
"In the prequels, the costumes are incredible."
"The costume design for Farquaad is pretty ingenious."
"The translation of the costume design was beautiful."
"With so many unique costumes each with its own look and feel, it really brought a sense of authenticity to Coraline's character."
"This is just a great costume design in general."
"Like superhero kind of uh look that was darker so it's like more villainous and this feels more like the winner but also with the horns there it is something still kind of evil."
"The costumes in this follow the toy aesthetic."
"Spider-Man has the best superhero costume."
"I really love the costume design in this movie, I feel like the costume design in this movie was the best out of all the movies."
"The spider-man costume is chef's kiss."
"Matt Reeves mentioned that he wanted the costume for the Riddler to have a DIY feel to it but honestly Riddler's classic suit is not exactly missed."
"A remote control mechanism was fitted into the close-up suit's head."
"I do think the women's costumes have a bit more zhoosh. You know, just like a bit more ooh!"
"Great costumes. Abigail put those costumes."
"Obviously the collar for the bodice needed ruffles added to the edges too."
"Is it completely historically accurate? Absolutely not."
"The MCU is full of costumes that merged the concepts of superhero costume and practical uniform wearable clothing."
"Seriously folks, forget the movie. Just look at them based on the costume design alone. It's super interesting, it's super visually diverse."
"But I gotta say I think Robin looks cooler because the Cape is so much better he learned a great deal from Batman one of the things he learned most from Batman though is how to have an awesome costume even though Red X costume is way sicker."