
Theological Argument Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"This is a really strong case, a really strong case for at least occasional high-level, not highest level, but high-level female leadership in the Old Testament in Israel by God's appointment."
"The hypothesis 'God raised Jesus from the dead' passes all six of these tests: It has great explanatory scope, great explanatory power, it is plausible, not ad hoc, in accord with accepted beliefs, and far outstrips any of its rival hypotheses in meeting conditions 1 to 5."
"Jesus claimed to be the decisive self-revelation of God and I believe that we have good reasons to believe that those claims were true."
"Did all of this synchronization, balance, harmony, variation, design, maintenance, operation, and infinite numeration happen by chance?"
"Those who are in the chat, when they want to ask a question, think: 'If we can disprove Catholicism, sola scriptura wins by default.' That's not the case."
"If God wanted everyone to know he exists then clearly Damascus Road for everyone would achieve that goal."
"Truth is intrinsically good and truth seeking is morally obligatory. Therefore, a truth-loving god does exist."
"Premise one: God is necessary for intelligibility. Premise two: we have intelligibility. Therefore, conclusion: God exists."
"If you are a believer in God, then I don't understand this. Why? Because God told us to take care of this Earth."
"Either we came to be by the most ridiculous thing... or I'm right about everything and God exists."
"Common sense: it's just obvious that God exists."
"Even if everybody on the planet were to suffer torture for a hundred years, it would still be less than if God forbid would have suffered infinite torture forever. That would still be more. Infinity just changes the whole ball."
"You accept the existence of God, there's nothing about belief."
"The best way to know that Jesus rose from the dead is what Gary Abrams calls the minimal facts argument."
"If God exists and he's not physically measurable, it doesn't mean we can't see signs of his existence in his creation."
"We can have a strong argument for why the 144,000 represent a people group covered by the blood of Christ."
"God gave it to us and says Pascal, God makes himself sufficiently manifest."
"Every human is stamped with an argument for the existence of God."
"It's manifestly irrational to deny the existence of God. He hasn't paid attention to the data he's supposed to master, because the creation itself screams of the Creator through the data."
"We can infer a God with those attributes: transcendence, intelligence, great power... on the basis of the evidence that we have in the natural world."
"The idea that God created the universe is a more respectable hypothesis today."
"Using God to explain the origin of the universe is attempting to solve a mystery with a bigger mystery."
"I think God is the best explanation for why anything exists."
"Arguments appear and disappear about God's existence, but almost all philosophers believe that the most serious argument against God's existence is the problem of evil."
"If God exists, is benevolent, is all-powerful, wants us to have a relationship with him, and there is actually a good solution to the problem of evil, then he would share the solution."
"Even the earth, all things that are on the face of it and the motion and all the planets which move in their regular form, witness there is a supreme creator."
"There are good arguments for God's existence, good reasons to believe God exists."
"The design argument is one of the best arguments for God."
"Can the Quran with these characteristics come from other than the creator? Not possible."
"Mathematics itself is a proof of God's existence."
"The incredible fine-tuning of the universe presents the most powerful argument for the existence of an imminent creative entity we may well call God."
"Evil is just a lack of good... a God who is objectively evil is logically impossible."
"If gods and miracles were part of reality, there would be a way to know them that would require faith."
"It's quite interesting that atheisms think about demand God but that very cognitive process requires God in the first place."
"If you don't have God, you can't have a moral compass at all and you're capable of anything." - Christopher Hitchens
"There is nothing in the universe that proves God's existence more than our bodies."
"The evidence to me that just cries out that there's a god is the study of DNA."
"It's dishonest disingenuous of people to try to argue God as something else."
"If God doesn't exist then we don't have a basis for knowledge logic ethics or reasoning at all so if we have knowledge reasoning ethics logic all these kinds of things the world where God exists those things make sense if God doesn't exist."
"If we have an agreement that objective morality exists, then that can only be justified on God."
"Jesus's existence points to God's existence."
"It's ridiculously obvious that God exists, painfully obvious and wonderfully obvious."
"So, my favorite argument for the existence of God that I find the most compelling is a version of the cosmological argument."
"It's all interconnected... my whole philosophical career could be seen as a series of footnotes on the Kalam cosmological argument."
"I think it's common sense to say somebody designed humans. He used natural materials like dirt to do it."
"The fine-tuning argument provides evidence for theism over naturalism or atheism."
"God has to be eternal, it cannot be a being that is begun to exist. It's an eternal being."
"There cannot be multiple all-powerful entities."
"Premise 1: God is a loving god. Premise 2: A loving god would not create creatures that he knows will end up in eternal torture. Premise 3: God creates creatures that he knows will end up in eternal torture. Conclusion: God is not a loving god."
"Nobody out there is ignorant that God exists. You know that if there's creation, there's gotta be a Creator."
"The most obvious way that you could show that Jesus pre-exists in the Bible is to show that he's creator right because he's got to be he's got to be real he's got to exist to pull off creation."
"We demolish all arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against knowledge of God."
"My position is there's still a big problem here because if Jesus exists, and if he was divine and if he died for people's sins and was resurrected, etc., these facts should be wholly unassailable."
"Paul is trying to make the case for a New Covenant between the Gentiles and the Jewish God."
"As I've studied this argument more in depth as of late to get prepared for this interview, I think that it is actually a really, really good and strong argument for the existence of God."
"Jesus is Jehovah, and that's the most important argument you can give to a Jehovah's Witness."
"That to the height of this great argument, I may assert eternal providence, and justify the ways of God to men."
"God exists because He's revealed Himself such that we could know that He exists."
"Presuppositional apologetics is a fundamentally theological form of apologetics."