
Self-inquiry Quotes

There are 479 quotes

"Discuss yourself with yourself and say to yourself, 'Self, am I who I really am?'"
"In the path of Self Inquiry, the distinction between the secular and the sacred is lost entirely."
"When you start that reflective self-inquiry, ask yourself: Who am I? What do I want? What is my purpose? What am I grateful for?"
"The more you spend putting your attention on your awareness and doing the self-inquiry, your consciousness will grow and expand."
"People say, 'What are we?' They look for form... No, just imagine awareness, just awareness."
"Self-inquiry, reflection, purpose, and individuation."
"Who are you? This is an important question that, to be honest, isn't asked at all anymore."
"A person gets to a certain point in life where they really ask the question, 'Who am I and what am I part of?'"
"What do I want to fight for? How am I going to get this in balance?"
"What sort of life do you want to live? What are you passionate about? What are your personal values?"
"If I'm not that, if I'm not that, Who am I? That is the most important question you can ask yourself."
"In conclusion, what I want you to do is to sit down and question materialism to death through self-inquiry and contemplation."
"What is the greatest mission that I could have that would give me the greatest sense of meaning and fulfillment?"
"The work is a way to identify and question the thoughts that are the cause of all the suffering and confusion in the world."
"Are you living on purpose? Are you living your dream?"
"What are you scared of? Come on, what are you scared of?"
"What makes you happy? That's what you should be asking yourself."
"Could it be me? Could I be the anomaly? Have I been the anomaly the whole time?"
"What am I really here for? What actually makes me feel good?"
"Ask yourself one very important question: Is your underwear making you happy at this very moment?"
"What do I really want? That's an extremely powerful question."
"Ask yourself twice if you really need something before you buy it."
"You may be listening to this and ask yourself Sam, what the [ __ ] is wrong with you?"
"What do you really love? What's actually really important to you?"
"What would you authentically want if nobody else's opinion mattered?"
"Take time to reflect and ask yourselves questions."
"You're not a floating head, you can ask your body and it will show you."
"What does this part want you to know about itself?"
"Take it seriously, ask yourself if your actions align with your ambitions."
"Focus on making the pieces that you want and asking yourself what tools do you need to get there."
"Through self-inquiry, we begin to wonder who is aware on whose behalf are these thoughts arising."
"Self-inquiry is like a raft that allows us to cross the river from the not-self to the true self."
"Am I enough for other people? Can I be enough for myself?"
"If you really want an opportunity to be there, you need to ask yourself how am I being proactive in this? How do I play a role in this?"
"What's important is what do you think."
"I think it's actually a disservice to yourself and your potential if you don't ask yourself, like, who am I?"
"What do you want? There's something good about that."
"Do I trust that God loves me? Do I trust that I'm a child?"
"Why am I doing all these things? What do I want to cut out of my life?"
"What about it do you not want anymore? Use that as your starting place."
"One of the keys to human life is always asking ourselves who am I, why am I here, and what is the purpose for which I've incarnated in the present lifetime."
"If you think you might be on the spectrum it's a worthy question to get an adequate answer to."
"Inner peace is always accessible to us when we inquire into our deeper nature."
"Even if you're confused about something, even if you're unsure about something, just ask yourself a little question."
"Combine it with self-inquiry and contemplation."
"What do I need to feel really confident and peaceful with myself?"
"Everything starts with your ability, your courage within, to ask the questions that you are afraid to ask."
"Ask yourself the question: who is the one who is suffering?"
"What is right for me? How am I feeling about this?"
"Ask yourself first... before you ask anybody else."
"Investigate the self on whose behalf your feelings arise."
"Ask yourself which is stronger your faith or your fear."
"Who would I be in that same situation if I didn't believe the thought?"
"Stop asking what life expects out of you and start asking what life expects of you."
"What do you want? That's what the universe is asking you."
"Will this make me happy? If the answer is yes, then it's okay to move forward."
"I started to question many things about my life, what's going to happen to me after I die, what is my purpose, what is my goal in this life."
"What am I going to do with my life to matter?"
"Do I even like myself? Do I respect myself? Do I respect my decisions?"
"The last step is that self-inquiry, what is in my way? That's where the 'buts' come from, they all come from the belief system that we can't do it or we've been taught it can only happen this way or we're not worthy or whatever the excuse is."
"Everybody is qualified for self-inquiry. It is the most direct path and the highest of all paths."
"It's about inquiry, self-inquiry."
"Self-inquiry is like a piece of fruit that you start eating and it's really bitter and you can't bite into it but the more you eat it the juicier it gets."
"Follow the thought I, it will eventually lead to the end of thinking."
"Instead of following thought towards the object or objective quality, trace it back in the opposite direction."
"The question burns out the questioner, which also means it burns out your conditioned sense of self."
"What is blocking me from experiencing what I see other people experiencing?"
"Every day, ask yourself: 'Is this what I really want and why?'"
"What are you living for and who are you living for?"
"If you got magically transported to the last moment of your life... What would you have rather been?"
"Where am I in this course like have I skipped a few sections or am I completely different Journey now."
"What do you have, why do you have it, and do you like it?"
"There is no greater mystery than this: ourselves being the reality, we seek to gain reality."
"The quest 'Who am I?' is the axe with which to cut off the ego."
"If you're waiting for this person to come back and build a new foundation, you have to ask yourself why."
"There is no centre as the ‘me’ attending. Therefore there is no fear in that."
"The whole exercise is to change the reference of the 'I'. When you say 'I', what does it mean? If you say it means this body and mind, then I am thinking of myself as the wish you are the Waker."
"In order to know what we are, we have to inquire into ourselves."
"What is my purpose? What does this mean for me?"
"To live effectively, you must answer five questions."
"When you start to notice yourself wanting support, ask yourself if it comes from a place of anxiety or curiosity."
"Let it bother you until you know why it bothers you."
"What would I do? This is the question to wake up to."
"So I think that constant interrogation, constant inquiry, constant reflection will help you discover what it is that makes you happy."
"What is happening right now inside me? And can I be with this?"
"We're supposed to be doing self-inquiry. We're supposed to be reappraising."
"and is what you do perfectly natural"
"I'm trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do, what am I supposed to do, what am I supposed to do."
"What do you want in your life? Like this is such a simple question but majority of people who I talk to have no idea what they want in their life."
"Each person needs to investigate for themselves and not just take the opinion of others or the opinion of a doctor or family members but needs to investigate for themselves and pay real attention to the path that is right for them."
"You have to be constantly asking yourself, 'Can I do that? What do I have to do to do that?'"
"What do I want my life to look like?"
"What am I doing here? How do I handle my own consciousness? How do I get out of here and what does this all mean?"
"Does being feel any sense of lack, does being desire for anything, or is it OK just as it is, just as you are as being?"
"Who am I? Who am I not? Where are my origins? Don't confuse yourself with other questions and see who you are."
"Ask yourself, 'Who am I?' and meditate on that, see what comes up."
"What is it that's really bothering me?"
"What is happening inside me right now, and can I meet this with kindness?"
"You need to challenge this idea 'I am a person'."
"Ask yourself, 'Who am I?' Find out what is this 'I', and where it comes from."
"The longing to meet the world? And then the question who am I? Which we will never be able to answer, but it doesn't make it less relevant."
"Write it down and then ask yourself: Where did this expectation come from? Why did I believe this in the first place? Is this true? Is this necessary?"
"If I’m aware when I’m awake and I’m aware when I’m asleep, who or what is it that is aware?"
"What is the truth of who you are? That's the true insight about all of this stuff."
"Who am I is not the question, but the answer."
"What if there isn't anything else that you need to do to awaken?"
"End your thoughts by asking, 'Who says so?'"
"Look around at what's being announced and honestly ask yourself what you're fighting for."
"How free do I want to be? What does freedom look like to me?"
"In any given moment, just to pause and say, 'What is between me and presence right now?'"
"I am a questioner. I question most things, I question myself, I question everything I see."
"Is there really a God, or have I been talking to myself in my head all these years?"
"What's stopping you from following your dream like the dream that you really want to do?"
"I want to learn about why I am the way that I am, and what I can do to help myself."
"What did I miss? Where am I headed? Is this the path I was meant to walk in?"
"What's your actual goal in life? What do you actually want?"
"What do you want to do in life? What do you have aspirations to do?"
"You've got to have an answer to this: Why am I here?"
"Are you living the life that is yours? Are you really carrying out the activities that interest you?"
"To notice how you react when you believe the thought, is to begin to understand the cause of it."
"If you ask yourself these questions often, you will become wise."
"Who am I, what is my work, and how will I contribute?"
"What do I actually want to do? What kind of world do I want to build?"
"Are you aware that you are aware?"
"Ask yourself what would make you feel more fulfilled in this life."
"Am I the name which my parents have given me? Am I that body which my parents have given me?"
"Who are you truly? Who is that Atma? What personality is that Atma?"
"The single most important question that we ever ask ourselves is literally, 'Who am I?'"
"What do I really have in front of me, and what can I do with it? And how can I do more than what I initially think I can do?"
"The core question of the masculine soul is: Do I have what it takes?"
"What is the thing that drives all the other things? What is the thing that only I can do?"
"You investigate your true nature, you discover the nature of yourself that it is eternal, infinite, inherently peaceful, unconditionally fulfilled."
"What would my highest self do in this situation?"
"What does this word 'I' refer to in our actual experience?"
"What can I actually accomplish? Where can my energy be best placed?"
"The investigation into what we call 'I' must be the highest science."
"What am I willing to pay in order to achieve blank?"
"You can start from here and inquire back, and realize I am that pure Consciousness."
"There is this one thing called Consciousness which is revealed when we investigate ourselves."
"To keep the mind constantly turned within and to abide thus in the self alone is Atma Vichara, self-inquiry."
"Why do you exist? Have you ever asked yourself that?"
"Do I qualify to rule over the lands of Tion Shoy?"
"I'm going to find out why is it that the thing that I think is relieving my stress actually is making me feel miserable."
"What's right about me? What's right at my core?"
"What's holding me back from speaking up, taking a leadership role, or doing this on my own?"
"What do you really want? A question the social media influencer challenges us to answer."
"Where can I place my attention that is most useful?"
"Ask yourself what you need, how this practice can best serve you."
"You really need to ask yourself, can I accept this person for exactly who they are?"
"What are you here to do today? What is it that you're most in needing, and is your practice rising to meet you in that place?"
"I had the audacity to ask myself that question. I didn't know the answer, but I wanted to find out."
"Am I okay? Is there anything legitimate about me?"
"What is the deepest intention of my heart for this moment in time?"
"How strong are you? I know you're strong."
"What do you desire? How would you really enjoy spending your life?"
"Why are you here? Why do you keep showing up even on the days where you really don't want to?"
"Not being afraid to ask yourself what would make me happy."
"What is stopping you from doing the things in your life that you truly like?"
"I've been asking myself that question my whole life."
"She realized that when she believed her thoughts, she suffered, but when she questioned them, she didn't suffer."
"Ask more questions. What's really going on with me? What do I want to do?"
"We have to ask ourselves what is the meaning of my life."
"To what extent am I in control of my life?"
"Then in that case, please let me ask you, did you create yourself? Or was it somebody else who had fashioned you?"
"Who am I? Asking that central question in one's life."
"What's happening to me? Am I losing my mind?"
"You've got to be able to ask yourself the question: How do you know what you know?"
"Mirror, mirror in my hand, who's the funniest in the land?"
"What do I want? What would make me happy to wake up every single day? What do I want my life to look like in a way that it feels worth living?"
"You are asking 'Who am I?' and you are not going to get an answer because the one who'll get the answer is false."
"My search for truth began with my very first reflective moment when I was six years old. I looked down at my body and asked, 'Where do I come from? Who am I?'"
"We want the truth. Who am I? What is the meaning of all of this?"
"Who am I or what am I? That is the most important thing."
"Self-inquiry is allowing you to come into alignment with your own true nature which is the space-like quality of awareness."
"The thought 'Who am I' will destroy all other thoughts, and then will arise self-realization."
"That is something that I have always asked myself, right? Venezuela is rich in oil."
"The real question you need to ask yourself is, 'How much can my vehicle tow?'"
"If there's a real interest in 'Who am I? What am I? Am I really this body mind or am I something else?' then one must pursue it."
"What if right now you were right where you were meant to be, not bypassing the situation, but really asking yourself, 'What if right now I'm just where I'm meant to be?'"
"What about you? What do you want? Are your needs being met?"
"The 'I' thought is traced to the source of the 'I' in the heart, which is the final goal."
"Cherish association with such sages; that supreme state which is obtained here and now as a result of association with sages and realized through the deep meditation of self-inquiry in contact with the heart."
"What do I really want? If I could wave a magic wand and create my ideal life, what would it look like?"
"The fundamental question at the core of all of this for almost all humans is: Why do we exist? What's the reason for my existence, and why am I here? What is my purpose?"
"If you find the source of the mind by asking yourself 'Who am I?', you will experience Him in your heart as your own self."
"Vedanta starts with the question: Who am I, or what am I?"
"Stop thinking about what everyone wants. What do you want?"
"Can that 'me' end? It is only when that ends there is total insight."
"Figure out who am I, what do I want, and why am I doing this."
"The Mundaka Upanishad consists of two kinds of inquiries: the first inquiry is an inquiry into the self, and the second one is an inquiry into Om."
"To inquire 'Who am I?' is the only remedy for all the ills of the world; it is also perfect bliss."
"The inquiry into the self is supposed to reveal the truth about ourselves, that we are this one immortal consciousness experienced in these three states: waking, dreaming, and deep sleep."
"Who I am is a fundamental question of the Vedas."
"When we scrutinize the form of our mind without forgetfulness, we will discover that there is no such thing as mind separate from or other than our real self."
"Vedanta properly understood is a process of self-inquiry, guided by these teachings, eventually culminating in the discovery of your true nature and thereby gaining freedom from suffering."
"What are the five things that will genuinely make me happy?"
"We've always wondered about who we are. We've always wondered about where we're going."
"It gets kids thinking critically for themselves and asking, 'Well, why can't I?'"
"Observe your life... in an open curious inquiry: What is this? What am I?"
"You gotta ask yourself, are you doing what you should be doing to succeed in life?"