
Political Motivation Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"I'm in this race because I want us to run to something."
"There are two types of people in politics, Josh: those who want to be something and those who want to do something."
"What do you offer the world? What do you want to leave behind? These things are something that the questions that should be the questions that motivate political action."
"This isn't about ego, this is about how we save a country."
"I ran for office because I think we're destroying our country."
"They'll change it. They will change things. They wanna be in power. Yes, they wanna be in power. They wanna stay there."
"I didn't get into politics to lose or just be a loser, right? I got into politics because I've been losing as well as my family and my community for my entire life."
"I've always been very politically motivated to stand up."
"They vilified him and they knew what they were doing and they knew why they were doing it."
"I understand that the attacks against Jeremy Corbyn were politically motivated."
"The term voter suppression — embedded in that word is the very question of what the motivation is for these kinds of laws and procedures."
"If we win this, you all get your independence back, and you get to be the short King in the north."
"I got into politics to do something, not to be somebody."
"I think if anything it might actually be the final dose of inspiration necessary to bring both sides together and ensure something gets done."
"I'm only 19 and I feel like I'm watching my future being stolen from me, but I feel obligated to get into politics and fight for what's right."
"It's shocking a lot of people in Virginia and is motivating them to vote against the current establishment."
"The truth is this raid wasn't about documents."
"We have all these cards, but the starting point has to be to want to do it. Political will."
"Every revolution in history, it's because the people were cold and hungry."
"I am revved up and ready to go for post midterm election prosecutions of everyone including Donald Trump."
"That big lie is motivating what we're seeing right now."
"I wonder though if he was actually saying that, and if we aren't going to actually get an origin story again."
"The single most powerful force in our democracy is you."
"We will win this case, but this case should have never been brought. It is a political prosecution."
"A lot of this everything we've talked about today leading up until this point is a perfect explanation of why Elon Musk has been so determined to lean into the right-wing politics field."
"What I'm fighting for is the Constitution, what I'm fighting for is the perpetuation of the republic."
"Nothing gets Democratic voters out like Trump."
"I believe Cecil murdered Amy Dudley, and I think he did it for, in his view, very good reasons."
"Total domination of the continent, replacing the factions of men with elves, is enough motivation in itself."
"Victory will be built upon Big Ideas, bold Ambitions, and daring dreams for America's future."
"Love and hope and light join in the battle for the soul of the nation."
"Donald Trump was a multi-billionaire... and he decided to run for president because he hated to see what was going on in this country."
"Why did I get in the race in the first place? Number one objective was to push Biden out so we could actually beat Trump."
"Victimhood or victory, grievance or greatness, I choose freedom and hope and opportunity. Will you choose it with me? Let's go!" - Senator Tim Scott
"That's why people voted in 2020. That's why we won Georgia, that's why we won these seats in Arizona because Democrats want fighters, Democrats want people who are going to go in there and they're going to get people coveted relief."
"If we vote like never before, we will elect Joe Biden, President of the United States."
"We all have the same goal and it's to see Trudeau gone."
"One of the many reasons I want us to win on Tuesday is so a lot of the young people who are involved right now still believe that politics is worth it."
"The future is ours to make together. It is now time for real change."
"Donald Trump is the symptom he's a manifestation and so I'm running for president because we need to wake up Americans."
"European leaders have succeeded in making immigration one of the dominant political issues of our time. My purpose in writing this book is to urge Europeans to act differently before it is too late."
"I'm running because Donald Trump is the President and I think our democracy is at stake for real."
"They didn't come here out of patriotism or principle, they came here in rage, not in service of America, but rather in service of one man."
"What we're all doing this for is to help save this country and save this planet from tyranny."
"Trump did it because he's a patriot, not for popularity."
"The freedom dividend... is a critical first step in the right direction."
"Running for president isn't really about trying to be president... they want press attention, they want to sell books, they want speaking fees." - Tommy Vitor
"I want to get in there tomorrow so that we can start advancing this conservative agenda, this America First conservative agenda that we so desperately need."
"Yes, absolutely we can win. We just have to stand up and fight together."
"We once saw the stars, now we'll see fire. Vote Democrats, fight to see the next fight."
"This isn't about stopping abortion, it's about power."
"The determination to put a stop to Vladimir Putin's aggression and show support for Ukraine inspired a considerable number of Russian troops and commanders to fight against the soldiers of their own country on the side of Ukraine."
"As long as we have breath in our bodies, we have to continue his cause." - President Barack Obama
"It's become very apparent to me that so many of these government decisions are almost wholly politically motivated and unconstitutionally."
"What role argument plays... if argument is a tool to discover what's true from which might flow a political desire but it is not the motivating force then you will act very differently as you argue."
"The only thing that will remain from this, will be the rage that he stirs up in his opponents’ hearts which will make them go out and vote him out of office."
"I'm running for governor for one simple reason because parents who are working extra shifts today have children who need to beat the odds tomorrow."
"Politicians are gonna need to learn how to excite and inspire the younger generation."
"He sees the presidency as his get out of jail free card."
"I'm running because I want to give voice to the powerless."
"The fight for democracy is not an abstraction. It's how we're not here to save some really old piece of parchment with writing. We're here to make a difference in people's lives."
"One of the reasons I ran for president is because America needs an intervention. We are moving in a direction that is maladaptive for the survival of our democracy and possibly even for the survival of our species."
"We're going to try and give our Republicans the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country."
"Fear of marginalized groups drove the organization of the New Right."
"I got involved in politics for two reasons only two at the front end of my career, civil rights and the environment."
"The main reason to vote for Donald Trump is because it makes Democrats cry and they're salty delicious leftist tears give me joy."
"This country thrives on our failure. So you go vote with that in mind."
"It's a rhetorical question: why did people go? Because they believed the election was stolen from them."
"Now is the day, now is the time, and let's stop playing games and let's work for the American public."
"It's all for sure all these uh um for U.S politicians their interest is still pushing weapon sales to Taiwan."
"This is a fight for the soul of our party and the soul of our country."
"Your one voice could be the reason they wanna show up to a poll."
"The lasting impression and the righteous indignation that produced is one of the most powerful motivating energies behind the Republican base."
"I think that's true but I also think what this impeachment does is that it will motivate particularly Republican voters in 2022."
"Christian nationalism motivated and justified that attack."
"It tells us three things... Kierstama isn't necessarily someone who is motivated by having a really strong set of politics."
"Let's get back to our roots and let's make sure that when 2024 comes we've got a team there that actually is going to care about everyday Americans."
"So you could see here what's going on right Hillary Clinton is thinking I want to take down Putin he's got to go because of what he did to me you know she's really seeking some big revenge."
"This could drive many people that are women and people that care about women on this issue to the polls."
"This is why I became a New Democrat, why I got into politics, and I'm honored to be able to get help to people who need it right now."
"Instead of rallying the British population to sign peace with Germany, this is going to get more and more people saying to Churchill, thumbs up, keep fighting against these guys."
"We didn't join it for the office, we didn't join it for the spoils, we joined it because we care about what it stands for and what it can do for this country."
"Vladimir Putin is driven by a sense of honor lost as the Soviet Union collapsed."