
Bipartisan Cooperation Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"It's time to put the political stunts aside and to come together as Democrats and Republicans so we can support America's national security interest, our military readiness, along with our allies throughout the world, including Israel, Ukraine, and in the Indo-Pacific."
"President Biden looks forward to working with leaders in both parties to position America to outcompete China."
"The most that the Democrats could hope for is that they win over a few Republicans to their side, but given that they need a two-thirds majority, that's quite a few to win over, and it's not honestly, it's the chances of it happening are very slim."
"Putting aside the barriers and boundaries of left and right, we can come together to oppose increasingly authoritarian centralized power."
"Clinton worked hand in hand with the bipartisan Congress."
"When it comes to this pandemic and the economic recovery, we are not Democrats or Republicans, we are Americans."
"We need a movement for the people which transcends left and right."
"It is time to put away the partisan swords and advance legislation that is in the best interest of the future of this nation and the American people we all represent, not just one party." - Joe Manchin
"If only for a moment, let's respond to a national crisis where we say it's not red and blue. It's the United States, and we're going to act that way."
"Every single year, we balanced the budget. We didn't see each other as Republicans or Democrats."
"Can both sides rise above and admit that we have a life preservation problem on our hands?"
"When we prioritize principles over party and humanity over personal legacy, we accomplish far more as a nation."
"It is time to put partisan politics aside and solve our border crisis."
"We do have a track record of bipartisan accomplishment."
"We passed the bipartisan infrastructure package with all fifty Democrats and Republicans."
"I think it is always important to be able to work with people on issues of national importance across the political divide."
"Let's stop treating it like every idea that the other side has is bad just because they had it."
"Right now I am working with my Republican counterparts to pass a prevent pandemics act."
"We must rise above partisan politics and hold our own accountable."
"I think if anything it might actually be the final dose of inspiration necessary to bring both sides together and ensure something gets done."
"We cannot allow this to happen. Democrats and Republicans came together and we're moving forward."
"We signed 80 bipartisan bills into law last year, showing the nation when you come together and do big things."
"There is definitely a sense of urgency in our nation's capital to put the people first and actually come together on a deal before January 1."
"The world sees Republicans and Democrats standing together on one issue."
"This is what can happen when Republicans and Democrats decide we're going to work together to get something done."
"We need bipartisan decisions and unity to move forward as a nation."
"Pelosi has said that she is going to double down and work relentlessly and in a bipartisan way on a CARES 2 package that would extend and expand the current stimulus."
"Let's just get it done. I'd get everybody in a room, Democrats and Republicans, lock the door, and we ain't leaving until we get resolution."
"We certainly aren't gonna see leadership from the White House, we certainly are gonna see leadership from cities like Charlottesville or mayors from leaders all around the country, left and right, Republicans and Democrats."
"A bipartisan bill would be good for America and help fix our broken immigration system."
"This is not a partisan moment. This has to be an American moment."
"Happy to work with almost any other GOP that aren't trying to get me killed." - AOC
"Imagine if the factions working together were actually for the common good of America."
"Joe has a long-standing reputation of working across the aisle and working in a bipartisan way."
"The only true bipartisan experience I've ever had in my life was being in the Yang Gang."
"Common sense dictates that Democrats and Republicans should be working together to find common ground."
"It's time to put the political stunts aside and come together as Democrats and Republicans."
"When Republicans recognize they are incapable of governing on their own, things happen."
"I do firmly believe that in the end... the Republicans and the Democrats will be able to work together." - Josh
"Republicans should get on board with this, this is actually just classic politics."
"People have got to learn to get back to the basics of legislating and negotiating and working together to solve the problems that the people of America demand that we solve."
"Democrats and Republicans are willing to make sure this never happens again."
"The January 6 committee has proven to be one of the more effective, constrained, sober, and bipartisan committee investigations in the modern era."
"This is exactly the kind of bipartisan cooperative effort that you should see out of this Congress." - Clay Higgins
"I will work in good faith to develop this legislation with my colleagues and the administration."
"Despite their differences at home over the issue of abortion, people like Amy Klobuchar and Lindsey Graham can come together."
"Members from both sides of the aisle coming together, politics set aside."
"The Biden administration in its first year managed to pass a bipartisan infrastructure investment and Jobs Act. That's expected to add an estimated 1.5 million jobs per year for the next 10 years."
"Making a deal with the Republicans is the greatest thing that any politician could possibly do."
"Our country is so divided... the only thing that can save us is for left and right to come together."
"He made the decision to announce the deal with the senators."
"Even before November, you've got a greater chance for Democrats to get things passed without Republicans on mass having to cross the aisle."
"We really should be coming together in a bipartisan way."
"It's time for Democrats in Congress to start working across the aisle and put the American people first."
"He believes that Democrats and Republicans should seriously and carefully consider any qualified nominee he puts forward."
"We're committed to continue working with Democrats and the President to address energy needs, including transmission problems."
"He was seen as somebody who reached across the aisle."
"It's not about left versus right, it's about issue-by-issue collaboration."
"I think once we show Republicans that there is more political gain than harm in voting for things like this, it's going to open up a lot more possibilities in the future." - Senator Chris Murphy
"I don't care how much money you have, always stay open to receiving. Because we've seen countless examples of black women who lead with money, lead with independence, and they're getting burned."
"Arizonans expect me to do what I promised when I ran for the House and the Senate: to be independent like Arizona and to work with anyone to achieve lasting results."
"This is another area where the president looks both at history and all past history and also recent history and sees that there has been bipartisan support."
"Maybe if you did show some good faith and vote across the aisle on the legislation that your constituents support... well maybe we would live in a better country."
"Getting cross-party agreement on adult social care and the NHS...putting it on a 203-year footing and fund it properly."
"It is time to move beyond narrow party politics."
"Pass a bill. I want to work with both parties to pass a more permanent legislative solution."
"If we vote in bipartisan fashion, it's just voting to be the adults in the room and keep the house functioning."