
Life Integration Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Jiu-Jitsu for me was the connective tissue that started to join my mind together with all the different aspects of my life."
"After a while, you start out with all these things like you're talking about, you have to merge these two lives, and after a while, you're one life, and that's an incredibly beautiful thing."
"It's really impossible to draw the line for where art stops and life begins for the artist who is possessed by the desire to improve and do well."
"Meditation is building a bridge between your practice and your life."
"Express your unique true self and weave love into every aspect of your life."
"You really fit very closely into each other's lives."
"Our houses, our lives, we're right in there with them."
"Fundamental math is an everyday part of life."
"I really hope and pray that people are inspired to make prayer part of their life."
"Your consciousness permeates the entire world right - this is your life. Try to recognize that."
"Religion is not a department of life, it is something that enters into the whole of it."
"Perhaps you could not see it at the time... but one day they fit into your life."
"You don't know what your thing is, you don't know how you'll be able to implement it into your life." - Instructor
"There's integration that needs to take place in one area of life so you can take hold of the opportunities and take advantage of the blessings coming in in another area of life."
"Money leaks all throughout your life, and your life leaks into your money."
"Worship is your life... everything you do becomes an expression of worship. It is at the very core of your being."
"My career isn't really my career because it's my whole life... it's my everything." - Tinashe
"There's no separation, we're all integrated in this fabric of a conscious living organism of the cosmos."
"Activate spiritual aspirations through earthly actions."
"Find the fuel that drives you and infuse it into your life."
"Friday, sunny and aligning, everything starts to come together."
"I just had to make it so that it wasn't something I did, it was something that was part of my life and I feel like it is now."
"When you first start off I liked tech media and consumer because it's a part of my life."
"If somebody shows you a hadith, it's part of our Deen, it's part of our life."
"Use your calendar to accompany you in life rather than just these strictly booked things."
"Help me to add all of these things in my life and in my walk with you."
"Inspiration should be automatic, right? To be part of your life."
"Surrender simply means allowing oneself to be a part of something rather than fighting it."
"Real love seeks you out, weaving its tendrils through the tapestry of your existence."
"That masculine energy will run through your veins and be in every area of your life."
"Your job should connect to your life force and purpose."
"We don't look at it as a 'work-life', we look at it as our 'life's work'."
"Habits are easier to build when they fit into the flow of your life."
"... and integrate it with all the specific individual functions that we need in order to live, then we'll live a balanced life."
"Callings are when you really bring your gifts, your passions, and your values together into your work, into your life."
"Art and life, it all comes together, so thank you very much."
"The light of the Christian religion shines into every area of life."
"...one way to describe Holiness is that it's bringing our entire life into relationship with God."
"Balance is figuring out how to be here who God has called me to be there and bringing those two planes together."
"Find your hobby and passion and, you know, try to make it work with your life."
"Igniting your intentions and bringing your intention into each and every breath so that it can flow into your life."
"It's a part of my life; this is really important to me."
"Your spiritual life cannot be separated from your emotional life."
"You become your art; there's no separation between your life and your art."
"I don't feel that it's complete until it's out of my studio; its right place is being part of someone's life."
"I think that the discipline of practice, whether it's prayer, whether it is music, whether it is dance, is far more integrated and far more useful for your life than just having a tourist experience in the transcendent."
"Computation is at the heart of every area of science and life."
"May these great truths not be only part of our intellectual potential but may they become part of our living."
"It's never just a job. This is a huge part of my life."
"Your true love is already a part of your life here and now."
"It's so special to have that in our home and know that we're a part of your life in this way."
"The meditation and practice is really not separate from life itself."
"There is a growing sense that we need to recover a sense of the Sacred not just in the Liturgy but in the general living of our lives."
"It's a really good opportunity to build something that you love into your life."
"It's not how many pages we can cover; it's how much of what's in those pages are active in our lives."
"I need to not leave this journey at the train station, I need to bring it into my life."
"You are so deeply ingrained into every part of my life, and every part of me, that I can never be so shallow with you."
"Nursing is not just going to be a career to me, it's not going just to be a profession to me, it's going to be part of my life."
"It's part of my life, it's part of my heart, it's part of who I am."
"For me, architecture was always sort of an integration of our life."
"There's a way of being in the presence of God in the midst of whatever's happening."
"Your partner is not your world, they're part of your world."
"The internet has always been a part of our lives."
"People change, and a long-term relationship means you're not a part of the scaffold; you're a part of my life."
"If you put every part of your life into learning, it comes much easier."
"Grief emerges naturally and finds a place in your life."
"If you really want to know me, if you want to have intimacy with me, if you want the preaching of the word of God to benefit you, you can't have it compartmentalized as a portion of your life."
"It is the one religion which does not separate life in any smallest detail from religion, which knows what immortality is, and has utterly removed from us the reality of death."
"YouTube is so much more than just videos; YouTube is part of my life, YouTube is you guys, and you guys are part of my life."
"Gaming is always going to be a vital part of my life, or at least I hope it will."
"The kingdom of God is about the infiltration of the culture of heaven on earth in every area of life."
"When we embrace that truth, we will find that we will live our faith in the entirety of our lives."
"Spend your time in Vedantic thought, in this Vedantic paradigm, it won't interfere with your life."
"I do see value in you; I want you to be a part of my life, and I know that you fit into my life beautifully."
"Divine wisdom is coming your way, and it's this knowledge that is turning into a part of your life, a part of your soul."