
Desirability Quotes

There are 1082 quotes

"You guys, it is so gorgeous outside. Wouldn't you just love to work from a rooftop terrace somewhere?"
"It's been 16 years since you could buy one of these as a new car and yet they're still highly desirable."
"The stunning beauty of Bennett White has made it highly coveted for adorning exquisite jewelry."
"Knowing anything in your game is optional and buyable means you need to make it desirable."
"A woman who is willing to express herself is such a desirable woman."
"Monogamous relationships make it so that the playing field is a lot more even, and more people can get into real relationships that they actually want."
"Jedi are powerful, Jedi are rare, and everyone wants to be one."
"Men want to be him, women want to be with him."
"It's kind of like, if you ever visit Hawaii, you're like, 'Oh man, I just want to live here. Why wouldn't I live here?'"
"Apparently, it's more desirable to be a celebrity than a billionaire."
"The fact that a player has been in a long-term, stable relationship is very desirable because it shows a personality trait."
"Electric vehicles are sought after because of their reduced environmental impact."
"You guys are powerful manifesters; you can have whoever and whatever you want."
"No normal person will ever want to date you if you're this worried about your partner not valuing you enough."
"Just because you are desirable doesn't mean you are valuable."
"Every guy wants to hear that they're like a hard one to get."
"Everybody wants these old SUVs now, they're really cool."
"As men get angrier and more disconnected and more lonely and more less desirable."
"Exotics have always been the highlight of the loot system, the most desirable, most unique, most powerful weapons and armor."
"Women want a man who other women want and what other guys want to be."
"You are like somebody who is wifey or husband material. A lot of these people want to be with you, commit to you, they want all of it."
"Execution is perfect. Everybody, I don't care your taste, everybody wanted these sneakers."
"It is far better to become a kind of man a woman wants to be with—high value, productive, competitive, successful."
"This woman isn't ugly, this is one of the most desirable and alluring women in art."
"There's just enough flexibility to make [Putrefy] a little bit desirable."
"Their skill and work ethic make them desirable employees."
"It sucks to be a woman that's desired in real life and then you go on to a show and you're not desired."
"Fashion doesn't need to be expensive to be desirable."
"Be somebody who someone would want to be in a relationship with."
"At the end of the day, you are the one that they want."
"The most Chad thing you can do as a man is be desirable but also simultaneously be in full control of your impulses."
"People who are confident and themselves are 10 times more attractive."
"The reality of being a top-tier man is that every woman is gonna throw themselves at you."
"It's not just about the color and the makeup, but the desirability."
"Odyssey's world doesn't restrict itself... there's a bunch of different things you can do."
"The Problem Solvers Caucus proposal seems to be the most interesting and the most desirable."
"Breaking expensive things that people really want, especially in this context."
"They see you as a snack, they see you as a whole meal."
"If people have education, if they have health care, if they have jobs and are happy to live here, they're not going to want to go anywhere else."
"Make your hybrids, make your electric cars better that everyone wants to drive."
"Most people want a good balance of masculine and feminine traits."
"We wanted to target potential employees because there's no better place to work in the world than Honeywell."
"The more exclusive it is, the more valuable it is."
"How can I make myself such a compelling partner that the type of people I want are going to be interested in me?"
"You're incredibly sexy, magnetic, charming, and alluring."
"This is it. It's the buyer most people want."
"People don't follow people whose lives you wouldn't want."
"You're their dream person, wifey/husband material."
"Ultra powerful, fast, luxury performance coupe."
"You're like the one that got away for this one person."
"You have to have your products structured, your sales process structured in a way that is desirable."
"It's a wet dream everybody is going to want this roster."
"Necros excel both in the pve and the pvp realm for eso. They're highly desired in both cases, those powerful ultimates especially can be game changers."
"Electric cars are rapidly becoming the coolest gadget you'll ever own."
"I wanted to make the club in general useful and something you actually want to go to."
"Women want to be with the guy that knows how to lead."
"Anything Retro 11, it's an automatic W whether it's mid-top, high-top, or low-top."
"Everybody wants you so why do you always end up with people who don't want you?"
"I guess being part of the royal family in the UK suddenly doesn't seem like such a bad gig anymore..."
"There's no man today, well, anomaly, who's saying, 'I'm physically fit, in shape, healthy, emotionally healthy, spiritually grounded, financially stable, and he can't find one?'"
"The one that's more powerful is the one that people want to use."
"Talent is attractive. Confidence is attractive. Security is attractive."
"Instantly became a lustworthy station wagon for many enthusiasts across the world."
"When everybody can get one, nobody wants one."
"Exactly the kind of person you'd want many more of in your country."
"Who doesn't want to live in such a safe and eco-friendly house?"
"The man who was most desirable to women was the one who is vigilant."
"Prestige is sexy, and it's tough to get more prestigious than royalty."
"If you have a masculine man but he's capable of exhibiting feminine traits at times I think that that guy's attractive level is a billion times higher than anybody else."
"When talking about dive watches with military involvement, it is impossible not to mention Rolex and the extremely lusted after Milsubs."
"The one characteristic I think people genuinely look for is hard work."
"A Frenzy is one of the most sought-after perks in the game."
"It's nice to be wanted, flattering, you know?"
"It's nice to be wanted, you know? It's crazy, right?"
"You know, we used to think of it back in the 80s as this frozen wasteland you know that just produced comets and things like that but now we're finding as we actually probe it we're finding out it's way more interesting."
"At what point is existing for very long periods of time not desirable?"
"By acting like you have so much going on, it makes them want you more."
"The Ark of the Covenant: the most wanted relic on the planet."
"Supreme sells like $200 pants, it's the most coveted [__] brand."
"Does that just not seem to be the most beautiful thing in the entire world? I mean, how could you not want that?"
"They’re safe places we could build settlements from which might hatch our wider dreams of space, but are they places people would want to live and raise a family?"
"Part of the reason the highest-earning and most desirable black men might remain unmarried is precisely because they are so desirable and appealing."
"We're Manchester United, we are a club that you should want to come to."
"Innovation mindset is what people are looking for."
"Wouldn't getting $2,000 every single month be really nice?"
"Every woman wants a guy that can replace her quickly but chooses her."
"Vancouver Island is a prime location for a Sasquatch to want to live."
"It's not enough to be a good dude, you gotta be a man a woman wants to have sex with."
"No one's more desirable than someone who's taken."
"Oh god, there she is. She's uh, really quite the catch."
"If he is into you, you've now strengthened the relationship or the potential of it. You've now allowed him to feel desired and validated."
"Once your ex sees how vibrant, attractive, and fun you are, they are only going to want you more and more!"
"Combat rogues have extremely high damage, making them highly sought after."
"Everyone in Europe wanted to be buried there. It was the place to get buried, baby!"
"Gold is the most beautiful of the Earth's elements."
"Gold is rare; if it were as common as sand or salt, it would not be so desirable."
"Gold is a substance like no other, it is beautiful, desirable, rare, and valuable."
"The Toyota Supra checked all the boxes: sexy, fast, modifiable, bulletproof."
"They are super super cute but I've just never gotten one."
"Everyone wanted one of these things... some part of you saw yourself in a 300C."
"Fundamentally, people place higher value and perceived attractiveness to whatever is hard to understand, to whatever it's hard to attain."
"People associate high value to what's difficult to attain, especially to men considered high value in the world."
"Virtue flies from no man; therefore how desirable a thing is Virtue."
"They're an extremely appealing prospect to signings."
"Highly convenient feature to have that I wish other phones had as well."
"It pretty much has everything you would want in a tablet."
"However, it's still a Raptor and that alone will make it especially cool and desirable for a lot of shoppers."
"People want to know you. People want to love you."
"I think the floor plan and the furnishings that we were able to do and complete, I'm actually really happy with this build."
"Creating a truly desirable item is what makes it special."
"People want to be with you when you have a rare sense of caring."
"Would you actually like to live in any of these unbelievable places?"
"Beautiful pros to the r33 gtr well it's not a typical r32 which makes it more desirable to some."
"The king of games is here. This is the yu-gi-oh card everybody wants, this is the chase card everybody wants."
"Why would you not want to be a pirate? It's the coolest thing ever!"
"Flight is like the best power somebody could have."
"Genuine emotionally intelligent connections are not only desirable but also achievable."
"Just because a woman has had a child does not make her less desirable."
"And now to our conclusion for today with the new Tiguan R... visually probably the most attractive and also the sportiest Tiguan ever."
"Definitely overall a sporty fun Tiguan and yeah one of the most desirable models they overall offer for the whole brand."
"This is the number one flex phone out right now."
"It also had that very sought after floor that's like the checkered black and white floor and whenever I see that I'm just like it's just perfect."
"They see you as relationship material, husband/wifey material."
"Are you a campfire? 'Cause you're smoking and I want some more."
"You're so sweet, like they just want a piece of you."
"It's better to have them want you and not be able to get you. That's weird."
"this might just be the very best hyper car combining everything you could possibly want"
"This person's just captivated by you energetically for real, for real... you are one to be desired."
"The type of man that you're talking about is literally like 0.001."
"But it's more or less like mine, same old borange, desirable merchandise that anyone would be happy to receive."
"A Choo Choo Charles plush would be top tier."
"There's nothing sexier than a guy with a high level of confidence."
"Nice guys are becoming an increasingly coveted item for women on the dating market for stability."
"Wouldn't you say this is a luxurious Panda enclosure? Man, I would want to live here."
"The 70 Hemi Cuda is widely accepted as one of the most sought after muscle cars."
"Black women want to be viewed as desirable, but yet when black men have that opportunity to make you a love interest, they don't do that."
"Everybody wants to own a Ryder Jay original."
"You really attract people towards you because they want to love you too."
"This is one seriously cool car and it doesn't surprise me one bit that they're in really high demand."
"Knoxville is probably the best choice for just about anyone looking to retire."
"Women want to be with the guy that other men want to be and other women want to bang. It's about ego affirmation and social proof."
"The M3 is at the top of the food chain, which makes it the most desirable of this generation."
"Women want a catch... they want an excellent man."
"It's a beautiful house and just an amazing piece of property."
"There's always going to be a man out here that wants you."
"They see you as someone with a lot of options, very attractive."
"A Proverbs 31 woman is what every man desires."
"If this existed in real life, this would be a hot commodity to fix heartbreaks."
"They're very unique, not a lot of people are going to have these, and they're works of art."
"The very idea of making oneself desirable to another person is now considered wrong, unjust, and bigoted."
"That's the kind of person you want to marry."
"Quality over quantity, the object of desire has to be unique."
"You got a hundred million dollars in the bank, what woman out here is there a woman out here that you can't have?"
"Empower yourself and know that you are a catch."
"The Audi RS6, this model made between 2002 and 2004 is the oldest car here but that's because that RS badge is so desirable."
"Your person finds your personality irresistible, like a wish come true."
"You definitely have a lot of wisdom as well, so they probably value someone wise in a partner and you definitely have a lot of those traits of someone that they've always seen themselves with long-term."
"Dogecoin showing why it is the one to beat, it's the one that everyone wants to be."
"You're very desirable right now, everyone wants to drink from your cup."
"There's nothing wrong with elegance. You know, elegance is very desirable."
"Having options is currency to a man because a woman will treat you like a king when she knows that you can or will leave."
"Every single Club, every single fan would die to have that kind of player in their team."
"Imagine having something on your character that somebody else wanted so bad that they're ready to uninstall the game."
"Everyone in the world would enjoy having this in their living room."
"It's a weird thing there man with like super sneaker heads or like just like the sneaker game in general where like you will sleep on something and then the disappearance of it will make you want it again."
"The Rolex Pepsi is admired and lusted after for its horological significance and swagger."
"It was big and powerful looking and sexy as all hell."
"Your eyes are captivating, making people want to kiss you."
"They're chasing you now, and they can't have you."
"This is going to be a card that everybody's gonna want."
"Once people experience it, they don't want to lose it."
"You have so many choices, you are a great catch."
"These Mac integrated amps are highly desirable."
"Democratizing it without the desirability being diluted."
"So we can see how the Scorpion 16 was a tempting proposition for many buyers."
"If you want the car with the biggest wow factor, it is this."
"You guys are meant to go play the field and show this person like listen, you're gonna lose me because a lot of people are falling in love with me."
"You can't get over in this business unless the guys in the crowd want to be you, or the girls in the crowd want to wake up next to you."
"They're very attractive, sexy, beautiful, handsome."
"You’re a total catch, and any guy would be psyched to be your man."
"You're the kind of girl that a lot of guys want in a relationship, want in a long-term partner."
"That's the reason why a crankshaft like this can run 220 mile an hour, it can make 2,000 horsepower... this is a serious bit of gear and something that is very desirable for the 2J community."
"People love to be surrounded by them."
"That's what a lot of people want, I think."
"This sensor has a lot of what people are after today."
"You want hot property and pricey property? It's all happening here."
"With the seventh house, we have the realm of partnerships, so this person sees you as someone who is overall very balanced within a partnership or within partnerships."
"You're seen as someone who's very loving but in relationships, someone who is very desirable."
"Through that strength, you become the most desirable of us all."
"...desirability, rarity, all those things that you want in a car."
"He knows this is a god tier item."
"He had taken the idea of suits and made them desirable."
"It's so cheap but one of those things that you kind of see in jewelry stores and you think oh that would be nice to have but you don't actually think that you could have one yourself."
"This is just so cool again I just feel like any female should consider having this."
"Its rarity has made it a highly sought-after vehicle among car enthusiasts and collectors."
"Look at me, I'm such a good catch."
"You're a catch which is hard to catch."
"...Quincy, Florida. Quincy is small but one of the most desirable cities in Northern Florida and lies in Gadsden County, just 20 minutes west of Tallahassee."
"The mangosteen's journey from tree to table is a testament to its desirability."
"It's the name of the game, baby. If it's cool, everybody's gonna want it."