
Valuation Quotes

There are 1648 quotes

"Feeling tells you how you're doing within this basic biological frame of values, scale of values which is that it's good to survive and bad to die."
"Consciousness, in its basic form, is inherently valuative and it's inherently qualitative."
"Twitter is more valuable than $54.20 per share; it's the political influence you wield when you silence those who disagree with you."
"Institutions are truly understanding the value of Bitcoin. They are really seeing it as the true digital gold."
"The valuation part is the hard part. The management part, the decision, is easy once you have the right numbers in front of you."
"Any cashflow can be valued, therefore any asset can be valued."
"It makes sense why it's so low. I mean, I think Esports and everything about it have been massively overvalued."
"It's very important to understand the range of values for a business under different scenarios."
"The only way to go to that billion-dollar, multi-billion-dollar valuation is collaboration."
"Every use case is just additive to Bitcoin. Just think about this: One trillion dollars is half of what Apple's worth, and yet this is a global digital monetary ecosystem."
"Your life has been helping you build confidence, even through the struggles."
"This is beautiful. And the problem is that's probably not very close to the value you're actually trying to estimate."
"Yahoo Finance is rating them as undervalued."
"In the short term, it's about 'show me.' I think the market's going to say, 'Prove to me the numbers that this company deserves to be valued over time with Apple, Amazon, Google, FB.'"
"Bitcoin is on a journey to a much higher price and changing the global economy in a profound way."
"It's grading and rarity that determine the value of a coin."
"Perception is the number one most important thing in valuing anything... Fundamentals come in second place."
"Modern art is expensive; from completely white canvases to simple abstract colors, these seemingly basic works can cost you millions."
"Fast forward to mid 2020, and they became Europe’s most valuable video game company, having surpassed even industry heavyweight Ubisoft."
"They're genuine pieces of art that people put a lot of work into, and you can just think they're cool because they're cool."
"Sometimes these markets move in directions you can't even make conscience sense of, but what you can do is you can value it."
"The stock market has gone up for the simple reason that the PE (Price to Earnings) has expanded."
"Intrinsic value is an estimate rather than a precise figure, and it is additionally an estimate that must be changed if interest rates move or forecasts for future cash flows are revised."
"There's always enough gold; it's just a question of price."
"Fundamentally, anybody can do valuation. I think we choose to make it complex."
"Play the pendulum... when the pendulum swings to undervalued, we buy a piece; when it swings to overvalued, we sell a piece."
"Amazon will be the most valuable company in the world within 24 months, if not 12."
"Every valuation tells a story, and every story about a company can be converted to a valuation."
"Tesla is overvalued because, oh, they're even with that insane growth, they're only going to be the 7th largest automaker."
"Assessed value is assigned by a local government for property tax purposes. Market value is the price a buyer and seller would agree upon in an open, competitive market."
"Your monitoring revenue, your recurring revenue, is worth four times for every dollar of installation revenue."
"What is a DCF? In short, it's a valuation method to estimate the value of an asset today based on its future cash flows."
"An intrinsic valuation method...relies on the company's ability to generate cash flows."
"Valuation is not a catalyst. The cycle slowing is the catalyst, and expensive stocks within a slowing cycle is the ultimate short seller's dream."
"Price to earnings ratio, or P/E, is a valuation measure that compares the market price of a share to its earnings per share."
"Technology adds value above and beyond what you observe in current cash flows."
"This is called the Dividend Discount Model, and it starts with the recognition that, when you invest in a company, what you're getting for that piece of paper, this common equity, you're getting the rights to the flow of cash forever."
"AMC has strong fundamentals right even without the short squeeze I think it's a hundred dollar stock."
"charlie's worth has been growing almost daily"
"Hard to believe it was left in a chicken coop, now it's a $45,000 diamond."
"The Yeezy business is valued at between 3.2 and 4.7 billion."
"What's most important is their performance... that's what matters."
"I've seen some of the high-grade comics go for over a million dollars."
"We, as society, agree that all things have a certain value, some things more than others."
"Homeownership is completely overrated and overpriced."
"There are about eight players at Brighton who no one had heard of 12 months ago that are now worth over 80 million quid."
"We end up settling on two and a half million dollars for what I believe is the greatest car ever built."
"Art is also everywhere, it’s not just paintings that sell for ludicrous amounts of money in auction houses, or the Instagram artists or the landscapes your grandma makes."
"70,500... closer to 80, but I'm gonna say purchase prices alone for everything... 70 grand."
"Bitcoin is the highest value use of energy, period."
"I think it's trading at a reasonable valuation, I don't think the company is going to get crushed or anything like that's going to happen."
"We've added nearly 10 trillion dollars of new value to our economy."
"AI companies could be worth 87 trillion dollars by 2030."
"Bitcoin right now at 1 trillion is worth more than TSMC, more than Tesla, more than Berkshire Hathaway."
"Bitcoin is still going sideways—it's amazing how strong it is after breaking above $69,000."
"What is that worth to you? The folio that I just made for Jen is worth $2,300 to me."
"Shopify is the prime example of valuation in this market."
"Bitcoin could be worth over 500,000 dollars in five years."
"But what happens when those lives are not seen as lives worth saving?"
"Progenity disrupting a $20 billion industry, fundamentally undervalued."
"Bruno Fernandes' value at the moment is probably 100 million."
"It doesn't matter whether valuation in the end goes up or down by a factor of two if you're adding fundamental value and long-term things."
"FaZe Clan was reportedly worth over 300 million dollars by the end of the year."
"We will have no name if you pay 44 billion dollars for a brand."
"Their value was estimated to be approximately 200 million dollars."
"Netflix is only worth about half of what it was a year ago."
"Stocks can be irrationally underpriced... they can also be irrationally overpriced."
"Oh, look at how much money we're making too, these things are worth a lot."
"Bitcoin at $55,000? That's cheap bitcoin in my opinion."
"These deserve to be worth way more than the like 15 to 20 grand they go for."
"One Nikola Tesla is frankly worth an infinite number of dollars above engineers."
"This is the best way of rating the value of stocks, whether they're fair value, undervalued, overvalued, or in a bubble."
"Now let's get into part two their juicy financials and a peek at their valuation."
"Look at this box we found the other day when I was loading the truck up. Tiffany shade. Those things could be worth in the hundred thousands of dollars or a few thousand."
"Honestly, I feel like these are worth like 70 without them, for like 65, so with tax like 70."
"50 grand for a 94 Mazda, but then again, this car comes to me from LBI Limited, a local seller of exotic cars here in Philadelphia."
"Facebook is still undervalued in our opinion."
"Instagram purchased for a single one billion dollars, now worth between 200 and 300 billion."
"The difference between a stock's current price and its estimated intrinsic value becomes your investing opportunity."
"So if you take all the shares outstanding, times the share price, you've kind of got the market cap, which is roughly what the company's worth, if, you know, if someone's willing to buy it."
"A little too high for by the dip, personally."
"Every treasure is valuable of course, but what about a find of this magnitude and importance? You're definitely talking six or seven figures."
"One small part of Tesla may soon be worth a trillion dollars."
"Chainlink will be at least a trillion dollar market cap."
"Elon has said that he thinks when the car is fully get to full self-driving, he thinks they'll be valued at $100,000."
"The market goes up too high, you're discounting earnings seven, eight, ten years out because everything is overpriced."
"It's imperative to go through a series of steps to determine the asset's true value."
"Marines Dagon is the best because he's the most valuable."
"Crypto is a real thing, but people are conflating its technology with what is it worth."
"There's a lot of ways just to go back a little bit in 2021 we saw most of the kind of high valuation profile hyped over value names especially software companies have suffered arc investments and so forth."
"He's a winning player... and if all fails, he's just a really, really good defender and good defenders get paid."
"Maintaining elevated multiple on base case of 30x give an opportunity for future revenue streams not fully reflected in our model such as energy software robo-taxi insurance and charging."
"The long-term potential for Twitter in my view is in order of magnitude greater than its current value."
"Even though the S P 500 remains fully valued overvalued and eBay is now currently undervalued it has actually outperformed the index over this time frame."
"I consider myself to be 50 million dollars worth of funny."
"According to an Auctioneer in Arizona, they believed it would fetch up to 15 million dollars, even though it wasn't in perfect condition and had smoke damage."
"All this car and fancy detailing was apparently worth a mere 4.8 million dollars."
"The chaos of the last year has shown that some things have been overvalued some things have been undervalued."
"Tesla crossed the 2,000 per share price for the first time ever in its history and it is now worth more than Walmart."
"The price of Bitcoin is overvalued compared to the demand for it, but when it comes to the actual value of Bitcoin over the long term, it's way undervalued."
"A billion dollars for the Angry Birds company."
"A long term renter is worth their weight in like buttons."
"Corsair Gaming, CRSR, that's just speaks undervalued, it's like P/E of 20 with massive growth in the next five to ten years."
"Water should have a market value... personally, I believe it's better to give a foodstuff a value so that we're all aware that it has its price."
"By 2019, Chuck E. Cheese was valued at a whopping 1.4 billion dollars."
"The ideal price of the token... 0.125 cents."
"How bad do you want God? What is his value to you?"
"Kanye added 1.3 billion dollars in value or more, minimum."
"So, this IPo values Rivian at about 100 billion dollars, making it the eighth most valuable auto company in the world."
"At a two billion dollar valuation I'm a buyer, but at an 11 billion dollar valuation I'm not a buyer."
"To any advanced collector, it's easily a thousand dollar item."
"We got a major find here. I think it's easily worth every penny."
"What is worth 1 million today may actually be worth 1 billion in 2038."
"This year so far you made 200,000 profit thereabouts. You're having a great time, so why are you here?"
"Everything that you've said doesn't match your intention, and to come back and say you'd go for a range between five and ten, value your company anywhere between one and two million, is a bit of a joke actually."
"Resistance means you can start seeing you're getting closer and closer to the actual value of an item."
"The journey this market cycle to these higher valuations that we're ultimately hoping for was never going to be an easy journey."
"If you bought a Netflix at 50 times earnings or right and this is trading at six times earning that's like what eight six eight or 48 so that's eight of um eight of 18 t's that you can buy with the same dollar that you buy uh uh on Netflix right."
"I think as of right now, this company is named Skyworks Solutions... is arguably the most undervalued company in the entire stock market."
"They're much more valuable models... they should be valued more like social networks than banks."
"Ultimately, as you figure out that addressable market, you can back into reasonable valuation."
"It itemizes every single action that you do and turns it into a dollar amount."
"Starlink could be worth 10 trillion dollars."
"Things are still running hot, just look at valuations in the market."
"I thought let me see if these are even worth anything."
"Without that custom work on it in this condition, this is probably a $440,000 guitar."
"Vintage comic books are evaluated like fine art."
"How can something simultaneously be worth over 50 million dollars according to Trump and only 1.4 million dollars also according to Trump?"
"Price Target probably not the best way to look at companies for truly long-term holders I would probably look at how much profit will this company generate in five or ten years what's a fair multiple."
"You don't have to know what everything is worth you only have to know how to price check it."
"This sword is worth about fifteen thousand dollars."
"Overall, this gaming station is valued at 3,500 dollars, but once I hook up Synfado with the new Xbox Series X, which will cost about 500 bucks, the overall value of this gaming setup will be 4,000 bucks."
"Color is the first and last and most important factor affecting value in a colored gemstone."
"It's always really hard to determine DK's value because you can't see it up front in, you know, how the hits you take appear big."
"Starlink's IPO will have a valuation of more than 200 billion dollars."
"Overall, if you look at the S&P 500 by most metrics, we are either the most expensive we've been or the second most expensive we've ever been."
"If bitcoin doesn't hit a hundred thousand dollars next year, his model is invalidated."
"We've had you know we've reached very high valuations even higher by that metric than the dot-com bubble."
"I struggle to see a world in which Epic Games is not a trillion-dollar company if they get this right."
"We're gonna use satoshis to calculate the value of everything."
"If it's a 10, it's worth over three thousand dollars, 3,200 or so."
"It's just a matter of when the stock feels like the price earnings and forward pe just compressed too low."
"In a single day, Papa John's became worth 344 million dollars - less than 10 years since it started."
"Eventually you get to a point where that business is worth tens hundreds of millions of dollars."
"There's so much in here, if this is all silver this could be a $3000 haul."
"You might be in a [ __ ] situation right park me where uh what you love and uh what you love and appreciating value right now is on a dark end."
"Three four times what something is worth, she spent everything she had."
"I don't think Google should be trading at a 17 Ford P/E ratio."
"You're coming in at a couple thousand dollars for that optic and is it worth it? Well, hey why the heck not, right?"
"Nothing changes fundamentally inside the company; it's just the prices change."
"With good execution, I think Tesla could be the most valuable company in the world."
"I too believe Tesla is significantly undervalued."
"I believe the company was dramatically undervalued by the market."
"When valuations start to go awry, when they stop making sense, well, that's one of those indicators that a recession is just around the corner."
"Let's say Ethereum captures thirty percent like I did in 2017, we're gonna see a twenty-three thousand dollar coin price in 2023."
"Large caps i feel like they're they're a good valuation i feel like if you're going to buy them you're going to make money over the next five years."
"Tesla's stock price now reflects value of having no CEO."
"The gold market is about a 14 and a half trillion dollar market worldwide, that's all forms of above-ground stocks."
"The devil has put a price tag on every one of our heads, right?"
"Even if it's a hundred bucks that's probably not bad right I mean that's 1 16 of the entire lot of one card."
"I think it's encouraging that we're being linked with Mason Mount for 60 million."
"I think if someone does swoop them at a value... the board would vote to not sell it for less than a lead asset value."
"Taylor Swift's cat is valued one of them is valued at $97 million because of its Instagram impact."
"The key with having a price target: it's not relentlessly upgrading because the stock is going up, it's saying, 'Hey, this is the fair value for the stock.'"
"But most importantly in terms of current pricing, this is my thought process: the market again is looking at 2023 numbers right now based on the wrong metrics, and it's valuing today's stock based on those wrong metrics."
"Are these cars overhyped or are they just overpriced?"
"If you focus on fundamentals, long-term investing, finding good valuations, you will win."
"I mean these machines are just as valuable as planes, Boeings average price per plane is somewhere around 80 million dollars, ASML is selling some products that are twice as expensive as the average plane that Boeing makes."
"Valuation is going to get so cheap that now the people that hated Tesla stock at 400 300 will start looking going wait what how cheap damn okay I'm in."
"One of the things that we found that was totally prevalent throughout those societies is that people that worked with their hands were considered lesser."
"That could lead to a correction in stocks... valuations are now more overstretched than ever."
"There often is an opportunity during the first week when that initial selling pressure is hitting to actually get into these coins at good valuations before they run."
"It's a great way to provide this contextual understanding of what was the original value and what is the new value."
"MicroStrategy is in bargain bin territory again."
"Most people look at stocks and they think a stock is a good deal and so they want to buy it. If you think a stock is expensive, if you think it's overvalued, obviously you don't want to buy it."
"XRP: a hidden gem of the industry in terms of valuation and utility."
"We've consistently undervalued Black neighborhoods and Black property."
"Emeralds are green, they're meant to be shiny, and they're valuable."
"The biggest decks on Ethereum is Uniswap valued at over 10 billion dollars."
"Zion has zero offers ladies and gentlemen he averaged 25 points per game and nobody want to get him one M I mean one M nowadays is pretty is a lot of money but still."
"Napkin math: quickly valuing a company with just a piece of paper."
"Picking the right company at the right valuation is key."
"Yeah, I'd say that in terms of real yield... markets are still looking pretty expensive not cheap."
"There's still a lot of strong long-term parts of our thesis that are intact and given the recent sell-off we view the stock as undervalued."
"While people say that it's going to come down to zero I think that the difference is that there's there's a lot there's a lot of energy and there's a lot of ways for this valuation to to happen in a very realistic way."
"A three statement model is not just for regular financial analysis; it's the foundation for any valuation work."
"Creating a dynamic three statement model like the one we created here is going to be the foundation for any sort of valuation that you might want to do on top of that."
"As Bitcoin increases in value, it's not that Bitcoin will be more valuable, it'll be that the US dollar will be less valuable."
"That's mine. Would you ever sell it? I got an offer from some guy in Asia for 75,000."
"So what is the value as people normally think of mids as a lower value shoe? You're probably looking at one of the most expensive mids, like 3k."
"Is this a major, major player in the ever-popular half-million dollar segment?"
"From what I understand, that car without a blown engine, you know and like perfectly cleaned up, I think is worth like somewhere in the low 40s."
"This is the bill from the bid I made, exactly. People were saying it's 'W,' some people were like, 'Oh, this is trash,' but like, it's good for me."
"Valuations are at levels which don't make sense."
"He said somebody wanted to buy his YouTube channel for two billion dollars and he turned it down yeah he said 10 to 20 bill."
"Barcelona valued as the most valuable soccer team on planet earth."
"There is no like all those things we said there are pretty good I think I think that they're really valuable advice."
"Only put your money in the stocks that are actually still at a fair valuation or undervalued."
"This is a beautiful Schwinn from Chicago, so it could be worth some money."
"I need to get access to their numbers so I can figure out exactly how much this place actually makes and ultimately how much it's really worth."