
Tension Quotes

There are 3812 quotes

"Our era of history is like a dam that's about to break."
"A two-round lead for NRG, they're the ones who call a timeout, perhaps feeling the situation slip from their grasps."
"The atmosphere and tension in this fight is unparalleled."
"Everyone should read Reinhold Niebuhr...where he says man needs liberty but also a man needs community, and there will always be a tension between those two."
"It's almost creepy how quietly he's speaking."
"The negative peace which is the absence of tension, and the positive peace which is the presence of justice."
"There's a person in that back corner, and he's angry and he's very tall."
"What we absolutely love about this anime is the slow building up of tension and chemistry between the characters."
"When things are uncomfortable or tense... can you breathe through it instead of being reactive?"
"A grim picture, becoming grimmer by the hour, explains the edgy mood in Europe and parts of the United States."
"This is starting to get scary, man, envoy starting to warm up."
"I feel under no compulsion to resolve that tension; rather, the opposite, I should explore that tension."
"You're on thin ice, and I'm about to break it."
"Never before have I played a horror game that had me on edge as much as this one."
"This sense of mystery around the other crews that may or may not be hunting down the same treasure as you provides real tension."
"When Homelander is furious at a character we care about, we don't ask who's going to win the fight... we ask what will the villain choose to do."
"In Hitchcock's eyes, to create true tension, we have to alter the setup: tell the audience there's a bomb under that table and it will blow up in five minutes."
"The film's opening is a masterclass in tension, withholding the fully formed xenomorph for close to an hour in favor of teasing out small details about the creature."
"In a situation of such ongoing tension, how can we hold on to the idea of progress?"
"Forcing you to explore the bottom of the hotel with no weaponry is a simple trick but an effective one."
"The Menu is one of the most enjoyable theatrical experiences I've had in a few months, not just because it had something to say, but because it was able to use satire without undercutting actual tension."
"The magic of the West comes from a tension between those who aspire to change things for the better and those who recognize the danger of changing them at all."
"I'm the only one left. The skittering is louder now."
"It's like putting a loaded gun on the table and turning off the lights."
"Good central tension... reveals complexities."
"The artful use of tension, apprehension, and excitement is much more powerful than we give it credit for."
"Fundamentally, the core of tension lies in the loss of control."
"The resolution of tension is something that usually happens at the end of the game, but not always."
"Some people will always feel less tension in the story when the main characters can't survive pretty much anything."
"What a play from behind, Florida force the game five."
"I am sweating up here watching this, this is unbelievable stuff."
"As powerful as silence before an atomic bomb drop."
"That's when you know [expletive] is about to go down."
"You want to think that it's gonna pop but you don't want it to pop."
"The real tees here is Johnny Adam versus Phil Keen."
"I grabbed the doorknob and slowly turned, taking a deep cleansing breath before pulling it open."
"The atmosphere when the fog rolls in can get quite tense for new players"
"I think there's an expectation that there will be change in November and if there isn't, all hell could break loose over time."
"The Turanian noose grew tighter around the city."
"The peaceful transition of power really is an amazing thing to see, especially in such a time of tension."
"Games of Dead by Daylight, or sessions of the 10 Candles RPG can be genuinely heart pounding experiences."
"Juan's knack for building tension and breaking it with terrifying scares is a testament to his horror movie experience."
"My life's so much better now, but everything is so high strung."
"Tensions are gradually rising in the international Arena."
"The tension between horror and action... that's unique."
"Rian wanted the sacrifice, he wanted the WW2 bombers, he wanted the tension."
"Silence seems like a bad tactic, it's what makes tensions worse between players and Konami."
"The cameras are designed to increase tension and set you up for a jump scare."
"The claustrophobic office adds to the tension."
"The pair of eyes constantly staring at you add to the tension."
"It just adds a new layer of tension to this long-running horror character."
"The tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife."
"The orange punch! Drake is wobbly, he's just hanging on by a thread."
"Solid mechanics, a palpable sense of threat and kickass theming."
"PT was a masterclass in horror, creating tension like nothing else."
"The intensity of the frightening tasks was amplified and made these scenes even stronger."
"Bioshock's combat leans heavily into the horror aspect, funneling you into overwhelming situations where tension is the driving force."
"The blowback is coming and it's coming strong."
"Diplomacy still remains open. It isn't the appropriate time as Russia is taking escalatory steps and preparing to invade for him to meet with the foreign minister."
"Saltburn could be described as a Darkly comic grotesquely beautiful full dramatic Thriller that is literally dripping with sexual tension and creeping dread if that sounds insane it's because it is."
"I think it's finally come to a boiling point."
"Even in the innocuous scenes, there's still a layer of tension throughout the entire movie."
"The ratcheting of the tension is super good and I think it pairs well with the score."
"Things are intensifying on the global stage."
"Butch opened the door to the barn: 'You gotta help me, I think my mother and father are shot.'"
"It's not a problem to be solved, it's a tension to be managed."
"The tension in that game, but Clg win their second straight championship."
"He turns or appears to turn to face it, and it gasps out to him, as if straining."
"Gilgamesh captures that tension... between his divine side and humaneness."
"The start of any race is super tense, but there's something rather special here."
"I never tolerate any cool Iranian forces in Colombia for sure."
"The tension comes from the uncertainty... It's a whole lot scarier without any music backing you up."
"The people are starting to take control back. They're freaking out because of it, and it's gonna get nasty."
"It's almost as if somebody's let the air out of the room."
"Drums, drums in the deep. They are coming. Oh, there's the quotes."
"It wasn't any normal silence. It was the deafening silence of fear and suspicion."
"If society does not accept pluralism as a basic fundamental value, then the stresses and strains at some stage or the other will come out to the forefront."
"It's a low point, talking about the murder collection of an MS-13 gang member when he brought up Pelosi again."
"The captain is a really sympathetic character and overall it's a tense, exciting Adventure."
"This turn comes down to a mind game, folks. Ultimately, we are really down to the wire."
"If you like haunted house stories, if you like things that go bump in the night, if you like just feeling really tense atmospheres, I think you're really gonna like this."
"Every single stroke of the knife that Nathan threw was dodged by the Phoenix in a cold sweat of fear."
"He's so good [__]! That was close, just toying with them."
"The scene is really visually cool as well, and also the scene has the huge buildup of tension."
"It took an absolutely grueling three minutes for the lift to clank its way up to us."
"This is not good. Let's hope that diplomacy can still function."
"The way they told the story and how much tension there was."
"Pretty Little Liars is a show that is really good at making you feel like something is right around the corner."
"Adding queerness within tension and driving into its potential is even better."
"The US-China relations are at their worst since before 1979."
"It's very tense, it's a very cool game, I still gotta beat it because I got about halfway and I stopped playing but it was really fun."
"Odd is good, and rather typically, the band started to feel tensions rising as they recorded this record, resulting in another hiatus, surprise surprise."
"This is war, boys. Man, this is serious [ __ ]."
"The family's clearly freaked out, I mean, even a couple of them are armed."
"Krim's got to make the play to it he can't do it Sumer the finds to kill and now it's all on octane it's all on octane of the 1 P 3 replays fire supporting shot but Silver's able to finished it faced with the upset game 5 round 11."
"Remember how I said earlier she writes it in a way where the characters would do laundry or something and you're afraid something bad will happen? That's literally when the twist will happen."
"Cassie's scavenging for supplies in an abandoned gas station when she hears someone in the back office."
"We know we're no longer supposed to be here, and it only gets darker from here."
"Patrolling enemies in games freak me out, the idea that something is designed with your slightest mistakes in mind only for them to chase you down makes any horror game scary to me."
"The intensity is so much more, I feel like the fact that it is shot in this way makes the reveal of the gun being real uh like a really impactful kind of like stomach-churning."
"Everybody's got to bring it down, cool down the temperature."
"When you hear that sound, shit's about to go down."
"We are in a shootout in the final minute of game four."
"I got so nervous when I clicked run away I was like you know if I can't escape Star Lee's gonna die right now star Lee is going to die right now."
"Why do you have your guns out? Why are your guns out?"
"Playing with your life bro, playing with my life."
"Tensions are so high because top is so unforgiving."
"There's no situation which demands tension at least in the way that you're describing it."
"I thought they were gonna John Wick my [__] but we may use it for its high DNA compatibility."
"China's reemergence in the world... is a process of change and change always generates friction and tension."
"The high point of this game because I actually feel some tension."
"Action scenes are usually more exciting when it feels like the characters are in actual danger."
"Every day people end relationships, but this is bigger, it's been simmering."
"She's just lowered, gets almost to the bottom."
"You were right," said Powell. "They've crossed the border."
"Saturn square Uranus is going to bring a pretty strong degree of tension and irritation."
"Oh boy, we've definitely got a big pot brewing."
"Everybody in trouble there on the front sets trying to avoid it and bouncing all over the place already."
"Something else happens in the room that is a little more unsettling."
"Lots of light bulbs exploding just overall kind of creepiness."
"It's all to play for in these final laps of Q3."
"We're very close to World War Three, but again, we're all crazy, right?"
"What a powerful moment... where the stakes have now risen tenfold."
"Things are going to be intriguing, interesting, heated. It's so critical for you to be diplomatic."
"This game is getting creepier and creepier by the second."
"The game is built around the concepts of fear and tension."
"Trial and error based, you lose a lot of the tension."
"There's not really any tension there, mostly because the only people who are getting injured or killed are non-characters."
"It slowly built up to this fever pitch where you're so tensed by the end of it that's why I dig those kind of movies."
"At any moment that glass could shatter and all hell could be on the verge of breaking loose."
"Oliver OG is trying to make a play on someone else beneath him OG's got 27 builds we have shock aladen standing in the background looking extremely menacing it looks like Oliver OG owes someone money."
"The day drew to a close, a tense maddening day that saw the deaths of three classmates."
"The shots play into the uneasiness creating the sense of tension and paranoia."
"Mark follows her out to her car with the hammer."
"They are headed right for the camera. They are looking right through it."
"As Harry Potter gets older, the Dursleys are more threatened."
"Randolph secretly gets jealous of you and JJ."
"Time is ticking... once fans start booing... there is only one way that it will go."
"Jeff the killer, Lane whispered, still holding up the scissors."
"Exploring at the same time as hiding or running for your life is an incredibly tense gameplay style..."
"I really loved the fight... it had been so tense and the music had been so good."
"Every game becomes precarious. Every result, every game becomes precarious."
"Normally there's a scene where they're powerless because it raises the stakes."
"There is always an inescapable tension between being inclusive and having values."
"That's how you know things are getting real serious, real chippy, and real gritty."
"Will the so-called Orcas agreement inflame tensions with China? You bet."
"Basically, we're in a position where the United States is about to erupt into a civil war."
"It's embarrassing oh my God Faye is definitely the scary boss here she's the one who pushes people screams at people."
"The scene in the stable is one of the most tensioned film scenes I've seen in like two years. Like, that entire scene, I'm gripping the side of my chair."
"If you think our grudge match final was a nail biter, stay tuned for our top eight shootout."
"That extra difficulty just made all those mechanics so much more tense."
"The Silence of the Lambs: a masterpiece of horror."
"The world is being pushed into world conflict."
"It has a certain energy that just feels like it's swelling and swelling but it never drops or breaks."
"I think we're on the path to something breaking sooner rather than later."
"This game relied more so on sort of the tension and atmosphere leading you through this adventure versus copious just loud jump scares in your face."
"Moments like this are genuinely tense and exciting, not because they're exceptionally well-shot or anything, but because you actually give a [ __ ] about the fates of these characters."
"Make sure you're not getting tight. It'd be crazy to do a mindful painting and turn into a ball of muscle anger."
"It's like the sort of girl laughs like I'm really uncomfortable but if yeah but if I say something I might get my neck snapped like hahahaha kind of laugh."
"Six's tale is about empowerment... while the runaway child is about hopelessness and oppression."
"There is more vulnerability... that makes the moment so tense."
"Tensions are high conversations are ongoing."
"It seems as if God is allowing tensions to come to a head... using Donald Trump as a lightning rod to bring previously hidden political agendas to the surface."
"I really enjoy when characters in a party aren't necessarily on the same page. It adds a layer of tension and unpredictability to the game."
"This is the start of something that gets really, really bad."
"Faze just leaves them one round away from winning the game."
"A hell of a game then in a hell of a series... closer games all day honestly."
"The stress can be felt when viewing the photo, with all present on the day knowing how risky the operation was, and what its outcome could mean."
"I'm officially alone in the dark, heading upstairs. I'll tell you, okay, nobody can come in, nobody can go out. They are locking the door."
"There were not many signs of trust around that table today."
"Marwin's combat can get pretty tense and powerful, and it just gets better as it goes on."
"I'm almost getting the image of someone trying to land on like a landmine before it explodes."
"It was kind of cool, the good guys staring down the bad guys."
"So powerful is the scene's prolonged tension." - Sniper
"Villains in anime are essentially the sole source of tension and conflict in any show."
"The tension inherent in this game's day-night cycle has the power to completely flip your experience in seconds."
"He's about not yet but he's on the verge of pulling off."
"I walk into your apartment, you open your back door..."
"The west is now having cold feet about this."
"Sometimes the scariest movies are when you don't see the monster at all."
"Sooner or later something will have to break."
"They're angry. You could feel it in the air."
"There's so much emotional energy and build up, it just wants to be let go."
"This sounds a whole lot like World War III has already started."
"After what seemed like a couple minutes of arguing, Chris started yelling."
"There's so much chaos and craziness going on."
"I'm just making sure everybody's okay. I'm giving you a chance to leave for the offer and things about to get lit up in this house."
"The lower levels are worse," Bryce repeats, his voice steady.
"Fear the death, death Death or the potential of death right but of course always going for the children every time."
"It becomes insulting... all of the stakes and all of the tension evaporate instantly."
"The fear-tinted eruption was closer to the manic cackle of lunacy than anything else."
"He's eating an apple during a sequence of high tension some kind of movie trope someone has definitely done it besides Raphael I know that Kirk has."
"It felt like he was banging on the window for an eternity."
"He has stoked the fire within the Middle East."
"Just waving your flashlight around, knowing something is in there."
"Experience the tension, fear, and paranoia of playing in a place where absolutely anything can happen at any time."
"A decision may put the relationship on edge."
"No, I don't know, he's just my friend, I don't know what you're freaking out about."
"Can you feel the emotional tension? It's weird because last time we chatted with Emily, she was in the palm of our hand."
"A nail-bitten will be clutched, last breath as we finally let out a sigh."