
Encounter Quotes

There are 2628 quotes

"I met a lady on a bus, and she changed my world."
"Tom Cruise walks up and he's like, 'Hey, you know I think you need some help. Do you want me to help you?'"
"I need some real bona fide evidence that I have had a legitimate encounter with God."
"The thing that crept into my fields from the nearby woods didn't seem to notice me sitting there. It's talk hunched and deliberate through the field with the posture of a tiptoeing thief."
"He encounters Zhao Yun Ru, the CEO of Tai Yong Medical."
"I was less than three feet away from a Bigfoot standing I know about seven foot tall."
"You know the way how he met me was through that, you know, Facebook Instagram videos that I posted and then he, you know, I remember like he saw him in school."
"It's just the craziest story. Military police officers Eddie Gropes and Marco Tredese drive down this road on the lookout for something unusual when suddenly it runs right across their path."
"The creepy cornfield clown, a scary encounter captured by a drone."
"This isn't a relationship, this is an encounter with a very dangerous type person."
"Can you please make yourself known? My name is Yasuko, I come in peace."
"Unreal because it's just like you see them on the internet and now they're like right in front of you."
"Most of the times it starts with somebody actually having an encounter with one of these cryptids before they actually like start like research and people start looking into it."
"It would have been so funny if they had crossed paths."
"That was wonderful. It was one of the most remarkable encounters I’ve ever had in my life."
"We're dealing with something. This is honestly nothing but scary."
"With a certain continuation there is someone very powerful that is about to walk into your life."
"Kairos encountered the tall bald man in the gray suit with the red umbrella - the encounter stopped him in his tracks."
"There I was again, drunk off white lightning and pissing in my hat, when Barry Obama wandered into my campsite."
"A woman was driving her car onto the beach when she spotted a man in a tent apparently he had kind of walked up to the car and just kind of looked at her and she immediately knew who he was by his wanted posters."
"And it was so surreal but that is my first ever celebrity encounter so there you go."
"You need to have a supernatural encounter with Jesus."
"We ranked into a [ __ ] - police checkpoint."
"What stepped out of the mouth of that cavern... still gives me nightmares to this day... it was like a bear and a wolf and a man put into one."
"Imagine your first words to Beyonce is [__]."
"The moonlight gave me just enough light to see the face which was like a dog's, now and sharp teeth. It looked like the rest of its head was covered by a skull."
"To my surprise and horror, I could shake hands with somebody inside."
"I leaned forward, still staring at me, her eyeballs frozen in their sockets. There was something intensely pleading in the way she was looking at me."
"What are the odds of that? The one time you're out and you get in a car accident, you end up running into the exact same Sasquatch that you know you assisted back during the eruption."
"He lunges forward and he encounters Ethan, he cradles Ethan in his arms."
"The word of God is the Prophet Daniel once encountered the angel of God while he was so weak to stand."
"This literal giant stood before me, it was at least half the height of the 50-foot pine trees."
"It was the first time I was hunting with my dad's rifle, a lever-action Winchester. That day, I was hunting northwest of basket lake. When I got up to it, what do you think I saw? It was a Sasquatch."
"This was a scary encounter that left us in awe of the bravery and resilience of the animal kingdom."
"It was a bit like in a relaxed boxer stance but with the hands turned in toward it and not at me."
"It was just a random dude apparently, but it basically we just went to a random Craigslist dude."
"Spine-chilling ghost encounter in Russia sparks social media panic."
"Somebody's world got rocked because they met an angel."
"What happened that night became clear to me. To my mind, what happened was that we startled or frightened a small infant Bigfoot eating corn at the feeder station."
"So we finally meet. I have been expecting you."
"I decided to check the hole again... to my shock, my eyes met another pair of eyes."
"Guys, it finally happened. I met the perfect girl."
"I want to find this goblin king and instead I found a furry, a werewolf-looking human charged me with his dogs in the back."
"This is the guy who wrote me, I'm afraid to see him."
"A father and son encountered a partially alive anomaly while hunting."
"Still a really good encounter... really really enjoyed it."
"The end is literally them passing each other on a bridge."
"The thing walked into my flashlight's beam, revealing the details of its small and dainty frame."
"Sometimes in life you need to expect the unexpected like a chat with the man who literally wrote the book on Jesus's resurrection."
"Stumbling upon this giant sloth as it reached for food would’ve undoubtedly been a terrifying sight for the early humans with whom it shared its habitat."
"That is when she had to look up at a very tall hairy dark figure."
"The figure was pure white and solid, seemed to be at least 6 to 7 feet tall from where we were standing."
"We've just seen them twice in the last 20 minutes."
"This is a momentous occasion, a bit of a worrying one because the first group of people we've kind of run into are a bit bloody haters."
"Standing in the wake of the grocery store was a creature three times its size."
"Thank God this time the cheetah just came by to say hello."
"The creepy part was that he grinned at me and made his way towards me."
"Citing this creature in the forest was a scary experience to begin with."
"My son had a face-to-face greeting with the yeti."
"Let's break down what just happened, so we met a skunk, a lizard, a frog, we met a possum."
"I stopped cold in my tracks, and 10 feet away, a giant stood there, heaving and watching me."
"Faith is an equation... The first revelation of faith is an encounter with something God has said."
"Everybody has a double. Most people don't meet theirs, but I did."
"Our hero was fascinated by her; he wondered if he would meet her again."
"An unexpected meeting awaited them."
"Every relationship, whether you make it to marriage or not, that person should be better off having encountered you."
"You're just like the aliens that I met 70 years ago. You're a miracle."
"A beautiful woman sees him and gives him a scarf to warm him up."
"I commend him for maintaining a calm and respectful demeanor throughout the encounter."
"God can create a new way of encountering Him every single day."
"This is somebody you're destined to meet."
"I was locking eyes with a creature that seemed to have jumped right out of a sci-fi movie."
"I feel lucky that I met you today."
"Native American leaders visited the queen in 1710."
"From the moment I met her, I had already broken the code."
"Meeting you was like a breath of fresh air."
"They were very happy the last time to see you, they are very excited."
"If you see some hairy thing that's eight feet tall run across the road in the middle of the night when you're on your way home, you might actually tell some of your friends."
"When this thing was ten foot from me and grunted, I felt it in my chest, and I was like, holy crap."
"I was just staring at this thing over top of my head."
"Not every encounter with God is spectacular; the greatest encounters are encounters of the heart."
"He was walking in the quiet alley when he stopped due to a weird, pretty lady in front of him."
"What I love about Vegas is you never know who you're going to bump into."
"We can also actively encounter the seven spirits before the throne: the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel, might, fear of the Lord, and the spirit of revelation."
"The Lord wants to encounter you in a way that would carry you throughout your days."
"It's a freaking bison scratching its back on the side of my trailer, causing it to rock back and forth."
"Hey bear, I hear this slightly echo through the river."
"When you meet a lion for the first time, you realize that this really is a true king of its surroundings."
"This is not the last time that you have seen us, and we will probably meet sooner than you expect."
"Out of the fog, he hears a woman's voice much closer than anyone should have been to him at the time."
"I think I met Death, which is of course neither good nor evil. It just is."
"Imagine going about your daily activities as an ordinary person only to accidentally meet someone who makes you more powerful than you ever imagined."
"Boys who brazenly robbed an old man at gunpoint in his own front yard three days before Christmas, let's never meet again."
"I've never felt so scared like that, nor have I ever encountered anyone who looked at me like I was prey."
"As she stood up, there was a strong scent of roses, as if someone was shoving a bouquet right in your face."
"I'm back at the table with this girl."
"Mountain lions are my favorite animal and from this encounter, I have the utmost respect for them."
"It looked like it didn't expect to see anyone."
"I had never met the woman who had recently passed, but when I later told the cast, they all said she was a soprano."
"You just never know when you're going to meet somebody and have an amazing encounter."
"I never thought they'd be real as I said before, but there was something just like one standing there staring at me."
"I was not prepared to see what I saw there: a tall, hairy creature."
"It turned its head and looked me in the eye, its eyes were black and haunting."
"The only word that she could find to properly describe what she had seen was werewolf."
"I almost fell backwards when I noticed he was standing just behind our door."
"Although it was brief, it was an encounter I will never forget."
"It just stood there motionless, with the same expression as it watched me."
"Now I'm never going to see this man again, but he has me contemplating my entire life."
"I couldn't scream, I couldn't move, I just collapsed as it towered over me."
"I was walking up the driveway when I saw this dark figure at the bottom of the hill in my backyard which is connected to the woods."
"I met this guy who totally changed my entire life."
"I had some really interesting encounters with Christ."
"He didn't selfishly hunt the smash bore but encountered it accidentally and hunted it out of necessity."
"I saw a perfect clone of myself... except that this other me had big black eyes."
"When you meet this person, you will change many, many things here."
"I must have made some sort of sound, even as I was frozen in place, because the patting ceased, and this thing slowly got up on its back legs and stood up like a man."
"I swear I saw that thing stand up as it went to leave."
"I'm fully convinced I saw a skinwalker once."
"The scariest thing to me about the encounter all these years later though is that we never saw her face."
"I would love to run into those two gentlemen again."
"At first, it was spooky to see a deer with fangs look right back at me, but then it got kind of cool and unsettling."
"I was frozen with fear and didn't know what to do; it felt like forever but was only about 20 seconds before it took its hand from my tent and walked away."
"He told me that he turned and looked behind him and saw not a coyote anymore but a human person, and it looked like it had a face."
"Here on the edges of a vanishing wilderness, human beings are encountering a thing that does not fit within the parameters of man's knowledge."
"Nobody believes in ghosts until they see one, but this was a panther, no doubt about it."
"This eerie encounter during a road trip."
"I don't care I know I saw that thing's arm and I Heard It Roar at some point."
"What I saw what I heard none of it registers as some recognizable animal or person."
"Just think, the deadliest snake on earth came up and gave me a lick."
"It was the single most terrifying encounter I've ever had."
"I immediately stopped and looked outside and just saw this silhouette-like black figure just standing by the edge of the door near the handle."
"People who claim to have been visited by beings from another dimension often describe them as humanoid but not quite human."
"I was completely frozen when it was evident I was staring at somebody's face."
"The creature ducks back behind the tree... it comes barreling out from behind the tree and is running straight down the mountain towards them."
"Nothing I've read or watched had prepared me for the encounter."
"You've got a very interesting WWF versus ECW encounter when Jerry Lawler takes on Tommy Dreamer."
"There's a real sense of an encounter, face to face, with Christ."
"You feel like this was destiny in relation to how you met this person. It was like a faded encounter."
"Meanwhile Captain Komachi and Kg see a strange device flying across the sky."
"He believes that he has come to the end of his miserable life suddenly he opens his eyes to see a woman and a man smiling at him."
"I've arrived. I've seen Arthur. Even now he is in the next room and I'm supposed to be preparing for bed."
"It seems to me we are face to face with some mystery."
"He meets a local named Dhoni, and their meeting triggers a chain of events that drag the hitman back into the dangerous world he had tried to leave behind."
"He knew he was face to face with a demon of the elder world."
"I just want to bump into each other."
"Sorry I'm late, baby. This is Melinda, my ex-wife. Hi, I'm Diana, Robert's fiancee."
"Fascinated by the encounter, they slow their car to observe the bear in its natural habitat, but in an instant, the peaceful scene transforms into a heart-pounding chase as the bear sets its sights on the unsuspecting travelers."
"Eventually, the hungry bear made its way back into the woods, unfortunately leaving the car with the marks of an unexpected encounter with wildlife."
"That was my first moment with Jesus."
"An unexpected encounter with a peacock."
"A hunter's frightening encounter with a moose."
"God, I pray this prayer believing even without a shadow of a doubt that anybody that's watching, anybody that's listening by faith that's receiving in God, you will encounter them in Jesus name."
"An unexpected encounter will slowly alter the course of your life... this person alters your life forever... you have come far on your journey... keep going and you will soon see what you have accomplished."
"An enormous grizzly bear seems to be following him and despite only being a few feet away from the animal the hiker manages to remain calm throughout the ordeal."
"For indigenous peoples it's considered an epic blessing to have seen dreamed or heard a Sasquatch."
"Yeah, I think based on what happened to you Joe I think you absolutely ran into one of these creatures and I don't think it was alone uh and that's just my opinion."
"I was in there one Saturday night, late spring, early summer. As I was walking past the piano, I glanced up and down the hallway out the back door, and out the back door, I saw two red eyes."
"Here we have a close encounter where the hunter almost becomes the hunted."
"This brave man stood his ground to the bear and the animal stopped the attack instantly."
"I see something cross the road it almost looked like it just took one step like sort of like a long leap into the center of the road and then leaped over the handrail into the creek on the other side."
"Every encounter with the Eucharist changes us forever."
"He looked me dead in the eye and you could see that fear that disbelief he said no it's huge it's dark and it was a man it looked like a man and it was trying to hide."
"Steve has scared the out of me so I turned around and started quickly walking back to my truck. It followed me 700 something yards all the way till I made it to my truck. See that sucks. That's not nice at all."
"During his off-road journey, a man encountered a supernatural shadow with a humanlike form hovering through."
"This new encounter is yet another path through life. However, as his hand grows closer to hers, he suddenly gets another terrible feeling."
"Like it like a human you know, oh it, its head was, you know, looked really small for his body, I guess to say it looked like a football helmet on top of a refrigerator."
"I want to see my God. I want to hear his voice. I want to have an experience and an encounter with him."
"It is written by faith that they meet on this day as he is her one and only disciple after Shantu passed away."
"All is going well until she bumps into a menacing aura but it turns out to be just a black-haired girl who knows her name for some reason."
"I just had an encounter with Jesus."
"I met him and my life has never been the same since."
"That was my goal in my 20s: to smoke a cigarette with Jessica Lange on the front porch of her farm in Minnesota. True story."
"She was like, 'Yes, I'm Drew Barrymore,' or something like that. I can't remember what was said. But anyway..."
"We met Barack Obama, okay, and he was like, 'You're joking.'"
"It's very rare that you'll ever actually meet one."
"People come up to me on the street. I have this one lady come up to me and slap me in the back."
"Every time she sees him she feels a lot of things."
"It's like a dangerous encounter in the forest."
"It's like encountering a vampire in the middle of the woods at midnight outside their giant estate."
"We literally had an encounter with some type of entity. It was terrifying."
"What an amazing encounter. Sounds like you've seen a lot of country in your lifetime, good for you."
"This is just going down the road. Oh, and then pulling away. What is that, a Senna and a Carrera GT, just whatever, just hanging out?"
"It came by while you were taking a ****."
"There was something out there, bro."
"I survived an encounter with a Karen."
"When that day came, he was visited by a small pale man in a black suit."
"It was a paralyzing fear like I had come face to face with a dangerous predator."
"But we both decided to look up and saw the silhouette of a man's upper torso peering over the edge at us before shooting backwards out of sight."
"She stopped close to the bed, and said '(the name she called me), I came to get you."
"Fred Beck: I have lived with this experience with the Abominable Snowman."
"He was the most attractive guy at the bar, and on the third night, I caught his eye. It was an intense stare."
"Tonight, that was at work, I clean a shopping mall and a very polite goth teen approached me asking about a potential job."
"I want to encounter God and I want to lose the wrestle because I want to be so overwhelmed by him and overcome by him."
"If you don't treat it as an uncommon thing, if you don't gather to encounter Christ, it would radically transform your life."
"Don't worry, I had this chance to meet with old Mr. Hes."
"The wilderness is a place where God meets his people."
"Something just ran across the road."
"Dude it's like I'm hanging out with celebrities and like I saw Neil deGrasse Tyson walk by the other day."
"We just met the most wholesome man in Target... he was giving us so much wisdom about his life, about dating, about the world, about his past, it was just very wholesome."
"This odd, covered from head to toe, threatening guy was standing 10 feet from me, breathing like he hated me and wanted me dead."