
Bipartisan Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"We need more people that are willing to dispense with political parties and do what's right for the Constitution and the country."
"I absolutely guarantee there's no question, there's overwhelming support from the American people, there is overwhelming support from the members of Congress or the House and Senate, and both parties notwithstanding some extreme elements of one party, we will stand together."
"Work for the American people, not the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and work for the American people."
"Republicans and Democrats don't agree on much, but one thing that seems to unite them is the desire to reform our prisons."
"I think voters would reward people who are solution-oriented, regardless of their political party."
"When the president talks about unifying the country and bringing the country together, he's not suggesting that he is going to agree with every aspect of what every Republican proposes."
"Rebuilding bridges is not a democratic idea, ensuring kids have access to clean water is not a democratic idea."
"I really believe that we have a chance to get along very well with the Democrats."
"The DNC was planning to actually bring some prominent Republicans to speak at their convention."
"We're working with Republican and Democrat leadership to move an economic package."
"This might be an issue where you see people from across the political spectrum coming together in the interests of liberty and freedom."
"It doesn't matter if you're a Republican or a Democrat, Bill Barr wants to see justice completely done under the rule of law."
"Every administration in the last 40 years has expanded executive powers and it does not matter if they're republican or democrat."
"There's no Republican or Democratic way to fill a pothole, just fill the damn pothole."
"It's about doing things the right way... regardless of their political party."
"I don't want to give up on the idea that there are some efforts that... could be undertaken on a potentially bipartisan basis."
"When we prioritize principles over party and humanity over personal legacy, we accomplish far more as a nation."
"A more bipartisan message...a joint statement pledging their organization's shared commitment to a free and peaceful election."
"There should be bipartisan agreement on how we handle a lot of these issues."
"His preference and priority is a bipartisan package."
"He wants to work with Democrats and Republicans to address the crises."
"The spending that happened in 2020 was clearly bipartisan."
"It's a vision to see that there was a pathway possible for a bipartisan piece of legislation."
"The Democrats and Republicans are on the same goddamn team."
"It is time to put partisan politics aside and solve our border crisis."
"This is a staggering amount of money, and as we were saying everyone, both sides of the aisle, they want to do something to influx this amount of cash helped Americans most affected also to help send a strong signal to the markets."
"It's the dumbest thing in the world. I'm with Senator Bernie Sanders who says when people got their checks from the American Rescue Plan, they didn't say, 'Did a Republican and a Democrat vote for me to get this check?'" - Mehdi Hassan
"72 percent support the bipartisan infrastructure bill."
"Let's stop saying Democrats, Republicans, progressives, liberals versus conservatives."
"Let us hope that we join together, as so many of these bills were overwhelmingly bipartisan."
"For me, bipartisan means the person I voted against, Donald Trump, I support and praise when he does the right thing. This peace process was the right thing."
"Right now I am working with my Republican counterparts to pass a prevent pandemics act."
"Democrat or Republican, we should all just take a chill pill and wait a little bit."
"This is not a partisan issue, this is human rights."
"These aren't Democratic values or Republican values. They're American values."
"It's not about Democrat or Republican. We don't want criminals in office."
"We must seek a united resolution, not a Democrat resolution or a Republican resolution, but an American solution."
"There are good ideas on the left and the right."
"That's how I approach politics, that's why I'm not a die-hard Republican or Democrat."
"It's a systemic American problem, not Democrat or Republican."
"We need a comprehensive and bipartisan solution for immigration... I believe we have to develop a comprehensive and bipartisan solution."
"Whether you're a liberal or a conservative... we all need to maybe focus on making sure people feel a little better about the election next time."
"This administration inherited a long-term bipartisan goal that we have been seeking as Americans for decades: American energy independence."
"The only way we can be successful is through uniting Republicans, Democrats, and Independents."
"You can make money with Republicans in office, you can make money with Democrats in office."
"I hope that every presidential candidate on either side of the aisle reaches out to The Breakfast Club and says I want to come on your show."
"I've been a lifelong Republican. This is the first time I've ever voted for a Democratic candidate."
"The Democrats and Republican voters are realizing that they have more in common with each other than they do with their parties."
"There's a great bipartisan effort going on... it's down the line."
"Elon made it clear that the meme wasn't about the left or the right but Republicans and Democrats."
"Maybe there's a real opportunity here for an aha American moment that's between the extremes of left and right."
"This might be one of the few bipartisan areas in modern history where we might actually be able to get something done."
"We care about evidence, we care about being principled and actually applying the facts no matter if they're Democrats or Republicans."
"I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify, who doesn't see red states of blue states only sees the united states."
"I always try to resist anybody making the argument that public safety is a Republican issue or it's a Democratic issue. We should all be on the side of doing the things that reduce violent crime victimization."
"The best available evidence from a bipartisan two-year-long investigation shows us that there was no conspiracy or collusion with Russia."
"The filibuster reform is essential... the only way you keep the filibuster is if you could pick up 10 votes on the other side."
"Reasonable people win. I don't care whether you're a Democrat whether you're Republican whether you're an independent I want normalcy to triumph."
"I do firmly believe that in the end... the Republicans and the Democrats will be able to work together." - Josh
"The bipartisan Explore Act will facilitate long overdue improvements to infrastructure, expand access, and simplify fees so that people can better enjoy the countless benefits that our public lands have to offer."
"This election is not about the tired and false dichotomy of blue versus red."
"We need to heal, don't we? It's we couldn't have a greater collection of people yelling [expletive] you at the same time then we have from the conservative right to the liberal left saying let's just let's all work together now."
"I hope that more and more people will reject that kind of demagoguery, both as Republicans and as Democrats."
"You can maybe stop looking at each other as Democrats and Republicans and find the common ground."
"Bernie Sanders is a leftist, yet what he is saying is the sort of thing that I, a conservative person, could agree on."
"Bipartisan negotiating for the sake of negotiating... doesn't mean anything."
"I'm proudly take the endorsement and support of any republican independent or democrat who wants to get rid of Gavin Newsom." - Mayor Faulconer
"We ought to be protecting democracy. Neither party should be engaged in partisan efforts to stay in power."
"Joe Biden is a decent man, naturally bipartisan. 47 years in the senate, he works with the other side, he wants to do that."
"The corruption is on both sides of the aisle."
"Even economists on the right see it happening."
"We're called to be salt and light and to delay the decay."
"This is not about Democrat Republican; it's about America."
"The idea was not left or right, and the answers to these issues are not going to be found in the old ideas of the past."
"If we come out of this willing to do things differently, willing to come together across party lines, then maybe we can do things that actually help move the country forward."
"It's not about left and right... it's not about Republican and Democrat here."
"I don't care if you're Democrat, Republican, Independent... if you say something messed up, we're going to call you out on it."
"We're going to keep sending tens of billions of dollars no matter what anyone says, and it's bipartisan."
"We need to get rid of the corporate establishment politicians that includes these Republicans and Democrats."
"It's pretty amazing to watch virtually everyone in Washington, Republicans and Democrats, repeat precisely the same number on one of the most critical problems that we face, and that number is 11 million."
"These are not Democrat or Republican issues, they're American."
"There's a growing coalition of the Left and Right in our country... finding common ground."
"If there was ever a bipartisan issue, it's clean drinking water."
"People hate this stuff. And left or right, it doesn't matter."
"We're seeing the political left, political right in the United States, Republicans and Democrats, are just as likely to support nuclear power these days."
"It's the only bipartisan issue in the country."
"This is not a controversial topic. Both Republicans and Democrats understand it's important."
"Bipartisan lawmakers passed the anti-Semitism awareness act, securing stronger protection for Jewish students."
"The very fact that we are here today in bipartisan fashion to discuss these matters gives me some hope."
"So this time it looks like there will be bipartisan support to rebrand them and get them reserved just for transportation, only for transportation."
"They offer a simple plan to stabilize the individual markets that Republicans could easily support. All right, of course they're gonna do that."
"The bipartisan infrastructure law is creating construction jobs and projects that will help ease supply chain challenges and ensure safer transportation for everyone."
"I think you're actually going to have bipartisan agreement to say okay the experiment with open borders has failed, let's secure borders and that's true for voters across partisan lines."
"He doesn't pick a side. He's pretty much bipartisan."
"This is not a partisan issue." - Daniel Griffin
"There's room for bipartisan agreement and the bipartisan safer communities Act is a very good example."
"Restored industrial power and employment for all who want to work. Together, we can reach that goal on a bipartisan basis in the Senate and the House."
"Protecting Americans' privacy represents a consensus between Democrats and Republicans."
"So many Americans are disillusioned with a two-party system."
"It's bipartisan, it's for everybody on every side of every single political issue possible."
"Responsibility for our children's education must begin at home. That is not a Democratic issue or a Republican issue. That's an American issue."
"Every legal scholar, everybody from the Democrats and Republicans, they wanted to bring it back."
"If I was President, I would have a bipartisan cabinet and then if I was dealing with the economic problems, I'd get smart people from the right and smart people from the left who want to make this thing work."
"We're continuing to negotiate with the Democrats to get our great workers and small businesses all over the country taken care of."
"There seems to be a bipartisan consensus that the poor just don't matter."
"Michelle Obama in a time of extreme partisan politics has found issues that both parties can agree on."
"I think that we have there is a coalition of a lot of people who vote Democratic and a lot of people who vote Republican who would find common cause in a lot of issues involving budget deficits and amount of regulation we ought to have or not have."
"This isn't a partisan issue at all."
"we pop we need some kind of New Movement uh in this country which is outside of left and right which is actually independent from the two parties"
"Why does that have to be teams? Can you answer this question for me? Because why does the Democrat-Republican, why are there two teams? I'm sure there's a reason that I understand, but can we just have a guy and then have people that have, you know, issue to issue?"
"We're coming together once again as democrats, as republicans, as liberals and conservatives, as Americans."
"We should figure out a way to spend less on defense while getting more."
"There's a reason you see strong bipartisan support for securing the Border through awareness of what's happening and through responding in the right way to what's happening."
"I watched part of that hearing and read the transcript. It was bipartisan, raising legitimate concerns."
"The bipartisan framework that we've forged on taxes will not only protect working Americans from seeing a major tax increase on January 1st; it will provide businesses incentives to invest, grow and hire."
"Most Americans -- Democrats, Republicans, and independents -- understand that we can't just cut our way to prosperity."
"Now is our best chance for bipartisan, comprehensive tax reform that encourages job creation and helps bring down the deficit."
"It's essential that we look at this to the best we can, not as partisans, but from the point of view of our love for the Constitution."
"That's one thing that you know even Republicans and conservatives saw have started to see over the last couple years."
"If someone as eminently qualified as Judge Jackson... cannot receive bipartisan support, what does it say to the country about the politicization of the Supreme Court?"
"Education of our children is a bipartisan issue."
"This is not some narrow partisan issue. It's a national security issue—an issue on which we must act not as Republicans, not as Democrats, but as Americans."
"Making sure that whether that president is a Democrat or a Republican, that once the debates have been had here, that he or she is the spokesperson on behalf of U.S. foreign policy and that's clear to every leader around the world."
"This is not a republican issue or a Democratic issue, this is a human issue."
"It's not about Republicans or Democrats, it's about making sure your voice is heard."
"A bipartisan bill boosting funding for the state's water infrastructure passed the Senate with an 89 to 2 vote."
"72 percent of Americans support the rescue plans, including more than four in 10 Republicans."
"Democrats and Republicans agree that cryptocurrency is the future of finance."
"This is an issue like cannabis that I believe can bring Republicans and Democrats together."
"Clean water should be a bipartisan priority for everybody."
"Let's not forget about the bipartisan infrastructure law that has helped create jobs."
"It is the sort of thing that, hypothetically, is a non-partisan interest, a bipartisan shared priority theoretically for all sorts of rational reasons."
"We are committed to working in a bipartisan fashion to get some legislation done."
"I want the Republicans off the sidelines. I want them working with us to solve problems facing working families -- not to score points."
"A house committee voted unanimously to pass the bill with a rare level of bipartisan support."
"The best climate solutions belong in every party."
"It is my hope that this body will confirm Judge Barrett in a bipartisan fashion."
"I heard that from both Republicans and Democrats."
"The protection of free speech has nothing to do with left and right; it is in the interest of people on the left and the right to defend it."
"This is not a step that Republicans and Democrats are taking lightly."
"I voted for Presidents from both parties in my lifetime."
"Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, whether you are a pleb Wagey or the CEO of Walmart... if you break the law and you intend to break the law, you should be held accountable and responsible for your actions."
"This has become a bipartisan issue in for Americans."
"We have created formal processes where parliamentarians from all parties can get top secret clearances to look into matters impacting on National Security and the safety of Canadians."
"The vast majority of the public, Democrats, Republicans, Independents are with him in that effort."