
People Skills Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"He loved people, he loved being around them and making them giggle."
"Develop the people skills that you need to be successful."
"If you want to be great at poker, you have to be able to read people. You have to look across the table and know whether someone is weak."
"Listening. That's a good one. People skills, communicating, listening. Did I say listening? - You did."
"I feel like you need to be able to mold to those types of people because they're really useful."
"One of the most important things in a people business is you must never underestimate the power of kindness."
"What motivates people? If you're lucky, you're a people person. You understand people and are good with them. You know what drives them and how to use that to get them to do stuff as you want. Life is easy for you."
"I want everything that is possible out there for me to have. I don't think it's the sports business as much as I think it is the people business."
"Customer service representative... if you're a really good people person who's good at helping people out, this can be a fantastic job for you."
"You're great at being around lots of people."
"Recruit, retain, and lead without the people feeling like you're a dictator." - Alex Carp
"You can just feel negative energy. You can feel bad people."
"I enjoy it. I like my job. Yeah, I like what I do. I like dealing with people."
"You have learned so much about real actual red flags from people that will make it so much easier for you to read people."
"Entrepreneurs that are really good with people love employing people, love having people around them."
"I thrive on chaos, I love the action, I love numbers, and I love the people game."
"Bill Walsh's true genius was not X's and O's but handling people."
"He's got great people skills. When he's talking to people who have the same interests as him, I mean, he's really engaging and engaged and they're all lapping it up, frankly."
"Supply chain management demands people skills."
"You have to be really good with people. It's kind of the same when you're filming a show."
"Our financial success is not just due to our technical skills or our resume skills. That 85 percent of our financial success is due to our people skills."
"The best part about 26 years is I thought I was in the hockey business, but I was in the people business."
"It will help you truly understand people and what they want."
"The playing has to be there, but the other 95-99% is your people's skills."
"He's good with people, he's kind of a person that I doesn't ever seem to have met a stranger."
"One of Alec's strengths is connecting with people."
"Develop a genuine interest in people. Acquire the human touch."
"I just don't know any what I think of as great leaders who don't love other people right."
"He would simplify everyone's game. He's a great people person."
"Just as soon as he learns to forget a little bit about rules and learn a little bit about people."
"You're someone who is pretty easy to get along with and you can be really skilled at bringing people together."
"He knows how to treat people and he cares."
"I coach athletes from all over the world, and I'm more of a people person, so I think if you're good people, you're good people, that's all that matters to me."
"The more off-the-chart your people skills are, the better instructor you'll be."
"Business excites me. I love the interaction with people."
"You understand people very well; you can read people very well."
"A nice guy can be described as a people person and often as a skilled communicator."
"ENFPs perform better in areas where people skills and creativity are valued over technical skill or detail management."
"If you are a person who loves to solve problems, who is open to learning different technologies, who can work with people, then this is your course."
"I'm a people person; I'm good with people."
"I'm a people person; I like to talk to people."
"He treats people well, he's a smart hockey person, he's an experienced manager, he's a good manager of people."
"It's very easy to teach someone how to use a computer system, but it's very difficult to try and teach someone how to be good with people."
"I've always been very good at reading people."
"I'm a really big softy, really motivating and relational, and I'm a huge people pleaser."
"I knew that was like your calling, that you were really good with people."
"It's about managing the people side of change to achieve a business result."
"I'm always gonna love hosting. I love talking to people. I'm so curious and I just like people."
"I love people and I guess it shows."
"The number one factor in getting promoted in life is having good people skills."
"Libra energy provides that kind of people intelligence that Virgo really doesn't have."
"He doesn't know much about babies, but he sure does know something about people."
"I learned how to deal with and help people, which I feel like those skills there, you can't learn nowhere else."
"I'm not the best people person, I'm working on that."
"We may manage things, we may manage money, but we must lead people, and that requires human skills."
"I want you to be much more observant of people than you are normally."
"I can read people well. I understand people, what they're going through, what their emotions are."