
Assets Quotes

There are 715 quotes

"The moment that you understand that the people that you have around you are either your number one asset or, to be honest, they could be your number one liability."
"Minimize your liabilities and maximize your assets."
"Bitcoin is the one asset in the world that no one can control."
"Assets are things that put money into your pocket; liabilities are things that take money away from your pocket."
"A house is one of the most illiquid things possible and it's not really a wealth asset, it's a place you live."
"Wealth is built through owning assets, it's not built through having a big income."
"More accessible, more divisible, more portable. If we're going to move our lives into this metaverse digital world, why would we leave the assets we care about in the analog world?"
"The balance sheet is built around one of the most awesome creations of the human mind: the accounting equation, Assets = Liabilities + Equity."
"Buying assets so you can have cash flow, residual income, and appreciation."
"The true definition of a rich person is someone who has assets... stocks, bonds, real estate, stuff that puts money in your pocket."
"If you make it sellable, then it actually sits as an asset on your personal net worth balance sheet and continues to provide cash flow."
"For every $100 of assets, $20 came from liabilities."
"The whole idea of building wealth is not just to own a home; it is to build wealth by owning assets."
"People aged 70 years or older, the baby boomer generation, have managed to save over 35 trillion dollars worth of assets."
"True financial security comes from having that reserve of resources, of assets."
"If you combine all the assets and ninjas, then I think sky's the limit for you."
"Ultimately, Rochester's biggest asset is its people."
"If you want to be a millionaire, you have to have a million dollars worth of assets."
"She endorsed legislation that would allow for the confiscation of private assets before a prosecution took place."
"I think there's a reason for that well first they fall into the category of hard assets real things governments can't make more of."
"The reality is when you talk about football or basketball or band, that's actually your most visible assets that serve as a recruitment tool as well." - Roland Martin
"You don't have to work on your talents or your education, you need to work on your assets."
"Bitcoin es un activo con el que se puede comerciar. Es un activo al igual que una acción de Apple, o como una barra de oro, o como una tonelada de cobre, o como una tonelada de trigo."
"Hard assets have protected people in the past from these sorts of moments."
"Liabilities take from you, assets give to you."
"Man's need for meaning doesn't come in a pile of assets."
"It's the concept of owning nothing but controlling everything."
"This is crazy! If I sold assets and then won the appeal, the assets would be forever gone."
"Non-fungible asset is one that cannot be substituted identically for another."
"True money is not a dollar bill, true money is assets."
"People are your best asset. Work together, build trust, and create networks."
"Wealth is about physical assets... residential property is not the only form of wealth."
"Their value was estimated to be approximately 200 million dollars."
"One of the biggest features in XD is assets. In assets, you can save colors, you can save character styles, and you can save components, which you can then reuse later on across your entire project."
"Saving is losing. You need to be investing your money in assets."
"Gold and silver are assets that are not simultaneously someone else's liability."
"An asset creates money for you every month. A liability loses money for you every single month."
"Gold and silver is simply a store of wealth. It doesn't give you a monthly income like a house would."
"You build wealth with assets, not work or talent."
"Assets are things that put money into your pocket."
"The rich don't work for money, the rich work for assets."
"Real estate, gold, silver, and Bitcoin are outside the central banking system."
"I'm into assets that are alive and producing income."
"There’s a portfolio of assets that are better to have almost like if you have a worst-case scenario."
"The number one asset we have in the United States is our flexibility."
"Good investors just want more assets and they will find new ways to generate Revenue if they need Capital to do so."
"The value of gold is a hard asset that is not being replicated."
"I believe XRP is going to rewrite the books on assets."
"Bitcoin is really starting to behave like the asset that we want it to be."
"Larry says, 'We are going to tokenize all assets. I see value in having an Ethereum ETF.'"
"Assets cover your bills. Buy more assets with that money. Financial Freedom in three simple steps."
"The sheer production capability and military assets available to the Empire are unprecedented."
"Hard assets are going to do well in the next few years."
"This mod includes an assortment of new assets for your settlements including neat meet ceiling racks meat hooks meat chains clothing line racks hooked meats hanging bodies and much much more."
"Establish a treasury policy; the right thing to hold for a decade would be a portfolio of scarce assets."
"Assets come before wealth in the dictionary. Get enough assets, and you get wealth."
"Your greatest asset is your team around you."
"Your home is a liability more than it is an asset."
"If any of these scientific models... are even halfway right, it's definitely worth holding some of this pristine asset."
"Your assets will be able to buy you the freedom that it is that you're looking for. But you want to be able to do it as fast as possible."
"When the political order gets crazy, you know what you want to do? You're going to want to have some tangible assets." - Michael Knowles
"If you have your money in productive assets, they win over time."
"Once you start learning about it, it just makes so much sense to have the assets and not the cash."
"Money is an abstraction of value, let's look at the underpinning assets."
"Real assets maintain value through monetary shifts."
"Bitcoin is such a unique phenomenon... it's all of those things rolled into one asset."
"The people that hold the gold and silver are going to hold the wealth."
"An asset is something that puts money in your pocket."
"You will have cash, you will have assets, you are going to have opportunity to flourish."
"Assets are more important than college degrees."
"You build wealth with assets, not work or talent. You build it with assets."
"Assets come before wealth. A equals assets, W equals wealth. Get enough assets, and you get wealth."
"Build you some assets or this American dream is going to continue to sell away from you."
"Instead of just owning one condo, what if you own a portfolio of the best assets that supports the entire ecosystem? See, we need to build ecosystems."
"If they're going to be a group 1B asset, they have to be stable. We know one that is designed to be stable and that's XRP."
"I think assets are one of the best ways to build wealth."
"The third way that wealthy people invest their cash for cash flow is by turning their cash into an asset."
"Reduce your lifestyle for an extended period of time allow for your assets to then pay for your lifestyle."
"Liquidity is just a fancy word for how quickly assets can be turned into cash."
"The everything bubble is not the everything bubble; it's actually the assets are going up because the denominator has gone down."
"For some good safe assets, I still think sushi, RSI, cake."
"Western taxpayers won't pay for it, the only thing that will pay for it is frozen Russian assets."
"Cover your assets with the wealth shield. Shields made of metal, not paper or promises."
"The more resources you have at your disposal, the better."
"If you want a business strategy, it needs assets in it."
"If you want to protect yourself, your personal assets, one is you could start a corporation."
"Gold is one of only three tier-one assets considered in the world."
"Wealthy people teach their kids to buy assets, not liabilities. Assets something that makes you money, liability something that costs you money."
"The history of us so often is told from the lens of deficits rather than the assets that we brought."
"I look at cars like little assets, because you're putting your money into it, you're trying to get a percentage off of the money that you invested."
"It's perfect, but you've got a tangible asset here that can help live this business."
"Remember that our goal is to invest in assets, something that will increase in value over time rather than lose value."
"The balance sheet is there to track what we own, what we owe, and the difference, which is the equity."
"I want to be invested in real assets, real productive assets."
"Bitcoin and gold are both hard assets. You should have a bit of both in your portfolio."
"In times of Black Swan... what you want to own is you want to own an asset that has no counterparty risk... what I'm talking about there is gold, Bitcoin, maybe silver something like that."
"Having some silver and gold, some assets that you have in your hand is vital."
"The rich work for assets, the poor middle class work for money."
"If money is flowing into your pocket, it's an asset. If money is flowing out of your pocket, it's a liability."
"don't wait until age 65 to retire buy assets we don't ask ourselves the question how many years until I can retire we ask ourselves how many assets must I acquire"
"...we have 35,000 in savings and 40,000 on the house."
"Dave Ramsey I love you but here's the thing and you know why Dave Ramsey says that because the home and the asset of the home is sometimes the lifeline for millions of Americans."
"Once you commit that crime, it's not that they can't come back and also look at your personal assets. So, you know, there's no protections here."
"If you're storing your money in cash you're not buying assets."
"Half of our retirement system assets in the country are levered to 10 stocks. Do we think that's great? I don't think that's great."
"...if having that stability allows your risk tolerance on the rest of your assets to elevate, then it's not just a peace of mind thing, it might actually be a mathematical improvement for you."
"Asset management is the process of tracking assets and the risks that affect them."
"Debt that you don't need to... on liabilities is terrible... debt on assets... doesn't make it good debt, it just means it's definitely not stupid."
"Now it's possible that you may not want to use a website or your website for your activity with your email and your Mailchimp account. If that's the case, you can use some of the pre-built web assets inside of Mailchimp."
"The balance sheet tells you how much your company owns and how much it owes."
"You make money and you make income flipping houses, but you do not build wealth. You build wealth keeping properties and building up assets."
"Investing in passive assets like stocks or real estate can give you exposure to the market."
"You have tremendous resilience. Saturn is going to give you some rewards here, he's gonna help you to build so much wealth, so many assets here."
"You can bridge your assets onto our education era, you can start interacting with projects that are live from day one."
"A pleasing personality stands near the top of the list of assets, which make one truly rich."
"Starting with what could be the two biggest items on Bruce Wayne's list of assets, we arrive at both his inherited family's Mansion located on the outskirts of Gotham and the rather massive layer located underneath his house known as the bat cave."
"Lego has actually been a better investment than buying gold or stocks."
"Every liability can be turned into an asset."
"If you get out of the trade... they're super nice to have."
"Diversification in investments is just as important as diversification of the same type of assets."
"Wills ensure intentions are honored and assets distributed accordingly."
"Yes, you need a will if you already have a living trust."
"Now we're not only talking about pure cryptocurrency, we're talking about actual assets and actual investments that people can make in real assets."
"Every stock, every bond, every currency, every commodity, every piece of art, every piece of real estate, every private business, every fine wine, every collectible car, every asset in the world, will be tokenized."
"Financial freedom is my assets take care of all of my bills, and I feel like I can go where I want, do what I want."
"Your wealth is created by the assets you buy and the value of your business."
"It's kind of ridiculous to call stocks long duration assets."
"...learn a valuable skill, go work hard and charge people for it and use that money to buy income producing assets. That's it. That's all it is."
"Gold and Bitcoin are supposed to be anchors because you can't print gold and you can't print Bitcoin."
"Financial Freedom literally begins with being able to live your everyday life off of your assets."
"In the B-47, your greatest asset is speed."
"The accounting equation dictates that assets equal liabilities plus owner's equity."
"What's your rough estimate of all the wallets that you hold?"
"For any air force, their greatest asset must be the pilots they train to fly their aircraft."
"Cash is king. If you're gonna say I'm an expert on how to live life as a man, then you should have some tangible assets."
"Every single one of our cars is just owned outright."
"True wealth is not about cash; it's about assets. And one of the greatest assets you can have is a good name, the asset of integrity."
"What John D. Rockefeller left was a collection of assets that had very long lives and would produce cash for a long period of time."
"The only change to that is the fact that I will now just be focusing on purchasing well-performing assets in high-growth areas."
"Leverage your assets and your skillsets."
"The less assets you have, the less work you will have to do."
"Mindset plus skill set plus tool set equals assets."
"Real world assets are anything that has value."
"Tokenization just means you can tokenize something, you can make a digital representation of something."
"...they are a team and I think they are great assets for the British royal family and great assets for the country."
"Elon Musk once said during economic downturn we should turn to scarce physical assets with inherent value assets that can retain or gain value when traditional Investments are crashing."
"There's a better way to plan, and if you have enough assets that you're worried about, at least you've worked hard for what you have."
"The sole purpose of this book is to help you discover, develop, and profit by those dormant and unused assets."
"You need a strategic blend between public and private assets."
"You can have assets that anchor communities, like turning abandoned assets into community spaces."
"The most powerful asset I have is time and patience."
"Monitoring the security mechanisms to kind of always have some monitoring going on for all your critical assets."
"It covers bonds, securities, and checks when they are sent by first class or certified mail, and losses are valued on the basis of the property's actual value but not less than its market value on the date of mailing."
"When we are color managing in Project settings, what effect does that have on assets that may be flowing over from Fusion or graphic assets for that matter?"
"I got 20 million liquid in the bank."
"Work to earn more money, but focus on accumulating assets."
"Hard assets are your protection against inflation."
"You want to be in assets that produce income."
"The real lesson is that there are no assets that are so good that they can become overpriced and dangerous."
"If one asset outperforms the others long enough, eventually, it will become overpriced."
"An asset is anything that puts money into your pocket and a liability is anything that takes money out of your pocket."
"The niche skills you're learning and the people you meet are your biggest assets."
"Your attitude opens up the ability to learn. Most people, the problem with that is not a money problem that people have. It's really that they don't have assets because income follows assets."
"Total of assets are this plus this."
"I proposed to sell everything I could... between me, my brother, and my mom."
"Money follows assets and income follows assets."
"That means that the wealthy don't have as much faith in the durability of their paper wealth as you would think."
"You have to own real hard Assets in inflationary environments."
"Most people look at cars as depreciating assets right but if you buy the cars right you can buy supercars Exotics in a manner in which you can drive them for free."
"The second they say 'I do,' the government's involved. And now he could be in trouble with his assets and money if they get divorced."
"There are only three vehicles that allow you to acquire assets to build wealth: business, real estate, and the stock market."
"Assets put money in your pockets. Liabilities take money out of your pockets."
"Turns out silver is a pretty good investment. If only we had 3,000 ounces of silver laying around."
"Mechanically, it's hard. An asset that doesn't change, that's completely fungible, is a really simple asset."
"Hard assets end up doing quite well: Bitcoin, real estate, things like that."
"Gold and crypto tend to be really good monetary inflation hedges, broadly speaking over the longer term."
"The biggest asset that people own in the United States... is real estate."
"Gojo's eyes are indeed among his strongest assets."
"Your security system should be based upon the assets you have and the threat you face."
"Real estate itself is made up of the land and any improvements built on the land."
"Having cash doesn't mean that you have wealth. Wealth is what you purchase with your cash."
"People are putting their investment money into hard assets and for good reason."
"Identifying risks is the first step in the risk management process and to identify risks we first need to identify the organization's valuable assets."
"I love real estate because you own a tangible asset."
"Every month Epic Games releases several high-quality assets absolutely free of charge exclusively for Unreal Engine Marketplace."
"The best way to do this is to add the materials as Assets in blender's asset browser."
"The key is really to match assets with demand."
"When a person dies intestate, it means they passed away without having made a valid will to specify the distribution of their assets."
"The existence of a solid, well-made library with most of what was needed to write 21st-century server code was a major asset."
"It's amazing how fast it goes together when you've got all the assets that you need."
"A rentier economy is an economy in which private sector ownership of all assets has become sacrosanct, where it's the default ownership status for more or less everything that can be thought of as an economic asset."
"I think wealthy people... they don't go into cash nearly as often as people think... it's all about going from assets to assets... and so I think actually like having an asset to asset mentality is very healthy."
"The currency is merely a way of taking your hourly work and converting it into a real asset."
"What matters is a real asset, something that can be consumed or turned into a good."
"Real wealth comes from holding assets. It comes from ownership. It comes from long-term benefits of that ownership."
"The value of it is not driven by clear economic drivers, unlike other assets."
"Make sure all of your assets work through this. It's amazing how many plans we review for clients and they're like, 'Oh, the person forgot to put in our RSP at work and it's worth $100,000.' So make sure all your assets are in here."
"Stocks are assets just like a home is. Investing in the stock market is much safer than owning a home."
"The essence of relative valuation: you value an asset based not on its cash flows, growth, and risk, but based on what similar assets are priced out there."
"...there's an inherent value associated with anything he owns."