
Public Scrutiny Quotes

There are 481 quotes

"Being perceived by this many people at the same time is inherently scary."
"It's not very fun to have millions of people all over the world call you the most vile, horrendous, disgusting, life-ruining words a person can be called."
"I'm so much better for having been through it...to be made fun of and to be a meme and all that stuff, that either breaks you or turns you into something supernatural."
"Despite being only 5 when he began acting and only 8 when he portrayed Anakin Skywalker in the Phantom Menace, Lloyd received a lot of backlash from the general public."
"Diana, Princess of Wales, was bombarded and hounded from the moment that she started dating Prince Charles."
"Social media has made this reality all too apparent."
"You're under the public eye, especially with social media now."
"It's a really hard thing to broach because I feel like most of the people who are watching right now, um, like as in onlookers to the whole drama from start to finish, I feel like there is a distinct lack of empathy."
"If any president made that kind of statement... He wouldn't be able to do the job we hired him to do. The media would hound him to death."
"Our marriage is our business and it's private. Why can't people just understand that and just leave us alone?"
"It's important, I think, out of respect for Hae, her family, her friends, and anyone who has lost a family member and had to deal with legal proceedings, or worse, public scrutiny, that we—meaning us and you—handle commentary surrounding 'Serial' with respect."
"Dealing with seeing thousands of people wanting you to die every day is not normal; it psychologically affects you."
"When one puts themselves in such a platform, they have to be willing to be judged by others."
"It was the most humiliating and horrible thing I've ever been through."
"This new practice where we wait till someone has a moment of success and then we go back in their history, dig something up, and try to destroy them with it is really quite disgusting."
"Imagine thinking, 'Oh, I have to make sure I don't do anything gay when I walk out the door so that the paparazzi doesn't scrutinize this and the media doesn't call me up for it.'"
"Lizzo is not trying to change her body; she's trying to scroll social media without seeing disparaging comments about it."
"So you're scared as hell the whole time you're scared you're you're you're like damn I gotta do everything possible for this [ __ ] but not to be as bad because it's going to be millions of people watching around the world"
"I'm not stopping, people try to cancel me, I'm not stopping."
"The James Gunn controversy started in 2018 when a group of right-wing Twitter users delved deep into the director's Twitter feed."
"The world demanded answers. And so much more than they could have ever imagined after the infamous interview rocked the world and left the Royal Family on the brink of disaster."
"With all the scandals surrounding Diddy, people are now wondering if Jay might be the next one to face scrutiny after they are done with Diddy"
"Trump got 30 out of 30. And it's things like draw a cube, counting backwards from a hundred by sevens..."
"Who's the bad guy in all this? Is it Amber? Is it Johnny? Or is it us? I mean, they're airing their dirty laundry and we're sniffing it up like a Japanese businessman."
"Here we find Mariah Carey on this list a second time, but for something far more disastrous."
"These people deserve to be dragged before Senate committees and tried they deserve to be tried in the arena of public information."
"You can't go back to somebody's tweets when they're a kid and try and criticize them for being an adult."
"Never complain, never explain." - Queen Elizabeth
"If Kim Kardashian cannot escape this, then what chance do normal women have?"
"Americans are looking at you guys and saying what the hell are you doing?"
"What happens when social media's most popular artists crosses paths with a traditional art critic? The answer is a public meltdown that honestly just makes me embarrassed to be an influencer."
"I genuinely believe that we should probably leave the majority of these types of influencers alone."
"The headline: 'Fiery remarks in which he hit back'... oh yeah, of course, immediately the next day story people are going to pounce on this."
"You have to be secure to be in this spotlight and come to this internet you have to be secure in who you are you have to be solid in your psyche you have to have an emotional stability in how you move homie."
"At least one of those adult children Ivanka is apparently throwing the rest of the family under the bus."
"In June 1997, Camila crashed her car driving to Highgrove to meet Charles; she escaped prosecution which led to accusations of special treatment because of her status as a royal mistress."
"Monica Lewinsky herself describes herself as Patient Zero for Internet shaming."
"What was done to Britney Spears is ethically repugnant on so many levels."
"You always see celebrities getting pictures of them kissing at the beach."
"People tend to hold things that are said in Let's Plays up to the same standard that they would hold a professional comedian up to."
"Eventually, because that level of quote unquote cancellation and visibility of being just I mean tormented in the public square at every angle, eventually that is going to lead someone to do something final to themselves."
"Justin Trudeau shamed, humiliated, mocked on the public and on the national and international scene now goes full 1933 and invokes the emergencies act."
"It is a point to remember that of all the ironies about Diana perhaps the greatest was this a girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting was in the end the most hunted person of the modern age."
"If you make a huge ass out of yourself publicly and get a hate train against you in the public eye, you're probably going to get dipped. That's how it works when you're an actor or an actress."
"It's certainly strange and unnerving to be criticized for a part you haven't yet been able to screw up."
"It's pushed me to the point where...no matter what you do, someone is going to have criticism for you. And that's fine."
"People were still doing this dumb stuff; we're just now watching them do it."
"Why does Kevin Durant always get so much backlash?"
"It's how far someone can fall when they get into the public spotlight."
"You never want to see anybody go through that especially publicly."
"As the leader of a country, it's not really possible to be a victim of cancel culture... being criticized is part of the deal... it's necessary and healthy that you be criticized and scrutinized all the time."
"This is their time to damage him, ruin him, and separate him from his audience so that he can't work in the business again."
"So over the next four years, the woman who rose to fame dishing the unvarnished truth about others had become her own hottest topic."
"Everybody feels like we're all kind of under arrest, we're all everything we say can and will be used against us in the court of public opinion."
"I feel bad for him because you know his wife tweets stuff and stuff like about her sons her sons have to go to school and hear that their dad's being called West brick and stuff like that and I like to me that's just so sad."
"Once something starts charging, it is open to critique."
"Bradman wouldn't have scored the runs he did if he had to compete with the 'what's he like as a bloke?' phenomenon."
"Britney has worked way too hard in her life to be locked up and treated like this."
"He was always on Twitter you then had to be on everything too every minor infraction was a big deal."
"I think what it has done is it's gotten a lot of men to basically search their memories and see, are they the next ones to be called out on national television?"
"Modern Royals may have evaded the official observer but they have hordes of probing eyes in a different guise to contend with."
"That Will Smith incident is a great example of amygdala hijack guys at the peak of his career loses his [ __ ] now he's out of the academy losing movie deals everyone's pissed off at him."
"She does make some good points. She has focused a light on the topic of mental health and public figures."
"It's a story of how major companies acted wildly irresponsibly, skirted any meaningful consequences, and for the most part avoided public scrutiny."
"The incident highlighted the complexities of personal and professional relationships in the public eye."
"No normal person knows how to react to when hundreds of thousands of people are attacking them on the internet for simply celebrating their birthday."
"The royal family is nervous about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as they are desperately searching for a role in life."
"The press does not simply publish information about trials but guards against the miscarriage of justice by subjecting the police, prosecutors, and judicial process to extensive public scrutiny and criticism."
"Access and public access to the courtroom is a needed thing."
"Ice Cube never wavered. He did not care what anybody said, the pressure, the people lying, none of that. He was just ready for it."
"Gino is ready to face a lifetime of this wrath. I feel like it's going to be so much stress that he'll evaporate and all that's left behind is his little hat on the ground."
"What have you done you're on camera so listen it is what it is."
"It's harder for them just because the attention is so ubiquitous."
"I don't play about my children at all I'm nobody I love period and you know it's hurtful to see so many people like just you know just be bashing your kids like bashing your daughter like when she really is so misunderstood."
"How is this person not cancelled like Chrissy Teigen, right? John Legend, all that stuff like that." - Trisha Paytas discussing Chrissy Teigen's past behavior.
"At the end of the day it feels to me like the public kind of exploited Gabby Hannah's Mental Health crisis all for content."
"Honestly, Hollywood, music, all these industries are disgusting because every time we scratch the surface it just gets G."
"OJ Simpson's trial wasn't just about him, it was a spotlight on the flaws in our justice system."
"I wouldn't need makeup. It's hard to look beautiful when you're staring down millions of people who are ordered to kill you."
"Tik Tok is brutal when it comes to canceling people. If you have any sort of following and you show weakness or make a mistake, thousands of people will be ready to tear you down for content and clout."
"People just need to let her live her life. She hasn't been able to have her life for way too long."
"He was given a perfect opportunity to put it to rest."
"Charles's celebrity status made him the most exposed royal."
"Canceling is different because they're taking like one specific thing and it's like a mob mentality of like thousands if not millions of people coming at you and just really trying to rip you to shreds and it's horrible."
"Every bar had meaning, every song was alive of our soul. Every moment meant something."
"People should be able to scrutinize and criticize, including sexuality."
"We've seen the left come after actors like Chris Pratt for the great sin of going to a traditional church that suggests that men and women are different. How dare he?"
"With great success comes great criticism... It's nothing you can do."
"Creators have to be able to grow, people grow, people change, people make mistakes, people learn, people do better, people mess up but I think it's hard when you're used to watching a creator."
"Ridicule and criticism are consequences of her own actions."
"The Wayne Wade and Gabrielle Union having a lot of backlash recently."
"Look at what they did to Britney when she went in."
"At this point, everything I say, every comment, every 'like,' it's going to become a headline."
"Why kick him when he's down and go make a whole documentary further cementing the fact that he lied or whatever the case may be?"
"No president should fear public scrutiny of his program, for from that scrutiny comes understanding."
"This is my biggest fear, failing spectacularly in front of the world."
"We don't want Jeff the killer to be part of our history... everything that I've worked for so hard to leave behind now brought back to life for the world to gawk at."
"There's gonna be a lot of hate aimed at the players."
"I mean think about how many times we tried to get canceled because they caught Seth smoking a cigarette."
"That's the problem with the internet now too, is that because we've been on it for so long, you can catch anybody in a gotcha moment."
"Scrutiny when the Australian team isn't doing well is a sign of people who want it to be good."
"Nobody should be surprised Beyonce has performed for dictators why y'all surprised that she's in Dubai to step in I'm not shocked you know gay Ally or not Beyonce's about her money."
"I pray for his children and I pray that they can all find peace and do that out of the public eye."
"James O'Keefe is very brave because he's got the most powerful people in the world mad at him."
"Nobody deserves to be dogpiled like that on the internet."
"There's not a person under the sound of my voice who does not have something in your life that you would not want to read about in the front page of a paper."
"If one of these women were to go public they probably would not have a particularly good time whenever they went online."
"I have nothing to hide, you can make as many expose posts as you want."
"The eye of Sauron that is internet outrage could turn on you at any moment."
"People don't really understand that we see everything and we read everything, and our feelings get hurt too."
"How can your marriage uphold the ridicule on a world stage?"
"LeBron is a great dad so the question is now all of a sudden LeBron didn't get the COVID vaccination now he's irresponsible, what does that have to do with anything?"
"It's dystopian and slimy to put people under the microscope and comb through their entire life."
"Even if nothing happened, which is the kind of best-case scenario here, you know, and if something has happened to them and they're in the middle of this media storm, I mean, that's just horrifying to think about."
"I receive hundreds of death threats regularly if not daily, thousands since this trial has started. People mocking, mocking my testimony about being assaulted, making fun of my objection."
"It's been agonizing, agonizing, painful, and humiliating thing I've ever had to go through. Oh, no one ever has to go through something like this."
"Alimony drama" - the intersection of personal struggles and public scrutiny.
"I think my life is my life and I never want it to be the show."
"I'm not saying that I've had the same trauma as some people but when you do have this large platform on social media and you have people attack you every single day about your race about your ethnicity yeah it can become a little draining."
"Exposing this to public view to millions of viewers, what's this kid's life gonna be like?"
"Daylight is the best disinfectant and apparently it was us just showing the financials and asking where the hell all the money is going."
"It doesn't always do anyone good in public life to always be answering and rebutting those claims."
"I would be so scared to say anything and everything at any kinda level of notoriety."
"Donald Trump has now apparently spent 259 of 916 days in office on the golf course."
"You're opening yourself up to criticism by putting yourself online."
"Sometimes it is a little nerve-wracking when you know that it's about to go out to the public and that people that you've never met before are able to judge you and your life."
"Why do we have to immediately bring up old shit to ruin a guy's fucking life?"
"Ted Cruz... had run off to Cancun Mexico with his family and only when he got caught there by the media did he cut his travel plan short."
"If they'll do that to Kanye West, of course they'll do it to you."
"This is going back to, you know, any juror who's going to possibly vote acquittal in, um, the Derek Chauvin trial. It's, it's, you can't imagine what it's like to have your life totally upended because of this."
"You know Jack Smith has thick skin and why shouldn't Trump have the right to fight back when others are bringing up his transgressions during these trials during the campaign right they go on the debate stage and everybody's attacking him."
"Leave Britney alone! But you know, so people are looking into all this like Britney Spears era misogyny."
"Nobody cares about the result of this. No one cares that you're being sued, no one cares that you're being slandered."
"No one else lied to their friends, to their family, to investigators. No one else benefited from the death of Kaylee Marie Anthony."
"Although having such private moments...the scandal followed him wherever he went."
"Not a lot of people are lucky enough to be held accountable for their past [ __ ] in front of the entire world."
"One of the only mistakes that I saw that he really made... was just not being... more forthcoming and more aggressive as far as defending himself."
"The woman who rose to fame dishing the unvarnished truth about others had become her own hottest topic."
"Why are you even talking about it then, sis? Listen, look, I, at this point, I feel the need to highlight the fact that Janet has been dealing with the repercussions of the performance and addressing it like once a year since 2004 up until now."
"People are really going through something serious right now, and y'all just care about how many views does my video have?"
"Putting the public in your business is almost never going to work out in your favor."
"I just want to be able to have my relationships without having public speculation about them."
"I see online social media comments or things come in from the media... how do you keep your head up? How do you keep a smile on your face?"
"Republican Senator Lindsey Graham's own words are coming back to haunt him."
"We should have more compassion... imagine going through withdrawal on top of this public takedown."
"My actual issue with the whole thing is that it was publicized."
"Putting yourself out there and giving your opinions can be scary as a Creator."
"Doing it so soon after you had your own gender discrimination case is insane."
"Regardless of the age gap, making a sixteen year old kid have to defend the relationship between him and his girlfriend days before the biggest moment of his life is just shit."
"She has been criticized, her family have been deeply criticized, and by just being herself and keeping going and being straightforward, it's absolutely paid off."
"The papers made a massive circus out of ordinary people for profit."
"Activision Blizzard raised eyebrows earlier this year... appointed Brian Bullatow, a former Trump administrator..."
"You could not have a greater, more glaring contradiction. The vice president is running around Europe saying we have to fight corruption and bribery while the Biden family is getting paid millions."
"It takes a long time to get to the point where you're content and comfortable with having all these people have these opinions."
"What does Becky do when Becky is being called out for her BS?"
"For a while she dodged questions about getting work done on her face but then later admitted to altering her face and having surgery on her eyes."
"There's a fear of not fitting in, of standing out, and everything now is out there in the open for everyone to witness."
"Nothing is actually going to change if he didn't change after being called out during the By Sister scandal."
"He's not going to face any consequences because he's a member of the royal family. I don't think it's going to damage the monarchy as an institution, but essentially, the Queen has distanced herself from him."
"Janet didn't let the intense public shaming dictate her personal narrative or choices."
"I hope we're gonna have a great summer, but what I will say with conviction is Manchester United know the eyes of the world and the fans are on them this summer."
"The hardest part or the most difficult part about working in the government, I think would be being constantly in the public eye."
"Gabby is clearly going through a mental health crisis, and they are bullying the ever-living [__] out of her."
"When you're at the top of any field, whether it be business, entertainment, sports, or sports entertainment, there's a lot of curious people who want to dig into your past and find out what you're all about."
"That's not exposing, that's holding people accountable."
"She's just a dumb thought who isn't cute enough to have a simp army pay for her life just because she exists."
"I've learned that in the last year, the internet doesn't like to see you in a period of growth. They don't want to see you learning. They don't want to see you asking questions."
"How did Diddy get away with this for so long?"
"Sabrina Carpenter didn't deserve all the hate from 'Driver's License'... just because she dated your ex doesn't mean that she deserves a bunch of hate."
"Joshua Bassett shouldn't have received backlash for not wanting to date a minor... no one should be getting hate in that situation."
"I feel like I kind of grew up in the space of not only getting cancelled myself, but also watching other people get cancelled."
"Still, Marjorie Taylor Greene seemed keen on answering questions about things she had posted or said, 'I don't know,' or 'I don't recall.'"
"Being under the spotlight is second nature for Lindsay Lohan."
"It's nice because for him it's like Aziz can kind of isn't fully bulletproof with it, no Chappelle kind of is just from his whole perspective and who he is he can kind of say what he wants and he's fine which is odd."
"Accountability is a topic of discussion bound to come up when assessing internet gossip. When you make a mistake, it's guaranteed that people will want you to own up to them, no matter who you are or what you do."
"Nobody deserves to live their life under a microscope. Accountability is becoming somewhat redundant here in the YouTube space."
"He did what he had to do to survive the onslaught of demonization."
"I feel sorry for Charles that more things are coming out, especially on what would have been Her Majesty's 97th birthday."
"This charlie situation does not sit right with me. 100 million followers of one year and you all expect her to know how to be a perfect role model."
"I am tired of all the hate mail, I'm tired of people showing up at our factories, I'm tired of reading the misinformation out on the internet."
"Ethan does deserve some of the circisim he has been receiving, this also reveals something deeper in the drama and commentary community."
"People want the celebrity, but they don't want the backside of it, this is the messy side of it. For sure."
"If you're so in love with hashtag black love and you're hell-bent on being with the black man, stop trashing your dark-skinned children in front of the entire world."
"I believe taking your private fight public is cowardly unless there's no other option."
"If you're a public figure, people are allowed to express opinions about the things you do publicly, but you're also as a human being who is a public figure allowed to have some things be private."
"How does an actor once compared to the likes of Schwarzenegger and Stallone end up investigated for mafia ties?"
"If you took their private conversations and put them in the public square, not only would they be ashamed of it, but our entire community would probably be somewhat ashamed of it."
"The only thing is the private life. There's people who don't like you, they want to see you fall."
"Emma Chamberlain doesn't deserve all the hate she gets. People are just jealous."
"I know I'm not a bad person, so even if eight million people are laughing at you, you can go into yourself and know that you're not a bad person."
"It sounds like she's revised that plan to two hundred billion dollars... something we can vet and scrutinize and debate..."
"I'm absolutely fine because this is the world we live in haters are going to hate they're going to pile on it's absolutely fine I've got no problem with it there will be no apology because there's nothing to apologize for we keep doing what we do."
"They're willing to work and give things a chance."
"One of the reasons she actually suffered from mental health issues after the show."
"We hope that Camry won't lose her job, we hope that the race hustling sister who's trying to Parlay this into some cheap Fame gets what's coming to her in terms of life."
"He's not accepted for who we are. He can't go out in nature and just be himself. He can't drop a video like this and just be himself, you get what I'm saying?"
"It's quite obvious that we're witnessing a man going through something very severe."
"There is even the trend of moms and dads embarrassing their children on TikTok for attention."