
Workplace Environment Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"You guys, it is so gorgeous outside. Wouldn't you just love to work from a rooftop terrace somewhere?"
"A lot of people would admit that they would take a lower compensation if the culture was open, embracing, and not toxic."
"No amount of money, or purpose, or even free food can compensate for a poisonous relationship at work."
"More comfort means more productivity. You're not thinking about your comfort level; you're just experiencing great comfort."
"Work fun is fine, but it is a poor substitute for the attributes that make a workplace truly attractive: job stability, proper benefits, equal pay, prospects for advancement, flexibility, a respectful and well-resourced environment."
"I'm proud to be part of a company that takes a hard-line approach to inappropriate or hostile work environments and sexual harassment issues."
"The best part of your whole account is the fact that your team is very nice."
"I look at Twitch like a workspace, and everybody is colleagues in different departments."
"Employees are also more productive than they were pre-pandemic, because they're under less pressure to look busy and aren't constantly being interrupted."
"An office is where you spend 90 percent of your time...you're here all the time. You should love being here."
"Ellen Show emerged as more employees past and present say that they were working in a toxic environment."
"It looks like he has an awesome view which is probably nice to work at and just look out there and see all the city lights."
"Everyone was happy to help each other out and I think a very important part of a job is the people you work with."
"We would like your input on how to maintain a positive atmosphere in the workplace."
"I don't want you to be upset I want you to be able to come to work and be calm and have a wonderful day for yourself."
"We have a really good team of people that we've had for like seven years now."
"Your sense of humor and spot on wisecracks make the days bearable."
"Effective communication is facilitated by the team members."
"Treating people with respect...everyone enjoys going to work."
"It was a really lovely show to work on, genuinely."
"At the end of the day, you have the enormous responsibility and obligation to create an environment where they can thrive."
"Corporate culture may have its ugly side, but that doesn't mean we've lost our Humanity."
"It's important to remember that we're all creative here."
"At the end of the day, if you fit here with people that love you, people that want to work with you, people that can help you propel, and it's a decision you make, the decision is made."
"Bullying and intimidation actually produces worse results."
"Toxic leaders have the luxury of working hard without being abused."
"It's called the great work room for a good reason. It's a great place to work."
"If someone enjoys working for you, they'll actually turn down 50 more money to stay with you because the toxicity isn't worth the money."
"You can't run a studio on crunch and pixie dust, it has to be run on good clear thinking rigorous planning."
"When you start to treat those humans bad, you're not going to have a performant team."
"Self-criticism doesn't create an environment that fosters high performance."
"Oil impulse drivers are best suited for tasks and workplaces where precision and low noise are more important than maximum power."
"This is insane. I've never seen such a beautiful office."
"If you work for a company that does not live by their core values, then you're certainly in a toxic work environment."
"Employees who are engaged and thriving are 59 percent less likely to look for a job with a different organization in the next twelve months."
"Happy employees have more energy and tend to be in a better mood."
"Organizational culture and climate play significant roles in how employees perceive and interact within a company."
"Job satisfaction reflects how employees feel about their job, work setting, and co-workers."
"It's a form of Hindu performance art and Indian classical dance that combines comedy exaggerated facial expressions and elaborate costumes with myths Legends and live music."
"It's all about creating an environment where crew can live happily."
"I feel like my office to just be like very neutral, peaceful and quite minimal."
"Finding satisfaction in your working environment."
"Listen, I know the office is a mess, but it's our mess."
"The culture here is very iterative, which I like."
"People are more productive when they're happy."
"Creating a welcoming environment for all of our employees is critical."
"I think it would make a more productive environment if you guys deliver feedback right."
"Everyone agrees: less workplace mistreatment, more games shipping on time. It's in everyone's best interests."
"Surround yourself with people that want to work, have a good work environment where everyone loves what they do because you have one life, no toxic work environments and show up and do the work."
"G4 F O, not surprising because everybody that works there seems to be an absolute [__] idiot."
"I really feel like we're lacking some edginess in here."
"The only people I trust are comedians. When comics come into shows, we're making your life easier."
"I went to work with her and I met all these really wonderful compassionate people."
"Office buildings are soul-sucking purgatories on a good day."
"No one in this building thinks you did anything wrong."
"The teamwork and the cooperation and the enthusiasm has definitely gone back to a good place."
"The camaraderie was still there, like it was such a healthy work environment."
"It is an open company and an environment where it is easy to express one's opinion."
"Create an environment that was fun, conducive to high performance."
"Feeling like you're part of a team, working well together."
"My workplace is a drama-free zone that brings me peace and fulfillment."
"It was a great place to come to work in the morning for sure, everyone was just on board."
"My most recent manager embodies all of this."
"It's easier to work with excited people than depressed people."
"We're trying to make this a business with decent paying jobs they can come to work and have a good job."
"You're dealing with power tools, you got a generator going, you got all kinds of other noise going on."
"Create a space for creative people to shine."
"It's a surprisingly healthy and very nice work environment."
"Nearly a third of the people say they are personally worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions become known."
"You just have to keep the office cool, that's basically it."
"Lisa Frank is notorious in Tucson where it's based as the world's shittiest employer."
"You can't maintain more focus when you don't have anything around and it was impressive to me I think that he put together a really awesome team a really strong team yeah and you know it's it's."
"Each and every person there was a team player, which was like a breath of fresh air."
"This is not about a chef and the owner's daughter falling out; this is toxic."
"There's serious value in keeping your employees happy and making your employees feel that the company is not against them."
"This is one of the projects that really makes me really happy about the work that we're doing."
"Teamwork and caring about people are crucial for fostering a healthy environment."
"It's like imagine if you worked in a corporate office and you had a breakup and every time you come in the office all your co-workers are just like bombarding you about your breakup."
"Winning changes your feeling, your atmosphere here within the building, your work atmosphere—it changes it completely."
"Microaggressions and racism are not minor issues."
"Some of you just want to work within a team that you enjoy, that you can get on with them."
"If you cannot disagree with your colleagues on the law without taking it personally, you ought to get another day job."
"When you feel comfortable, when you feel secure, well, you're gonna be more productive."
"Forever is here now. Who gets a chance, the opportunity to hear this, is why I'm so glad to be working in this environment with all of you."
"It's the worst environment humanly possible to do a job."
"I love the cast members. They're so generous and so nice, and so great to work with."
"Good Vibes: the ideal comfortable workplace."
"Work for somebody who motivates you, appreciates you, builds you up, and cheers you on."
"Workers should have a right to a non-hostile work environment."
"He created a culture where he thought he could treat these women any way he wanted."
"It all revolves around people. The most important thing is people that are on our team that they're happy that they're productive that they come into work every day excited to see what's new."
"It's been amazing working with this team; absolutely adore everyone."
"It's way too hot to be sitting in my office with all my computer screens and the PC, and it's too warm."
"No one will ever describe my administration as a toxic work environment."
"High hiring standards are good and it protects the people you do have."
"I hired her because I like being in her presence."
"That was like a fun, it was like a party, it was really fun that was one of the most fun experiences and it's definitely the most fun I've ever had at a job."
"Creating a safe, trusting environment is the best way to get people to do their best work." - Olivia Wilde
"I felt like I had no control over my life and it sounds like I sound really selfish saying that."
"Everybody there just wants to get the hell out of there."
"Your co-workers see you as happy, they see how you brought yourself out of hardships."
"It's better to be in a not that great physical environment if you've got good community going than to be in a great physical environment where your team members work against you."
"When you can keep the creatives happy, that was always one of the big things."
"It sounds like Amazon was a really fantastic place to work at."
"California's new law will force businesses to create a special area"
"It's not a necessity, I just want to be warm while I'm working."
"You had staff who had been there for decades and truly cared about the clients."
"The people are so on it within the firm and everyone is incredibly helpful."
"Treat your employees really well and they'll never leave, literally."
"A bad boss will ruin a good job in a heartbeat."
"You are not an ass for wanting a quiet place to do your work."
"This is the kind of office I reckon to just have a bunch of million-dollar ornaments on."
"Nurses are leaving because they don't want to work in these environments anymore."
"True or false, women feel comfortable in a masculine environment if it's not angry and aggressive."
"I always wanted to have a company to where people don't want to leave."
"People feel a sense of security and excitement when coming to work."
"It's how we feel coming to work every day; it's how we feel coming to school every day."
"Love and compassion are missing from many of our corporate cultures."
"It's like Snap's office in Harry Potter."
"I'm fun to work for; oh good, I'm fun to employ."
"If stress is a normal part of every single workday, then I think we have to pay attention to that."
"It's the body language and how the operators interact. Are they smiling, are they engaging, are they giving eye contact, do they look happy in the work?"
"The employee was super nice, he was just giving off good vibes."
"The degree to which somebody feels like they are heard by the organization will greatly impact their sense of ownership within that organization."
"It's all about how you feel when you come to work and the camaraderie and core values."
"If you can't figure out how to make an environment that's engaging to them, they'll leave and start competitors."
"Providing a safe, comfortable environment for our team members is important."
"I've only been working with the Trusty Computing Group for a couple of months, but these folks have been super helpful."
"Maintain good communication with staff; when management communicates ideas and employees feel their feedback and suggestions are welcomed, it creates an environment of mutual respect and transparency."
"This has got to have the best view... you've got a great view to come to work to every day."
"We have to be in a room with you for 40 plus hours a week, you have to be somebody that we're going to think is passionate, that's hungry, that's talented."
"I'm a little nicer than I was because I've learned that if you have a nice time and you don't yell and scream and carry on, the apple is just as well, it's no worse, sometimes it's better because people are happy."
"It starts with the people, and when you have the right people in the building, it makes it easy to go to work."
"I always try to infuse cuteness where I work so that I feel less stress."