
Connectedness Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Our fear is great, but greater is the truth of our connectedness."
"Feeling more connected to people in your life or to the world is a fairly common experience."
"We must rediscover our shared belief in the value, rather than the harm, of connectedness."
"They feel attuned to themselves, they feel committed and responsible for others, and they go forward in life with the synaptic circuitry that allows them to feel connected, to have a sense of equanimity, to have wisdom in their life, and a sense of responsibility for all living beings on our planet."
"Our universe is a universe of connectedness, and we actually participate in the operation of it."
"Isolation is a factor and, yeah, connectedness is something that we all desire."
"If we all embrace the idea that we could be in a simulation... what that really does is it connects us."
"Tragedy is just a really inviting foundation for exactly this kind of connectedness we're looking for."
"If you lie on the grass, you can feel the heartbeat of the world."
"You have to love yourself unconditionally if you are connected, which we are. We are connected to everybody."
"If we can breathe through these moments of transition... and really just sink into the space that we are more than just this, we are connected to something bigger, and we will never die."
"Am I really an individual? I do sort of like to believe that we're all a little more connected than we think."
"There truly is no such thing as separation; we are all truly very connected here."
"We've got to have our anchor in the heart... keep coming back to our divinity and feeling consciousness in every living thing."
"You can just be in nature... You can kind of have like a spiritual experience where you feel connected to everything around you."
"Everything in the universe is connected through an infinite web."
"Know that that's an important thing and that we are all connected always."
"You're connected to the structure of space-time. This is what you call Consciousness."
"Feel the love that surrounds us, feel the love that connects us all."
"When you have experiences of connectedness or other... it's hard to describe."
"Emotionally as far as energy in motion is concerned no one is separated from anyone in this world."
"We are all connected. Separation is an illusion."
"It really just floored everyone and just gave the sense of we're all connected."
"We're literally on this grid like a node, part of the holographic matrix."
"You're never alone, you're always connected with the universe."
"We are deeply connected to everything within us and everything without—it's all one field."
"That's how protected you are. That's how connected you are."
"Rastafari is not a religion, it's spirituality. It's knowing that you're connected with everything."
"The legacy of Christ was someone who lived in spirit and in flesh, everything was connected."
"The Electric Universe provides a cosmology which is about connectedness, our understanding of our real place in the universe for the first time and of our real history and that of the earth."
"Trust synchronicities, the timing of things, how we all come together."
"We're all connected, we're all one, that's spiritual."
"Our levels of unity and connectedness and true love for one another will be felt by all of us."
"Even though we as a society are so much more distant from everybody now with social media, we're also so much more connected."
"The idea that we're all made of Stardust is a really cool point; all of life is connected in some way."
"It feels sacred and connected."
"To each its own, but I think there's a high level of connectedness to that."
"Once you have tasted of that peace, once you've tasted of the flow of energy, you start to taste a little bit of the bliss. You start to taste a little of the connectedness."
"I just want to inspire people in so many ways to continue to grow things and live a more connected life to the Earth and to the animals but then to their families have better family relationships and then better spiritual relationships."
"Lean on my less dominant wing at times and move back into where the people are, to where the connectedness is."
"A lot of people are waking up to the fact that the universe is this huge mysterious thing but we are so connected to it."
"You are a part of something else."
"You're here to do work and you're a part of something bigger."
"The evolution of human beings and the evolution of consciousness of human beings has not come to an end."
"Humans are longing... to return to the state of connectedness with totality."
"Meaning in life is ultimately about a kind of deep connectedness."
"...and it's not a realization that's grasped as you said propositional Ascent it's real it's a relation that is realized as religio ratio religio a proper connectedness mindingness."
"All I want is that we are connected with everything that is around us, with all people, and as strongly with everything that is around us - with all animals, with nature, with the whole cosmos."
"This weekend I don't, I don't know how to say it except there's something about a connectedness beginning not just here but in all of the churches represented and those watching, a connecting, a connectedness."
"The most intense emotions always circle around the level of connectedness and relationship."
"I'm real connected. I got a lot of friends because I had to rely on friendships."
"I just felt like this overwhelming sense of like connectedness, yeah, like to myself, to the Earth."
"It's such a moving and affecting poem about our connectedness with our parents and the way we share bodies even and skin even."
"Flow is about really realizing the transjectivity, that connectedness, and how much it contributes to a sense of agency and meaning for people."
"Connectedness for me is realizing that at some level we are all connected."
"This is a very spiritual person here, very connected to the divine energy."
"The internet and social media are the nature of the civilization we're in now, it's a new civilization that allows people to communicate with so many other people, connectedness."
"When you walk through a cemetery, I think we're reminded of our connectedness to other people."
"Reconciliation is the finer way back home into that sense of Oneness or connectedness which includes home with each other."
"Well let's not be separated minds, let's get back to one-mindedness, and we see the connection, and to me it's wonderful to see those connections, it's so exciting."
"I am connected to the infinite source of energy and vitality that sustains all life."
"We always try to find in connectedness but even the connectedness is a kind of symptom of isolation."
"Feel that connectedness into your core, down into the legs, into the feet, into the earth."
"It makes me feel a sense of connectedness with the Earth and it makes me feel a sense of peace."
"It's a deeper knowing of connectedness with the universe and a sense of purpose."
"The connectedness, not just us being connected to something greater than ourselves but us being connected to each other."
"The oceanic feeling is a feeling of being connected to everything, of being indissolubly bound up with and belonging to the world outside yourself."
"Our fear is great, but greater yet is the truth of your connectedness."
"Boys take pride in alone tough-minded independence and autonomy, while girls see themselves as part of a web of connectedness."
"How do we generate the sense of connectedness without necessarily having to be the same?"
"Duelers may reinforce spiritual identity, facilitate religious transformation, and promote a sense of connectedness to the universe."
"The more you are practicing mindfulness, the more you will be able to bring about this enhanced connectedness."
"Having a certain degree of solidity, a certain degree of connectedness with the world is probably the key to this."
"I'm open to a higher consciousness, and that we're all connected."
"True feminine teachings is more about connectedness, equality."
"Ecologies of practices for ameliorating self-deception and enhancing connectedness are at the core of meaning in life."
"I felt this connectedness very intimately as I walked through nature."
"It's more a point of discernment... it all comes down to the meaning of the connectedness, the joy, the happiness, the feeling of unified awareness, which is another word for forgiveness."
"Even if you're alone, you don't feel alone anymore. You feel connected to everything."
"I prefer to be motivated by deep profound peace and ecstatic union with the things that I'm doing and with the world around me."
"Being at peace and recognizing yourself and everyone, just recognizing the fact that we're all connected."
"I feel connected and I feel like I'm part of the world now."
"Connectedness is so important between not only peers but within the organization."
"I believe in universal energy, and that we're all connected on some unseen level."
"Our job is to go inward always. And when you go inward, you stop seeing separateness. We start seeing connectedness."
"Generosity arises out of this capacity to see goodness and feel our connectedness."
"It's a connectedness, and it's a love that pervades all, and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever felt."
"Spirituality is a recognition of the connectedness of all things."
"I felt like the whole universe loved me, like every soul, every essence, everything, every atom in the whole universe just loved me."
"You are never alone or helpless; the force that guides the stars guides you too."
"In sorrow is our connectedness and compassion to one another."
"We are definitely born into that sense of connectedness."
"It's just peaceful hey. Just a sense of calm and connectedness that you feel when you are out and about, in a beautiful setting it's wonderful."
"I started feeling connected to absolutely everything, to the Oneness of the universe."
"That wonderful feeling of connectedness that I had never experienced."
"I have a sense of family, a connectedness, a history here."
"A set E is connected if E is not the union of two separated sets."
"The primary task of education in the future is to collapse its functions, curriculum, and teaching methods down to the point of connectedness."
"You're not an island; certain degree of connectedness is important for your health."
"Life is not just breathing; there is life that means connectedness to the current of life."
"Life is about how connected you are... to your loved ones, to your friends, laughter, harmony, future, peace, joy, support, warmth."
"We're going to be very pleased with the level of connectedness, with the way that it does bring people together."