
Environmental Stewardship Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"Women have authority to subdue creation just as men do and should not, therefore, be kept from exercising dominion in relation to creation."
"Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit beneath."
"Evolution is going to be a participatory process. We have to participate."
"And suddenly you just switch all of that and you make that farmer a steward of soil instead of an agent of death for microbes and weeds, and their whole world shifts around. They find their own self-worth, they find their own passion for farming again, their mental health goes through a radical revolution."
"I honestly feel like God has made me a servant of water."
"To protect and to cherish; it's not just a duty but a sacred promise to the generations to come."
"We could have invested that money in indigenous healthcare, environmental stewardship... there's plenty of other needy areas where we could have really had a huge bang for the buck."
"A man's job from the very beginning was to be a steward of the environment that causes the woman to flourish."
"In Southeast Alaska, there are 31 communities, including 22 federally recognized tribes. The indigenous peoples of Southeast Alaska are the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian tribes. They have been stewarding this place since time immemorial, which is over 10,000 years."
"We've been unimaginably poor stewards of the planet."
"This is a moral issue, my friends. We have to take the responsibility of making sure that the planet we leave our children and grandchildren is a planet that is healthy and habitable."
"Environmental stewardship isn't just about taking care of the planet; it's taking care of our neighbor."
"Are we the Shepherds we need to be, to assure our own survival on our own planet?"
"In order to be good custodians of our planet, we really need to understand how it's changing, how is it evolving."
"Every time I read an article about people wanting to escape Earth... no, no, no, the whole point is this is the only good planet in this solar system. We've sent robotic probes to all of them; this is the only good one, I promise you. And we have to take care of it."
"We are not simply neighbors if we live on Earth. We're roommates, because we share the same house."
"We have not inherited this land from our forebears; we have borrowed it from our children."
"We take it really seriously as an environmental responsibility to not waste wood."
"We either make this planet right, or the dinosaurs, they'll make it theirs."
"The world is what we make of it. God has given us the power to provide meaning to this beautiful planet."
"To minister to the needs of God's creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us."
"Whenever you realize that we may only have this life, there's no evidence for a Life 2.0 okay, well let's commit ourselves to fixing each other and helping each other and working on being a good Steward of this world."
"Leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it."
"Make things better wherever you are, however you can."
"Mother Earth is actually our mother she provides everything we need when we look at Earth."
"Respect them, the earth is a gift from God, treat it gently, you are its caretaker."
"Even at the end of time, you continue to work for the greening and the repristination of creation."
"Take care of your animals, take care of the earth, be an agent of good."
"Placing our national parks under the care and supervision of the Indigenous people they were stolen from seems like it would be a significant way to contribute to the healing of past wrongs."
"Stewardship recognizes that human activities have accelerated changes in environments, often to the detriment of biodiversity."
"This planet is still doing what it does best, being majestic, and it's our job to create a sustainable future in which we can keep appreciating that majesty."
"I want Australians to love this land and our species and become custodians and carers of that."
"We only have one earth and we are degrading it and that's not our right and so we have to stop."
"Are we trying to leave it better than we found it sure."
"Here's to your park and to your creativity and to your stewardship of a healthy planet to come. Thank you. I'm uh, boy, try my hardest to get people to come to this park."
"We cleaned up the litter, we put away the toys, we made sand castles, we gotta protect this place, Melon."
"This is our home, this is our future, and we're going to have to fight to see."
"The land does not belong to us, we have to be grateful for it."
"We're living in these days when people are thinking that they can save the Earth, and Jesus is saying, this Earth was created for man's good, man is supposed to have dominion over it."
"We all have a responsibility to leave this land better than we found it."
"We can't rely on the children to fix this, it's everyone's responsibility now."
"We are guests in the house of nature, not its masters."
"We are the children of Earth and we alone can transform this planet."
"If you are a believer in God, then I don't understand this. Why? Because God told us to take care of this Earth."
"Humans are the custodians of other life on Earth. Let us bring life to Mars."
"Even though we make less than five percent of the world's population, we're storing eighty percent of the world's biodiversity."
"From cleaning up the enchanted forest to tending to the Whomping Willow, there was an outpouring of love for mother nature, a humbling reminder that magic is as much a part of the environment as it is of us."
"Let the earth repair itself, help keep that green planet and that blue planet together."
"Farming has to be an act of gratitude to the earth."
"Genesis chapter one is actually presenting us with a way to understand that subduing the world could be done without violence."
"We choose a future where our children can enjoy the ocean for years to come."
"Soil is repairable and improvable, we don't need to buy land based on the quality of soil."
"We don't just want to leave a bunch of space junk up there... it's really important that we're good stewards of the space around our planet."
"We have been horrible stewards of planet Earth."
"We're all sharing this Earth here and we're all going to be passing by and why not to me I always the concept Live and Let Live."
"The recent Council Vatican II reminded us: God intended the Earth and all that contains for the use of every human being."
"We have to make the most of the short time that we have on this planet, we have to make this planet as good as we possibly can and try to leave it a better place than we found it." - Richard Dawkins
"We're very passionate about what we do when it comes to raising healthy food and taking care of our land."
"When you enter a course, you know you want to leave it better than it was when you arrived. We want to leave disc golf better than how it was when we got into it." - Paul McBeth
"Society grows great when the old plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit."
"They don't leave it better than they found it... when you are out here in the wilderness and you see some trash pick it up."
"You own your health, you own your land, you own your water that you drink."
"The Lord made a wonderful, sustainable planet."
"You take care of nature and nature will take care of you too."
"Our leaders won't do it, we are all 8 billion souls answerable for what has been created."
"Everything on Earth, there's a set of laws to govern it and we are the ones who supposed to follow the practice the law intending as caretakers of the Earth."
"Humans are supposed to be the century the guardians of Mother Earth and the strong are basically are to be the defenders of the weak."
"The more who are able to have that experience and go back to their respective diverse communities the bigger effect they'll have on the next generation of dreamers for the care of our home planet and the people that inhabit it."
"We are one Earth, one family, and we share one future."
"It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the sucker of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know so that those who live after may have clean earth to till."
"A cigarette maker is a better Steward of our environment, of our social policies, and our governance policies."
"I believe we're tasked to be the conscious managers of his creation, to be good shepherds, and so far as we fail to recognize this mandate, darkness and chaos is the inevitable result."
"If our goal is to be good stewards of the planet... we have to understand all the costs."
"Mother Earth... divine healing... we need stewardship... we need mentorship."
"What's important is that we find as a species how we can be good stewards of planet's resources other people and live by the Golden Rule."
"Most people do care about the land, especially if they own a piece of it. They want it to be healthy." - Kelly Walker, former USDA soil scientist.
"We can never improve on what God has given us."
"Looking after the environment... looking after our planet."
"We need our reason to teach us today that we are not, that we must not try to be lords of all we survey."
"We must assume that role to the best of our ability because we are stewards of this planet we don't own this planet we must care for this planet."
"Understanding the past is the key to the future, remaining complacent brings only destruction for future inhabitants of our planet."
"We must leave the world better than we got it."
"I think we have to exercise our dominion as caretakers of the animal world."
"Inclusivity is about understanding that you do not own land, Earth owns you. It's about being inclusive with all beings and elements."
"Mother Earth must be cared for and preserved."
"Humans are responsible for looking after nature."
"We're gonna install an aerator, feed these bass, and just see if we can see some big fish that are lurking in the pond."
"Life has been around on earth for almost four billion years until maybe a couple hundred thousand years ago... it's a phenomenal accident... but devoted themselves to improving the world."
"We're at a time where we have the knowledge and the capacity to start healing the world."
"Forgive yourself and others, cleanse your body, mind, and environment of toxins, be in stewardship of the earth, be gentle, be patient, the world is healing."
"We have to figure out a way to put it all back, live within our means, live within the resources that are available, but more importantly, maintain and take care of those resources."
"The first year of planting a tree like this, it's very critical."
"We're using the cattle to look after the trees."
"A kind of planetary Consciousness which would allow the Earth to continuously and consciously direct its own regulation and its own future."
"Going back to indigenous values, looking after country is actually understanding that we live in a very complex system."
"You need a plan and you need to have good follow-up, so working with Keith talking about prescribed fire um and then I just kind of we stood here and I said you know Keith imagine if this was throughout your entire property this type of habitat."
"The way I manage my land and water is really important to me and I believe I've got a personal responsibility to make sure that I produce cotton or any other commodity in a way that preserves the integrity of those resources."
"Society works best when older men are planting trees they know they'll never have the pleasure of sitting in its shade."
"In that sense, we do have a role. We can extend the period of climate stability, but we can't sustain it for very long."
"We're just custodians of the land and what's on the land. We won't be here for long, so it's important we leave them for our next generation."
"God created all of us to have a spirit to develop our environment."
"I'll always help take care of the Earth."
"When we place our rivers and our valley into younger hands, they must know that without these rivers, there is no valley."
"All my relations, we are all related, and the way you treat Mother Earth is how we're going to experience life in the future."
"With water, soil smarts, protection, shade, and a touch of support, you're well on your way to becoming the ultimate tree whisperer."
"We encourage you to keep nature wild, pack in, pack out, and leave no trace."
"We don't own the earth, the earth owns us."
"If we don't figure out how to take care of this place, I'm not sure that we'll make it in the long run."
"This is my brand new park, I know what I'm doing here, I'm a park ranger."
"There is nothing more important than leaving our planet healthy and habitable for our kids and our grandchildren."
"...even as we led creation into destruction, we will lead it out..."
"We did not inherit this land from our ancestors; we borrowed it from our children of tomorrow."
"Let us recognize that we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children."
"We're living on sacred land that has so much to offer and teach us."
"We're really lucky to be here on Earth, we've checked out the neighborhood in the solar system, we don't have a place to go, we have to make our planet work."
"As private landowners, we always want to leave our land better than the way it was when we found it."
"...the Easter Islanders didn't foolishly damage their environment and bring about their downfall; in fact, they made their Island Garden flourish."
"Developing the notion of sustainable development which is environmental stewardship with economic advancement in harmony."
"This responsibility is to the environment, to the oceans, and to the future generations that will inherit this Earth."
"Being stewards of our environment... we see this really as an opportunity to build a modern day model harmoniously bring together conservation and community."
"To be a full human being, we need to be in healthy relationships with one another but with the land at the same time."
"We as humans can be good for our environment... stepping in and taking a slice of responsibility."
"Who wants to be master of a dead ocean? It's not fun to rule over a pile of ashes."
"We are not alone in this planet, and we need to be the guides of this planet, not the owners."
"We can grow jobs, we can be pro growth, and we can also be good stewards of the environment."
"Every day we see that when we look after the trees, they look after us."
"You are not a pirate, but a steward, one willing to give, to care for the Earth instead of merely taking."
"Caring for the planet was one of our key responsibilities when we were created."
"We are the human beings, so we must look after our home."
"Our vision at AWS is for every one of us to experience that world firsthand."
"We are stewards of all of creation."
"Leave your site better than how you found it."
"Take care of Mother Earth and she will help you understand that everything we need is in the palm of our hands."
"We must take care of the one we have because it is a very long way to travel to reach these other habitable worlds."
"We believe we have an obligation to future generations for those public lands."
"We're just stewards of the plant and hopefully we're putting it in a good direction."
"I feel like God put us here to learn and to make the earth better."
"Protecting the environment is not an intellectual exercise; it's a sacred duty."
"I am a great believer of leaving things how you found them."
"The reason we've made this cartoon for children is because we don't want to borrow the land from the children anymore; we have to take care of the land for the children now."
"We are committed to wanting to leave our environment in a better state than we found it."
"We need to look after this planet."
"Do not cause corruption on the Earth after it has been reformed."
"We need to give or pass on this earth to the coming generation the way we found it, and even better."
"The earth is there for us, God's creation we are here to tend to it, to look after it."
"As individuals, it is extremely important that we recognize that it is our responsibility to make changes which will help our oceans for years to come."
"We just love it. We give the next generation the opportunity to fish because they are the future keepers of the environment."
"We've been doing school outside, preparing the gardens, planting trees, having picnics."
"If we want our kids to grow up with the same relationships to lakes that we've had, we're gonna have to put some work into it."
"None of us should ever take for granted this beautiful resource and amazing fishery we have here."
"The idea that we inherit the Earth from our elders is wrong; we borrow the Earth from future generations."
"Deity has endowed the Chesapeake with a remarkable resilience, a remarkable ability to restore its resources, but only if people do right by the bay; the time is now."
"The Earth is our canoe; the next voyage is one we all can and must make together."
"The national park system invites us to be mindful custodians, fostering a sense of responsibility and environmental Consciousness."
"This is something that we're going to have to tackle during this generation to make sure we're giving a good future for the next generation."
"The land is sacred to the native inhabitants of this great land; they take only what they need and do it in such a way that works in a delicate balance with their surroundings."
"The very thing we're told the Indians knew nothing about, namely private property rights, is that very institution that they used to protect the environment."
"I am a huge proponent for recreation... most people who recreate outside... are also stewards and respect the land."
"We need to be gentlemen towards our planet and restrain ourselves for the good of its future."
"These pioneers helped nations grow strong, they influenced transportation worldwide, and they brought an awareness to everyone that the Great Lakes are a resource not only to be utilized but more importantly respected."
"It's your world if you choose to grab it, it's your planet if you choose to have it."
"We owe it to ourselves and future generations to get this right."
"We protect the planet by protecting our seat at the table."
"It's like paying it forward in a sense, year to year."
"Our ancestors were not only superb navigators, they're great stewards of these islands."
"This world that has been given into our hands needs to be cared for."
"We're responsible for stewarding the environment well and for creating a place and a space for people to experience the beauty of Jesus."
"Stand unshod upon it, for the ground is holy, being even as it came from the Creator. Keep it, guard it, care for it, for it keeps men, guards men, cares for men."
"I give little animals homes, I take good care of my little people of the earth."
"We need to become better stewards; we need to act."
"We want to be good stewards of our environment and look after what we've got."
"The owners of Mana are the Earth and her elements; we don't even have a business plan."
"The environment is something personal to each of us but is also something which collectively we hold in trust for the next generation."
"Our entire lives are supposed to be dedicated to keeping the world in balance."
"We are kind of stewards of all the life here on Earth."
"We're privileged to be able to use these trails and keeping them clean and nice and safe for other users is so important."
"We must do this not only for our own health and collective well-being but for the benefit of the planet and its other inhabitants as well."
"We should take care of the environment because we're the ones that have been entrusted by God to steward it."
"It's all about malama aina, so if you take care of it, it takes care of you."
"It's a way of funding farmers for doing really good environmental work."
"We are the earth's caretakers and we have to do a better job."
"It's about energy, we could run this Earth."
"The world is on loan to us from our children."
"It's not just about the absence of chemicals or the absence of synthetic fertilizer, it's really about what are you doing to improve biodiversity, improve the soil, and actually protect the natural resources."