
Generational Perspective Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"I'm running as a member of my generation to say that we can fill that void with the things that actually give us real purpose."
"In the same way that I would rather own 3% of Amazon than 30% of Wish.com... a generation should be happier owning 3% of modern-day America rather than 30% of the USA in the 1970s."
"I still believe in the democratic process; I know I'm a [__] dinosaur."
"The younger generation lacks a lot of trust in the government, in banks, and in the way they run things."
"Every generation thinks that they’re going to be the last and therefore most important, and every generation laughs at the previous generation for being wrong."
"It'll be like, 'Well, grandpa, you survived a pandemic.' It's kind of like when my grandpa used to tell me war stories."
"I don't think doom and gloom. I have so much faith in our generation."
"It's extremely annoying, but it is the cycle of life. It's our role, and it's the younger generation's role to be annoying."
"The younger generation today has a saying: game recognizes game."
"The political compass is a complete load of drac that only an utter boomer would take seriously."
"I feel like I was too young to explore the Earth and too old to discover the stars, but I can live vicariously through a robot on another planet."
"Stanley Kubrick, I actually think 2001: A Space Odyssey was kind of painful to watch through as a younger person. It's more impactful today than it was, obviously, when it was released because it seems so much more like real."
"I've had this watch longer than you've been alive."
"Sustainable cities, sustainable buildings can be more enjoyable, not just good for the environment but also great for the people living there."
"For him and his entire generation, that's gonna be their normal and that's gonna be the starting point from where they start having crazy ideas about their future."
"Isn't it crazy though? It's like Nostalgia now when you guys are talking about it as like the new generation like gen Z is like that's like it's like vintage that's like retro for them."
"But at the end of the day we are the future."
"You were always old but everyone was once young and goofy."
"I think a lot of people my age are to the point where we just kind of accepted that this is what life in America is."
"20 year olds never realized how good they have it."
"I think our generation is heavily misinformed sometimes because of social media."
"Isn't it crazy how in our generation we saw prohibition be lifted?"
"Capitalism is one great big [ __ ] gaslight gatekeep girl boss pyramid scheme to the next generation of dreamers."
"With any luck, the next generation will look at social media the way that we look at cigarettes."
"I can certainly speak to that, I mean as a member of Gen Z who's terminally online myself."
"I think every generation recalibrates what society does or doesn't accept, and that's a good thing."
"Isn't it amazing that, in a global sense, relatively short scale, how quickly that can flip within a single generation?"
"Our generation struck the perfect balance of simplicity versus technology."
"We have a whole generation of people born into a reality that has been completely redefined to suit what was once a tiny minority."
"We're not the first generation of the church, nor will we be the last."
"One generation finds ridiculous, the next accepts, and the third shudders when looks back with the first dead."
"We are among the first generations in history to not live in communities which would give a resounding yes."
"2050 is closer in time to us than the early '90s."
"You kids think that the original Super Mario Brothers looks primitive? These kinds of things were coming out 10 years after that game."
"It's a mindset shift and it is everything, I promise you, it's everything."
"Just because you have a young body doesn't mean that you won't have old ideas."
"25 is deemed as old because these kids are becoming adults at 15 years old."
"It's a new day, millennials and gen zirs are politically savvy and not going for it."
"Everybody is uncomfortable, and that's where I feel like you can say Gen Z is looking at the world like it's not a comfortable world anymore."
"Gen Z is not waiting. We're doing this work right now."
"I want to say Gen X, but I'm amending that to say that both are good."
"Mother's Day is this weekend if you're in the United States, so don't forget to get something for your mom."
"It's just kind of fun to watch Rainey discover things that we know because we're just a little bit older."
"I would probably be okay with my grandkids wearing like whatever they wanted because I would just be tired."
"All the best people in this family are dead."
"He's probably the best president, not maybe even in my lifetime, but maybe my parents' lifetime."
"The airwaves parted, the Beatles generation now have two or three children, all of a sudden they started saying, 'Hey, our parents really weren't that wrong. This is pretty nice.'"
"We may have been born too late to explore the Earth and too early to explore space, but we are born just in time to watch some great Godzilla films."
"We were fortunate, our ancestors went through that."
"I think a lot of older people forget what it's like to be your age, like, yeah, I remember when I was like young and I was saying Jay-Z and [ __ ] old enemies like he can't [ __ ] with Rakim."
"I think they're more socially conscious and empathetic and more aware of kind of things that affect them and affect the world so I actually do think things will get better."
"Every 21-year-old in the world has delusions of grandeur."
"Old man shakes old man shouts at cloud - that is a lot of the energy of especially the later books to me."
"We're the last generation that knows what real freedom was."
"I genuinely miss the '90s, music's gone downhill, movies have gone downhill, hobbies, things to do, activities, everything."
"These presidents say they are more into it than others because they are both quite old and thus are sort of the last of the political generation that have memories of what it was like to live in Cyprus before the division."
"Imagine the ancestors just looking at this and going, 'I fought saber-tooth tigers for you to now turn around and go, yep, we're done, just completely stop the family line.'"
"Once progression stops, once the next generation thinks, 'Hang on a minute, things are getting worse,' we're not going to own our houses."
"If there's something you don't like, we can work on it and fix it, and I think that this generation in particular is really good at that."
"We live in the most gullible generation that's possibly ever been on the planet."
"This is really Niche but anyone who's my age..."
"It's about longevity... We're gonna be those Jack granddad's."
"Our children and their children do not have now a longer life, a better life than us."
"Gen Zed is simply beginning to show the limits of the left and right distinction in the first place."
"The quantum realm, or as we 70s kids call it, the microverse."
"If you're merely sane and accept reality and make decisions based in those realities, you're going to be a lot better off than the past three generations before you."
"I do believe that a huge reason why people make these claims is... they're just young and don't recall Tim Duncan dominating in the early 2000s."
"The most important time of life happened before any of you were even born."
"To be a good pastor, you have to think of everyone as your grandchild."
"Grandparents are willing to die to save the economy for their grandkids."
"Nobody believes this, nobody under the age of 35 maybe 40 believes this."
"Every generation perceives of things as hopeless so don't lose hope."
"We are so old wings didn't exist before we were in college."
"Back in my day when I was sad, but not anymore, she's ruined."
"I do like to generally believe Gen Z are a little bit more switched on than kids were in 2015."
"Millennials are the first generation to realize the dropping value of a college degree."
"It's just such an interesting time. We're lucky to be the age we are."
"I think he's been one of those people in the country who actually, you know, especially older Americans who have seen the direction of the country and have sort of gone into that wing of the party because of it."
"I like the fact that the internet and I are the same age."
"Just be aware that if you're a young person or if you're an old person that a lot of people are just kind of living in a I don't know about a different world but they don't see things the way you see them."
"If you're old enough you have hope because you remember when it was worse, and if you're young, you're mad as hell and want to make it better."
"If I were young, I'd be really angry. I'd be wanting something else. I'd be creating something new."
"I feel like our generation is kind of at the forefront of the generations where you can't at some point decide you're done learning."
"Steven's age, like 12-year-olds, that think that what's happening these days is like normal because they've never seen a normal world without phones in their hand."
"Welcome back kiddos and I'm calling you kiddos because I could be your great great grandfather."
"Listening to younger people is really important because I'm not seeing things through their eyes."
"Every generation thinks they're the first truly liberated generation."
"It's always been about Jesus is going to return and then everything's over and but we're just stuck in the end days so every generation thinks well now this is the end times."
"Every generation has a new crop of children who grew up thinking they know everything."
"I think over 50% of Zoomers would believe that an average person working an average job could feed and supply a house and food for a family of four."
"Assume you are not that person. If you are in your 20s and reading this newsletter, you don't want balance. You're after influence and relevance."
"You are the first generation ever to live on this planet where all the things Jesus talked about are all happening concurrently right now in our world."
"We make fun of our grandparents now, but will our children make fun of us when the new stuff comes out?"
"Every generation has always assumed we're it, this is it. There's nothing after us. But every generation has said the same thing."
"It's the height of hubris to think that your generation is the first one to come up with anything because you didn't everyone did it before you but every next one that comes along thinks that they're the hot shit."
"I'm telling you these new kids, goofy man, it's a goofy era."
"Gen Z is calling out complete unregulated capitalism and they are very intellectually looking at this and thinking about this in ways that I didn't when I was their age."
"I honestly believe this is the last generation. And when I look at these young people today, I wonder what they see. The world we have seen."
"90s babies, to me, the best because we was there for both sides of the [ __ ] we was there for the end of their [ __ ] and the start of this [ __ ]."
"Society is a partnership across the generations. To think only of our own generation is to impoverish our own lives."
"Anyway, be good people and do good things. And Gen Z thinks anybody over 30 is a boomer."
"Karen expressed her thoughts, saying that the use of modern technology in solving the case was beneficial for her generation."
"The Millennials are not as involved in civil rights, they're more into human rights."
"Every single group of people that has ever dominated were pushed around only a few generations before."
"Maybe every generation thinks the next one is the end of it all."
"I think it's an interesting comment on it's a teen soap with teen viewers and but then we had a lot of adults watching and I don't know about you I mean you guys are now in I want to say your 40s or 140. I just turned 40."
"Our future, not our past, is where we and our children must live."
"What would you give to see the way your father was at your age? Time steals memories."
"If you're over the age of 30, you are alive before every single dog that is currently on Earth."
"Remember, I've been your age, you've never been mine."
"Dentistry isn't what it used to be."
"Ultimately, that other generation of dentists is going to say dentistry isn't what it used to be, and that is objectively true."
"Anything that is in the world when you're born is normal and a natural part of the way the world works."
"I mean, for the older generations, it's like a stigma, but for young people, I feel like it's invigorating; I just feel so alive."
"We all at the age where I've seen the generations before me, the generations before them."
"The world is arguably safer now than when you grew up in it."
"I think the Zoomers will be an interesting point because they literally are in a different mindset of money and phone and technology."
"Music isn't like how it used to be, or newer music is worse... People have been talking about 'the kids these days' with their newfangled music for literally thousands of years."
"Every generation assumes they're important enough to witness the apocalypse, and then life just goes on."
"It's especially important today, you know, and as your generation looks out at this, there is profound mistrust of government institutions right now."
"It's you know it's for real when your parents who have lived a lot longer than you say that they've never seen anything like this in their lives."
"I really enjoyed his input on the older generation, like talking about the kids."
"Maybe we're born too late to explore Earth, born too early to explore space, but born just in time to see the Barbie movie."
"You guys don't know how good you have it."
"This is a generation of young voters who don't think the future is going to be as good for them as it was for their parents."
"I wanted my children feel the hardness, my grandchildren don't get big, my grandchildren is eight at them and they're small, so I want them to see the life the grandmother had going through a very very hard life."
"I think our generations now need to have a bit more respect for what people went through."
"We have the two worlds: the child at the start of life and the elderly at the end."
"We're part of a generation that both idealizes and bashes the way previous generations did love and marriage."
"Do you think that children today in Canada and the United States are kind enough to their parents? Yes, I think so."
"These damn kids, they don't even know how really good they got it."
"Anything invented before you're 18 was there forever. Anything invented after 18 is revolutionary and brilliant. Anything invented over your 30 should be banned."
"When society starts to advance, there's always a guarantee of a new generation that's worse than the last."
"We like no other generation have been able to listen to, hear, and empathize with other people's experiences instantaneously and directly."
"Every single time I see somebody try to make that case that today's generation isn't living life to the fullest... it's what the previous generation said about every other generation's new technology."
"We are the generation who has seen both the simplicity of life and the complexity of today."
"Every generation thinks that what they're seeing is new when all it is is they're seeing it for the first time."
"What a wonderful time to be young."
"What do you think the next generation will think of our generation? I don't know, my generation hasn't done anything yet, we're all in our 20s."
"We all remember September 11th, albeit the younger cohort as children and the older cohort as teenagers."
"Born too late for the dinosaurs, born too early for space travel, born just in time."
"Let somebody that has a young refresh ability that's more in tune and in touch with the times be up in the office."
"When I was a boy, my father told me that his father had told him about how things were degenerate, and then my father complained about our time, and now I'm complaining about my time."
"The best thing about being in Gen Z is having the access and the resources."