
Common Sense Quotes

There are 1395 quotes

"The American people deserve more common sense, less chaos, less confusion, and less cult-like behavior."
"This is the height of cynicism. Once again, they are embracing chaos and walking away from common sense."
"To my father who showed me the power of ideas and to my mother who taught me the value of common sense."
"Common sense to me is kind of arbitrary. What is common sense to someone could be completely oblivious to another."
"We have to start using our common sense. We have to take back this country one seat at a time."
"Common sense and humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. Humor is just common sense dancing."
"Putting this middle-class and working people at the center of our foreign policy isn't just good from a strategic perspective; it's just good common sense and good decent values as well."
"I am hoping that the 2024 election is a referendum on bringing common sense back to this country."
"It's a win for gun owners, a win for common sense, and a win for those who believe in the right to bear arms."
"Common sense will emerge from a lot of language interaction but also with watching videos or perhaps even interacting in the virtual environments."
"I am a notorious optimist about humanity’s common sense and good will."
"The good common sense of the American people ultimately makes itself expressed."
"You don't have to give people a billion chances. You know how to treat others, and that's common sense."
"If the rule doesn't make any damn sense, then break it."
"We're just asking for some common sense here. We're asking that citizens be put first, that public safety be put first, that law and order be put first."
"Circumstances change the relation of things. Use common sense."
"If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a damn duck."
"I apologize to you for not using my common sense."
"You are the one who made the mistake, a mistake based on something that should be common sense."
"It's just common sense, you know. It's not right or wrong; it's just what works for you."
"Human beings...must base our decisions on ration and reason and common sense."
"It really does feel like the tide is turning; there's something in the air, and finally, people are coming around to have some common sense now."
"The advice is simple, but when you tell somebody, 'Hey, dummy, spend less than you make,' everybody goes, 'I know, I know,' but you don't do it."
"The economic system has the responsibility of taking care of their citizens; that's common sense."
"We agree in extraordinary numbers on basic common sense."
"It's truly inspiring to see the way tens of millions of Americans are responding with compassion, with common sense."
"It's inspiring to see the way tens of millions of Americans are responding with compassion, with common sense."
"We encourage every American to continue to use best practices and common sense."
"Opposing the horrible madness of war is not anti-European, it's not anti-Ukrainian, it's not pro-Russian, it's common sense."
"Common sense is very often denigrated in scientific circles; it's like, 'Oh, we don't rely on common sense; we rely on research and data,' which, in some respects, is a good thing, but common sense is common for a reason: it just makes good sense."
"Wealth is created primarily by people who catch trends and have a lot of common sense."
"People are not dumb. They can sit there and say that just doesn't make sense."
"We are living in a society which is rapidly abandoning common sense."
"The death of common sense and the centralization of the marginal so that what you get is a marginal phenomenon taking over our imagination completely."
"President really, really wants common sense gun reform."
"Truth must be our foundation, and common sense can no longer be an uncommon virtue."
"How nice to see the juror acknowledge sanity here and be like, yeah, that doesn't make sense."
"Most people...just want stability, they want decency, they want common sense answers."
"We've been working on a new term for common sense because, by God, it ain't common."
"The majority of voters are commonsensical. If you can explain to them that it is in their best interest to do X, Y, Z, they will."
"You're probably asking yourself a pretty sensical question: How do I not go to prison in 2023, 2024, and beyond? That seems fair."
"Common sense is going to eventually prevail."
"We absolutely can identify what is or isn't legal without looking up the specific statute... the idea that you need to be a lawyer to know right from wrong, illegal from legal, is downright preposterous."
"People wonder why I wear a helmet, and I'm like, it makes sense, dude. Why wouldn't you?"
"Once you've educated yourself, it's not so much rocket science as it is common sense."
"When you bring up common sense and people say you're radical, that's more of an issue about how [bad] the system is."
"A reasonable doubt is a doubt that is based upon reason and common sense."
"You don't need a genital inspection to tell the difference between a boy and a girl or a man and a woman. It's blatantly obvious."
"Don't let Democrats all of a sudden trick you into believing that they actually believe in common sense."
"Most people die a sort of creeping common sense and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes."
"Legal requirements to wear masks are generally legal, but regardless of whether it's legal or mandated, people, use common sense, wear a frickin' mask."
"You know, it takes two seconds to wash your hands you know and that's how diseases spread you know you would think was just common sense but a lot of people that just don't wash their hands."
"No, do not kick the router. How would that repair anything, kicking, seriously?"
"Sometimes common sense is the least common of sense..."
"How did this become a political statement? This is common sense."
"Winning with money... you just have to devote yourself to basic Common Sense money habits."
"We are able to reason, we're able to talk, we're able to analyze, we are able to apply god-given common-sense."
"I always go through life using common sense."
"This is not about right and left, it's about common sense."
"Common sense doesn't need to be dictated through law."
"Common-sense gun laws make sense." Thank You definitionally idiotic human gum.
"Maybe what seems like common sense actually isn't."
"You don't buy a car without taking it out for a test drive, right?"
"Our Scholars have betrayed us because they have, maybe unintentionally, failed to zoom out and use their common sense."
"If something seems stupid or too good to be true, it probably is."
"If it's too good to be true, most times it is."
"The best self-defense is just have common sense."
"But uh here here's what here's what's kind of what's going on right so he's pretty much the same look like I guess I'm the only one Common Sense he's like pedophilia is a crime and it's got to be punished."
"Wash your hands, use common sense, look after the most vulnerable."
"I think it should be common sense... go get this calcium test done."
"If they can't identify who had the knife, we don't want to walk away scot-free. It's just not the way it works. It's common sense. You don't have to be a lawyer to figure that out."
"One of the greatest victims of COVID-19 has been common sense."
"We're here to have calm conversation and common sense conversation, and that's what we're here for. Like, that's what this community is about."
"It seems that common sense is finally prevailing with the majority of the public."
"Most of this is just common sense but we got to go over it."
"This is about simple police accountability. These are things that should be common sense."
"Every single human being with a functioning prefrontal cortex and at least one functional retina understands this."
"Protecting young girls and not allowing young men and men in general to go into a girl's locker room is just common sense."
"The past to the future is supposed to be better than the past. I mean from a sense of common sense like you know you don't make the same mistake twice."
"Judge Judy says if it doesn't make sense, it isn't true."
"Some of this is common sense of course and it's so hard to lean on Common Sense while 90 of people who have fancy degrees who are more educated than you are selling you a story."
"Don't be silly, just don't be stupid, love these people."
"Common sense is so rare in America today, it's like having a superpower."
"Hank's common sense is valuable in this crazy world."
"Our leader proposed solutions that are common sense."
"Crime tip: if you're going to do a crime don't text anyone about the crime that you're doing. Are you stupid? That will be used against you in the investigation."
"Sometimes you just have to... keep it simple, stupid."
"Common sense makes you win, stupid sense makes you lose. That's it. You're either on your game or off your game."
"The heresy of heresies was common sense, and what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise but that they might be right."
"I think a lot of conservatives question both sides as well but at the end of the day I mean I resort to my common sense."
"Change must come through peace, patience, and applying humane principles of common sense."
"It's called common sense. It ain't very common anymore, but it works great."
"Common sense carries you through more times than not."
"If it looks too good to be true, it probably is."
"I've learned over the past couple of years that really average people with common sense sometimes come to smarter conclusions than the people with all of the credentials behind their name."
"Maybe that is the problem today, we just don't talk enough Common Sense anymore."
"This is a good chance to present yourself as the voice of common sense and honesty."
"But if you can't keep him, what does it matter? What bothers a lot of women about my show is that it's really common sense and basic. It's just telling them something that men know."
"Never underestimate the common sense of the British people."
"Police must be held accountable and no one should be above that. Seems like common sense."
"Common sense isn't so common, and that's true."
"There's nothing left about these positions they're just kind of Common Sense positions."
"You have to trust your common sense... there's a new majority coming along, people are waking up."
"When the world goes mad, there's a premium on people that will just simply exercise common sense and we'll just speak the truth."
"I think I'm one of the few human beings on this planet with some actual [__] common sense."
"If you don't make dollars, it don't make sense."
"He's basically just doing his own thing, trying to bring back common sense to this country."
"We're not asking to keep anyone out. We're talking about having basic security measures, basic common sense."
"I think she has a very common sense approach to how she wants to lead the SEC's regulation."
"Everyone looks at it and he's like, 'Well, that just seems better, that's more logical, like we should just do that.'"
"Respect is universal though, you know what I'm saying? If you lacking that, you're lacking common sense and you lacking common sense, you're lacking life." - Cashmere
"If it smells like a duck and it looks like a duck, that means it's a duck."
"A bit of a no-brainer as far as I'm concerned."
"In the age of the Internet, the man with common sense is king."
"There's no way you'd fall into any of the obvious traps, right? You're not some dicker Jane off the street after all."
"Common sense should need studies quoted even."
"More profitable it does not equal better, that is completely true, that's a kind of an obvious point."
"Don't cut the brake lines on your own car and then complain when you crash."
"What Americans want, need, and deserve is a clear Common Sense alternative."
"Despite fooling a few desperate online customers, fake ads like these are pretty easy to spot with a little common sense."
"What we believe nowadays is based on something contrary to our common sense and experience."
"Truth needs to be our foundation. Common Sense be an uncommon virtue."
"Preparing for a pandemic, in other words, is a no-brainer you would think."
"Sanity, no matter who it comes from, is nice to hear every now and again."
"If it looks like a walrus, eats like a walrus, and crawls like a walrus, it's a goddamned walrus."
"The science is there, the epidemiology is there, the common sense is there."
"Be aware of your environment, observe, and use your common sense."
"The only thing common about common sense is that it's not very common."
"Sergio just sitting in a diner, eating sausage and pancakes, and he has better sense about what's going on than the President of the United States for heaven sakes."
"This is a death cult that exists where there could be common sense solutions."
"What does it profit a man if you gain the whole world but lose your soul? Which is nothing."
"The common in common sense is supposed to mean shared by everyone. If it's something that people can lack, then it isn't common sense at all."
"How dumb are you to smack the inside of your car, not the outside?"
"The military shouldn't be privatized, that's a no-brainer."
"It's a victory for common sense, it's a victory for horticulture, but most importantly, it's a victory for plasticine."
"We just want common sense government that functions for the people, as opposed to special interests or these radical ideologies."
"If you want out of prison, you really must pick up some degree of common sense."
"At some point, you have to recognize man as a rational actor and apply some basic common sense and some basic Ockham's razor to what they most likely were intending."
"All you have to do is not be an idiot. You make so much money, you can't pay some goddamn PR person to advise you?"
"Ron DeSantis is operating with common sense."
"We've got to have common sense and we've got to have compassion."
"It's very common sense, like it, it's something that works 99.9 percent of the time."
"When I return to Russia, I can breathe out a sigh of relief. I'm back to where the world makes sense, where common sense reigns supreme."
"It's common sense that a child at an age of minority is not expected to make the same decisions."
"Common Sense means giving people back control of their lives means allowing them to make their own decisions with their own money means allowing them to express their own opinions and their own values."
"Common sense: it's just obvious that God exists."
"It's not even really a free speech thing, it's a common sense thing."
"Wearing a mask is not a political thing, it's just common sense."
"As long as people are sensible, and of course the vast majority of people are, we should be able to nip this in the bud."
"This isn't rocket science we're dealing with here."
"Common sense. How many times have we heard common sense invoked by conservatives?"
"Even though they make complete sense when you hear them, they're not practiced as much."
"Common judgment doesn't imply good judgment in the same sense."
"Common sense is as important as these other things and perhaps even more so."
"Common sense is the ability to fill in the blanks. So if I, you know, if you only see my left profile, you can tell where my right profile roughly looks like because most human faces are more or less symmetric."
"I felt free since then, living my life and depending upon good common sense and logic."
"Look, I'm not a parent, but you know what they say, you don't have to be a pilot to see a plane crash. I mean, come on, this is just brutal."
"It just seems like sometimes these arguments that you listen to, eventually common sense wins."
"The realest person in the room is the most practical, able to use common sense through emotion."
"This isn't a black idea or a white idea. This isn't controversial. This is common sense. The people we elect to run the government should be the ones who actually run the government."
"It's common sense. You don't have to have special knowledge to be able to understand that rising rates will affect the housing market."
"Thomas Sowell: Common sense in a senseless world."
"The common-sense thing is if you sit down and talk about things things sort of get resolved."
"Reasonable people on both sides of the gun debate agree that background checks, safety training, and mental health screening are all just common sense."
"It's a common-sense step towards our financial independence."
"Always assume the weapon's loaded. Common sense you hear every day."
"It's notable that something like that is notable these days because what he's saying is in reality basic common sense."
"That's like the biggest no-brainer of all time."
"Being positive, it's the basic and common sense in every action."
"You don't need a medical study to show you what people are dying of."
"Common Sense always wins and Common Sense prevails."
"Our heroes here use their common sense, their intellect, and ingenuity."
"It takes common sense and good judgment. It's not rocket science."
"Aside from the theology, just a little bit of common sense goes a long way in clearing a lot of this stuff up."
"Common sense dictates that Democrats and Republicans should be working together to find common ground."
"Keep your schedule simple and common sense. Don't overcomplicate things."
"Common sense and self-awareness guys, it's in short demand."
"Our definition of common sense doesn't keep us in the pockets of Corporations."
"It's just common sense. It will help all of our people, including millions of devoted immigrants, to achieve the American dream."
"Science leads to absurdity because sometimes what seems absurd turns out to be common sense."
"Common sense is not always the best guide for science because the world is far grander than our experience."
"At our core, we seek to promote a hot commodity: common sense."
"Let the [__] peanut gallery talk you out of common sense."
"It's just that nowadays just having common sense makes you a Republican."
"The reality is, the principles you need to understand are clearly understood with good old-fashioned sense of common sense."
"The issue is not solidarity; it's common sense."
"We are living in a society that we are literally dumbing down our children. People are throwing our common sense out the window."
"Greed is never going to get in the way of common sense."
"The question isn't if when it's an inevitability... you just gotta open your eyes and just use common sense."
"We have to make sure that all children feel accepted and safe and can learn and play when they are in school."
"Nobody thinks it's not dumb, of course it's dumb."
"Put a little bit into it. It's not financial advice, it's just common sense."
"This is common sense, this is protecting children first and foremost."
"I don't have all of the answers to the problems, and if you have any kind of common sense, you start with recognizing there is a problem."
"It should seem obvious that to declare otherwise would be foolish yet this is what's witnessed all over the Earth every day."
"When such an unproven theory goes against all experiments, experience, and common sense, it is high time to drop the theory."
"The really great man is plain straightforward everyday common sense man."
"I want to encourage all to pray for our country and pray that we return to a time where we had some common sense."
"I'm not for small government or for big government, I'm just for common sense."