
Old Testament Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"This is a really strong case, a really strong case for at least occasional high-level, not highest level, but high-level female leadership in the Old Testament in Israel by God's appointment."
"Marcion would argue that the being of the Old Testament wasn't a god at all, but a malevolent creator, an enslaver, and a murderer."
"Isaiah 53 contains the root of gospel theology."
"Can you take somebody through the Old Testament without touching the new and demonstrate that Jesus is the promised Messiah?"
"It's always amazing to see what the Old Testament writings say about the coming Messiah King and what he's supposed to do and how Jesus fulfilled these things."
"So when we don't keep the law, that doesn't mean we ignore the Old Testament."
"Throughout the Old Testament, there is an insistence on one God."
"All that you've done through Christ and all that has happened, it is according to the teachings of even the Old Testament."
"I am a Christian because of the Old Testament."
"I am a Christian in a large part because of the Old Testament."
"I love the way he said it: I am a Christian because of the Old Testament."
"All of the Old Testament is about Jesus. It's all about Jesus."
"The Old Testament promise of God's future victorious Kingdom was inaugurated through the crucified Messiah."
"If sickness was a curse in the Old Testament, it's a curse today."
"There's nothing old about the Old Testament as far as the application."
"What we have in the Old Testament is something unique."
"Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament; he didn't get rid of it. So all those promises that we have in the Old Testament, we have them in the New Testament even greater."
"Jesus predicts specific events: 'mocking, spitting, scourging, killing'—all connected to Old Testament Messianic passages."
"This is the most profound Old Testament prophecy."
"He's an Old Testament he'd come out of this thing like you know what maybe Judaism is for me."
"When you read the Old Testament, realize these stories aren't just there because God thinks it's a good story. The entire purpose is to foreshadow and prophesy Jesus, his return, his people, the kingdom—everything in Christ is in the Old Testament."
"It startled me to realize that this is not simply a study in Old Testament ancient history."
"Our devotional love for God is more important to him than all the Old Testament sacrifices."
"So, he does have something, he's really an heir of the Old Testament unlike the Gnostics who repudiated it."
"If you thought the Old Testament was incredible, then buckle up and prepare yourself for the study of a lifetime because Old Testament was preparation and New Testament will be fulfillment."
"The nature of the term 'abomination' in the Old Testament is intentionally culturally specific."
"Unless you understand Genesis 6, you will not understand much of the Old Testament, much of the New, and certainly have a prophetic blind spot."
"The story of The Exodus is the most frequently mentioned occurrence in the entire Old Testament."
"The New Testament writers interacted deeply with the Old Testament."
"All these Old Testament prophecies about a kingdom that will extend to the ends of the Earth are connected."
"...with the New Testament the Fulfillment listen the New Testament doesn't take the place of the Old Testament... the New Testament is the Fulfillment of what was written about."
"Jesus is the fulfillment of the whole Old Testament story."
"God's appearance as a man in the Old Testament prepared people to receive God as man in Jesus."
"Let's stick with what the New Testament actually says is a type in the old and just leave it there."
"Is it really possible that the 40-year Exodus as described in the Old Testament never happened at all?"
"The problem of Old Testament violence is often seen as a case closed. But we should address it and not be quick to judge God's character."
"God is a mean kid sitting on an ant hill with a magnifying glass and on the end kind of harsh until you read the Old Testament."
"The New Testament is practically, theologically, and spiritually unintelligible apart from the old."
"What scriptures was Paul referring to in this verse? Not the Gospel of Matthew, not the Book of Revelation. He is specifically referring to the Old Testament Scriptures and its place in the life of the Christian."
"The Book of Revelation basically says, 'Hello, have you read your Old Testament? Because don't even start reading here until you go and read the Old Testament. Because you're not going to get it.'"
"You find Jesus throughout the Old Testament."
"It is the good news of the Old Testament."
"John's primary interest in the Old Testament is in the prophetic literature and the worship language of the Psalms, with Isaiah being the most prominently cited book."
"Despite seeming symmetry, John's references to the seven spirits, stars, and lampstands are intertwined and draw upon various Old Testament passages."
"He was everything an Old Testament prophet was. He was everything John the Baptist was, who was the greatest prophet, and far more. He was a prosecutor of sinners, and He rendered them guilty."
"The entire Old Testament, all man's moral duty, all man's spiritual duty, summed up: love God totally, love your neighbor as yourself."
"Old Testament vengeance required two more."
"The Jews never had it as part of their Old Testament... God's word is perfect without error so they cannot be considered part of the canon."
"Exactly, we don't worship the Bible. Is there an argument for ditching the Old Testament then? No, there's not, because through the Old Testament..."
"...I had been asking the Lord what do I do we got the New Testament done but we had no money to do the Old Testament."
"One of the greatest proofs that the Old Testament and the New Testament are valid is that what they say about Jesus Christ actually occurred."
"Learn the New Testament use of the Old Testament. Get some basic understanding of how the passages that are used, what their original context was."
"The idea that somebody has to be sacrificed for you and in your stead, this does not really hold in the rest of the Old Testament."
God's name is on you, wherever you see the word "name" in the Old Testament, you can equivalate it with the word "reputation."
"If we had only the Old Testament, we would have a lock without a key, a story without a plot, a promise without a fulfillment, a seed without a fruit."
"Undeserved favor, that's Grace in the Old Testament."
"We're about relationship, that's why like if you compare the Old Testament to the New Testament we are so lucky that we have Jesus in the cross otherwise we'd just be stuck in the bondage of the spirit of religion."
"All of these prophets in the Old Testament prophesied of Jesus Christ."
"...how strong and well-functioning their memory had to be to be able to know the Old Testament like they did..."
"Where was Jesus throughout the Old Testament? He was there, operating and doing His work."
"The Lord Jesus Christ of New Testament history is none other than the promised Messiah of Old Testament prophecy."
"In book one you have redemption promised and outlined. In book two you have redemption realized and fulfilled."
"Jesus fulfilled everything that was written of him in the Old Testament."
"Christians often have a hard time reading the Old Testament and understanding how it and the New Testament fit together."
"The god of the Old Testament is the god who freed a nation of slaves and offered them a new life a new identity a new shot at uh joy and self-agency before they'd ever done anything he offered them life and freedom."
"There isn't a formula but it seems pretty clear... you've got to learn how to read the Old Testament as being about me."
"The 39 books in the Old Testament were set aside as the books of the Old Testament by Ezra and a number of scribes under his rule."
"It is easy in preaching lab to pick one Old Testament text that you know... no one will dispute you that it connects with Christ."
"We've got a great example of spiritual violence even in the Old Testament you know in numbers 21 I mean even a bunch of people stiff-necked I mean God has provided God has blessed them God has opened the Red Sea and here they are complaining."
"The Gospel is not a new message – if it’s new, it’s not true. It is as old as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy."
"These appointed times, these things in the Mosaic Covenant, the Old Testament, are types and shadows of that which would come, of he who would come, more accurately Messiah."
"The Old Testament prophets are the standard to be an Old Testament Prophet, allows for more magic than we often allow for Joseph Smith, is that magic or is that priesthood?"
"When you read the Old Testament, you’re actually reading about the shadows of Jesus all the way."
"The same God that ruled the Old Testament rules the new as well."
"Why do you got double barrel Pastor Jen? 'Cause one barrel's for the Old Testament and the other barrel's for the New Testament."
"The Old Testament is full of Jesus."
"Job is one of the most fascinating books of the entire Old Testament."
"Your video 'Jericho Unearthed,' I've shown that to my own kids. I've used that when I was teaching Old Testament."
"Every one of you has a right in the Old Testament to not have any diseases in your body according to the weather the Lord said he has word in heal to every one of them."
"Jesus gives us the fullest revelation of God so we can use Jesus to tell us where the Old Testament got it wrong but we'll get more into that a little bit later I'll say that this this to me is unconscionable I can't swallow that kind of theology."
"The Old Testament is Christ concealed. The New Testament is Christ revealed."
"The ceremonial and dietary aspects of the Old Testament law were to help us understand the character and nature of God... until Jesus comes."
"The Old Testament is one big gospel tract pointing ahead to the coming of Christ who would secure that gospel."
"The Old Testament lays out the standard of God, it lays out the rules of God because God needed to communicate to mankind his righteous standard, who he is, that he is just, he is holy, he is righteous."
"Jesus claimed the Old Testament name for God himself."
"The weave of the New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed and the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed."
"Why Moses and Elijah of all of the people that could come from the Old Testament? Why not Abraham? I mean, he's the father of the nation and father of faith."
"Moses represents the Law; Elijah was considered the great prophet, the greatest of the Old Testament prophets to the Jewish nation."
"They could represent Old Testament Saints as well as the church."
"You have to compare the story of Elijah in the Old Testament and the New Testament Elijah."
"So we believe we need to know what the old covenant says, because so much of the New Testament is based upon the Old."
"One of the things I always bring it back, and I'm glad to hear you bring it back to Revelation because, you know, we serve the same God of the Old Testament as the same God of the New. I mean, Jesus on those 'I am' statements, He's claiming to be Yahweh of the Old Testament."
"The whole book is all about him. The Old Testament sets the stage, calls a nation into being with certain commitments, but for the purpose of presenting the Redeemer, the Messiah, that the New Testament then profiles for us."
"Honestly, this book is a gold mine for all kinds of things that provide a foundation not just for the rest of the Old Testament, but for the New Testament and even for the Book of Mormon and for our covenantal connection with God today."
"There has been a sense, from at least the second century A.D., that among those flawed characters is the god of the Old Testament."
"The New Testament authors treat the Old Testament as if what it says is in fact true."
"Paul insisted that the Old Testament was indispensable to Christian living."
"Nicodemus knew the Old Testament passages well. He would have known Ezekiel 36, where God promises to put a new spirit within his people."
"Mary as the Ark of the New Covenant is revealed in the Old Testament."
"He is born then as God’s promised King, that David would have a son in the future who would be God’s King is what the Old Testament promises; Christ fulfills that."
"All of this stuff laid down in the Old Testament, beautiful stories and pictures of Jesus, all the kings, all the priests, all the sacrifice, the temple, all of that stuff was a prefiguring, a foreshadowing of Jesus."
"The Old Testament doesn't mention hell, but it does talk about the end of the wicked."
"I think the original Jesus I think was invented out of basically that, like just this idea of sort of pseudo fictions that they're finding in the in the Old Testament that aren't really there."
"The study of the use of the Old Testament in the new will make a significant contribution to the larger discipline of biblical theology."
"...the Old Testament is a springboard for people to receive their own enlightenment... it's a profound message."
"There is a rest in the Lord that you need to turn from the Old Testament way of trying to approach God based on your own performance and instead rest in the Lord."
"The Old Testament sacrifices are dead, abrogated, and deadly to the Salvation of Christians."
"That's the first just even before we get to Jesus in the New Testament you've got God clearly saying in Israel that what's going on between uh God and the levitical Covenant is very much like a covenantal marriage."
"Now that we have seen how this is done in another part of the ancient world, we can turn our attention to the Old Testament."
"The God of the Old Testament is jealous and proud of it, a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak."
"The offerings the Old Testament were anticipatory pointers to the cross; these are Memorial of what the cross."
"Remember that it is with a purpose. These Old Testament examples can encourage you."
"Elisha is the premier prophet of the Old Testament and he does great and mighty works."
"Jesus was the fulfillment of all the 300 plus prophecies in the Old Testament."
"Jesus is Jehovah; that tells us that all these times we see the Lord acting in the Old Testament, it's Jesus Christ."
"Understanding that Jesus Christ is Jehovah helps us see how central Jesus is in the Old Testament."
"Analysis of the evidence has led me to conclude that the text of the Old Testament in content, arrangement, and stability was fixed probably at the beginning of the 4th century BC by Ezra and Nehemiah."
"The Old Testament ends with unexplained ceremonies, unachieved purposes, unappeased longings, and unfulfilled prophecies."
"We come to know God when we encounter his story and how he has revealed himself to us in the Old Testament."
"The Bible can be studied in many different ways, and this paper tries to showcase not only the study of the stories of Abraham in the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible but also the stories about Jesus in Luke's Gospel."
"The Old Testament authors consistently look back at the Exodus from Egypt more than any other event."
"Join us in unpacking the concepts to gain more tools to make sense of the Old Testament."
"The Old Testament is an ancient text; it was produced in another language by another culture."
"The Old Testament covenant was based upon our compliance, upon our performance."
"The Psalms constitute the masterwork of prayer in the Old Testament."
"The bulk of the mosaics represents scenes from the Old Testament."
"What if new evidence has come forth that shows how a major prophetic event in the Old Testament reveals the real roots of our faith?"
"When we hear the words Old Testament, our minds automatically leap to ancient Israel."
"Everything that you read in the New Testament is shaped by the foundations that were laid in the Old Testament."
"Rediscovering the greatness and wonder of the Bible is like finding Jesus in the Old Testament."
"The Old Testament needs to be understood in its ancient Near-Eastern context."
"The Old Testament is one of absolute literary genius, how this thing has been designed as an active communication."
"The Old Testament Scriptures can give you wisdom about salvation that humanity is in a deep mess and that there is a rescue out of the mess."
"Everything in the Old Testament about high priests... was all written to foreshadow and parallel prophetically what the ultimate high priest Jesus would do for us."
"This is the most profound Old Testament prophecy on the vicarious, substitutionary, sacrificial, atoning death of the Messiah."
"The Book of Job is unique not only within the pages of the Old Testament but within the entire ancient world."
"We're supposed to read the Old Testament, yet we're not under the Old Testament; we're under grace."
"They see the gospel story as the culmination of the Old Testament story."
"Geography and chronology are things that people don't really like to talk about, but in the Old Testament particularly, they're very, very important."
"The first five books of the Old Testament are known as the Law."
"We were pretty dismissive of a lot of the Old Testament because Jesus came and fulfilled the Mosaic laws."
"I will take sickness away from the midst of you." - Exodus 23:25
"The Old Testament prohibits the Israelites from finding a captive woman and sleeping with her and selling her off."
"Righteousness to the typical Old Testament Hebrew meant being fair and just with his fellow man."
"The story of Noah's Ark is one of the most beloved Old Testament tales."
"Our theology is in continuity with the Old Testament."
"The altar is the most precious thing in the Old Testament."
"The Old Testament is for one nation, the Israelite nation."
"The book of Revelation rests upon the broad foundation of the Old Testament."
"This is probably the most comprehensive and detailed prophecy of future events found anywhere in the Old Testament."
"The book of Jeremiah is the longest book of the Bible in terms of word count."
"The Old Testament law has been done away with; it's simply God has a new covenant now."
"Rahab tied a scarlet cord in her window as a sign for the Israelite Army."
"Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream with God's help."
"The law was God's preliminary grace that held the children of Israel together until Jesus came."
"The biblical story of David and Goliath is one of the most famous tales found in the story of the Old Testament."
"The most prolific prophecy in the Old Testament is that in the end times, God is going to regather the Jewish people."
"The Old Testament prepares for Christ, it predicts Christ, and it prefigures Christ."
"I am so much more in love with the Lord, and it's so much easier to share the Old Testament now that it's finally opened up for me in plain and simple explanations."
"The Old Testament ends in really the only place it can, in desperate need of Jesus, the promised Messiah."
"It's so important to understand the Old Testament and the New Testament both."
"Without the Old we cannot understand the New; without the New we have an incomplete understanding of the Old."
"The God of the Old Testament is the same God that we see revealed to us in the person of Jesus."
"Can God forgive sin? Yes, and He has without sacrifice before in the Old Testament."
"Isaiah 53 is considered the peak of the Old Testament, some people call it the Holy of Holies of the Old Testament."
"Genesis chapter 15 is one of the most pivotal chapters in the entire Old Testament."
"Jesus respected the Old Testament; he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill the law."
"By his blood, you are cleansed; you are free from the law of the Old Testament."
"The things recorded in the Old Testament were recorded for our learning."
"...the nature of God in the Old Testament."
"How we take care of the most vulnerable among us is at the heart of the Old Testament concept of justice."
"We're gonna see Christ from the Old Testament."
"The Old Testament tells the story that Jesus completes."
"Can you really spend a whole year in the Old Testament in a Christian Church? It's going to be great."
"The Old Testament will teach you, inspire you, warn you, and fascinate you."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls have provided Old Testament manuscripts approximately 1,000 years older than our previous oldest manuscripts."
"The moral code, most of the natural law, is actually codified even in the Old Testament."
"The number one overwhelming fact of the Old Testament that is reiterated more times than can be counted is that God is one."
"Icons aren't idols. The Old Testament had iconography everywhere."
"God as man in the Old Testament is not unusual."
"The image divisions in the Old Testament were revealing what Christ was and his Ascension into heaven."
"The more you know your Old Testament the more comfortable this book reads."
"Revelation 4 and 5 is a divine council scene that utilizes features of the covenant lawsuit genre from the Old Testament."
"The Old Testament majority is using shadows and pictures... but in the New Covenant, it's about the reality."