
Alternate Reality Quotes

There are 593 quotes

"Phil microwaved his laptop and created a pocket dimension in which everything inside Phil's laptop on our YouTube channels, including our YouTube audience, manifested into reality."
"Project Palisade is...a proposal for the SCP-001 slot...but all of the data contained in the file comes from some universe other than the primary one."
"I currently have a T-Rex staring at me, and I'm going to be completely honest, I can't see any of you guys because I am in an alternate reality."
"At its core, Shutter Island is about a man who refuses to acknowledge large swaths of his inner self and so he creates an alternate reality."
"In 'War of the Servers,' Garry's Mod as a game is portrayed as a world of its own, separate from real life."
"This is why people who finish this game speak of it so highly because it's not just a game for them, it's another world."
"When you dream, you basically enter a different world... your brain has created by itself."
"I wish this was a different timeline where I could highlight all the joy we gave each other."
"Imagine yourself, but if you had made a slightly different choice at a key juncture in your life."
"Tyranny tells the story about what would happen to a world if evil won."
"Let's pretend that we live in a world that is not dictated entirely by the whims of capitalism."
"It's like going into a different dimension completely, which, for all we know, it could be."
"Social media creates this alternate universe that's real."
"Time is different there; an hour there could be a mere second in his own world."
"Feast your eyes on the Dinosphere, an incredibly unique vehicle that certainly wouldn't seem out of place in some alternate reality steampunk timeline."
"When Gerard slipped, we fell into an alternate universe."
"This technology is like a distortion portal that reinterprets all recorded human experience and shows you a new world."
"She transported into an alternate universe where she never met her husband, she stayed with her ex, and he was also married to someone else."
"Logan has to be its own little splintered bad ending timeline."
"The back rooms exist outside of reality. That means their laws, their physics, their space are completely different."
"Did she wake up in an alternate reality or a parallel universe?"
"The essence of the musical is that it presents an alternate version of reality, one where bright colors dominate and bursting into song is accepted."
"SCP-2317: The door to an alternate reality holding the Devourer of Worlds."
"In this case, Pietro uniting the two created a new reality where the PNEUMA Project was never launched, and IT was never discovered - thereby averting the apocalypse."
"Tell me kid, in this universe is peter parker dead?"
"It gives this alternate reality where you can take risks and experience things and you can fail without real-world repercussions."
"Another Earth - a strange reality where we find a duplicate Earth."
"Wouldn't it be cool if the actual history of the planet was that aliens came to colonize a perfect solar system?"
"Moxie must have never been created in Maine in the Fallout universe and instead them was created."
"Robot Chicken's interpretation of the DC Universe is actually a Canon alternate reality."
"Nightlife is an alternate universe with music and light. They really party it on."
"New World: where myth meets legend, and history takes a twist."
"In this alternate world, when you die, you float. Just like that."
"Lewis's Narnia stories have sold over a hundred million copies."
"In an alternate timeline where I was actually an efficient person who had videos out on time, My name wouldn't be Cody. I'd be an entirely different man. Maybe my name would be Kevin."
"I cannot shake the feeling that somehow my consciousness slipped sideways into a very, very similar universe to the one I started out in."
"A multiverse means that suddenly, Steve Rogers stayed oddly silent throughout national tragedies like the Vietnam War."
"This ain't that. This is a whole different reality."
"It’s a world that looks much like ours, but the rules of the world render it almost unrecognizable as if we were seeing a disturbing, heightened, offsetting parallel Universe of ourselves."
"I feel like I'm in a movie where I'm like in an alternate universe where everything's off."
"It felt like a messed up parallel version to earth."
"This is like true detective if the paranormal stuff was real."
"The movie kicks off with a cold open where we go to Gwen's Earth and get a peek into her life."
"That's just for space, I almost thought it was like a space out of time, you know, just like a little pocket of just outside our reality or something."
"Suspension of disbelief helps create a reality far different from your own."
"There's something about all of it which lends itself to a mystery and a different reality."
"In an alternate reality where no consequences matter this would be absolutely incredible."
"In a different setting, different circumstances, Joel could have been a very good father and husband, and it's easy to forget that."
"How cool would it be to wake up in an alternate universe where bizarre versions of your favorite movies existed and you could experience them all over again for the first time?"
"Dr. Stone takes place in a parallel world very, very similar to ours, except humans just have a little bit more potential."
"Imagine living in the Pokemon world dude, that's almost like VR, it's basically real life."
"You saw the future, your future, how you become an evil deranged Batman."
"Kessler reveals that he is Cole, albeit one from an alternative future."
"My body back. Hey, um, it's gonna sound really crazy but, uh, this is a new universe."
"What if T'Challa became a Star-Lord? Exploring the classic nature vs nurture debate."
"Deja vu, a glitch in the matrix or a signal from a parallel universe."
"Welcome to our universe, small amusing doppelganger."
"Alternate universe: everyone lives and nobody dies."
"There's always a world largely resembling ours."
"Due to the Epic explosion by the Ultimate Weapon during the war, a parallel universe was created."
"Step into our interdimensional reality, let's enter the buzzsaw fellas."
"This was another parallel universe shift which may have some sort of relation to the Cloud City phenomena."
"He concludes that his goal is to return to his original world."
"He's Tony Stark, a version whose life went down a different route."
"That's not normal. That KFC is in another universe, I swear."
"You see how worked up I get over this. Something's going on here. We're in a parallel universe. It's tripping me out."
"The rules of real life don't necessarily apply in this room."
"He believes that sometime during his hospital stay he switched to a different universe."
"Love is love and love will always win in the end."
"Yeah, Booker becomes Comstock in another dimension."
"You are seeing an alternate timeline which hopefully can deliver a lot of the catharsis you as a fan desire."
"There is this theory that on the other side of the sun, there's a planet that's almost identical to Earth but shrouded in darkness."
"There's an alternate reality where everything I say in this video comes to fruition."
"The Cloverfield Paradox" opens space-time, shattering reality itself.
"It's as if she was reincarnated with the skills of a god tier doctor from another world."
"A series that didn't just show you another world but made you feel like you're a part of it."
"Kang: 'Eons ago, a variant of myself lived on Earth in the 31st Century.'"
"Change is good, we got to Embrace change and this is a big big year for change so it's very important for us to you know just get over it get used to it, it's the only constant we're here to evolve."
"A parallel universe or a spin-off: a completely original take on Miraculous."
"What if every time you went to sleep and you woke up you passed into a nearby and very similar universe but not quite the same?"
"The dementia was protecting them, you know? They're in a world where they're good, they don't even feel the pain."
"I think this is the kind of science fiction that I'm into - issues in our everyday world explored in this alternate reality setting."
"It's very much a happy ending alternate timeline take on breath of the wild."
"Everybody has experienced the Mandela effect... something is tweaking the simulation."
"Imagining an alternate reality where that doesn't happen could have completely changed the course of newcomers for the series."
"All this felt too real to be just a dream... he accepted it as reality saying that it even made sense to him that he got transferred to this new world."
"Maybe I slipped into a parallel universe where I didn't pack my dog treats." - Unexplainable occurrences hint at parallel universes.
"This cruel truth started a month ago when he was summoned to a strange world called a dungeon."
"It’s all about a creepy alternate dimension of endless office hallways that people are 'noclipping' into and getting trapped in."
"There is something called the Mandela effect that is a term that was invented to describe a situation where a large group of people remember a situation different than how it is."
"Evil Morty... might just be the ultimate morty gone wrong..."
"Cinema can create another world, it's what's so beautiful about it."
"One Piece does not exist in a world in the past. It is in fact in the far future, so that has literally changed everything."
"I guess my world's Twilight goes to Crystal Prep." - Sunset Shimmer
"Galler might actually be an upside-down version of the UK."
"I feel like I'm doing like a light dose of LSD... stepping into another world."
"If Jolene was the one who defeated Pucci, the red string of fate would allow her to take refuge in a reality where she held on."
"It's up to good-natured Brooklynite plumbers Mario and Luigi to pursue her into a portal to an alternate dino dimension and save the day."
"It's about a guy who the whole world forgets that the Beatles existed except this one guy."
"When it finally Dawns on him that he is in another world."
"You're in this reality but now in that other reality you exist."
"Ayahuasca felt like being alive in another realm."
"There's just something compelling about the concept of what if Superman turned evil."
"I connected to the parallel reality that already existed of me being a full-time YouTuber."
"If Ash Ketchum never existed, the anime we love would be very different."
"Maybe we need to follow the White Rabbit and fall into another world."
"When you're dreaming, you're waking up in a different dimension."
"Once the loop is broken in Blood, because the cycle is broken in Mob, now we get a brand new timeline."
"Sometimes I really do wonder exactly how we got to this point in time and it really does feel like we live in an alternate universe."
"There is a very large proportion of the global population that remembers something entirely different and it all stems from the death or not the death of Nelson Mandela hence the name of the Mandela effect."
"You're essentially in an alternate dimension."
"We live in an alternate reality where everything is its opposite."
"Our Loki is dead but there is still a variant Loki dealing with the now changed TVA that exists outside of time."
"If both Doom and Reed agree that Reed would have made a better world, then the opportunity will be granted for Reed to prove it."
"He couldn't dismiss the possibility that he had truly been transported to another world."
"Neville would almost certainly see his parents with their minds intact."
"Alternate realities these days are always so dark and dystopian; I wanted to show the upside of the Tangent Universe."
"In one Universe, there is a punk rock version of Spider-Man who fights for freedom in a dystopian America."
"The Farlands are Minecraft's own versions of something like the back rooms, an area that exists beyond the normal world where the simulation breaks."
"Sometimes people from your world catch glimpses of the raindrop worlds."
"This woman just gets him; in an alternate world, she would be his favorite wielder of all time."
"It essentially creates a pocket dimension where none of the rules of the current world apply."
"If you've read the book, we know what happens. You meet another version of yourself."
"Sometimes dreams aren't dreams. You're just watching an alternate version of yourself in Another Universe."
"Sadly, Jace marrying Helina would have likely averted the whole Dance of the Dragons, and the two young dragon riders seemed to get along."
"It did happen in his universe. It still happened."
"I think about where all these characters would have been not in the present so to speak but but if they hadn't made the decisions they made what would the alternate reality have been."
"I'm going through the idea of what if Captain America never froze and how that would fundamentally change things."
"Steve had successfully broken out of his poster boy mold and was an active agent in the field so I think he would have been a catalyst for the organization to get the ball rolling."
"...what you just witnessed was an alternate universe because bro got bailed out by this level 99,000 ass wizard. But I mean, bro still did take a trip back to the lobby because of Level 99,000 wizard took his body. But you want to know who didn't get bailed out? Everybody."
"The Squadron Supreme, an alternate reality super team, could be introduced to explore darker aspects and jealousies of the superhero genre."
"In another world, Azure would find solace in seeing her efforts."
"The Mandela Effect suggests that our current reality has somehow been shifted into an alternate universe."
"Is the world really in an alternate reality? Hit the plus sign if you think so."
"It really does create a sense of an alternate reality, something that's so close to what you're familiar with but different enough that it feels new at the same time."
"What if Superman's cousin was kept in a cage instead of growing up on the Kent Farm?"
"I wish I could just see the universe where I said yes."
"You're traveling through another dimension."
"It could be argued that this is the darkest timeline."
"You know what's funny about that? People always talk about like, 'Yo, if I went back in time I would just like invent Facebook and Google.'"
"What if Batman was evil and blamed Commissioner Gordon for the death of his parents?"
"When the matrix was first built, there was a man born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted to remake the matrix as he saw fit."
"When he fantasizes about telling his parents his secret identity and says maybe in another Universe they'd accept me."
"Meanwhile, on another Earth, another world, one where things went how they were supposed to, a world where Batman and Superman are friends and they're both heroes, Alfred walks out to celebrate his 75th Birthday."
"Remis and nadora death represented what could have happened to Harry if his living situation had been different."
"you're transported to a different Universe"
"What if Timmy wished to create an entirely different Universe where he took on the role of Danny Phantom and filled the world with similar characters?"
"Exploring the possibilities if Captain Ginyu had seized Frieza's body."
"For me, getting to see an alternate reality, I love getting to see it going to [__] and then getting to see it actually ending amicably."
"I often wonder how things might have turned out if I hadn't gone to England that spring of '69."
"The Mirror Universe is a world where the European Age of Enlightenment never occurred."
"What if Orochimaru had succeeded? What if Orochimaru took Sasuke's body?"
"Well sure enough, there she is. But they left her on the porch in the other Universe where Biff was the ruler. AKA hell."
"You know, there's a multiverse out there where Reed Richards works for Dunder Mifflin."
"I compiled a list here of alternate reality Spider-Man stories, but these I think capture the essence and the spirit of who Peter Parker and Spider-Man are."
"There are versions of you that would stop at nothing to turn your device off. In their universes, they have experienced terrible things—things you and I can't even imagine, things I don't want to talk about."
"I have no clue what happened and my friend and I are convinced that I traveled into an alternate universe for a little bit last night."
"This is the closest glimpse we could get of what his Spider-Man might have been like."
"Somewhere in another dream, the version of myself that linked back, sitting on the real beach, happy and content."
"Before you go into the Spider-Verse, enter an even weirder alternate dimension: 1970s Japan."
"What a different life experience that wouldn't be."
"In a perfect enough universe, there is some alternate universe out there where like there is a civil war going on because a picture frame is slightly off-tilt."
"Surely, if things had gone drastically different, I would not be."
"It's like a different timeline and this isn't just a cheap DC versus Marvel amalgam. This is its own thing going on, yes. It's got its own rules."
"I could have been living somewhere else this all could have been you know sold split down the middle 50/50 call it a day."
"It's like slipping into a parallel universe."
"Are we sure we want to do this? Look at our own alternate lives."
"Dimensional travel: hop, squat your way through alternate reality."
"It's almost like he could have been on the cover of Time magazine, but to you, you know, in a weird way, in an alternate universe, right?"
"In this two-part What If issue, Cable is the bad guy and actually kills his parents Cyclops and Jean Grey, as well as Professor X."
"What if Dazzler had become the Herald of Galactus? She stays as his Herald and becomes one of the most powerful villains in all the cosmos."
"Earth may not be your world, but it is Trunks and Bulma's."
"Spider-Man doesn't have these powers for too long... but in this what if we see a world where he remained the most powerful being."
"I think a lot of people are curious about what would have happened if Raditz and Nappa stayed alive."
"I kind of think that like you go to a different realm when you're dreaming. I kind of love that."
"Brian Anel had an extraordinary vision for how the Warhammer world could develop into a splendidly textured alternative reality for gamers to explore."
"In the year 2095, a horrible and incredible accident at a lab occurred, causing a tear in time and space, merging lands and beings from different worlds together."
"In this plane of the multiverse, Clone High was never canceled and actually became the success that the duo wanted it to be."
"What would it look like if Barry Allen grew up with his mom and I'm going through all this trauma and I'm shocked?"
"He is the only invincible in the only reality where he turns good."
"Have you ever wondered if there were identical people in this world, twins? If it were, and one went one way and one another, how differently things could turn out."
"It's your Days of Future Past, it's your Days of Future Present, it's your alternate reality, it's your Elseworlds, it's your What If, but it's one big event."
"What would have happened if things went just a little bit differently?"
"...you are grieving the loss of an alternate universe version of yourself that is never going to be allowed to exist."
"Welcome to parallel world Pharmacy."
"A series where I make a change somewhere in the breaking bad or better call all timeline and see how that one change ripples through out the entire universe."
"The Simulation Hypothesis has come to be one of the most intriguing and important alternate worldviews that we have."
"Have you ever heard of the back rooms? The place is a parallel universe that we can all access while we sleep, whether we want to or not."
"This is probably the darkest possible Halloween timeline."
"Everyone loves a good old parallel world."
"This is its own thing, a separate Sonic, a separate Universe, separate everything."
"With Obito actually being there, I don't think the Uchiha massacre ends up happening at all. I think he's kind of the mediator between Uchihas as well as the village, which eventually leads to Sasuke not losing his family."
"Anastasia never becomes the Red Queen, never encounters Alice, and never turns Grendel into a monster."
"In Coraline, this idea of two versions of your own life and one seems so much better."
"Floating islands. Okay, what else?"
"So that's why he wasn't in our universe, Daishenka himself trained him."
"Flashpoint is a possible future of the DC Comics."
"So you didn't change that picture, you went to another reality where you could stand next to your 10-year-old self in that reality because all the photographs exist side-by-side, none of them disappear, they're all there."
"...in another, parallel universe, the Lost Light is free to explore the galaxy, chart their own course, and go on several character-driven detours."
"Five years after becoming Commander in Chief, you, Captain Kirk, became Emperor Tiberius the First."