
Charm Quotes

There are 5818 quotes

"You'd be hard-pressed to find a game so quotable, so oozing with personality and boundless charm."
"Arno is just the larger-than-life character that Ezio was: witty, charming, and willing to do or say whatever it takes to get what he wants."
"She proceeds to take the cutest bite of pudding, leaving everyone present completely enamored with her."
"There's something really charming about a good board game or a good card game, just something that's tangible that you play with your friends."
"Listening to a person rant about an interest of theirs in a really passionate way can be very endearing."
"Love bombing really links into the fact that the charm, charisma, confidence, and cleverness of the narcissist all draw you in."
"Even if you're in intimate social settings, you're still ultimately going to need to lay on the charm, do some flirting, generate some attraction, demonstrate some masculinity and confidence."
"Hi, I'm Date Mike. Nice to meet me. How do you like your eggs in the morning?"
"Volcano Bay is definitely working its charm on me."
"The most charming person you've ever met in your life... they are just wonderful. You feel like you've met a kindred spirit."
"He's got a good personality. I think Gangplank's charming."
"Viego personality-wise, I think Viego is actually quite charming."
"Honestly, it has so much charm, and I'm really enjoying it."
"The charm of fable was that was in the feeling of the world and definitely the humor."
"Whatever charm you find here, it's just a reflection of reality. The reality is more charming than anything whatsoever."
"A diamond in the rough, full of charm and personality, which left me impressed by this little unknown Polish game developer who I was left eager to see more from."
"Intelligent and charming can only take you so far, but intelligent, charming, and funny, that's a winner."
"I have been guilty of knowingly, sometimes premeditatively, using my sexy British voice to impress Americans."
"He seemed like the guy who presented his life as an open book. He was charming, witty, and he was wildly handsome."
"The eloquence is there, the eloquence has never left. The charm, the humility, but the elegance is a constant battle."
"Everything about it is charming and smile-inducing."
"The charm that had all that time back is still retained, which is pretty impressive."
"The nice word I can use with this type of toy is 'charming'. It's collectible."
"He's charming, he's endearing, he's clever, he's well-spoken and intelligent, but he also appears to also be very down to earth."
"Bendy and the Dark Revival is a beautiful game which takes advantage of what made the original art design so charming."
"You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life."
"Cleopatra... she's brilliant, she's cunning, she's charming, she's seductive."
"Meadow, I'm absolutely charmed by this game."
"I am charmed by absolutely everything about this."
"This is a really well-made, fun RPG with tons of charm and love poured into it."
"He's practically beaming with the kind of confidence that could make a sunflower blush."
"That's just her backward way of showing her papa she loves him. Ultra mega charming, isn't it?"
"He was a blond, playful winged youth with a golden bow and arrow; whoever he shot immediately fell in love."
"Hello there beautiful, how are you doing today? You were looking stunning as always."
"Sometimes a little bit of rough around the edges personality like the Guzzi has here is charming."
"It's so charming though, something about the... pain."
"Unbeknownst to her, Minhyuk was instantly captivated by her charm and couldn't take his eyes off her."
"Anybody that sees her for the first time can't miss that smile and just absolutely melt."
"Hatham is as charming as it gets and he might be arguably one of the most charismatic gentlemen bastards in the entire series."
"He's a stunner, you know? He's so hot, and even till now, even though he's like 50, he's like daddy, you know? It's crazy."
"This just sounds really, really delightful..."
"This one is vastly superior so that's luca and it may not be the best thing that pixar ever created but it was undeniably adorable relaxing charming and kinda like wish dragon exactly what i just needed at the moment."
"This film works almost entirely because of the charming cast."
"You are beautiful, persuasive, charismatic; you have a charm offensive."
"This is an utterly wholesome adventure game packed with charm, clever ideas, puzzles, and exploration."
"Tainakin is a joyous and unthreatening exploration-based 3D platformer with a ridiculous amount of charm."
"You can't not like his wittiness. He's all he's doing. Listen, here's the thing that's happening in front of their faces."
"The charm of this game is not just the selling but also the crafting of potions."
"There's a simple yet incredibly effective charm that comes from Toby's use of specific sound fonts here... a love letter to the kind of Internet poisoned gamer who resides in my age range."
"Donut County is an amazing game, one of the most charming games I've played in recent memory."
"If you just give us a logical sequel, I would be fine with that. I think the Pikmin games are charming as hell."
"You know it's gonna be charming from the cast alone."
"There's a childlike quality to all Aries sun people, and it's often quite charming."
"Reeves's action prowess here is accompanied by a real sense of charm and acting charisma."
"He's an incredibly charming and charismatic person."
"I enjoyed the structure of the world, it's very charming."
"There's just something about the comical weirdness of Paper Mario that no other game series can quite capture."
"Thanks to an impeccable performance by Kathy Westlick, the rebellious reptile's gruffer tendencies always come off as charming instead of eye-rolling."
"You've had a great connection with this person. They miss your Libra charm."
"Had people walk out of me before but not when I was being so charming."
"Everyone loves boxy, everyone loves foxy too."
"He's a very good communicator... he's got charm."
"I like both these movies. They're very charming."
"Before people knew his name, his charm story started with failure."
"My charm is not my walk, it's in my talk. I don't walk to talk, I talk to talk."
"Sonic Colors is plenty charming, stylistically has a killer soundtrack."
"No worries, Morgan. I think you're at such a delight and such an energy."
"Aside from that, this movie is just really charming."
"She is very endearing... she is indeed a man amongst all the people in Bollywood."
"It's just got some super endearing look to it."
"How can you stay mad at a new parrot? Look at his eyes!"
"To make a creepy idea charming doesn't make it charming, it makes it more creepy."
"Only Christopher Lee could make dirty talk sound extremely classy."
"Jobless Reincarnation is just utterly oozing charm."
"Heroes of the Storm succeeds by distilling things down to the fun with plenty of charm and character."
"Hey there good looking, can I buy you a drink?"
"There's just something about him that just feels so wholesome and genuine."
"I wasn't seeing it in there, and I kept looking for it. I don't think he needed nuances of charm; there's an innocent charm and I saw it in Priyanka."
"It's a cult classic... it's got a hell of a lot of charm."
"Nothing impresses a woman more than a man who can dance like nobody's watching."
"If you're looking for a cute cozy book to read I definitely recommend this book."
"It was so cute and so magical and very whimsical."
"Undertale's soundtrack is filled with so much heart and humor that you begin to fall in love with the game's characters."
"This remake manages to capture all of the weird charm in the original."
"The details are very cute and campy and I think if you're looking before kind of like a small-town cowboy romance it's just really cute."
"What it lacks in modern technical prowess it makes up for in endless charm and enjoyability."
"All things are awesome... you're gonna love me."
"Let's take a moment to appreciate how good Enchantress looks."
"There's just something charming about it too - it feels a little more genuine, a little more unscripted."
"He's the smoothest dude in the galaxy." - Lando Calrissian
"Del Rapids South Dakota is a Charming little town that's got a classic Midwestern feel."
"These little cars here are killing me with their cuteness. So cute!"
"You're incredibly sexy, magnetic, charming, and alluring."
"There's something undeniably charming and engaging about this RPG classic."
"He had the softest blue eyes, an easy smile, and a contagious giggle."
"Stampy's Love Garden: Oh, he's done a little heart. Wow, that's absolutely adorable."
"Terry was known as a charming, handsome man."
"It's so charming, it's so innocent, it's so heartwarming."
"The charm of the film, you would have to say, is the fact that it isn't so perfect."
"You will be felt better by other people and you will be seen as charming."
"There was a great sense of charm and fun to it."
"He won the genetic lottery inheriting the looks and charm of his father and mother."
"The story obviously wasn't the best but it had this charm to it."
"INFJs are pretty socially smooth, adjusting their approach to fit the person they're dealing with."
"ENFPs always somehow end up being likable, even lovable at times."
"I think what makes Jack Carlo is his confidence he's a very confident guy but he doesn't come off as too cocky and like whatever Cockiness he may display it still comes off as Charming in a way and not like obnoxious."
"He's so charming, I'll sit there and watch it."
"Welcome back to the vlog, where even the potatoes have a story."
"You're a triple threat—smart, funny, and talented."
"That's the thing that makes that battle what it is, it's the motion, it's the charming parts, it's not the fighting."
"This cottage looks like it's from a Disney movie."
"I know you know how to charm your person, I know you know how to make your person laugh and be engaged."
"There's a certain charm that the Shenmue franchise has that's unrivaled and unmatched."
"Cat Noir's suit is made of boyfriend material."
"She's got that pessimistic sense of humor that you just have to love."
"Every dialogue piece is dripping with charm."
"Freya had a smile that could light a candle."
"It's like mini stories within the main story. It's really cute."
"It's impossible to be cynical about because it's just so charming and so funny."
"Overblood's campy nature... gives it a bit of charm."
"Yamper here represents that perfectly; it is literally known as the puppy Pokemon."
"Plush ability is at maximum levels as well, so A tier for our favorite electric little Corgi."
"You are fulfilling that, you're experienced, it's charming, sweet, they make you feel like an individual, they evoke in you a very strong response system that you identify when you were single."
"How could you possibly get something more charming? It's impossible."
"He was the kindly older fellow who made these interesting arguments and did it with a kind of charming passion."
"There's so much to experience within this quaint little town."
"If you want to, I could be your good luck charm."
"I am the world's most charming, elegant, eloquent, and yet humble man."
"Libras know exactly what to say to you in order to make you feel good, they're really intuitive when it comes to knowing what makes you feel like you just have been charmed."
"He had mastered the art of delivering the fatal blow with a purr and a smile."
"Some of the skits have been genuinely charming."
"It’s clear as day that if you give this band of thieves a shot, they’re gonna find a way to steal your heart."
"Barrymore's beauty is often described as radiant and Charming with her infectious smile expressive eyes and free-spirited personality captivating audiences worldwide."
"He's got a charm to him, definitely, and he's got a humility to him as well, I think."
"ENFPs: Chaos monkeys, adaptable social chameleons, capable of dark charm."
"There's totally a reason why no one can stop talking about this book because it really will sweep you off your feet."
"Moore's suave charm, debonair demeanor, and sense of humor endeared him to audiences worldwide."
"It's a really simple design but I think he's really cute."
"Kids have innocence, and the fact that they are innocent is what makes them so charming."
"What are you doing in your life today to be a captivating, endearing, and delightful woman?"
"Kit's character growth is just adorable at times."
"Despite a serious nature, Dan had a certain charm that made him very likable among his peers and students alike."
"He had that way of talking, it felt like poetry."
"I think we're all gonna fall in love with the way of the nameless."
"She is both charismatic and relatable, with aspirational charm and down-to-earth struggles."
"There are also a lot of really cute interactions in this pack."
"He's very charming, he's really good with his words, he's also a natural singer."
"My appearance, as you can see, is quite charming."
"You always have a way of sneaking into people's hearts."
"This is one of those games that oozes personality and charm."
"They like that sense of balance they get from you, balance, beauty, charm, diplomacy, peacefulness."
"These are adorable when they come, so I have to just show you these before we start."
"He's got this interesting and introverted like, you know, he's also super endearing."
"The most charming and chill indies to have been released in the past decade."
"I love that we're getting this clumsy Amity. That is adorable."
"The show blew me out of the water with how entertaining, charming, and enjoyable it was."
"They’re such a charming idea, blending the aesthetics of woodcarving and crafting with having cute little familiars."
"Nobody falls for a manipulator that's not charming."
"It's just a sweet little story... It's funny, it's really funny."
"Aveiro is the biggest city on the Silver Coast and it's so extraordinary charming."
"There's something about high intelligence working in a kind of big physical way in a physical comedy that is very endearing."
"It's a pretty charming location. I do like the attention to detail here with a lot of useful details like the hay bales up in the top of the barn there."
"This person is going to be charming, unique, bold, and intelligent."
"The world of the Beanbean Kingdom and its quirky inhabitants reel me in."
"Sense of humor and charm is the most valuable thing."
"The first Fast and Furious has such a charm to it you cannot deny."
"He's really more charm and charisma bro, like he playful, he bringing the vibes."
"Rouge: a jewel thief with smarts, sass, and charm."
"The Cleveland couple's charming old house was no ordinary house."
"Power Stone: This game just oozes Smash Bros multiplayer charm."
"Skinnamarink feels like watching at first: a tense but almost innocent charm."
"The fry the 13th series has a similar kind of charm as Godzilla."
"I'll do anything to brighten up the day of the beautiful ladies in the crowd."
"I'm really flying through it. It's really charming."
"Dialogue? Who needs it when you're this cute?"
"Someone who's graceful and charming but also super determined."
"There’s an unmistakable charm about Battlefield Heroes, both in the lean & minimal system specs, the music and sound effects, and the overall silliness of the presentation which was not typical for a Battlefield title."
"You're very flirty, very genuine individual."
"Smile, I like guys who are sweet and charming and have a good job."
"Animal Crossing is one of the most popular and charming video game series ever produced."
"There is no other woman he' ever met that could exude such charm and eloquence with just a simple facial expression and a smile."
"I think there's a lot of charm in this limitation."
"The Paddington movies are the most charming, perfect, lovable children's movies."
"The art in these is really simple but the style has a nice charm to it."
"Rosie was born in 1997 in Auckland New Zealand as Pak Cheong... captivating not only with her prominent singing but with her sweet charm kind heart and innocent wholesomeness."
"Legends about his shyness and kind art, his charm and bright appearance drive women of all ages crazy."
"Trump's general approach to negotiations is he tries to win you over. He tries to be really nice to you. He tries to be really suave and debonair and charming."
"They have a whole lot of character and charm."
"Venice, more than any other European city, has a seductive charm."
"What you can see of them adds to the Lagoon City's charm."
"Honestly, the most charming person everything I ever met wholeheartedly agree."
"The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening remade and it looked different, very different and very, very charming."
"Gatsby's brand of extreme charm brought a much-needed likeability to what is otherwise a rather problematic character."
"A game that's as fresh as it is charming, as jinky as it is emotionally moving."
"Kitty Pryde is not only skilled but also adorable and a genius in tech."
"Crazy Stupid Love. What is there not to love about that movie?"
"3D Platformers are just filled with so much charm and unlimited potential when it comes to exploration."
"It's really simple, I think it's really cute."
"Just watching cute characters living in Michigan or wherever is awesome."
"It is the most adorable thing on four wheels."