
Emissions Quotes

There are 221 quotes

"The only byproduct of the entire combustion process is water vapor... this technically means that it has near zero emissions."
"If you eliminated 100% of your emissions for the rest of your life, you would save one second's worth of emissions from the global energy sector."
"The emissions leaking out of landfills are as significant as the emissions of all the jets in the air."
"Toyota's hydrogen combustion engines produce almost zero CO2 emissions, with the only significant byproducts being trace amounts of engine oil burned during driving and some nitrogen oxides."
"This engine is a lot more efficient in terms of its fuel efficiency and also in terms of its emissions performance."
"Transportation is the biggest contributor of greenhouse gases in the economy."
"The average life cycle emissions of an EV are dramatically lower than that of a gasoline car."
"The only thing it releases is CO2 and H2O, so the good news is that the CO2 can be recaptured in the atmosphere. So, yeah, that's true."
"Global emission levels are lower for countries with tighter environmental regulations."
"A cyber truck is never going to fail emissions."
"We have to move toward net zero emissions by 2035."
"Steel production accounts for about seven percent of global greenhouse gas emissions... SSAB has built a first of its kind pilot plant... uses green hydrogen in place of coal."
"The United States withdrew from the Paris agreement, and emissions are actually declining here."
"A world record-breaking zero emissions energy storage facility has stirred into life which doesn't contain a single lithium-ion battery."
"Climate change is real and accelerating and just curbing our emissions is not going to be enough."
"China's annual emissions surpass those of all developed nations combined."
"There are a ton of other benefits too like they are eco-friendly because there's no emissions."
"Why electric cars are not Green Machines: their production creates up to 70 percent more emissions than petrol equivalents." - Daily Mail
"Americans could live just as good a quality life as they do today and they could probably do almost all the things that they do today and significant reduce their emissions."
"Britain's contribution to global emissions is minuscule, and the cost of driving a net-zero agenda is completely disproportionate."
"EV life cycle emissions can be over 70% lower than gasoline and diesel vehicles."
"Plug-in hybrids are really not so clean if they can't get less than 50 grams of CO2 per kilometer."
"Dominate like the predecessors... in a strange time where EVs and emissions are all the rage."
"Agriculture contributes about 33 percent of all the emissions of the world depending a little bit on how you count it but it's anywhere from 26 to 33."
"What percentage of global emissions would be abated if you wiped the UK off the map altogether? The answer is a staggering 0.88%."
"I wish that we could get our greenhouse gas emissions down to reach the temperature increases that have been proposed by the various climate scientists. I don't think we will."
"No mode of transport generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions than boat."
"The revelation of some 11 million Volkswagen and Audi turbo diesel powered cars have technology to willfully and repeatedly skirt emission standards is truly unprecedented."
"China has pledged to reach net zero emissions by 2060 at the latest."
"...if China stays on its current trajectory, then greenhouse gas emissions from road transport in that country will peak well before twenty-thirty, ahead of the European Union and the USA."
"The E rocket is 0% emissions and 100% emotions."
"Hydrogen is a low emission fuel that's catching on around the world, especially when it's sourced from renewable options."
"Greenhouse gas emissions have never been as low in Canada in 25 years."
"Toyota's CEO has said that he believes in a zero emissions future but he believes there's a different route to get there."
"Emissions are almost completely eliminated."
"The biggest thing that has reduced CO2 emissions is the transition from coal to natural gas in the United States."
"We need nuclear as part of the solution set; it has zero greenhouse gas emissions."
"Approximately 6 million years ago something must have formed all of these powerful emissions."
"Cities are an opportunity to reduce emissions."
"Applying fertilizer to Fields, running farm machinery, microbes in rice patties, and famously burping cows all produce emissions which can outweigh the drawdown by the crops themselves."
"For every year that we can shave off the timeline, we'll save about 50 gigatons of emission into the atmosphere."
"Bitcoin mining itself has no emissions. It's the energy that's used to power it."
"Reduction of deforestation and carbon dioxide emissions is crucial."
"Recycling isn't entirely rubbish when it comes to reducing emissions."
"Poultry has lower emissions than beef as a meat choice."
"This is basically the new Golf but zero tailpipe emission Golf."
"We are working to increase the use of renewable energy and to reduce emissions for sustainable development."
"The rich countries have to lead by example and get their emissions down quickly."
"...green hydrogen produces no harmful greenhouse gas emissions."
"Toyota's hydrogen engines produce zero CO2 emissions while in operation, making them a very good and clean option."
"But responsibility is something you hear a lot from the biggest emitters, from China and India."
"We've got to make technologies that are low or zero emissions about as cheap as fossil fuels."
"We decided to take the emissions intact route, so we know it's gonna handle it."
"There's no excuse for not getting to zero CO2 emissions."
"Diesel models also get more efficient cylinder head and fuel injection designs plus a lean NOx exhaust trap after treatment system for cleaner emissions."
"The estimate for emissions from animal agriculture is 10 to 20% of total emissions."
"Thank God for emissions, emissions, emissions."
"The exhaust system is responsible for not only quieting engine operation but also routing all those harmful gases out the tailpipe."
"The up GTI pleases here too. It was one of Volkswagen's first models to launch with a close-coupled petrol particulate filter, the use of which reduces particulate emissions by up to 95%."
"...if the other oil and gas companies around the world adapt what Aramco is doing I think we'll be reducing the emission by huge percentages."
"Cruise lines face threats like anti-tourism from some places and emissions."
"We can't reduce fossil fuel emissions by increasing them."
"Animals are one of the biggest culprits in greenhouse gas emissions."
"Air taxis will also use electric propulsion systems, which will keep emissions low."
"Your new sofa or cabinets could be secretly releasing some stinky gases into the air. Yep, it's true."
"...the coolest thing about running in hydrogen only mode is that it has no emissions."
"We can't have a rational conversation about climate change unless we discuss how to curb Chinese emissions."
"Zero tailpipe emissions is what makes it innovative and game-changing."
"On our current emission trajectory, we face the loss of all coastal cities, most of the world's large cities, and all of their history this century unless we act very quickly."
"Plug-in hybrids exist because you get a 30 mile head start of no emissions."
"Building decarbonization requires new homes and buildings seven stories or less to be emissions free by December of 2025."
"The caterpillar D3 has 104 horsepower engine. It's a tier 4 stage five which means it meets all the current emission standards."
"Emissions keep on going up, and that's the real heart of the problem."
"If we could take every area of emissions and get the green premium down to zero, then we win."
"We want a plan that's fair that reduces emissions that takes on big polluters."
"...all the mainstream power plants do of course meet the current real driving emissions step 2 or rde2 standard."
"A lot of carbon monoxide emissions from China today, so again, that's mostly from burning fuel."
"When progressives want businesses to emit less carbon dioxide, one of the go-to policy measures is a carbon tax."
"It actually is better for the environment; it is a requirement I believe, I don't know if it's just UK but most companies, most countries around the world require for emissions you're not dumping oily air out."
"With zero tailpipe emissions, this all-electric Kia EV6 can help clean up the environment."
"Making hydrogen currently generates about the same emissions as all flights."
"Disabling emissions equipment is actually detrimental to tuning."
"These techniques are useless in the end if we don't cut emissions rapidly."
"There's a huge difference between a world of ambitious mitigation and a world of continued high emissions."
"If you really want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, you gotta deal with those non-energy things as well."
"Avoiding the risk of tipping points would obviously be general, kind of saying, 'Okay, we have to lower global warming, we have to get our emissions down,' and I mean this is the thing we should probably tackle first."
"In order to find my winner I decided to analyze each City's consumption-based carbon emissions per capita."
"We know what to do. That's the good news. The bad news is it can't be done just in the Arctic. It has to be done globally and involves emissions." - Antoni Lewkowicz
"Lowering demand for carbon-intensive goods and services is a particularly promising way to reduce emissions."
"Concrete is one of the largest CO2 emitters in the world."
"Everything we do now, whether it's reducing emissions or adaptation, is going to help."
"Urbanization has led to a significant increase in CO2 emissions."
"We have the technology to decarbonize something like 80% of the carbon emissions."
"The Injustice here of the emissions are from the rich countries and the negative effects are largely to the poorest countries."
"We take the issues around emissions and climate change incredibly seriously."
"Tuning is a process of optimizing an engine; whenever you optimize an engine, you typically decrease tailpipe emissions and increase fuel mileage."
"Human behavior... CO2 emissions which drive climate change are determined by society."
"If everyone went vegan, we would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70%."
"We can give you more than 80 miles, zero emission, but we can also get into an overall range of more than 300 miles."
"Recycling helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to manufacturing new aircraft."
"It takes several key elements to come together for hydrogen to be made economically and to facilitate the transition to zero emissions production and zero emission vehicles."
"If you think about electric cars at the moment, it's not zero CO2, it's not zero emissions."
"Nuclear's greenhouse gas emissions are tiny compared to burning stuff."
"We should keep all of our low emission players on the field."
"To slow rapid climate change, the world needs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to Net Zero."
"An individual passenger's share of emissions from a single airplane flight can exceed the average annual greenhouse gas emissions per capita from other countries."
"50% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, twenty-six percent less carbon monoxide, nearly zero nitrous oxide emissions, and 50% less sulfur dioxide."
"Greenhouse gas emissions are threatening our air and threatening the planet."
"I love them because just that cleanness and that quiet clean efficiency lack of emissions."
"Real world internal combustion engine emissions are far worse than any official economy and emissions tests would suggest."
"South Africa beats climate goals, blackouts to slash emissions."
"If we can reduce emissions by 80%, we've got to cut our emissions down to a fifth of what they are."
"The richest 1% represents over 17% of global emissions."
"The more gas your animals release, the more you pay."
"The healthcare industry is responsible for eight and a half percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions."
"Please continue to support the transition to zero emissions trucking."
"We're going for national emissions and CARB, EPA, and CARB."
"The world is headed towards a zero emissions future."
"The current rate of emissions will exhaust our carbon budget for 1.5°C well before 2030."
"Catalytic converters use precious metals to convert harmful gases into less harmful ones."
"Not only will you be saving on fuel charges, you'll be lowering your CO2 emissions."
"The 1.5-degree target is a 50% likelihood with 400 billion tons only; losing the Amazon, you got three-fourths of this maximum emission possibility."
"Beyond Zero has to do with zero emissions."
"If you get into a new EV and press the start button, nothing happens; they are of course completely emissions free."
"Transportation comes in at number one: 27% of carbon emitted in the US is due to transportation."
"Reducing emissions from transport requires fundamental change that reaches deep into society and the lives of individuals."
"In exactly zero states is a purely combustion engine the option with the least emissions."
"It's kind of the beauty of these older trucks nowadays because these are pretty much like pre-emissions."
"On average, a train will emit 47 grams of carbon dioxide per passenger per kilometer traveled."
"Let's do even more than the impossible; let's reduce our emissions 100%."
"Just one hundred companies are responsible for 71 percent of global emissions."
"We constantly hear about the carbon emissions of different countries and whether those emissions are going up or down."
"It's trial and error... proof is on the dyno and on the street, and the emissions output, it all has to work together to make a package."
"Suppliers representing X percent of Scope 3 emissions would set science-based targets by 2027."
"VOC stands for Volatile Organic Compounds, and these are organic emissions from products that we use on a daily basis."
"...the EPA issued a new regulation on coal power plants requiring them to cut their emissions by 90% by 2039..."
"Running stage one E30 is a significant improvement in performance; you never have to get under your car, you don't have to change anything related to emissions, mess with your fuel system or anything."
"What it gives you is an all-electric car which is zero percent emissions."
"According to the World Bank, the fashion industry is responsible for 10% of the annual carbon global emissions, more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined."
"Eating a lot less meat or no meat would have a significant impact on emissions."
"The carbon footprint of their production from extraction to end use will account for only six percent of the greenhouse gas emissions generated by fossil fuel."
"You need multiple ways to fight climate change and lower emissions in order to get our emissions down to the target."
"Permafrost carbon emissions are much smaller, at most up to 10 percent of anthropogenic emissions."
"There is no safe level of warming, but limiting emissions will limit the risks."
"Our carbon emissions are going to be through the roof, and frankly, that's not something that we can afford to do."
"We can actually stop the warming well before restoring climate equilibrium if we reduce anthropogenic emissions to Net Zero."
"Using natural gas in a power plant, as compared to coal, gives you about half the CO2 emissions."
"I'm freeing up traffic and I'm not giving as much emission or putting out as much toxic gas into the world."
"The consumption-based CO2 emissions declined in developed countries."
"During the pandemic, it was all done by human behavior; we all locked ourselves up in our homes and didn't travel. That's not the way to get emissions down in the long term."
"It's not human behavior alone that is going to get emissions down; it's a mixture of access to and provision of infrastructure and technology."
"Cities and other urban areas account for more than two-thirds of global emissions."
"The diesel exhaust fluid helps reduce emissions and it also helps improve fuel economy."
"The 10% of the global population are responsible for 50% of global emissions."
"The average American emits 30 to 35 tons of carbon dioxide, compared with 0.1 for the average person in Rwanda."
"This engine emits water vapors as its emission."
"The less emissions that come out, the less it will pollute the environment."
"Companies with science-based targets have been reducing their emissions by around six percent per year for the past five years."
"Identifying emission hotspots within your value chain is a great place to start."
"Luxembourg produces the most CO2 emissions per capita of any country in Europe."
"The lion's share, roughly about 2/3 of the carbon emissions, are from the burning of fossil fuels for energy and transportation."
"Carbon accounting helps us figure out the total emissions involved in making and using something."
"Non-tailpipe emissions have surpassed tailpipe emissions since around 2013."
"The Euro 7 emission standard is actually scheduled to be introduced on the 1st of July 2025."
"Euro 7 will cover not only what we would call tailpipe emissions but tires, brakes, and electric vehicles."
"This plug-in hybrid Nero model puts out just 31 grams per kilometer of CO2."
"We have to decouple economic development from CO2 emissions."
"Facts are facts since 1990 carbon emissions are going up by 60%."
"Scope 1, think of this as 'burn'; Scope 2, think of this as 'buy'; Scope 3, think of this as 'beyond'."
"Most business emissions, as much as 90 percent, come from these more nebulous Scope 3 categories."
"The purpose of this is to reduce NOx emissions, which is nitrous oxide."
"Enbridge has stated their emission goals of reducing their CO2 emissions by 35% by 2030 and having net zero emissions by 2050."
"The net result is up to 40% less NOx emissions than the standard engine."
"We should care about the environment, we should care about emissions."
"Hundreds of thousands of EU citizens wrongly fined for driving in London's ultra-low emission zone."
"In a typical year, humans are pumping about 51 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere."
"Echo is trying to get around the emissions that all these manufacturers have to meet without using auto-tune or M-Tronic like Stihl and Husqvarna use."
"We believe that we are going to reduce emissions, not that we are going to reduce oil and natural gas."
"Over its lifetime, a typical EV emits around 2/3 less greenhouse gas emissions than an equivalent petrol car."
"I am willing to pay extra money for energy if I know that it's not creating a large amount of emissions."
"Substitution effects... are the avoided emissions every time we use wood in place of something else."
"Natural gas produces less of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and less of the pollutant sulfur dioxide than coal."
"Let's lower the emissions; that's better for everyone, everyone's gonna be healthier."
"Aviation contributes between 2 and 3% of global carbon emissions."
"Scope 1 emissions focus on the direct greenhouse gas emissions."
"Scope 3 emissions are a consequence of the activities of the company."
"We need to reduce global emissions by 50% by 2030."
"You're not going to be using any gasoline, and you're not going to be emitting any emissions. That is very, very cool, and I think that's the future."
"It shows you where your emissions are coming from, what things are problems, what things you are doing well, what things you can do better."
"You'll also be able to see a breakdown of emissions by category."
"You will be able to see a graphic representation of your emissions."
"Greenhouse gas emissions, which damage the ozone layer, continue to rise."
"Because produce can be grown closer to consumers, it reduces the need for food to be transported hundreds or even thousands of miles, cutting down transit-related carbon emissions."
"The big goal is to reduce emissions of ships by 50% by 2050."
"The greatest reduction of greenhouse emissions ever achieved was achieved through the free market in the United States."
"The whole concept of this is that I want to show the difference in EMC in radiated emissions."
"On average, EVs generate far less emissions than gasoline cars."
"The carbon emissions of an electric truck like the Tesla Semi over its lifetime are significantly lower than those of a traditional gas-powered vehicle due to the reduced emissions during operation."
"Vans emit eight times as much CO2 than the cargo bike."
"The way to get to zero is to have that emissions per unit number drop to zero."