
Explanation Quotes

There are 7445 quotes

"It's widely agreed that experience arises from a physical basis, but we have no good explanation of how and why it so arises."
"For me, the most important kind of explanation is explanation of behavior in terms of value. That behavior is explicable in terms of seeking to realize a value."
"Thanks to the telescope and the microscope, religion no longer offers an explanation for anything important."
"I need him to explain it. You can't just gloss over that and say with one line, 'Oh, it's legal.' Nah, bruh."
"The theory is simply an attempt to explain the facts of nature."
"Hopefully, this will help you guys understand how things work."
"Good evidence is able to be replicated; it's distinct; it leads to one explanation and not multiples with similar support."
"Simply put, a logarithm is the power that a number needs to be raised to to get some other number."
"What the point here is that Doug says why cooties, and the response is, it could have been anything; the kids just needed something to tease Jack about."
"Quantum mechanics works, and it's beautiful and it explains so much."
"Not everything needs an explanation, you know. In fact, most things are better off left to the imagination."
"You never know anything for sure. That's how science works. Not proving things for sure, the question is, is it the best explanation that we have?"
"Modern scientists call lead, and many other elements, magic. And lucky for us, it can be explained with science."
"Science is not about predicting where the trend starts and where the trend goes. It's about explanation. Only once we have the explanation can we, in fact, make the prediction."
"The optimal simple explanation is the least complex affordance necessary for the operation at hand."
"His celebrated lecture 'Where am I?' is a tour de force of the explainer's art."
"It's hard to explain to someone who has never set foot there, but I'll try."
"Science is really the only thing we have to explain why any of us are here."
"It explains everything. I hope it becomes mainstream for public health."
"Not only do I want you to understand what's going on, but also why."
"I hope that these videos make sense the way I've done them, the way I'm explaining what I'm doing."
"Some things in life just can't be rationally explained. Like love."
"Entanglement just means that wave functions, quantum states more generally, associate amplitudes with the entire configuration of a system."
"Science isn't just about explaining the natural world; it's also about taking those explanations and using them to make predictions."
"It's important to explain at an honest level, and an honest level allows you to use things like metaphors and analogies, but you must also explain why it's deficient because they almost always are."
"Humans like to explain the world around us by looking for patterns and finding explanations; we are biologically driven to do this."
"It's not negative in the sense that it's bad space or it's poor for your composition; it simply means it's empty space."
"When what's understood doesn't need to be explained, but I'm going to explain it for those who don't."
"The media and the government have done an abhorrent job of really explaining what that means, what we're experiencing right now."
"Don't let negotiations end with a 'no.' Negotiations should end either with a 'yes' or with an explanation as to why not."
"We're going to be going one-by-one through each hook and explaining not only how to use it but why you might want to."
"I'm trying to explain to people what it was that Marx was talking about and to do it in terms which are simple without being simplistic."
"If you don't know what an iceberg is, it plays on the 'tip of the iceberg' saying, presenting a chart full of information."
"The hypothesis 'God raised Jesus from the dead' passes all six of these tests: It has great explanatory scope, great explanatory power, it is plausible, not ad hoc, in accord with accepted beliefs, and far outstrips any of its rival hypotheses in meeting conditions 1 to 5."
"The Big Bang model...is currently the best explanation of all of the available facts, and there aren't facts that contradict it."
"The closest to the best explanation right now is, 'Here's what the data are from scientific investigation, and this is the model that offers the best explanation.'"
"A whole bunch of unexplained things does not amount to one explained thing."
"Data is the language of scientists and makes the unexplainable explainable."
"We're constantly trying to find the best explanation."
"The geography explains the 'why,' the 'why now' is demographics."
"You can only let a problem exist for so long before explanation no longer does the job that you want it to."
"What Scott Snyder really does is essentially explain it all."
"The power of a theory is what it explains divided by what it assumes."
"So far, all the secrets of the universe have been solved using math, and the universe uses math better than it can obviously use words because everything is mathematical."
"Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope."
"Chris could explain exactly what's going on here. He doesn't."
"Our job as journalists, the way I see it, is not to make a pronouncement not to convince people to think one way or the other but to explain why things happen."
"The meta-problem of consciousness then, at a second approximation, is roughly the problem of explaining these problem reports."
"For those who accept the idea that God could have divided the Red Sea by performing a miracle, the lack of naturalistic explanation poses no difficulty."
"The way science works is you see something unusual that your beliefs about the universe don't explain, and then you set off trying to explain it."
"An explanation is a story that accounts for something... Good explanations are stories that purport to actually help us understand what is going on."
"The time to claim that an explanation is the right one is when it has been supported by sufficient evidence and when it is reasonable and consistent."
"I guess I should explain how Mars missions work for any laymen who may be reading this."
"If one is determined to keep to the material universe as we know it, there is one viable explanation. However, it does involve aliens."
"The best way to get something across to someone and explain something to them is just through words."
"Promises are something native to how JavaScript works."
"Let me explain some more; I can. Oh, it's the domino effect. Yeah, the domino effect is an effect."
"Indigenous mythology right now best explains Baseline reality in the wilderness."
"The simplest explanation is usually the truest."
"It's just physics, it's just math. You get a supercell in there, and it behaves according to how the wind shear will shape it and sculpt the storm and its behavior."
"If the universe has a beginning, then you're going to have to explain what began it."
"These are just relevant findings to the topic at hand and in no way excuses acts of infidelity but it does provide potentially a more sympathetic explanation to some degree of adulterous behavior."
"History and legends fail to really explain why guests declined and stayed that way but it turns out there is a good geological answer for this."
"I don't know that you have to really respond except to look at him and go really explain to me how that works."
"Music theory is just a way of describing what is there to be used."
"I want to just give a synopsis of how the build works."
"What is populism? It's a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people."
"That's a pretty good explanation of the difference between trading and investing because they are different things."
"So here's what this area does: it integrates everything."
"A bill is basically a proposal, right? So you bring this... you bring something, think about like a white paper. Like you have an idea for something."
"That's the simplest, most logical explanation for what we see happening here."
"Let's first start this whole thing by just talking about what a brand trip actually is."
"it's a leftist who committed these acts and that lie is going to get established and disseminated far and wide on the right."
"But why is this the case? Well today we'll find out."
"Marcelo: ...nature is the ultimate guide... because that's the whole goal of physics is to explain what the world is like not what the world is like you'd like it to be."
"In science, a theory is something that actually explains a fact." - Josh Feuerstein
"As unpleasant and potentially dangerous a belief in one or more of these conspiracies can be, they do for the most part come from a very natural human desire to explain what appears to be unexplainable."
"Would you like to see a three to five line solution that a smart fifth grader would understand?"
"If you want to know if you actually know something, try to explain."
"A mystery will always be more interesting than an actual explanation."
"It's almost like magic, but it's science, really."
"That's a great way to explain that away. It's called a cruel irony."
"This video is my moment to explain everything step by step."
"I will unpack that in great detail... training you to do this stuff even better."
"An engine is nothing but an air pump, that's what it does."
"But for me you know not so much of an issue but we will quickly just go over this again this shows us the open quantity so how many shares we have open right now."
"Nothing else needs to be said to explain why."
"I hope I explained it well enough there because I'm not gonna lie, it's one of my favorite villain powers that I've ever come up with."
"I'm glad I'm able to explain that to viewers. Most don't know, and I understand it does sound a little slightly unfair if one person is paying and now you want it from me as well. However, that's just not the law."
"Chainsaw Man has zero interest in explaining how any of its supernatural nonsense works."
"If you can explain something really clearly, you probably know it."
"I'm laying out for you so that you yourself understand these are the cards that are being played."
"The vast majority of UFO reports from around the globe can and have been explained away in prosaic conventional terms."
"Thank you for explaining this, I know this is something that most of us really do not understand because most of us are not physicists or scientists."
"For anybody who hasn't played this game, the basic premise of it is..."
"It's all there for you to share with those who say 'I'm confused'"
"Somebody please make this make sense for me, because it just... it's not making sense."
"How can a chop really hurt? Listen, oh yeah, it's just right in the sternum." - Highlights the surprising power of seemingly simple moves.
"This is all really good news as well but let me explain the nuance of it and this is important to understand."
"It's pretty interesting and it's hard to explain any other way."
"Why does the world work the way it does? This fundamental science tries to answer that question."
"Science is the only game in town when it comes to describing the world."
"For someone to take on such aura without any problems left only one reasonable explanation for Ry: sacred Aura."
"Comedy in a lot of ways is a way of trying to take these basically just hellishly expository things or instructional things and just spice them up a little bit."
"If I were to shove my finger up my nose that is still the external environment."
"I know I keep bringing it up, but when we get to it, you'll understand."
"Hopefully one day he'll communicate why he did it. I think it would help us all understand."
"Explaining ideas out loud for English... it's the best way of being able to articulate your ideas."
"To explain is not to justify, but if you don't want to explain anything, you will never learn anything."
"It tells you why she really wasn't there the whole time, it gives a real explanation."
"Evidence should explain the available facts entirely and should not lead to multiple different conclusions."
"Let's get into this. So what is it exactly that we're talking about?"
"So sorry for the grainy picture, but you know what's going on here."
"The smartest investors were like explain that to me like I'm a toddler."
"That is as simple as it gets for an explanation of this feature."
"Every analogy I use is clear and purposeful. If you don't understand it, well you think it doesn't apply please correct me immediately and I will explain why I believe it applies."
"Balancing is one of those things that people think there's a lot of voodoo to it, and I don't know if I've ever heard anybody say it better, it's science."
"Like if you if you had to explain it to a person who didn't really not understand what you're saying how much different are you talking about."
"Well, that would certainly explain the laser eyes."
"Rubber duck debugging: explaining your code to an inanimate object."
"Now let me try and add some additional information."
"A God can serve as an explanation for anything and serves as an explanation for nothing."
"The causal principle provides the best explanation of our experiential data concerning beginnings to exist."
"Even with us thriving and doing pretty well, there is an interesting period of time that we can point to that was sort of a blending of the current time frame where sure mystery still exists today and in today's era but things are more explainable."
"At the end of the day there's just so many missing like I said so many holes so many missing parts that you can fill it in with whatever you want."
"Don't want to have to overly explain things to an audience... so impactful."
"We are trying to explain everything you see in the cosmos."
"Each individual point of discussion is fully explained from its first principles so that everybody understands what is going on."
"We all want to know how that happened, but guys I'm not gonna belabor the time."
"So if you guys are you know if you if you don't want to know how the magic works you got to tune out because you will start seeing these things once i explain how how it works but i think it's kind of cool so we can share this why not right."
"Just because you don't personally understand something doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense or that there's not an explanation."
"We can simply say that the Universe was born this way. This means the initial conditions were set like this, and we don't have a further explanation."
"I would like to take this video today as an opportunity... to address literally everything."
"This means that for every one Google stock in existence there's now going to be 20."
"Was it something supernatural or is there another way to explain this strange clip?"
"This star is presenting us with... an explanation and a confirmation."
"Can you just explain to everyone what you mean when you say the non-bank sector?"
"Scientists look at the world, they try to find an actual explanation for that observation."
"So, the mRNA vaccine... it's really very simple."
"Did you guys write that down? Because that was a damn good explanation."
"Decentralization period if you want the simple answer that's what it is to everything."
"This is unprecedented. If it's alien, satanic, I don't know what it is but it's something beyond the human brain."
"I no longer want this, and I don't need to explain why."
"Ontological reductionism is about the property of nature that we explain the behavior of macroscopic things by the behavior of their constituents on smaller scales."
"The most succinct explanation of why Trump was so popular in the first place."
"If you have taken a tumble, it means you have fallen over."
"It's crazy guys, we got to end our explainer here but this is fascinating..."
"Everything in here is completely logical if you follow it from beginning to end."
"Sometimes the simplest explanation is the correct one."
"I'm about to have a big clear out of this so before we do so I'm going to talk you through all of these items."
"It managed to retain that feeling of mystery... while also explaining some things and not leaving the player completely in the dark."
"Hopefully, you get the gist of what I was trying to put across."
"Everything can be explained mathematically. There's pretty much nothing that cannot be explained mathematically."
"The reason for that is that it is really, really, really big." [Music]
"Most people don't know why it was actually disabled. I know why, so let me tell you."
"It's either correct and I've explained it twice go back and rewind it I'm not going to dig through this I can't dig through it again in the middle of the show."
"If you have to explain the joke, it's not a very good joke."
"Ripley explains what she knows about the aliens."
"Every time you allow somebody to just talk and talk, they'll explain the world to you."
"The drums immediately tells us what the drums are and where they're coming from, giving us some much needed context."
"Zero doesn't mean there's none of something, just means it could be on a scale."
"Intel actually... let me put some of this pricing into perspective for you guys."
"God is the thing with no explanatory power, it is an attempt to solve a mystery by appealing to a bigger mystery."
"You're gonna have to like explain this new you probably over and over again."
"Gods are invisible agents who run the world, who control things, who create these patterns that we use to explain things."
"Let me just explain this conglomeration of guts here."
"The simple story is that there's something making it bounce... then there's a part that you decide where to put the foot... and then there's a third part to keep the body at an attitude that's upright." - Mark Rober
"What we have here is an eight-foot weather balloon."
"A telescope is just a device that lets you see far away things close up."
"I'm not going to explain to you exactly why it is possible."
"Let's just start with a demonstration of the problem."
"Gg is only, man. I feel like I explained so much during this game, so hopefully learn something new."
"That's super reasonable but the catch with this explanation is that there were no reported storms or thunderstorms or rain in the area that night at all I'm just saying something here clearly isn't adding up quite right."
"There's actual science behind all of this stuff."
"No one's really come up with a plausible explanation."
"He makes videos for people that don't understand the concept at all and he does such a great job of like explaining everything and I love him for it. He is the goat."
"Maybe the simplest explanation for all the secrecy..."
"We can go ahead and kind of drop it off here, wrap up our New 52 Batman explanation series."
"There's not a whole lot to explain here right I mean there's nothing that we can't explain in the span of like five to ten minutes so we're gonna kind of beef this up a little bit."
"If you couldn't give an adequate naturalistic explanation for those phenomena, then I would reluctantly but modestly conclude that naturalism as an account of what goes on in people has its limitations."
"Anyway that's where the Maclaurin series for sine comes from."
"That's really wonderful and actually gives similar formulas for all the really famous functions, like the exponential function or cosine, etc."
"Eventually of course there's a lot more I could say about this identity."
"I feel like I am trying to explain why it's wrong."
"So what the hell is NATO? What does this all mean?"
"It's hard to describe to people that aren't aware of what's going on of how wild this stuff has gotten."
"That's what happened, that's what hot to me."
"Sorry about the length of the video... 'I'm sorry I was very rambly, but I hope it helped you guys.'"
"Miracles are supposed to defy natural explanation."
"So that was the explanation here I mean that's good at least it's not something that's like super recurring."
"You know, if you want to explain to anyone just how Fairy Peak plays, that was it."
"This is the biggest story ever, Greg, because it explains so much of what's going on in our financial reality."
"Some background for anyone who doesn't know what we're talking about."
"The goal is to give people an understanding of what took place so that when they're presented with something that seems strange in a conversation with another person, they have a better chance of understanding what's happening."
"The defendants have raised an affirmative defense. What does that mean? An affirmative defense means, 'Hey, even if.'"
"Science has told us the last 400 years why the universes must be the way it is."
"You can't invoke the supernatural for something you can't explain because there's no other explanation."
"Physics tells us why the universe must be the way it is, not that it could be anything different."
"This is a good diagram to show you the potential outcomes."
"It's a big piece of the puzzle right here when you start to understand what exactly what you're talking about in this video."