
Positive Outcome Quotes

There are 1042 quotes

"I kind of like when we disagree so much that we end up agreeing, and it ends up good."
"Whatever I do, it always ends in amassing wealth."
"Misty uses her breath potion on Pikachu. He recovers completely. He looks happy again."
"This breakup was the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Your desire is within reach; have faith as everything is working in your favor."
"Something good is going to come out of this."
"When tragedy strikes, if life is to have meaning, some good must result from the tragedy."
"The absolute worst thing possible that you can get out of rehab is a 30-day break from drug abuse, which is still something amazing."
"Try to make a change today because it can lead to a better outcome."
"You don't always get to choose your path; sometimes it's chosen for you, and it turns out to be the best thing that could have happened."
"When the master cook began to put it together, began to mix it, and then put a little heat under it, oh, it was worth the wait to see what happens when things all work together for good."
"Our cash inflows exceeded our cash outflows, that certainly is good news."
"Everything is working out for the highest good of everyone concerned."
"Yes, Ten of Pentacles, means the best love card on the deck. So, yes, for sure."
"Regardless, I hope this helped you, I just know that when your sun does pop out and you're ready to take action towards this, you will, and it's going to feel really good."
"This is one of those cars that could have aged badly and it didn't."
"The companion cube certainly brought you good luck."
"Through our tragedy with losing Gabby, some good can come out of it. We can help other people that may be in a similar situation."
"The best feeling ever is when you can stop this from happening."
"I see successful you both, I see you being together with this person, and this is the outcome with the lovers here which I think is really, really beautiful."
"This is amazing. This is actually going so well."
"That was a win, that was an absolute win for me."
"A positive outcome and do not want anything bad to happen on their watch."
"It's the conclusion which is at the same time going to bring you healing, solace, and a mind-blowing satisfactory result."
"Nothing went wrong, it's a smash hit blockbuster success."
"Maybe the draw's the right result. I think it's a cracking result for Luton."
"This has just set us up for potentially one of the best outcomes I think we could have hoped for."
"I think uh in the wake of that we showed it's maybe a sustainable model which is awesome I think definitely a sustainable model which is awesome."
"Create a new picture in your mind of a desired end result... Joy and love. That's what we all want, right?"
"I would actually say yes, I feel like you are going to be getting communication."
"In general, Spa Day's refresh was a huge win in my book."
"Something to do with a situation that is going to rise above or definitely go in a positive direction."
"In the moment as you've said might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you."
"The progress that we are seeing is a testament to what all of you have done."
"It's the only positive thing that comes out of a scrub - getting a shirt."
"If we can bring something good out of this tragedy then nothing is wasted."
"This is going to give the whole nation real confidence."
"Honestly, it's been a game changer for our lives."
"This was an example of what can happen when you do it right."
"As long as you do stick to that, it looks like this is working out honestly amazing and great."
"In the final accounting, we actually did really well."
"I did get a good card. I got the rousing speech card."
"And there is full stop. All right, a perfect landing."
"it's been probably like six or seven very good races I'd say which is which is credit to the new wrecks thank goodness thank goodness"
"Mission accomplished because of you. Another victim became happy with a happy ending."
"I think in the end it's a net positive for at least what my goals are politically."
"We're making money again; this feels pretty good."
"All I can say is wow, look how nice it's come up. I'm really happy with that."
"It's a positive ending and, to be honest, even the problems that we started with the beginning of Saturn's quest, we somehow work to them, put the effort and they give result by the end of the week."
"Could he use that money for judgment on the last floor but hey here we are that was pretty good."
"And thankfully, it missed. Alright, that was really good luck."
"This is the best thing that could ever happen."
"There's going to be a lot of positive reward for you."
"The federal government is not using this pandemic in order to seize ultimate power. That is a good thing."
"You did it, you saved everyone. Yay! Guys, we actually had a good ending. Good job, we did it."
"The dwarves are victorious! The defenders, the good guys!"
"It really really showed, it made a big difference."
"We're confident we're going to prevail here."
"Unlike Squid Game, at our screenings, everyone wins."
"It's not lagging anymore, it's fixed, yippee!"
"My parents walked out in shock, came home, and bought me ice cream. All's well that ends well."
"But then what happened to me is, well, I said, 'This is the lemons turning into lemonade.'"
"It was fun and it was exciting and it was good for us."
"I actually think overall it works out for all parties. It looks like a good move."
"Completion, positive results, desirable outcome."
"Anything that starts with God has to end good."
"Ace of cups, one of the best cards, fulfillment."
"I don't know how Leslie's loses here, there's only a positive event for Leslie's right."
"You will surprise yourself, but it's going to be a good surprise, a delicious surprise indeed."
"They often have said that panic disorder was a blessing in disguise as it helped them learn to live life in a new and more effective and fulfilling way."
"As much as I'm bummed by it selfishly, I think this is a home run."
"I'm very happy with it, I'm over the moon with my teeth."
"It seems like it's all going to work out in the end."
"This is an all stats up thanks to Libra and wow that's really good all our luck has finally paid off."
"College isn't for everyone, but I think it is a good experience."
"There's going to be a favorable outcome, leading to union and growth."
"Charitable is good, that's diplomacy plus three."
"You're free from this hell, oh you made it, nice goodness!"
"It's good that the mob justice actually brought out some good."
"Rather than being cursed, the film's production team experienced an extraordinary degree of good luck."
"That rejection email was the best thing to ever happen."
"Everything you've lost will be restored, and you will succeed."
"There's a happy ending here... it's just a little bit of rolling up your sleeves."
"It's gonna be great, it's gonna be really positive and happy."
"Only a win on every side as far as I'm concerned."
"Woke Hollywood is failing and that's a good thing."
"I do think they actually want to commit and I do think it'll go in your favor."
"Reddit detectives actually got it right and did some good in the world."
"I think everybody's gonna walk out of this really satisfied."
"I've been using it myself for a couple of years now, actually, and I really do notice an improvement in the thickness and density of my hair."
"We're back, we're all sorted, we're all good."
"Expect success and benefit from this relationship, and fate is going to have a hand in this."
"We're winners either way, that's the main thing."
"That was sweet. That was a pretty good slide."
"That, my friends, is a sweet, sweet victory for the good guys."
"You deserve a partner who will cherish and love you forever."
"Anyway, I know this is probably a dumb problem for most people, but it ended up being a happy ending and I get to keep..."
"Ultimately everything seems to have worked out as well as it could."
"The only silver lining to this case is the animals - all four of them have been adopted."
"If you take the actions necessary for there to be a good future, then we will have a good future."
"It's gonna lead to victory. It's gonna feel really good once it's all said and done."
"Whatever it is you're hoping for, it will turn out the way that you're wanting."
"I hope the best comes out of this situation."
"So, I guess I'm gonna have to say that this one one hundred works."
"The decision will happen soon, very soon with world, tower, and judgment, and it should be good."
"This hand is so good guys, this hand is so good."
"It really is kind of a win-win for everybody situation."
"I'm holding out a little bit of hope that I can pull this off, and it's going to turn out amazing."
"Good intentions and professional pride ended up winning the day."
"This is a blessed connection or a blessed union... things unfold for you in the most beautiful way."
"That was in retrospect probably about the best thing that ever happened."
"That's the best possible way you could possibly be mocked. That's a win."
"Leo, you got bumped to where you were supposed to be. It was supposed to happen."
"Just trust the process, believe in yourself, things always work out for you."
"Reactions show up very good day very good start to the weekend for us two now three points on a clean sheet lead."
"It's the injured cameraman from before! They saved him!"
"The verdict was overwhelmingly positive for Johnny and it was unanimous."
"Way to make everybody wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait and make everyone smile."
"I'm literally crying over here so far so good."
"Destiny is on your side, turning something around, fate, fortune, actually brings a lucky break here, this is good karma."
"The surprising answer is yes. After reducing working days, companies maintained and even slightly increased both their production and revenues."
"That's a win for everyone, and that's my favorite kind of win."
"I'm proud that you didn't give in to that impulse that one year, and you guys worked through it. Now you have a great marriage, you have a great family, and what a blessing when we do the right thing."
"This tower situation, though scary at first, is going to be the best thing that could happen to you. It's going to shake things up, open your eyes, and lead you to something beautiful."
"The Hornets have undergone a serious transformation and the new vibe is working wonders."
"Meta had a nice comeback as a result of its results."
"I'm just amazed at the luck we've had in this opening. It's just been incredible."
"So now they both popped up to four pounds, which is awesome."
"Stay focused, work on yourself, give a good impression, and everything's gonna go well." - Conclusion
"They’re each other’s soulmates. Good for them, don’t you think?"
"This is it for you, I'm telling you, and you guys deserve it, you've been waiting for so long."
"Thankfully for him, Prestini's popped off with four in a row."
"This turned out so much better than I expected."
"This is incredible, I wasn't expecting this to happen."
"That went well. It isn't exactly an invitation, but the promise of one is just as cool."
"The enemy meant for evil, God turned it around for good."
"Someone's coming back from your past... you're gonna be happy with the outcome."
"It's a miracle honestly it seems like the best outcome that could have possibly happened in this instance..."
"Something good comes around despite forces trying to hold it down."
"I've seen many a dream turn into a nightmare. Tonight, a nightmare turned into a beautiful dream."
"It's a win-win-win I think it's a terrific idea."
"I'm so happy they went this route instead of Will just being like, 'Yeah, we have to call it off, sorry. We can't hang out anymore.' I'm really glad he's like finding a way to make it work. Oh my god, this is great."
"The fact that it got up there without any dramas I think is definitely a good sign."
"It's a positive completion, ending, or fulfillment of a longer cycle."
"Four of Wands: Marriage. Yes, no doubt about it."
"If you go out with the intention to be the best that you can be, then you're going to have the best returns regardless of the outcome."
"Thank you, tornado, for once doing something positive in our life."
"Big win, seven and a half out of eight, pretty good stuff."
"This was really an awesome result that we had."
"What a complete bank this hand turned from a disaster to a lovely present."
"It's kind of magical how it works, it works very very well actually."
"Everything will work out the way you want it to."
"Closing things out here, I'm really happy with how the system turned out."
"I just, I really appreciate that we were able to turn something kind of crazy into something amazing."
"Overall, I am super satisfied. I am in love with how this turned out."
"And you're also going to love seeing that Crystal does eventually get her justice."
"You admitted it, that went so well, oh my god."
"I really just ended up loving how this year turned out."
"Everybody walks away with a little something, a little sweet treat."
"Once we get some morale, we'll have higher morale. That's worth something."
"When CNN is triggered, that means something good is happening."
"A massive confidence boost going into the next race."
"That's not a fail, that's the save of the day."
"Oh damn, this thing fires right up. That's a huge relief off of my shoulders."
"Justice will be served, whatever you're fighting for, it will be in your favor."
"Focusing mostly on health and abundance; this all ends well."
"Stay in your own integrity, Aquarians, about knowing what you want. The wheel will turn in your favor."
"That's a good sign, that's a spin Prime test."
"In this bleak environment, it's always good to have a nice win."
"Everything couldn't have gone more perfectly for us."
"It's gonna be shaky, but overall you'll be net positive."
"I feel like there's a victory coming in for you, so yes."
"It wasn't looking good, but now it's brilliant."
"Honestly, I didn't know at first because you just don't know, but it worked out way better than I thought it was going to."
"I know you just said that couldn't have gone any worse, but I don't think that could have gone any better."
"Perhaps it was because Emily Andrus was throwing her Sapphic fairy dust on the show and blessing us all with a happy ending."
"This actually worked out better than I was expecting."
"Everything seems to be working, which is awesome."
"You are what they wish for, and they want to talk to you. Very good outcome here if it's what you want right Taurus."
"Shoot your shot because chances are it will go well for you."
"For all the faults, at least something good came out of this disaster."
"In the name of Jesus, let it turn out for your good. Amen."
"It's a happy ending like a storybook ending."
"I feel like things will go very well... things will go very well."
"Whatever project this is, whatever intention this is that you've been working towards or that you've set, it will work in your favor and it's going to be worth the payoff."
"There's no negative to this; everybody wins in the long run."
"It's going to be a good change at the end of it, but it's going to be hard going through it."
"Ultimately, it leads to a good card, which is the four of Wands."
"Biden did leave the summit saying that the tone was 'good, positive'... the two leaders agreed to begin negotiations on nuclear talks."
"The stars are aligning for your success in love."
"It was worth it. When you lead with patience, the answer is more likely to be right around the corner."
"Confront and face it head on... it's gonna work out in your favor."
"We took a story that had a pretty bad start and turned it into one with a very good ending."
"Started off looking scary, but I'm really happy with how we're turning out."
"What's good is you become a winner, you leave a winner, it's good."
"The process is sacred. The process will inevitably lead to the best possible results."
"We made it, we're good, we survived, and I'm happy about it."
"This went way better than I could have ever imagined."
"Overall I'm very happy with how this has turned out."
"Thank you for giving us this opportunity. In the end, worth it."