
Border Policy Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"We need a strong border, a safe border, and a humane border."
"It's a crisis that starts at the southern border... no more families have to grieve the loss of a loved one to this drug."
"I am absolutely certain that our shared border will be open again one day, open to all, but for now, we must continue to prioritize the health of Canadians and Americans."
"Everything was going to be fine, no human-to-human, keep the borders open. I closed the borders."
"The border is not open; going forward, we will continue to look for ways to provide legal avenues in the region for people needing protection while we continue to enforce our laws."
"President Biden's open door open border policy is an abject failure."
"Now is not the time to come, the border is not open. This is a treacherous journey."
"Lastly, DHS has banned separating children from their parents at the border."
"President Biden's border policies are a disgrace. This crisis is despicable and, the truth is, it is almost entirely preventable."
"Generally speaking, those are high-skill immigrants and we should be able to have that as a feature of our system without having an open border."
"If you don't have borders, you don't have a union."
"Instead of doing these political stunts putting migrants at risk, children and families at risk, why don't they join us in trying to fix this problem at the border?"
"Imagine a hundred million people moving into the United States, making borders worthless."
"Deportations are something that's happening already in Germany anyway, borders closing all that."
"It is an utter disaster and failure, and it's directly attributed to the Biden-Harris administration's open border policy. This is not only a humanitarian crisis, it is a national security crisis."
"Without being able to secure our borders, we do not have a country."
"Biden inviting people to cross... it's a human rights disaster."
"What we're asking the men and women of the border patrol to do is inhumane." - Lindsey Graham
"Getting a bunch of Border concessions from the Biden Administration is a big Republican win."
"I sympathize with everybody in this country who is adversely affected by the open border."
"People who claim to follow the teachings of Jesus are fuming that there might not be razor wire at the border to slice up children."
"Trump himself is scheduled to make a border visit this week."
"Overall, a border wall is not going to stop undocumented immigration, it's just pointless, it's a symbol."
"There are no plans for Kamala to come and check out the border."
"No country would benefit more from open borders than Pakistan and Afghanistan."
"Well, the good thing is, they don’t need to. The Schengen Treaty means borders are just random lines in most circumstances, and tourists can freely wander from one to the other."
"The wall wouldn't just divide land, it could sever vital migration routes, isolate populations, and force inbreeding, leading to a catastrophic decline in biodiversity."
"It's time to put all that politics aside, you know starting with with President Biden visiting the border that is a promising that is a promising development."
"President Biden's failed border policy is not just a humanitarian crisis, it is a public safety threat."
"Texas is taking unprecedented action to build a wall on the border to secure and preserve the sovereignty of the United States and Texas." - Governor Greg Abbott
"We are going to defend our borders. They don't want to have open borders."
"We're going to defend our borders, they don't want to have what is called open borders."
"There has been more illegal border crossing under Joe Biden."
"Joe Biden, Sleepy Joe, spent forty-seven years outsourcing new jobs, opening your borders, and sacrificing American blood and treasure."
"Hopefully that's something that people can forge over time with their partners."
"No matter how many times the right-wingers say it, the U.S-Mexico border is not open under Joe Biden."
"Critical to ending the border crisis is removing all incentives for smuggling women and children."
"At least 13,000 migrants are at Turkey's border with Greece after Turkey declared its border open to those hoping to reach the European Union."
"If we didn't close our border early, very early, long before the kind of dates you're talking about, we would have had thousands and probably hundreds of thousands more deaths."
"If we didn't close our border early, we would have had thousands and probably hundreds of thousands more deaths."
"As Vesper heads home, she passes by trees that pulse and breathe."
"You'd think at a time like this, we might, if we were a serious country, we might be like, you know, guys, we gotta kind of shut down our borders, figure out what's going on in our house."
"We need to sort out the borders thing because it's what we inherited."
"What's happening at the border right now can't continue. It just can't."
"President Biden is protecting the cartels, making more money off of his failure at the border than they ever have before."
"Trump has gotten some positive results out of this that he's leveraged the Mexican government to help him out on the border."
"If our border was as secure as the wall they built around Lahaina, illegal immigration would shut down immediately."
"April had the highest ever illegal crossings - over 178,000 encounters on our southern border."
"They're destroying this country. It doesn't just affect people on the border either."
"Russia's security policy for 400 years: 'As long as your external borders are flat and open, you're not safe.'"
"Nobody's done the job that we've ever done on the border."
"Democrats are coming out for Trump. Their ideas about planning open borders is more about globalization."
"The CCP is resistant to accepting and keeping away from the borders of other nations."
"We're going to tear down Trump's border wall. We are no longer going to blame our economic woes on Mexicans and South Americans."
"US to reopen land borders in November for fully vaccinated people."
"President Biden, Vice President Harris, with all due respect, go to the border and look and see what you have caused by policies that will not work."
"Democrats' open borders policies are harming and killing innocent lives."
"Globalism doesn't care about borders, by definition. Globalism actually despises borders."
"We're not going to build a hard border... this is all nonsense. The quickest way to a free trade deal is to leave on WTO rules."
"Having a border... is not racist. Every country exists to say, 'Hey this is our land, these are the rules we have in our land. Our land is for our people.' That's it. There is nothing racist about that. Period."
"We've done a fantastic job, but it hasn't been appreciated, even the closing down of the borders, which had never been done."
"Those who believe the risk is too great want to see stricter border control."
"So, not only should we make sure every American is taken out of Afghanistan, we should secure our borders and we should do it today."
"A vote for Republicans is a vote for safe family, safe communities, and strong borders."
"That's why we have closed borders. So when these people come in, we can place them in the most effective area so the economy does better and so they don't live in poverty." - Tim Cast
"Strict border controls on China and more testing would have been a much better idea than lockdown."
"Developing a humane border policy for asylum seekers."
"Keep making them feel the pain, and eventually these Democrats that created this situation will finally tell the president to close the border."
"We could stop fentanyl from crossing over our Southern border by closing our Southern border."
"We cannot forget that families are being torn apart at the border."
"The best thing to have done would have been the kind of earliest lockdown possible... closing the borders."
"It's about ensuring no border between Northern Ireland and the Republic."
"We are doing so much more to be ready for the potential surge in migration at our southern border upon the end of Title 42."
"Rather than making them... talking about putting up a fence, why don't we work out some recognition of our mutual problems?"
"Enforcing the laws of the United States at the border, enforce the rule of law."
"If you want border control, then people have to have safe access to that border control."
"The Canadian border should be a place of safety, security, comfort, and courtesy."