
Political Goals Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"We're going to continue to fight for lower costs, to grow the middle class, to defend democracy, for reproductive freedom, and for safer communities."
"I don't just want to win in 2024. I want to crush these criminal monsters who are taking our rights and backing Putin and targeting trans kids and minimizing black people down to their sneakers because we need to beat these people."
"I want to bring back a strong democracy. I want to bring back the truth."
"Putin's goal is to capture Kiev and decapitate Ukraine's government."
"The Democratic party should stand for more than the amelioration of stress... It should stand for ending the injustice."
"We will end woke. We will crush the Deep State. We will save our economy."
"They want the president to beat the virus and fix the economy."
"Our job is twofold: defeat the most dangerous president in modern history, and create an economy and a government that works for the working people."
"When I'm thinking about what do I want to do as US president shut down that administrative state in its entire apparatus."
"We cannot settle for anything less than transformative structural change."
"I'm fighting to make sure we eradicate the virus, rebuild the economy, and save our country from the radical left."
"I want to make democracy work not just for the rich and well connected but for everybody."
"Often the main goal in a conservative government is to protect freedom."
"The UK aims to once again become a globally recognized power."
"I think the number one goal right now is to reclaim our democracy... we have some reasonable limitations on speech."
"It's the character of the nation it's the soul of the nation it's the future of our nation that we are fighting for."
"Democrats are talking about jobs, reducing prescription drug prices, protecting veterans, and seniors."
"In everything we do, we are focused on empowering the dreams and aspirations of our citizens."
"The number one goal right now is to reclaim our democracy."
"Instead of focusing on 'orange man bad,' let's focus on lowering costs and boosting the economy."
"The country has to be about America and coming together."
"We need to deliver real solutions for the American people."
"We have big things to do for the American people."
"Xi Jinping has declared that 'reunification' between Taiwan and the mainland is 'inevitable.'"
"I'm not married to a political ideology, my goal isn't to maximally spread that."
"It's about freedom, so Jesus set you free, you're free indeed, and our goal is restoring freedom to Pennsylvania."
"It's about building this country back better."
"My goal during the entire 2020 race was to get Trump out of office."
"The point of any of this politics and discussion is to ultimately create a world where we can be authentic."
"The first and biggest step that we can take back to the 1776 vision of a limited government."
"My job is not just to win the Democratic nomination and defeat Trump, but to work with the American people to transform this country."
"Shinzo Abe's main goal in his second term as prime minister... to put an end to Japan's institutional pacifism."
"We gotta flip Florida blue in 2020 and beyond."
"Hamas could renounce its stated goal of eliminating Israel, killing Jews, and repeating the atrocities of October 7th again and again."
"I'm running for three reasons: to restore the soul, dignity, honor, honesty, transparency."
"Democrats are focused on creating jobs, lowering costs, and bringing the country together."
"We want actual things that keep this process moving forward in a progressive direction."
"Biden's policy goals are set by an international community that is aligned at maintaining a safe climate."
"This is about fundamental power, these folks are wanting blatant power."
"Glory to Ukraine! We want the victory for Ukraine and we want defeat for Vladimir Putin."
"There's nothing in the world that can stop me from passing higher minimum wage Paid Family Leave lower drug prices public option."
"The ultimate goal for each political party is to fill up their entire board."
"We're getting closer to completing our goals to liberate our island from the crown."
"Joe doesn't just want to get back to where we were; he finally wants to make some long overdue changes so that our economy actually makes life a little easier for everybody."
"Unity 2020's objective is to solve the voting system problem as well as we can."
"We now have the capability to provide a decent standard of living for every man, woman, and child."
"Overall, his main goals were to expand democracy, break up monopolies, get cheap credit for farmers, get rid of imperialism, get rid of child labor, protect labor unions, and expand protections for civil liberties."
"If we define the parameters of the space race by its actual political goal, the Soviet Union certainly won."
"I'm all about lowering corruption, and getting our government just functioning for regular hard-working Texas families again."
"We're going to create an economy for all, not just wealthy campaign."
"We are looking for a leader who will restore our freedoms."
"Democrats can't get their ends, a decent Society of mutual respect and shared prosperity, by ignoring the means of power."
"Our job together is to create an economy that works for all, not just the people on top."
"Boris wants to make us [Britain] the greatest place on earth."
"If he achieves nothing else in his administration, the defeat of Vladimir Putin must be priority number one."
"The future of our free nation depends on us winning the Senate."
"If your goal is to give people more freedom, that's what America is all about."
"With your help we will elect a Republican Congress to create a safe modern fair and very lawful system of immigration."
"We have reached the culmination of what Republicans have been fighting for, angling for, for decades now. And we are gonna fight back."
"I'm gonna become governor and then I'm not gonna be a peasant anymore."
"Their goal is minority rule, less democracy, authoritarian measures."
"This is the goal of the hard left... to destroy the family."
"Stalin knew exactly what he wanted and the thing he most wanted was to keep us out of the Vulcans."
"We can restore abortion rights and civil rights, save our planet and democracy for generations to come."
"We want to elect champions of the issues that we care about."
"Xi Jinping's objectives: to maintain social stability, roll out a planned economy, and prepare for war."
"Our goal was to keep the left accountable, hold the media accountable."
"Joe Biden needs a major accomplishment this calendar year."
"Putin wants Russians to be able to live with Ukrainians and other Europeans after the war is over."
"So if we want to win universal health care, Green New Deal, you know, good cause eviction, universal rent control... we can really win material gains for the working class."
"I would hope that we would get to the business of bring back and building back better Act and working on the issues before us."
"Let's make this fun, let's do it together, let's win in 2022 and let's win the small battles every day and the big battles to save our country."
"We either rise together and fall together we are sober minded and clear eyed about our politics and our politics is specifically for us specifically for you."
"Let's make sure in 2022 and 2024 we make ourselves the home of the free and the land of the Brave both are necessary."
"From the day I entered politics, my mission has always been to make tomorrow better than today."
"I'm going to, I plan to continue being an election judge here in the state of North Carolina and my goal is to turn North Carolina blue, thank you."
"Liberty, equality, and fraternity are goals ultimately of modern political life."
"Our goal tonight is to deliver 50,000 votes in the U.S. Senate runoff election."
"The name of the game is to create a world of liberal democracies to solve the problem of massive human rights violations."
"The aim of every political association is the preservation of the natural and inalienable rights of man."
"Incremental steps to ultimately achieve the goal that they're trying to do, which is to take away everybody's guns and make you a criminal."
"The political horizon towards a two-state solution can seem far into the distance, but we must never lose sight of this common goal."
"Our goal has always been to help unify Americans, to defeat Donald Trump and to win the era for our values."