
Online Gaming Quotes

There are 582 quotes

"This all began when I joined the Title Tuesday tournament on chess.com."
"I literally met my fiance because of a Roblox egg hunt."
"Online gaming communities are actually well communal, according to a 2007 study from Nottingham Trent University."
"Hundreds of thousands of players playing at the same time and getting all of the stats."
"I'm thinking about this game almost every minute of every day now, and I'm very excited to play online with all of you."
"The news of this secret mission and secret exotic is absolutely breaking the internet. Completely secret missions in online multiplayer games basically don't exist."
"Playing a game online can go one of two ways: either you have friends and you get a stable lobby, or you join a lobby with people you've never met before and probably will never meet again in your life."
"Destiny is a massive, living, breathing organism, and what it requires to thrive is an incredible development team with a constantly updated list of priorities that can regularly inject high-value changes."
"I'm selling for $1,500. I muted right now, he has no idea."
"I totally put online in it though, because you don't need voice."
"Despite changes and challenges, SOCOM remained a critical part of the PlayStation's legacy, setting the bar for all online shooters that followed."
"Despite having interest in playing games socially, female players face more barriers to playing online multiplayer."
"The ability to exist within and explore a consistent virtual world with millions of other people is a monumental achievement."
"Halo 2 was the pioneer of online gaming. I'll never forget the first time I played it... and proceeded to get called a little baby bitch. My God, those were the days."
"The game had infinite things to do: you can chat, work, do jobs, and start a family."
"In 2006, Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence added a fully online multiplayer, simply called MGO, short for Metal Gear Online."
"It's the beautiful thing about Chess right now, you used to have to wait for the young Grand Masters to play the best players at the major tournaments, now they can just play online."
"New players and new fanbases cause the server to evolve. It keeps 2b2t thriving and lets us forget this server's troubled past."
"It's crucial to walk, don't run. It's the golden rule on 2b2t."
"It's become a staple of online gaming and long since graduated from a funny gimmick minigame on GMod and Roblox to an undeniable cultural phenomenon."
"Fantasy Star Online is the first and one of the arguably most impactful online JRPGs ever."
"To have played an MMORPG that actually satisfies being a massive multiplayer online game is truly a remarkable experience."
"For the first time in the series history, players were able to trade Pokémon online."
"I think it's fair at this point to say that alongside being one of the most nostalgic early web games, Neopets is also one of the most controversial."
"Elite women gamers team up to destroy online bullies and abusers."
"The time for harassment in CS:GO is finally up."
"We're about to see the Fortnite servers go up - it's gonna be the most insane event!"
"If you need to use cheats to supposedly beat someone then that's pretty cringe."
"The ability to instantly gain wall hack information every time you have a smoke bomb is very powerful."
"Bottles are really, really useful on Omni Knight... every bottle charge gives you 70 mana that's about half of a purification so hypothetically every time I cast a bottle twice I have also a heal on top of it."
"We did it guys! So if you want to play alongside us remember to join our sponsored server jerome.fadecloud.com, I'll see you online."
"I am the kind of guy that if someone types [__] at me, I will be really disturbed for the rest of the game, so I just have everyone muted. Pings are not that bad because I know that people are just emotional."
"World of Warcraft' landed at a really formative time for a lot of people."
"It's not gonna bring back the same feelings of your first time playing WoW right or it might in a nostalgic sense but you could never really bring that back because that was such a unique moment."
"The pros of having voice chat: Communication, that is it."
"Playing Valorant as a woman is a different game than playing Valorant as a guy."
"Why does Iron Galaxy get the best netcode in fighting games?"
"RuneScape has brought people together both online and in the real world for a very, very long time."
"You may end up meeting your very own savix, Saint, or in some unfortunate cases your very own Momo."
"You never really know what to expect on the lifesteal SMP."
"Currently, I am making a billion cookies every three seconds just through time and not clicking."
"Can you imagine a Team of the Year goddamn Fatty?"
"If we could hit 50 likes playing this game, guys, we'll start some giveaways right after this."
"If you cheat online, it makes it more realistic that you will cheat over the board."
"SCP-5167 would join games of Among Us like any other player."
"What's more pro-consumer than making online free again?"
"Have faith chat, dino can still take this quite easily."
"It's the closest thing we've got to a cops and robbers in the Mon."
"The best customization in any online game, period."
"You may develop a relationship and some rivalries and some chemistry with the other people in the lobbies and dare I say you might make some friends that's all I made all my online friends back in the day man."
"Online chess wasn't considered serious... but with all these big events now, it's essentially in the same realm as over the board."
"Mario Kart 7 is competitive, fun, and immediate. There's no other game like it when you play online."
"Luck is still a factor when it comes to racing, especially online."
"An entire virtual economy emerged... worth tens of millions of dollars."
"The first incursion may have been a failure, but it showed that players could band together on a server with no rules to try and accomplish something."
"If you've got it flaunt it there was a very easy way to avoid this it's called being a guild and then you could go on guild runs and you want to have to worry about this kind of thing."
"Following for our ranked flex q: an increase in q population, drastic improvements to match quality, significant decrease in queue times."
"I want to play for a team that has the opportunity to win a Super Bowl. I want that [ __ ] number 77."
"Trolls have options that can make you look like a desert island and that in itself means they win this entire video."
"Street Fighter 5s online is super [ __ ] up."
"However, the online features for Sword and Shield are definitely a lot more fleshed out than Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee's were, so at least you're getting more bang for your buck."
"We're not losing to bronze bro, let's [__] go."
"The collector is far and away the most profitable role in Red Dead Online."
"Stream sniping typically only benefits the griefer, and it hurts multiple parties: the streamer, the viewers, and sometimes even the game developers."
"Xbox Live was a revolution in online gaming."
"NCsoft believes online gaming to be the 'next cinema' in entertainment and Aion was created to tackle the next challenge for the MMOPRG: enhanced interaction," said Ju-hyeong Jang.
"People are banding together to try and battle against the griefers."
"Please make every effort to not be the exact player that you hate every single game you queue up."
"Good job hacker, doing God's work here. Thank goodness the world has you so we can completely kill off the last fun zombies experience."
"It's not a sprint but a marathon when it comes to MMOs."
"It's insane how popular Piggy's gotten. Even Jailbreak's got more popular over the past few weeks, which is pretty cool to just see."
"They're gonna have to do something for two billion visits 'cause they're getting close to two billion. Piggy is already almost to two billion visits."
"Despite my best efforts to talk him down... the encounters I had with basil were the only times I'd ever been griefed."
"How do we fulfill that need that you have to play games online or connect with your friends and at the same time like make it so that I'm not crying myself to sleep like how do we fix this?"
"Xbox Live changed the game for online gaming."
"It is genuinely fun to visit Nuka World in Fallout 76 with a couple of friends or even just a bunch of strangers on a server."
"Hello everybody, I'm Kylie and welcome back to Roblox. Today we are finding Bigfoot!"
"You're a legend for giving out codes. I got honestly deserve."
"You had to gang up on a noob, how does it make you feel? I'm pretty proud of myself right now."
"It's just a reality that it's just not something that fits in any space nowadays games being online with functional online that actually work are the way it goes."
"Let's get a creek raid going on boys, let's do it, #CreekRaid!"
"Dragons are coming to ESO. It's the introduction of dragons to Elder Scrolls online finally."
"It's about having one community of players, we don't want to fragment people."
"Parkour with internet connection delays? It's like exploding your way through the challenges."
"And remember this is an online game it's subject to far more change than a single-player game and the review is gonna be updated if those changes adjust the score."
"Unreal Tournament, an arena shooter that many would argue revolutionized the online multiplayer space."
"EverQuest 1 slow death wasn't as much indicative of its lack of quality so as much as this inevitable result of the passage of time and changing market landscape."
"The most epic stories from EVE involve massive player versus player conflicts and corporate espionage."
"SVR09 wasn't just the first WWE game I ever played online, this was the first game I ever played online."
"For two years, man, those guys, those guys are my homies and I'll never forget it."
"The real troll is I've deleted that disconnect button."
"It's the crazy thing about online chess is that if you play a game it's gonna be sniped."
"WoW has been the most influential experience of my life."
"You cannot go on the internet on the PC and say 'I know you guys don't like this but PC gaming sucks' and not expect for people to have a few things to say about this."
"Zelda 2 is not as terrible as everyone says, it's easier to play now with the help of the internet."
"Dude, look how close everyone is on the map! Use code AliA, thank you!"
"Roblox is a platform for all ages where no matter how old people are they can connect with friends and discover a wide range of relevant engaging and age-appropriate experiences."
"We stayed up until 3 a.m. doing LFR over and over, laughing for almost all of it."
"Live service games have become such a popular trend."
"3,000 players in one battle? That is insane!"
"I hit the login button and I waited with baited breath and there I was right where I had logged off in the ugly Gates of South Brie."
"Frontiers Pursuits was the largest and best update Reddit online ever got."
"Xbox 360: easily the best online service and games delivery."
"PvP back then was profitable, you could have fun and make a lot of money."
"Second place is just the first person to lose on 2b2t."
"A lot of the viewership draw people kind of got they got got by just the servers going down and things like that."
"You never know what you're gonna find on 2b2t."
"That's the sort of thing that keeps the server alive for four and a half years."
"Flash is indeed dead but you can still play these games."
"Playable Worlds is being developed by Ralph Coster, the lead designer of Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies."
"It was a pretty intense battle there... a lot of fun I think they were my subscribers."
"If you go online I would say treat it seriously if you playing offline just enjoy it do what you want to do with it let other people do the same"
"Call of Duty starts with a 10 year old calling you slurs."
"We want to get all the way to 11 vs 11 big team modes where users can drop in and out of ongoing games."
"It's no different than being in a Modern Warfare 2 Lobby somebody drops a solid diss on you and the only thing you can come back with is your mom."
"I love gray so much gray is like we will crush our enemies gray you have 20 idol villagers and zero military and apparently zero lumber camps my friend like the confidence is is just inspiring it is inspiring."
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Hermit Craft! It's gonna be a good day."
"There are four million people playing this game, which is pretty crazy."
"Resident Evil Outbreak is not only a celebration of everything that made the series great but also a very interesting experiment with the new phenomenon of online console gaming."
"I've been one of the best players in the world for as long as this game has been out online."
"If you're the imposter, I would highly appreciate it if you don't target me or kill me because oftentimes when you do that, this ends up happening: the game just crashes."
"So much of its active install base will have been playing on Battle.net."
"This game's launch is one of the most successful launches in Steam history."
"Why wasn't there a My Little Pony browser MMO? That would have been huge."
"There's a big community of them just on Gary's mod."
"The amount of time I spend online talking to people from Europe or Australia playing games together is amazing."
"The online gaming world is busier now than it's ever been."
"Just like that, we made some cool friends and Red Dead Online."
"Seriously you need to fuck off from mmorpgs because you are ruining the experience for the vast majority of people that actually want to play them and want to get immersed in them"
"Every time you log in, you can see what there is to do, and it's never quite the same thing twice."
"The dream SMP has genuinely impacted my life so much."
"Thank you guys so much again none of this would have been possible without the dream SMP."
"Blocksberg recently made a huge update as well and passed 200,000 players."
"The universe's most popular MMO game, the key to the end, begins its open beta test now."
"I'm just a simple man in his 20s that plays block game for a living. Okay, you know, I just believe me alone, will you, stream chat? Leave me alone."
"Ranked matchmaking and tiered gameplay deter cheaters."
"Cheaters, hackers, and providers form distinct roles in the cheating ecosystem."
"Skate took them to Greater Heights thanks to a fully fleshed out online mode."
"Private sieges! Now I can play sieges with you guys on stream."
"There's something super appealing about an online multiplayer game that is extremely fulfilling in 30 minutes to an hour."
"As it stands right now, there are like five solid MMO options."
"Crystal Hawks, if that is your name, please type your Roblox name in the chat for me."
"Games have become a very, very lucrative target for scammers, viruses, and phishing attempts."
"If somebody is saying mean things to you in the game, what do you think of? Here's how you fix it: you go to their name and you click block. Problem solved, easy peasy."
"Repeatedly spamming that game sucks and being toxic in the comments only discourages potential players from playing anything."
"Thanks for the streams, you got me to 1600 blitz."
"The game's servers are made of tissue paper and wishes."
"Team Fortress 2 stability has hardly even wavered."
"Feels a little dirty killing an AFK guy, but you know, Doc said anything goes."
"GT Sport's online racing hits it out of the park."
"GT Sport's online mode ensures you always have a full field of cars racing at your skill level."
"Custom lobbies in GT Sport allow you to adjust everything you need to create a good experience."
"This is probably one of the most enjoyable and easiest online experiences I have ever had."
"I think I may have broken this guy out, he's oddly quiet right now."
"Metroid Prime Hunters: A whole new game in online multiplayer."
"I never wanted to be rejected. I really was holding that. It wasn't worth it to me."
"Join my clan and play Raid Shadow Legends today!"
"Online tournaments started cropping up, giving players a chance to test their skills."
"Within minutes of logging in I already had to fight for my life against another survivor."
"Once OG took the leap into online play, they looked pretty damn good to end the year."
"I don't want to get banned, one of them is the admin but I gotta stay hidden. If they call a meeting, I get voted out. So do me a favor if you don't want to get banned, just hit the like button down below the video."
"Alright guys get some wipe in the chat it's going down boys it is going down she is going down boys are y'all ready for this are y'all ready for this"
"Good skill, good party, and good game messages have been unified into praise points that can be sent more freely."
"So much for your big words, you were just a [__] kid raging about losing an online game after all the success of your career."
"Use the old school RuneScape Wiki, the best overall resource you could ever have for the game."
"Mom, please don't turn the internet off, I need this squad battle game."
"Technoblade, I can't wait to fight alongside you tomorrow. I'll see you then."
"Phase rush is so much better. That might actually have been the nicest comment I've seen in chat all day."
"And now finally the setting we mentioned earlier that's arguably the most important of them all: muting the enemy and your teammates."
"Everything that you think is right in a troll lobby is actually not right."
"Destroying the highway spawn farms with the incursion members, it's just another Monday night on 2b2t."
"Stream sniping is part of being on the internet."
"Over 60,000 people on the game and it launched like four hours ago. I am just overwhelmed with gratitude, appreciation, and I will never be able to repay you guys for all the joy that you have given me."
"Try to make friends, try to join a guild, try to play with people that you like."
"The nice thing is if you've got friends in different cities and they're playing the same game, you can both go online at the same time and play the game together."
"In the chaos of Twitch Plays Pokemon, every command counts."
"Anarchy or democracy? The constant battle for control in Twitch Plays Pokemon."
"Twitch Plays Pokemon: where every victory is a testament to the power of collective action."
"The chat managed to get through the Rock Tunnel in an impressive three hours, lifting the community's spirits after the prior day's tragic events."
"After 17 long days and over 90,000 viewers watching live, the credits rolled on Pokemon Red with Twitch Plays Pokemon Generation 1 coming to an end."
"Grassy teapot, this is our guy! We're playing the new ranked mode and we got grassy teapot on our team."
"Games aren't always meant to be experienced alone. Playing online helps me connect with my friends in a time where in-person social interaction is pretty damn scarce, and the music, well, it's literally made to bolster those moments."
"Join us playing War Thunder, it’s free after all!"
"Online versus, I guess way to face off head-to-head online with players from all around the world for the first time on the next-generation consoles."
"They're trying to be similar to Steamworks promising matchmaking and online play for supported GOG galaxy games which is really great."
"The bunker is one of my favorite businesses in Grand Theft Auto online and it truly is one of the best ways to earn some money."
"As far as a passive business goes in Grand Theft Auto online the nightclub is pretty much as passive as it gets."
"The nightclub is the best property to own in Grand Theft Auto online hands down."
"The death of Flash has taken its toll on GirlsGoGames... most of the classic games we grew up with are unplayable."
"Mario Kart DS was the first one to introduce online play."
"The future of gaming wasn't young and local, it was older and online."
"I think this will be the next big PvP and castle siege MMO."
"Oh dear, that's somebody in full diamond, I'm not dealing with that."
"We released an auto mute feature which automatically mute players using inappropriate language in-game when it happens."
"Yo can you loot this kid yeah 280 scrap on him bro we can make a tier three."
"Granny got the drip, I know! Granny was the imposter the whole time!"
"I think we are to a point where the idea of paying for online on these consoles is kind of archaic now."
"I love multiplayer games, so I think playing online is like I've traveled across the country to meet guild mates."
"I appreciate you guys who buy ranks from the shop because it does support me, the team, and keeps the server alive."