
Liabilities Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"The moment that you understand that the people that you have around you are either your number one asset or, to be honest, they could be your number one liability."
"Minimize your liabilities and maximize your assets."
"Assets are things that put money into your pocket; liabilities are things that take money away from your pocket."
"Your clothes are liabilities; they take money away from you."
"The balance sheet is built around one of the most awesome creations of the human mind: the accounting equation, Assets = Liabilities + Equity."
"For every $100 of assets, $20 came from liabilities."
"Liabilities take from you, assets give to you."
"An asset creates money for you every month. A liability loses money for you every single month."
"Liabilities are things that take money out of your pocket."
"Next green wave has less than 1 million dollars in total liabilities now."
"With every asset, every creation of every asset comes some liability."
"Wealthy people teach their kids to buy assets, not liabilities. Assets something that makes you money, liability something that costs you money."
"The ideal situation to work towards is not having personal liabilities."
"If money is flowing into your pocket, it's an asset. If money is flowing out of your pocket, it's a liability."
"Those people are not friends, they are liabilities, and you have to break up with liabilities."
"Every liability can be turned into an asset."
"The market is being overly conservative with what they think the potential liabilities are going to be."
"An asset is anything that puts money into your pocket and a liability is anything that takes money out of your pocket."
"Total of liabilities plus equity."
"Assets put money in your pockets. Liabilities take money out of your pockets."
"A lot of things that I thought were assets were actually liabilities."
"Predictable, stable, long-duration, and sticky low-cost liabilities."
"Assets bring us future economic benefit, whereas liabilities involve a future economic sacrifice."
"Short-term liabilities, or what accountants like to call current liabilities, are a business's obligations that need to be settled within one year from now."
"Let's say you own $500,000 in assets, but you owe $100,000 on your house. That means your net worth is $400,000."
"...rich people assets is poor people liabilities. Until you stop investing into rich people assets, you're going to always be a liability."
"Net worth is really what you own minus what you owe. That's just that simple."
"The biggest distinction that wealthy households do is they don't spend any of their active income on liabilities."
"Your greatest asset can one day become your greatest liability."
"We're most worried about businesses potentially understating their liabilities rather than overstating them."
"Assets flow money into your income column, liabilities take money from you."
"An estimated liability is a known obligation of an uncertain amount, but we can reasonably estimate."
"Deduct liabilities from assets and you've derived your net worth."
"An asset puts money into your pocket, while liabilities take money out of your pocket."
"An asset makes you money, while a liability costs you money."
"Insolvency is the excess of your liabilities over your assets."
"A balance sheet done right should record what a company already owns and what it owes at that point in time."
"Rights and obligations: do I own the asset, do I control it, do I owe money? Should it be included on the balance sheet as a liability?"
"An asset is something that will give you money or you can make an investment on it; a house is a liability if you have a mortgage on it and you just keep on paying on it."
"Your assets can pay back your liabilities."
"An accrued expense is a cost that's being built up that I haven't paid yet."
"Working capital is defined as the difference between the company's current assets and its current liabilities."
"Define the disclaimers, the limitation of liabilities, who the parties to the agreement are."
"You have to own assets rather than liabilities; your asset should pay for your liabilities."
"Liabilities are things that take money away from your pocket; assets are things that put money in your pocket."
"The higher the discount rate, the lower will be the reported liability."
"The definition of a liability is an outflow of economic benefit that results from a past event."
"The fixed capital component over time will outweigh the current liabilities."
"An asset is something that puts money in your pocket... versus a liability is something that takes money away from you."
"Equity is defined as assets minus liabilities."
"The most important rule is to know the difference between an asset and a liability."
"Keep liabilities and expenses down so more money is available to continue pouring into the asset column."
"You want to pay for your liabilities with the assets that you own."
"The liability in the balance sheet is made up of three components."
"Confusing an asset versus a liability... an asset is something that puts money into your pocket; a liability is something that takes money out of it."
"When one company buys another, they acquire its liabilities as well as its assets."
"A liability is something that the business owes."
"Liability is an obligation that will require the future sacrifice of assets, generally speaking cash."
"A payables ledger control account shows the total amount owed to credit suppliers."
"You need to have more assets than liabilities."
"U.S unfunded liabilities... are payments that will need to be made in the future; they're currently not funded."
"Whoever you marry, you inherit all their assets and liabilities."
"Everybody has what we call assets and everybody has liabilities."