
Conspiracy Quotes

There are 2304 quotes

"My client specifically is charged with attempt and conspiracy, so he's not charged with actually doing a specific act."
"The symbolism around the airport with the Gargoyles and the NWO Insignia, it's all totally intentional."
"What most of us don't realize is that this is all orchestrated at a much higher level by powerful corrupted people."
"You could write this as a movie, and it might be far-fetched. People would say, 'Oh come on, now nobody would ever actually try to get away with something like this.'"
"With this YouTooz, you're also getting my very own conspiracy board, chalk full of little Easter eggs for you to discover."
"For centuries, powerful forces have conspired to suppress the truth, locking away the knowledge that would awaken humanity's true potential."
"I can feel humanity awakening, their plan did not work."
"The Cabal made you believe that they are all powerful, no deep divers, you are all powerful."
"Could an extraterrestrial species really have a hidden hand in shaping the events of our civilization?"
"Evidence shows we may not know the whole truth about what or who NASA found on the moon."
"JFK's assassination is still the most conspiracy theory-riddled case in American history."
"About manipulating the world from the shadows, pulling the puppet strings as a dark and enigmatic secret brotherhood to accomplish some goal, whatever you might decide that goal is going to be."
"I don't trust most bankers, I don't trust most lawyers, I don't trust most accounting firms, I actually think they are engaged in a conspiracy against the public interest."
"Certainly, there is a coverup, and all UFO researchers recognize that."
"I am satisfied that the objective seriousness of the conspiracy was one of the highest order."
"The unassuming sprout of conspiracy will grow into a vine that will choke out the tree of truth."
"The free internet as we know it is under threat because there are powerful people conspiring in its dark corners who want to divide it up and rule their chunk of it."
"Tom Cruise doesn't age because he's drinking the blood of Scientology children."
"Why it was stolen, how this has been achieved, why this lie continues in the face of overwhelming evidence, and how, if the reasons are not exposed, our species is possibly destined for another cataclysmic experience."
"The story of the discovery and scholarship of the scrolls has often been shrouded in secrecy, hidden documents, false accusations, and conspiracy theories."
"Actual conspiracies are uncovered by journalists and historians."
"What's more terrifying, a vampire creature that's draining people's blood, or a group of people who are willing to...stage it?"
"It's clear as day that King Charles III is the king of the new world order. It's why he declared the great reset; it's why he's the woke Prince."
"Shane is such a basket case he thinks and refers to all 'scam tubers' as being part of the shadow cabal."
"There is a conspiracy out there, but there was not an individual mandating conspiracy against Nipsey Hussle's life. There's a conspiracy against us all collectively."
"There are mind-blowing allegations of recovered non-human technology spacecraft being secretly held, concealed, and back-engineered by the United States."
"It's about the UFO cover-up, the biggest story in history. Here's the documentation to prove it."
"JFK assassination was an inside job. Oh, 100 percent."
"The world is manipulated by a web... at the center of the web you got the spider. That spider is the non-human force."
"It’s long been said that there have been many inventions that could have changed the world in a positive way. Yet, were denied from the public, or worse the inventor mysteriously died, making you wonder if someone didn't want their inventions getting out and impacting the way people live their lives."
"Jim Garrison's case involved prosecuting a New Orleans person for his actions in New Orleans to conspire to kill Kennedy... That's usually how that comes about: conspiracy type, aiding and abetting, things of that nature."
"They're not predictions! They are telling you what they are going to do! Wake up."
"It turns out it's no longer a matter of speculation: the US government has been conspiring with the heads of Silicon Valley social media platforms to manufacture consent."
"Batman's vengeance is to avenge his parents who were actually killed as part of a conspiracy between the Maroni and the Falcone crime families."
"It was obvious to us that Aristotle Moore was involved in a bigger criminal enterprise than just bank robberies."
"Davos is a grift and a cult but it's also a bid for global domination."
"There is a conspiracy... they destroyed the family value by destroying the Father Figure."
"The whole thing with the dossier was a total setup."
"You can detect that something unnatural has caused a shift in the narrative."
"The FBI dismissed it as a hoax only strengthen the belief for some conspiracy theories that its soldiers part of an elaborate cover-up."
"Everything that is happening today was planned at least fifty years ago."
"If you're late to the game they literally are trying to kill you off."
"Where there's smoke, there's fire. If we see something suspicious and we say it, it's not to be like spreading childship because I, that's my thing with conspiracies."
"Something big is being planned right in front of our eyes."
"There is zero chance they managed to break into the Capitol without help on the inside."
"The FDA has been aware of these connections for years and has covered it up on purpose to protect Big Pharma."
"This was an intentional spread of the virus beyond China."
"There is no other explanation for it other than that they intentionally wanted this to spread beyond China."
"There's a huge population of people in these off-planet bases."
"This is like serious deep state stuff, somebody on the inside. I don't know what they did."
"Who's actually behind all of this? It's really Joe Biden."
"Governments don't rule the world: Goldman Sachs rules the world."
"We are dealing with a control system." - John Keel
"They flew planes into the building in 911, told us some overseas done it, and when the FBI report came out, it was Dick Cheney and George Bush behind it the whole time."
"People still don't believe them because of course, the government is going to say they have aliens."
"This is a case study in how the intelligence community will try to sideline actual disclosure and have a clear field for the fake disclosure that's coming."
"Remember here on this channel what we believe the problem is is that we're being turned against one another by centralizing globalizing interest."
"When governments are closing down bank accounts of people that are donating to a protest that is a conspiracy theory."
"The purpose of all this is so that they can control everything."
"Allegedly a clandestine treaty and technology exchange with visiting aliens was brokered and managed."
"Parts of our black ops military have declared war on a land. Nobody should be under the illusions about that. They declared war on us and they are assaulting us daily."
"If avril's been like, 'Oh no, no, it's not real,' just a conspiracy, but like, would they ever admit that it wasn't? Probably not."
"Who the man? Oh, you don't know the man? Oh, he's everywhere. In the White House, down the hall. Miss Mullen. She's the man and the man ruined the ozone."
"We have to keep our minds open... whether human or alien, it's a very real conspiracy."
"All celebrities, politicians, and influential people you see on TV are not in fact human."
"Epstein didn't kill himself became a rallying cry symbolizing the public's skepticism towards the official narrative and their demand for truth and accountability."
"There are occult groups pushing certain agendas onto the world, hiding things in plain sight."
"Chomsky was completely dismissive indeed contemptuous of anyone who argued about the likely conspiracy behind the assassination of John Kennedy."
"If the government and media and corporate medicine have conspired to keep potentially life-saving treatments for covet from the public, what other diseases have cures being obfuscated due to the power and greed?"
"When people start to connect the dots in ways where maybe they weren't intended to be connected, they say weird things."
"Turns out this bloodline, the deist bloodline, is the central route that connects to all the different European Illuminati families."
"For every possible UFO sighting there’s always a debate if it was an alien or a weather balloon, but nobody ever seems to wonder if it was an alien weather balloon."
"She could have been everywhere, and this is where a lot of the theories appear that she is in fact the traitor."
"What is the biggest secret the world government is hiding? What is the most dangerous thing they are not allowed to divulge at all costs? Quite simply, that is the identity of the National Treasure of Marijoa, King Emu."
"No one is in control, no one is pulling the strings."
"There's so much more about this phenomenon than they're letting on, that even finding out the tip of the iceberg of what they know is gonna put people in shock."
"We've got unidentified flying objects being shot down. Maybe that's a distraction."
"I believe they know more than they're letting on and I believe they have a good reason not to make it all public."
"Americans are easily motivated by false flag operations."
"Did he fall down the mine shaft or stumble upon a hidden entrance to Area 51?"
"Logic is someone or something controlling our minds remotely."
"There's this cabal of evil that is trying to take over the world."
"China, Russia, and Iran are collaborating to undermine the United States."
"Karen Silkwood saved countless lives... a simple accident doesn't cover the full truth."
"It's just so avoidable and it's truly one of the biggest conspiracies in this country that this was ever made illegal. It is, it's just sad."
"Knock out these programs like divide and conquer and know that the mechanism of things like 5g is to deliver mind control. We de-weaponize things through breaking the mind control and staying in alignment with truth."
"Why are Jews always the bad guys? The honest reason is this: conspiracy theorists aren't that smart."
"Can you imagine what bad luck she said what's going on in Australia is next level literal new world order coming out of that person's mouth."
"Secret societies have been using the Holy Grail's power for centuries."
"I know exactly what's going on right now - fake election."
"They have a plan or there's more planning and thought behind this than we even know yet."
"MK Ultra involves ritual abuse, drugging, and hypnotizing victims."
"We conclude this is from the security group that dominion voting systems is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results."
"The government even suppressed original news videos of the New York Fire Department making multiple reports of large explosions and secondary devices inside the towers on 9/11."
"Why the government would protect these wealthy Saudi 9/11 co-conspirators is anyone's guess."
"Why don't we dispel something about this word conspiracy and get down to the court? It just means whisper and it means that you agreed with something with one other person."
"Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module, but this message was never heard by the public because NASA censored it."
"I believe that's another depopulation method."
"We are all just pieces on a chessboard to be played as pawns by players beyond our sight."
"What if UFOs are in fact alien military, they may view us as enemies to destroy."
"Whether you think he's up to something good or not, he's definitely a puppet master behind the narrative for disclosure."
"The complicity of our media, elected officials, and all of them are playing these dirty games together."
"Obey. Consume. Submit." - Polybius arcade game subliminal messages
"It's beyond obvious that there is absolutely a cover-up here."
"The narrative is collapsing, and what was once considered grand conspiracy is now just considered mainstream fact."
"Jeffrey's death would trigger a wave of outrage and conspiracy theories."
"When Jeffrey Epstein first died, I thought he was murdered. I was convinced of it."
"Elon wants to chip your brain, Davos wants hackable humans, wake up."
"It's absolutely crazy, but we can see everything is being manipulated."
"It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a freaking reality."
"Elvis didn't die. I've got the picture of him and his coffin with his false eyelashes."
"This is the biggest unspoken acknowledgment that there is something there that they are trying to hide."
"Who knew? Who made the decision? Who is controlling Joe Biden?"
"People don't seem to understand just how deep this network is. The Deep state is very deep. It's at the heart of it all right here."
"Stay the course. Where we go one, we go all. -Q"
"The New World Order is not a conspiracy theory, it is very real, an agenda that has been acknowledged openly for decades."
"A conspiracy of infamy so black, when it is finally exposed, its principles shall be forever deserving of the maledictions of all honest man."
"The great reset is leading us towards a new world order."
"The globalists intentionally cultivated social media platforms... with the goal of global surveillance in mind."
"Abductions, genetic experiments, organ harvesting, and a new world order. We better hope these witnesses are wrong because if they're not, we're in big trouble."
"There was incompetence all around. I'm a big subscriber to the incompetence Theory as opposed to The Conspiracy Theory." - Scott Ritter
"Their machine that they've used for decades to manipulate Humanity in the worst possible kinds of ways is actually being exposed in real time."
"If what you say is true, this could be the biggest cover-up of this century."
"The world is run by a very small group of elite people who are immensely wealthy and who want to stay that way."
"I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that Jeff Bezos has probably had somebody killed."
"Dr. Ken Johnston revealed astronauts discovered ancient alien cities and Advanced Machinery on the lunar surface."
"Create the disease and manufacture the cure."
"How would tens of thousands of people wake up in the morning all across the planet decide to make up the same story to share it publicly? Not many, right? Not many, but that's a big chunk."
"Steve Murder was set up to do life in prison for Master P's success."
"I mean you're more expert in this and I, this to me has all the markings of an intelligence operation designed to capture the son of the then Vice President and hopefully to extend that to the family."
"If anybody on YouTube has been doing deep dark web videos, these deep dark web server freakin basically game masters have been hitting people up with clues and I think they're f**king with us."
"Once is an accident, twice is coincidence, but three times is enemy action." - Dr. Chris Martenson
"It's always easier to blame scientists because that makes for a better story and a more juicy conspiracy."
"It's not a mistake, it's intentional destruction."
"I had a high degree of confidence that the coronavirus outbreak originated from a laboratory in China."
"The leading dissident in the West was targeted with a plot to kill him by poisoning by the CIA of Mike Pompeo under the watch of Donald Trump."
"He's about to pull a lot of others that were complicit that knew that was happening that have been blocking for him for years." - Sarah Gonzalez
"We can't exclude the possibility that this came from a laboratory experiment."
"There have been many UFO crashes he says of many different type of alien ships and even alien beings."
"The greatest lie ever perpetrated on the human race is the lie of the condensation trail."
"Is Castro in Cuba because the order wants in there?"
"History would always raise questions about the outfits involvement in the Kennedy assassination which would also piss off Sam's boss Accardo."
"Donald Trump LED and participated in a conspiracy in Con in connection with groups like The Oath Keepers and the proud boys to oppose by force the lawful transfer of Presidential Power from him to president-elect Joseph R Biden."
"Learn our communications - Q has been saying many, many times."
"What if creepers were intentional? What if the whole story we've heard before is a lie?"
"Seed oils are turning your body into plastic."
"Everyone is lying to you. The government has secrets they don't want you to know."
"This was a setup like we have never seen, I think it's the political crime of the century."
"We're heading into engineered food shortages."
"We're on the precipice of a generations-long planned depopulation agenda."
"I think probably some benevolent ETS are in that mix somewhere saying, 'If you don't do it, we're going to do it for you. You won't like that.'"
"The great reset, it's here. It's the largest transfer of wealth and they are enforcing it with brute force."
"The feminists are colluding and I am who is here with the feminists colluding."
"It is recommended that Lori Vallow... be charged with conspiracy to commit murder."
"I think it is a new world order designed for their benefit and at the very great expense of the rest of us."
"The backrooms aren't just responsible for warping physical reality, they're also warping time itself."
"There definitely appears to be an agenda to keep hidden from the general public what's actually on the moon."
"What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of the dark lord of the Sith?"
"AI is the linchpin, it's the technology that enables these guys to pull off their satanic vision for Humanity."
"How do you accomplish that? You have to be really good to shoot yourself and then throw the gun 30 feet."
"Others believe that Tupac is actually alive and faked his death and moved to Cuba."
"Is this a big psychological operation, this big bombshell UFO whistleblower Pentagon story?"
"He's shown an international conspiracy involving hundreds of millions of dollars and trained operatives to undermine our election."
"One thing we can agree on is something very, very dark is going on."
"I'm just the artist, musician, activist trying to use anything available to spray truth and expose those cast that are plotting against us."
"They conspired to conceal information about the exposure of chemical weapons to US troops during the Persian Gulf War."
"False flag operations are alive and well today."
"A lot of people are saying, yeah this looks staged, this looks fake, this isn't real, this is an op, they're trying to pull another one over on us."
"The truth about flying saucers has been covered up."
"The government did not tell you the truth about what happened on 9/11."
"It is confirmed, the federal government is lying to you, they are withholding evidence from January 6th defendants."
"If there is an alien presence here, and there's no question in my mind when you look at the quantity of excellent UFO accounts that come out to this very day, the vast number of them, someone is operating here with a large infrastructure."
"Travie knew something he shouldn't have, was followed by people he shouldn't have known, and he realized it."
"Create human alien hybrids... More mental than physical... Let's grab his body, do something to it, and dump him back."
"We've got photographs that Ray Epps and Stewart Rhodes are buddies and have been marched together as members of the Oath Keepers."
"We caught them trying to take down a duly elected president."
"There was way more to the story and that there was actually a conspiracy behind Jane's murder."
"Our government is run by a secret cabal of document hoarders."
"The reality is: the Earth is flat. You can't actually see the curvature of the Earth from the window of a passenger plane. They don't go high enough to show more than, like, a degree or two, basically."
"Dad has successfully exposed Nexpo, Inside a Mind, Night Docs, and their cohorts for being in a cult of YouTubers known as The Dark Party."
"There's a plot to crash the US dollar and usher in digital money and cryptocurrency and the New World Order."
"We've cracked the code, if you wear tinfoil on your head, the hunters can't track you."
"The world's greatest cover-up: they want to vaccinate 7.5 billion people on this planet."
"Fear, uncertainty, and stress fuel conspiracy theories."
"Conspiracy theorists tend to predict every possible outcome and then claim they knew it all along."
"The subject of flying saucers represents a kind of cosmic Watergate."
"A cosmic Watergate that continues to this day."
"The world is under a ritual, where everyone is controlled by dark forces."
"The disappearances and the mass graves were linked and most likely the work of a single criminal enterprise."
"If you posit that there was a conspiracy then it's possible that they said, 'Let's just leave him there for a while.'"
"Every news cycle, every story, you're finding out is a lie that is being contradicted. Elon Musk... is saying the intelligence community and the media itself is working in collusion to lie to the American people."
"This thing that was a conspiracy theory at some point in 2022 or 2020 has effectively become an accepted fact." - Reflecting on the evolution of perceptions and truths.
"Was she murdered? I would say she was murdered."
"There is a coup happening that's happening right now."
"These really were the perverted fantasies of Glenn Simpson working with the Clinton campaign."
"Is the government behind the Bermuda Triangle?"
"Welcome to Epstein Island. Ask yourself, is this normal?" - Q
"Symbol of Illuminati as people say One World Government but it's also the symbol of the Supreme Being it's also symbol of the great architect of the universe because it appears on every U.S one dollar bill."
"From the most radioactive lake in the world to a child who allegedly came from Mars..."
"Did Bryce meet someone who he knew who helped him do this? I doubt it."