
Unexpected Quotes

There are 4997 quotes

"The last few weeks have been incredible in a way that I didn't anticipate."
"Large language models... no one expected that to happen like 5 years ago."
"Courage has a lot to do with the unexpected. As a matter of fact, what keeps us from being courageous is we don't know what to expect."
"I think at the most unexpected times, the biggest blessings come in."
"This leaves an aftertaste kind of like you just took a bite of a Bath and Body Works candle."
"You'll find love when you least expect it, like when you're not even looking for it."
"Imagine getting bit by a dog with a ponytail, bro."
"It's not every day you see freaking Pennywise in the reflection of your freaking backyard."
"One in five of the convicts here is serving time for murder, but there's a killer on the third floor of house block three who's not what you might expect."
"There is no drinking or comedy going on in this club."
"Cool, a disco ball. Why is there a disco ball?"
"The greatest faith in the most unlikely people."
"Best relationships come when you least expect it."
"The unexpected is where the most powerful creations can come from."
"Embrace the unexpected; sometimes the universe sends reminders in the most mundane forms."
"You're going to attract romances you've never expected."
"Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy? Where are your parents? Kids sketchy, back to you guys."
"Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans."
"There was nothing about the starry sky that night to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening."
"So let's say she swings at you, right? Devastation. That's a hit that sends you to Skyrim, dude. You're finally awake."
"The answer to my final winner came from an unexpected conversation."
"This person's going to walk into your life when you least expect it."
"This person is gonna bring a lot of unexpected joy to you."
"Embrace the unexpected; it's where the magic happens."
"We are the first class upgrade that you didn't know you needed and that you didn't see coming." - Roy Wood Jr.
"This is a box-breaking year. This is a year for the unexpected."
"An unexpected windfall of abundance comes to you in August."
"The baby opened its eyes, blood-red, just red, no whites, no blacks, and screamed."
"Unexpected income this week is really going to make you happy."
"This wand came out throwing gang signs. What is that?"
"Sure enough, one day, he shows up to school as a giant snail."
"Even when you're not even looking for a miracle, I'm so glad that a miracle will look for you."
"When you're looking for love, when it shows up the way you want it to, it may not look the way you expect it to look, but it felt the way you wanted it to feel."
"Within 60 seconds of using it we were completely off the rails."
"Heroic speeches are great when they come out of nowhere, especially from a character who never gives speeches."
"This alone would have made this one of the craziest off-seasons of all time."
"Sometimes, the most unexpected alliances are forged in the heat of battle."
"This is not the midlife crisis I expected but like I actually it's like a gift like people have given me these gifts."
"Sometimes the right answer comes at a completely unexpected direction."
"I didn't edit that one in, I'm pretty sure he literally just meowed. That was adorable."
"It's not what you'd expect, but it's classic."
"One second he was with them and then he disappeared the next."
"I woke up today with peanut butter in my butt."
"I made a rookie error and booked in a wedding for Christmas Eve... They turned up three hours early with the bride brandishing an axe."
"They've been bred psychotically and they wake up one day and be like, you know what, I'm on croquettes. Wow."
"Wholly original and terrifying in the most unexpected of ways."
"The stars are aligning for your success, be ready because you're about to be raised up in a different way in a way that you never expected possible."
"I hate covered furniture... you never know which one's gonna get up and start moving."
"I was not expecting the Dolly Parton titties."
"I didn't think it was going to be this popular."
"It's an extraordinary race for drivers being where you don't expect to find them."
"I was fleeing on a boat... would have thought you were completely deranged."
"History has a habit of coming and kicking you when you're least expecting it."
"It was brave. I mean, you just don't see the protagonist lose."
"Here lies Dr Mike. He died peaking for a powerlifting meet. Yes, he wasn't even that strong."
"Expect the unexpected in how you eventually come together with divine timing."
"The song is far weirder than you ever thought."
"She's literally the secret keeper... this feeling that people will just tell you their secrets and you didn't even ask them to."
"Just when you think you've seen it all, just sitting in his underwear. That's not good. That is terrible."
"Nobody ever imagined they could be so dangerous."
"We wanted to make it a samurai – who could have seen that one coming?"
"This is unbelievable stuff from the Spanish, nobody expected."
"Wow, at the least expected moment Harry the H Pawn makes an appearance."
"We've seen so many leaks and rumors of different Travis Scott sneakers so where did this one come from? It seemed pretty out of the blue."
"Only once and it happened to what one would think one of the most mundane environments possible."
"I think you're about to see a collaboration that you never thought would ever happen."
"Tottenham vs. Liverpool final, who would've predicted that?"
"When Green first thought of asking George Lucas to do a voice on the show, everyone at Lucasfilm said it would never happen."
"The reason Darth Vader's appearance here is interesting is because it was unexpected and it served as a payoff to his appearance in Fallen order."
"Big money's coming to you guys, but actually through another source that you don't know yet."
"I found the love of my life, it was very unexpected. She's just been an absolute blessing to my life."
"The game restarts and Paul finds the 'strange situation' file in place of his own save file."
"It's like a savings leprechaun. It pops up when you most need it."
"I never imagined that I'd get to spend so much time with her, with no one else around."
"This gown was sexy in a very unexpected way, it's what made it so sexy for gown."
"Fear the day there's just a big shit on the floor."
"Sometimes the greatest stories that really make you think are in the places you'd least expect."
"They were just supposed to be friends, but there was a glitch."
"The impact was kind of way bigger than all of us could have imagined, I suppose."
"Biggest surprise I had there, Clarence Seedorf. Shut up, yeah."
"Unexpected connections with people, unexpected dates as well can happen."
"The weirdest thing just happened, guys. Like, not planned at all, not clickbait."
"So now they have the boxing falls off a truck."
"In all my years of Madden, I've never seen a man spike the ball on Fourth and 28."
"I have to wonder if I didn't bring this mouse from home and I was sleeping in the car with it for the first couple days."
"Luke just disappears out of goddamn nowhere."
"Our Last Resort wasn't a problem. It's actually just flamethrowers."
"You're getting a lot of money here, unexpected financial gain that's coming towards you, where it's gonna bring a lot of peace and happiness."
"Embrace the unexpected adventure, it could lead to soulmate connections."
"It almost looks like a large fish or shark jumping up, but how in the world does it disappear like that, fading into oblivion?"
"Every Ayahuasca experience is surprising in its own way."
"Milwaukee, first impressions, totally different than I thought it was gonna be."
"I think I'm getting a zoom call from God's machine."
"Did anybody see what I saw run across the field? I swear it was small, I don't think it was Chucky."
"This has to be the most unexpected start to a season... tied for the most wins in the entire league."
"In the East, the Nets have gone completely off the rails with one of the weirdest and dysfunctional starts to a season."
"Why the heck are you creating a gigantic mine underneath the bank vault?"
"Somebody found a condom in a Big Mac, so there you go."
"Can we go back in the water? She's asking us questions we didn't know we were gonna be asked."
"Unexpected home situation: 'All the doors and windows opened.'"
"Find a black light, please. Looks like a Jackson Pollock painting." - Guardians of the Galaxy
"Like the @ symbol, the hashtag, the retweet, the thread—those were unexpected occurrences that we observed."
"Two men were found clinging to a cooler miles from Florida after a day of fishing. When a ride, it's not every day you see someone floating on a cooler in the middle of the ocean."
"Soul-crushing backlash, not in the Yeehaw Cowboy kind of way."
"Why did the plane land on the football field to score a touchdown."
"Sometimes the real heroes of a game aren't the main characters of a story."
"Yesterday her daughter was fine reassuring her that she's having a blast and she'll call her tomorrow, the next day she allegedly drank a bit too much wasn't feeling great and an hour or two later she was dead."
"When I stepped in front of the bathroom door, which was closed, did I see the light pop on and hear the fans start."
"This trailer is like glass blowing art. Like, what? Who asked for this?"
"Okay, boy with the most beautiful eyes. Every once in a while, a pair of eyes can catch you off guard."
"The truth is almost always stranger than fiction."
"It'd be weird if your doc came for a house call in a hot air balloon."
"God chooses the most unlikely people to do the most unlikely things in the most unlikely way."
"Deuces! Oh, what? I never would have thought of that."
"Bloodied rag did in fact turn someone even though it was on the rag for like 10 or 15 minutes."
"Accidentally helped his dad with a face mask. Perfect timing created a scene that very few people can explain."
"Honestly, it would have been nuts. Absolutely [__] nuts."
"My son put some Trix in his ant farm instead of eating them. The ants dug up all of the dead ants in the farm and piled them on top of the Trix. Not sure what that means, but I'm not eating Trix anymore."
"I wouldn't have expected that mode to be the go-to, but you're right."
"That was the most clutch thing I've seen, what even happened?"
"I saw it all. One of those things just swallowed him whole, head to toe."
"It's so calm and beautiful out here. It still doesn't feel like we're at Disney."
"Insane, right? Well, that weird stranger is MTV."
"Growth and happiness come when you least expect them."
"A good fan theory about your favorite game is like bacon bits in your milkshake. You're not sure if it's right or if it's even what the inventor of the milkshake originally had in mind, but it's still mind-blowing at any rate."
"I found the source to be the head of a mouse, lumbrian friend, which lay partially over the edge of her bed frame."
"Little do they know, the quiet kid has a plan."
"Just when they think they're getting away, something unexpected makes them stop short."
"The bling, the glam. Never did I ever assume that I would see that in legal pleadings."
"Things come to you when you least expect it."
"It made for a show-stopping performance from a collaboration that no one expected, outdoing the original song in one swoop."
"God's grace comes to us sometimes through things, not just people."
"The popularity of it kind of caught me off guard because, you know, we'd go there, we'd sit for hours and hours and hours and hours."
"The Collector... genuinely comes out of nowhere... one of the biggest surprises ever."
"Cabin in the Woods... just goes [ __ ] bananas."
"The haunting of this makeup studio was so much more real and went so much deeper than I possibly could have imagined."
"Welcome to an unexpectedly extremely haunted experience in a very, very unlikely place."
"Extraordinary things can be found in unexpected places."
"Through these moments, an unexpected and valuable friendship began to blossom between them."
"It's a change that I didn't even know that I wanted and now that I have it I love it."
"Kratos giving a speech is the last thing I ever expected."
"A woman was driving her car onto the beach when she spotted a man in a tent apparently he had kind of walked up to the car and just kind of looked at her and she immediately knew who he was by his wanted posters."
"You are absolutely protected, the Justice card is here, and what you don't see coming is surrounded by good cards."
"I don't think a meaningless lift has ever been more meaningful." - Commentator
"Over the years when God called me to do deliverance... I know He tricked me."
"I applied for a job... I didn't know they published comics."
"Elon Musk arrived at the Twitter headquarters carrying an actual literal sink."
"Nobody could foresee that a 15 meter high monstrosity of a wave would hit them that day."
"The eclipses are very faithful so someone could just kind of show up into your life in the most unexpected of ways."
"I just love that they do things like that; you think you know, but they flip it on its head. The dogs can come inside the mansion, and now you're trapped with them in the lobby."
"It's like this surreal dream I never thought would happen."
"The mayonnaise is still in his hair, it's not coming out."
"Hercule wraps his fingers around her flowing locks and places a tender kiss on her forehead completely out of the blue."
"Unexpected appearances of guides: Eve and Sir Winston Churchill."
"You might find something that you've never even seen before and you might be obsessed with it."
"Your soul has weight... it weighs 2.5 grams or something like that."
"No one could have anticipated or thought that someone would introduce live rounds into this set."
"The feeling of space, you just don't expect."
"Kratos joins Frank West and Snake in questionable switch-ups."
"Finally doing something humane." - A surprising move from the system.
"You never know when some crazy ass coach is going to start the second half of the Super Bowl with an onside kick."
"Listen, man, Kevin, the fact that you could have an intellectual discussion with your pet raccoon doesn't surprise me in the slightest."
"Unbelievable, I did not expect the father to have involvement in defeating this demon at all."
"We ranked into a [ __ ] - police checkpoint."
"There's no better feeling than coming into your hotel room and seeing three pairs of hands and this in the bathroom all hanging up."
"Sometimes the wildest adventures come from the most unlikely of places."
"I didn't come on here tonight with the intention of saying all of these things."
"You're gonna be offered love unexpectedly, like in the most unexpected mushy-gushy way."
"You would be in the middle of what looked like steel and then fire would pop up."
"The one place we thought we wouldn't be safe is where we're safe."
"There may be an unforeseen increase in your income."
"The one thing you learn in 30 years in the military is to expect the unexpected."
"To my surprise and horror, I could shake hands with somebody inside."
"It's surprisingly strong and it's a good chunk of money."
"Why is there an energy pulse coming out of your groin?"
"Love always springing up on you when it's least convenient."
"Messages may come through unconventional means, someone is persistent."
"He said, 'Don't mind me boys, just passing along,' then he briskly walked off and back into the woods."
"Regardless if it was a demon from hell, it was a very lovely message."
"I received... I want to say 40 pounds of chicken at my door two weeks ago."
"Life-changing runs can come out of seemingly nowhere and when they do, it's pretty magical."
"I never dreamed I would have a story to contribute."
"While you may not have expected the humble chicken to take the top spot in this incredible list of animal shenanigans, wait till you see what this little hen hatched."
"It's all fun and games and beavers until somebody sees a crouching dark angel in their fireplace, okay?"
"Literally has a gun plow." - Unexpected twists.
"That was far more paranormal than anything we've seen thus far."
"That's like the kind of thing you might see in a dream."
"Elderly Aunt May pointed a gun at Spider-Man begging him not to hurt Dr. Octopus. Certainly has to be one of the strangest moments in Spider-Man history."
"This is a very positive, very unexpected news financially making its way to you."
"The unexpected winner of The Game of Thrones."
"It's no surprise, then, that the third game in the trilogy features a very strange and unexpected side quest."
"Wow okay, I was not expecting that move, that's a crazy computer move."
"It was real fortunate that the cow was lying there the way it was."
"You could see Viviano expecting the ball to the left, but Messi fooled everyone."
"I think that one day the predator probably had diarrhea."
"There was absolutely none, in fact, it was the opposite, and honestly, it was shocking and painful."
"One funny thing though because they didn't go into the whole the spice gives off a gas and explodes sometimes thing until after it kills kind I can't just thought it looked a bit like he just spontaneously combusted."
"don't knock on the dead man's door or grave because you're gonna get your ass whipped and that's exactly what happened it was shocking it was great whatever Slimane a moment probably my favorite WrestleMania moment of WrestleMania 34"
"One man's passion project turned into something far beyond what anyone could have possibly predicted."
"The results can sometimes be off-putting but amazing at the same time."