
Biblical Interpretation Quotes

There are 955 quotes

"Deborah, in her role as governmental judge, does not seem to be any overstepping of anything at all."
"The Bible is not for information but for transformation."
"Hal Lindsey was an author who sparked a cottage industry interpreting current events as fulfilling biblical prophecy."
"This is a really technical point: lots of times you'll hear it referred to as the Revelations... but it's actually just the Revelation of Saint John."
"And Jesus' response is not, 'Hey, I'm just talking figuratively,' that's not his response. He says, 'I tell you the truth. Before Abraham was born, I am.'"
"The New Testament is in the Old concealed, and the Old Testament is in the New revealed."
"Every detail in the Tabernacle points to Jesus Christ."
"So many young people, especially young people who call themselves atheists or agnostics...were fascinated by [the lectures]...saying things like 'I thought the Bible was a kind of stupid old collection of naive stories totally meaningless for contemporary life but after hearing your lectures on Genesis now I see how these stories have perennial and are extremely important and insightful for navigating life.'"
"The end-time book for believers is not the Book of Revelation; it's the Book of Esther."
"If we do not credulously read the Bible as uncomplicated history, we can parse the actual history that is in the text as well."
"Interpret literally, interpret in context, interpret in view of history and culture."
"The Bible describes the end times as the conclusion of the current system of things."
"Slavery was never based on race, and so nowhere in the Bible does it condone enslaving a race of people."
"Really, the God of the Bible is going to give you a quarter plus percent of His Bible so that you can't understand it? I don't know that God, not at all."
"If the seal of God is in His law, as the Bible says, then which law out of the Ten Commandments contains the seal? It's the fourth commandment about the seventh-day Sabbath."
"I have to make a decision whether I'm going to read the Bible through the eyes of the people that God prompted produced the thing, their worldview."
"The story of Noah's Flood...may very well have its roots in real events but...the modern value of the story may lie much more in its nature as a teaching device about the responsibility that humanity has to care for creation."
"What did Esther do, precious people of God, that would translate this little village girl who dare not stand close to the king's palace, but now had gotten favor with the king?"
"Many are familiar with the rider of the green horse, but let's see what the passage really tells us: 'And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and its rider's name was Death, and Hades followed him.'"
"The word of God cuts in half or separates soul and spirit."
"We cannot read the Bible objectively and not see God using women to solve problems in the background that help people on the forefront."
"The Bible isn't a story of what God did, it's a story of what God always does."
"Enoch being identified as this Son of Man figure."
"The book of Isaiah is a vision of hope for sinners through the coming Messiah."
"Michael Todd's preaching doesn't come close to what the Bible actually says on these topics."
"The Bible confirms the Trinity... plural nouns like in Genesis 1:26, 'Let us make man in our image.'"
"The literal interpretation of the Bible has not always been a central part of the Christian religion."
"Jesus is not silent; he actually has an intelligent conversation."
"The Old Testament doesn't make sense without Jesus."
"Ruth and Boaz isn't about Ruth and Boaz, it's about Jesus and us."
"The Holy Spirit is the key to understanding the word, not just to the point of information but revelation."
"Jesus said no man knows the day or the hour, but when Jesus said that he was right here on the earth in his earthly ministry."
"Genesis 6 1-4 is a story about both human and divine Rebellion against the boundaries that God has established and the destruction that results from not staying where you belong."
"Jesus affirms Daniel, and Daniel says that the world is going to be ruled by four great empires. It's going to culminate with the rise of the Antichrist and it's going to end with the return of the real Christ."
"This is probably the greatest single prophetic passage in the whole Bible."
"We need to consider the Bible from its symbolic, not in terms of is it objectively true."
"Which one is more centered on the torah which one matches up with the word of god which one matches the character even continues the messianic hope that was that was finishing the the bible which which one completes the messianic hope."
"The takeaway from the book of Revelation is a wonderful time of peace under the rule of God the Father and Jesus Christ."
"The serpent, originally in the Bible, is not spoken of necessarily as evil."
"This is the best year we've ever seen and the worst of times for those against God."
"Are we living in the world of the end? If so, what does the Bible tell us about this time? These days of war, devastation, unrest, strife, deception, and lawlessness?"
"Professor Yuval is saying the whole Gospel of Mark was the Messianic Haggadah."
"Listen to what Jesus is saying here. Look at the scene as it plays out and think: What is happening here right now?"
"The Bible is portraying it as being of God. Can you point to anything in the Bible where God says he's against slavery?"
"It is important to understand what the Bible says and promises about the second coming."
"The truth is Adam and Eve probably grabbed that apple because they were fucking starving, and it was the first tree they saw."
"It's a parable that Jesus did not tell, this is one of those passages that almost certainly was put on his lips by his later followers."
"The similarities do not mean one copied the other we can just equally mean they share the same traditions about something that actually happened in the past."
"Genesis inevitably wins in creation it's a cat as admired for its simplicity and grandeur its concept of man accord well with observable facts combined with this."
"God's Word is what you see written on a piece of paper on an ink... God's Word that explains something deeper."
"Cain's wife was his sister. Eve is the mother of all living."
"Jesus had enough time to say that the Pharisees are adulterous hypocrites but never said 'I am God, worship Me.'"
"Many if not most Christians... don't read the Bible in this hyper-literal fundamentalist-like way."
"Genesis 1 and 2 are complementary rather than contradictory."
"It ain't all sunshine and rainbows down there, no sir. There are strange, yes very strange things the good book says about the belly of this world."
"Evening and morning are used together with 'yam' 23 times each, and it always means an ordinary day."
"Every detail in the Bible is there by deliberate design. That’s my challenge to you. Check it out."
"Is abortion murder? The Bible is clear... You shall not murder."
"Faith receives, she did it, she heard it, she did it, she received it when she acted on it."
"We need to have proper hermeneutical interpretation when it comes to Scripture."
"The return of the Jews back to their land and the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, can a nation be born you know in a moment at once, yes a nation was born immediately."
"The Bible does not mandate that people keep slaves. The Bible has historically been used as a freedom document."
"Reading Genesis 3 as the story of an intervention in the process of human evolution and as an upgrade to human intelligence reframes the whole scene."
"This whole uh Daniel 9 thing is built around these heptads these weeks of years seven years and so he's going to enforce a covenant for seven years."
"There's an awful lot of Jesus in the Old Testament."
"The Bible has written a lot about forced religious principles, and it's never God's will to force religious worship."
"You cannot understand the Bible without the organization."
"We ended up with a somewhat narrow perception of the Bible."
"The whole book of Revelation is about gaining a new perspective of Jesus." - Rod Parsley
"The Bible is not just some little book to teach you how to be nice and kind. The Word of God is your greatest offensive weapon."
"Acts 15 reveals the existence of a magisterium."
"Scripture cannot even meet the bar of being perspicuous."
"All of the Old Testament is about Jesus. It's all about Jesus."
"Just because a word may not be in some translations doesn't mean that concept is not taught."
"The Bible's about us, the Bible's about humans. Who cares about what the heck's going on in Alpha Centauri?"
"What it means to have a biblical worldview, we want to achieve a correct, accurate biblical worldview."
"This effort by some people to limit a woman's role and capacity beyond what scripture actually teaches is unbiblical."
"The purpose of Job's details in the Bible are not so that we can relate to him but so that we can see how good God can be in the worst moments of our lives."
"I think Solomon was hooked up and I think that his great wisdom and his great power he totally gave over to Satan."
"The Bible is not just true but a precondition for the manifestation of Truth, making it even more true."
"The Bible teaches is often a function of the themes and patterns and trajectories inherent in the Bible as a whole."
"Christ crucified is the ultimate hermeneutical lens through which we should read the whole Bible."
"Perhaps Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married... as the DNA results suggest."
"Could it be that Jesus was talking to Mary Magdalene, his wife, asking her to protect their son?"
"Be very careful when you read the Bible. Just because something is written in the Bible, it does not mean that God condones it."
"When a person looks at the Bible, what he finds is God having an exalted view of women."
"Put a purpose on it put a purpose on it because when you find yourself beyond your understanding you gotta pivot to the purpose."
"Judgments start taking place. I don't know how you can be anything but pre-tribulational. You just have to kind of know what the Bible says and just kind of feel it, you know?"
"The further people get away from a normal grammatical approach to scripture, the closer they get to all millennial no millennium."
"The full message of John 3:16 has been hidden from most eyes, but you have the opportunity to understand the full meaning of this verse."
"The book of Revelation is not in chronological order. When I read the book of Revelation, I see four separate retellings of the same event."
"There's something really subtle happening in the Bible which is only picked up in modern scholarship."
"These dreams... I believe is God saying that all of the biblical scriptures are coming to pass fast."
"The fact that the Bible has something in it that's true doesn't mean that every verse in it is true."
"He came from Sinai, God didn't come down to Earth and start walking around from Sinai."
"Read through John 14-16 in any of a hundred different English translations and you'll see without question that the paraclete, the helper, is the Holy Spirit."
"Shall a nation be born in one day shall a nation come back to life in a day and everybody would read that and go what does that mean and then on May 14th 1948 for the first time in human history the church in Israel existed the exact."
"My book argues that the book of Genesis holds ancestral memory of at least three resets in human history."
"God never even made Eve an option for Adam until Adam was enough."
"Paul the apostle was not condemning the gift of tongues, he was comparing it to the gift of prophecy."
"To reject that whole tapestry of life in favor of two chapters in the Bible is really sad."
"I think we should include it in our Bibles with footnotes and hopefully a careful and helpful explanation for why there is some question about it."
"Slavery in the Bible was more like employment, not the same as historical slavery."
"If you lose your salvation, the promises of eternal life in the Bible would be an error."
"Let's see, Dr. Brown mentions that Acts chapter 3 verse 22 Peter applies Deuteronomy 18 to Moses."
"There are so many different ways within that biblical framework that women and men can fulfill the calling that God has for them."
"Names in the Bible tend to carry incredible significance."
"The Christ of the Old Testament is the same Christ of the New."
"The name Jezebel became synonymous with harlotry, but the biblical character herself is better described as fierce, formidable, and pagan."
"God will never violate what he's already clearly said in his word."
"Scripture is the foundation for interpreting dreams, not unscriptural interpretations."
"The only explanation the biblical writers see behind anything is unless the Lord ultimately brought it to pass."
"Your lodestar for interpreting the Bible is increasing in your love of God and of other people."
"The doctrine of a second coming is an admission realization that Jesus did not fulfill the biblical prophecies."
"Israel is not a political issue, Israel is a Bible issue."
"Trusting Jesus means trusting his view of the word of God."
"The Christian view is that the New Testament is hidden in the Old Testament, and the Old Testament is fulfilled in the New Testament."
"I don't think anything was put into the Bible by accident."
"The Bible is trying to inform us there is something different and strange going on in the promised land."
"It's all about knowing... the ultimate prophetic doctrine of the Bible is in fact salvation."
"The false Christ is the serpent on the pole."
"The Genesis 19 passage is talking about sexual violence and rape."
"When it comes to Celestial phenomena and the significance in relation to Endtime scenarios, the Bible is anything but silent."
"But don't just assume because it's in the Bible, don't assume he's like an evil person trying to do an evil thing, he's trying to do his job right."
"The sufficiency of scripture: when scripture makes something clear, making exceptions is dangerous."
"Take the Bible seriously, literally. Every verse impacts and is impacted by every other verse."
"We always want to bring a perspective on the biblical perspective on whatever is happening."
"The technology revealed in Revelation is the technology of now."
"Jesus is the way...but those that climb in another way are thieves and robbers."
"The whole bible is about how do we approach God."
"Even the small details matter in understanding the Gospel."
"I think there's another element to in the feeding of the 5,000 of all the miracles of Jesus, this one probably more than any other at least that I can think of specifically speaks about his death."
"Jesus was good about throwing shade on rich people."
"Jesus is the law and the prophets, he is the word, the word is him."
"It is important to understand the Bible is inspired but it is just as equally important to understand how to understand the Word of God and how to interpret the Word of God."
"The Bible's historical and prophetic writings tell us where we came from, where we're going, what's going on today, and how it's going to end."
"Passages such as Ezekiel 37:1-14 depict God breathing life into a valley filled with dry bones signifying the Revival and reunification of the scattered Israelites."
"The first thing you need to ask yourself when you read the Bible is, 'What is this saying about God?'"
"The Bible is so pliable that men of every opinion can historically have found verses and passages to justify every behavior imaginable."
"It's amazing how far off you can be when you think about issues biblically."
"The bible is the whole point; the whole point in doing this is that you live forever."
"Happy is he that doesn't condemn his own self in that thing which he alloweth."
"It isn’t fulfilled yet. That should shock you."
"Jesus is displayed in us when we do the work of going into scripture and getting to know him so that then we can stand before God's people and let them see Jesus."
"Why are the Christians so scared of the devil when it's God killing everyone in the Bible?"
"Measure what you believe and how you think by the Word of God."
"Genesis 1 does a lot of showing rather than telling."
"Genesis chapter one is actually presenting us with a way to understand that subduing the world could be done without violence."
"Biblical cosmology, especially in light of end times, is critically important."
"Goliath was a result of illicit sex and perversion, the most ungodly experiments you could imagine. Look at what's happening now, manufactured things rising up to kill God's people, to destroy the morale."
"He only would heal the lepers if the lepers were on board with him literally throughout his whole Ministry."
"The god of the Bible is simply various authors' portrayal of God."
"Everything in life, every perception in life, every attitude, every action must be understood in the light of the word of God."
"It's behind everything from the past, the present, what's happening right now in current events, what is yet to come. It's really the master blueprint of the end times."
"The more I read my Bible, the more I see that we're suffering because we ignore the way God told us to do things."
"I don't think there are contradictions in the Gospels."
"Jacob is unquestionably an archetype of Christ."
"No prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation."
"Paul and James complement, not contradict each other."
"The idea that somehow the New Testament writers had a different view of these things... no, this is the Orthodox biblical Christian consistent view."
"That's one of the great things about being a solo dev and being able to do all these different things is like if I'm in a mood, I just follow that mood."
"This text is a bottomless well of biblical truth and reality."
"And that's described by our Lord in Matthew 24 and 25, as well."
"Revelation isn't like a literal description of what's going to happen... it's a book of Hope for those who are suffering."
"Most Christians only read the back of their Bibles and never read what's in the middle."
"When we ignore who these men were and what they understood, we can sometimes completely misunderstand what they were writing."
"Show me in the Bible where everybody got to be like our organization when the Bible says they are different in administration."
"The Bible is a living word, it reveals truths beyond surface interpretations."
"When we hear the Word of God, it informs us. When we believe the Word of God, it transforms us."
"Those who reject the Lord can't make any biblical sense, but we can make biblical sense."
"The number one takeaway I want all of you to get from this video is that Sola scriptura has created Jacqueline Glen's interpretation of the Bible."
"Jesus says this very explicitly in the Gospels, he says you will not taste death or something to that effect okay before all of these things come true so."
"The Bible speaks plain, it is given unto you."
"When a man tells you there's no mystery in the Bible, he's admitting God don't use them."
"We decide what's good in the good book when we take our ethical intuitions to the text and read the golden rule."
"There's a biblical precedent for dreams being taken seriously."
"Salvation is not just asking God to forgive; it's accepting the plea bargain Jesus made on our behalf."
"Zechariah: God coming twice, Trinity implied."
"God has written the future down in advance. It's called bible prophecy."
"We're living in the last days, you're watching Bible prophecy reveal itself right before our very eyes."
"For decades, Pastor Begley has provided people all over the world with an understanding of today's world events from a biblical perspective."
"Stop asking him what do you think what does God say if that's what you say God is in that Bible that you have read from to your congregation."
"It was applying those basic tools to some of the anomalies in the stories we tell from out of the Bible that signaled to me there was another layer of story in our familiar texts."
"Kamala says, 'The act of getting vaccinated is the very essence of what the Bible tells us.'"
"The Bible is the story of our spiritual ascension and parables."
"Interpret the Word of God properly to live your best life now and understand God as He is."
"Bible prophecy is not just about the mark of the beast... it's also at the beginning and in the middle."
"This song is genius and details what I assume would have happened if Eminem got to the hospital later than he did."
"The false prophet and the second beast from Revelation 13 are the same."
"I love in verse 12 when it says but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name."
"For me racial justice and queer liberation were always the same thing because the people who taught me the biblical case for queer inclusion were queer POC."
"There are a lot of difficult things in scripture that can really affect us, but what has Jesus said about him that tells us who he is?"
"As Christians, we believe that critical race theory is unbiblical and that it preaches a different gospel."
"Jesus Christ is the word that God speaks in Genesis 1 and that's why he says let us create humans in our own image."
"Jesus never taught about that... the Bible never teaches about this."
"We are witnessing the convergence of Bible prophecy around the world."
"Paul said it, not Jesus, and they then make Jesus say it to confer authority on those words."
"Faith is not believing in the Word of God, faith is the act of the Word of God."
"It's a myth that says if you don't use the King James Bible, you don't have God's Word."
"It matters what happens in the Bible what the Bible States what Jesus said."