
Company Quotes

There are 936 quotes

"A game that encompasses everything I adore about this company."
"Sanrio is a Japanese company that owns a bunch of kawaii or cute characters."
"Nintendo is one of the most important and iconic companies in the video game industry."
"Children are the best company because they're really enthusiastic about everything."
"We all disagree, and it's so long as we can have a conversation, we're in good company."
"I'm basically convinced at this point that this company will grow its earnings substantially over the next 10 years."
"Life is what you make it. If you want to be doing grimy [] slimy [], you hang around slimy people. If you want to be a stand-up person, a stand-up guy, an honorable person, you hang around honorable people."
"No one can name me nine better companies than Apple internationally or domestically."
"They're already a multi-million dollar company."
"My faith in this company is as high as it's ever been."
"Ah, the warmth and security of the cabin for sure, you are not alone."
"That's great news for Lordstown Motors... Being rewarded by the market right now."
"When you invest in something, you're not buying a number that's going up to another number, you're investing in a company."
"That's a signal that there is no cap to how high this company can grow."
"Even if they want you dead, it's good to have some company."
"You both want to have fun and enjoy each other's company."
"It's a great day for the whole company and it's a great day to be part of."
"Having a public, trustworthy company like that is definitely a bonus."
"Enjoy sitting here with us watching this. This is a very interesting episode."
"It's an honor and a pleasure to be with you."
"A great company run by a bad Chief exec can be ruined in a couple of years, but the reverse is true."
"It's delightful, it's great, got our drinks."
"A good company at a bad artificial price is a bad investment."
"Great moments, and once again, I'm honored to be in that kind of company."
"Surround yourself with the right people."
"I'm just trying to come with good energy and that's the only kind of people I want to surround myself with these days."
"Enjoy your company a lot, good to know."
"I cannot tell you the level of my disappointment in Disney, I thought so much better of them."
"The only way he'd go is if she and Shizuno came along."
"I'm cleaning my house, that's what I'm doing, and I'm glad that you're here hanging out with me while I get it done."
"Say what you want about Vince, especially these days, but he had a better run company."
"Just be careful the company you keep, whether it's your family or your friends."
"Figured you could use the company."
"The company had stagnated having spent the past decade unable to truly return to the era before the death of Walt Disney."
"Disney like any large company has these periods of highs and lows not permanent decline."
"Do you mind if I join you? I'm a bit sick of my lot."
"Talent is talent, merit-based company."
"Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers."
"Thanks for hanging out with us today, you guys."
"I am so proud to be a part of this company"
"I love watching animated movies with Tera."
"Don't do drugs kids, and if you do drugs don't do them with charming attractive steel guitar playing hippies from LA."
"He's just not that guy. You know, he's that guy you... You need to be around. He's that guy."
"In short, a company, each of us, has two factors to consider: the present and the future. How successful we are in meeting these challenges will determine our present profits and our future growth."
"The company needs to be there for the customer for as long as they are in this journey."
"If you spend time with growth-oriented people, you're more likely to grow along with them."
"...Media Blasters of all companies that are still somehow alive."
"Truly the parable of Good and Bad Company is that of a seller of musk and a blacksmith."
"This is not a short-term company like if it's meant for short-term me it's not meant to be a company it's just a project and it'll die very fast it's a company when it's a project is like at least multi multi-year or even a decade."
"It's not about the place you go, man. What a company you have."
"Ethics are at the forefront of everything the company does."
"I encourage people to go check out Markel Corporation, read the shareholder letters. This is a wonderful company with high integrity."
"A great company can be a lousy investment?"
"They felt like you're just a fun person to be around and they always had fun around you."
"Main Street Capital, known by the ticker symbol MAIN."
"Supporting the company that supports me is super helpful."
"Representation are seeing that this company has been dishonest about it."
"Surround yourself with ambitious people... Motivates you to keep going."
"It's great to see the company embracing its past it is the right thing to do"
"I partnered with Swan because it is a Bitcoin only company."
"So many simmers still harbor a lot of resentment towards a franchise and a company that they once used to love."
"The best wrestling company in the world."
"You're really are the five to 10 people you hang around."
"Misery loves company, even miserable people."
"He's not a boss, he's a nice guy. Ultimately that is a detriment to the company."
"This car was an experiment for the company when they introduced it back in 2012."
"...you need a good group of friends... you're as good as the company you keep..."
"I always felt like I was adding something to the company."
"Duke is very much a big part of our company."
"Far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price."
"Do you realize how much our company stands to lose if Miss Kamijo leaves from the lead role or if Mr. Sugar quits writing the script?"
"Hilty has grown to be one of the most influential and recognizable construction tool companies in the world."
"I think it depends who you've got in there like if Max wasn't in there I think I would not have had a good time."
"Every time there was an internal struggle and someone new would take the helm, the company was just changing direction without even really knowing exactly where they were at that time."
"I worked for this company called RFT, Run Funk Technic."
"With this, the future of our company is secure."
"When you represent, you are the face of the company."
"Apple's about something more than that. Apple at its core value is that we believe that people with passion can change the world for the better."
"You've got everybody like that, then there's no team. You've got a bunch of individuals that are out for themselves. Put the company first."
"People do their best work when they resonate with the mission of the company."
"Everything we do to remain a world-class quality company focuses on these essential elements."
"We started a company as a joke because we... started it's called run through a wall smelling salt because after you smell it you want to run through a [__] wall."
"Here is what we're really betting the company on, and if it doesn't work, we fail."
"We're entering a new chapter, evolving from a research-focused startup to a premier space launch manufacturing and services company."
"If folks are not happy around me, then there's just no point."
"Then you'll be in good company," Paul retorted. "The murderer is going to be there too."
"One day we had a major incident, one that literally could have cost the company millions."
"When you think about bringing out a new employee in a company often times you want to deliver some type of emotional win to them pretty quickly."
"I'm so glad I left my company last year; they just declared bankruptcy. I really dodged a bullet."
"Most importantly I would make sure it's related to the job that you're applying to and try to pull in something unique about the company that differentiates you from other people."
"We are a young company and I think trust is something that we have to earn through actions."
"You are the average of the five closest people to you."
"People are the average of the five people they spend the most time with."
"You are who you hang with in this life. The relationships you have in life are so important."
"...eventually that company became Mindvalley."
"I like having somebody young about the place."
"We are always going to be tempted, but we have to be careful who we surround ourselves with."
"Sunday in the Park with George is my favorite, but really, my favorite is Company."
"By the end of Friday, if you didn't learn something new that week about your own company or your product or your users, you failed that week."
"This company has been a compounding machine over the past decade."
"Linus Media Group is first and foremost a content creator company."
"May you be happy, healthy, and cozy at home connecting with others both near and far as we keep each other company through these unusual times."
"It's better to be alone than to have bad company."
"as long as I'm around positive people and make positive decisions I will be doing just fine"
"You'll be saving our company from humiliation."
"'And the last story is: Company wants something from me, doesn't want to give me anything for it.'"
"Be with people that make you feel the better version of yourself."
"The future of Star Kid hinged on one of the biggest risks in the company's history."
"It was never a bad company, it was a good company with really interesting and novel technology behind it."
"Soul Genen, which employs over 1300 team members, was recently recognized as the sixth fastest-growing privately held company in the nation."
"Being alone is better than having bad company, but having good company is better than being alone."
"Good company is better than bad company, but no company is better than bad company."
"Who you spend time with is where you become, what you choose is what you get."
"I plan on actually going to visit sunno AI headquarters cuz I'm somewhat local to them."
"The greatest lesson that any one of us could ever have is to know that who you spend time with is where you become."
"Men of very great capacity will, as a rule, find the company of very stupid people preferable."
"You just have no choice but to have so much fun when you're around Reagan."
"Burford is the largest litigation Finance Company in the world."
"Spend time with the right people."
"This company, you don't have to worry about that as much. They move their product too quick."
"Who you hang around and speak to on the daily matters."
"He just wants funny people around."
"The company aims to make Urban Air Mobility a reality."
"Here at [company name], we've built dozens of websites, worked with hundreds of clients using every imaginable platform."
"The food was good, company was even better."
"Man, it's like this person was playing games but with themselves. They were trying to get you to partake in their [__], but it's only because misery loves company, period."
"You are defined by the company you keep and how well you keep it, not by what you just happened to do."
"Armed with meatballs, company's new signature dish."
"Nexon, worst company I've ever bought virtual points for"
"We are not a car company, we're a climate change company."
"You were absolutely wonderful company."
"We're playing for the next generation and the generation after that. Right now, we make decisions that affect this company 50 years from now, not five months from now."
"This is just to name a few of the products manufactured by this company."
"BYD takes pride in being a pioneering company."
"Darkness light doesn't mix with Darkness, if you're going to hang out with people that are doing bad things, you're gonna wind up doing it too."
"I've been enjoying your company and you are a great example to follow."
"Companies write their own modules and put them in a private GitHub repository."
"Thank you for spending time with me, I hope you had a blast."
"We want to help you, Mr. Valentine. My brother and I run a privately funded program to rehabilitate culturally disadvantaged in employment with our company."
"The great thing about ostomy supply companies it's kind of always a surprise what you're gonna get."
"When a company does something like that sign of a good company."
"It's better to be by yourself than with bad company."
"It is better to be by yourself than with bad company."
"Misery loves company. You've heard misery loves company, right? It's a true statement. Misery does love company."
"If you can't enjoy your own company, you're not fit company for anyone else."
"My old boss was magnanimously friendly after he found out I started my own company."
"I define a company as a group of people who have a secret, a great company."
"Living in the moment. Just be in the moment. Stop trying to reminisce. Just be in the moment."
"Progress: the very same company that was in the center of the storm during the MOVE IT transfer exploitation has just recently released another security advisory."
"Part of your salary at Disney at the time in their heyday was the cachet that you would say, 'Well, I'm working at Disney Studios.'"
"Be careful of the company that you keep."
"You want to surround yourself with amazing people."
"Is this a growth company anymore? 8% to 3% or 4% is not shabby for any large company. You do not see that very often."
"It's not where you're at, it's who you're with, hmm."
"There was a difference between a great company and a great story."
"You're going to raise 280 million to buy a company that's burning cash, sells no tickets, does no ratings. It sounds [ __ ] absolutely genius to me."
"...if you do all that well the one final ingredient that makes for a really great company is the culture of the company."
"They truly enjoy communicating with you, they truly enjoy your company."
"Everything this company does especially for the women, I'm talking about the women, everything this company does is for their favorites. Everything they do in the women's division is Charlotte. Everything."
"I'd rather have more girls like you around."
"I love what you said earlier about not a lot of people knowing what actually like a Red Bull company does for skateboarding."
"Product that we believe in, product that we can stand behind and say it's not just a great trailer but it's also a great company."
"Investment in people is the single most important thing for a company."
"Part of the whole thesis for understanding this is that actually, in fact, there are ways to fail at being a 450-person company that are."
"This company is a complete joke when it comes to these sorts of things."
"Great snack, great view, great vibes, great company, great day."
"Things that scare me are when the company was getting off course and getting a little bit away from its purpose and its values."
"Last night was an actual watershed moment in this company's history."
"You've got to stay with the happy people, have your fun living in the land of joy."
"Ultimately the team you build is the company you build."
"They might be a watcher because I think the next time they see you, you might be in the company of other people."
"It's sometimes about the people you're going with."
"What makes you feel pleasure or joy? Spending time with friends and family in happy and uplifting company."
"I think being a stronger voice at your company can make the world of difference."
"This builds up the impression that you genuinely have an interest in that role or company."
"People have just thought about venture capitalists bringing money and they haven't thought about what else it is that a venture capitalist really does at a company."
"The biggest problem... is that people have just thought about venture capitalists bringing money and they haven't thought about what else it is that a venture capitalist really does at a company."
"The truth is, it's more than one thing. It's the entire system. It's a companywide problem."
"You want to make sure that you make a connection by connecting the company's culture, value, and social work into your answers."
"I work for Costco. It's a good, good, big, big deal."
"It's no secret within the company that Warrior is dying and the realization that unless something is done quickly he's taking Hogan down with him."
"We're changing the face of the company in 24 hours."
"He runs them, makes a lot of money," he says. "I have a public company," he said. "What do you mean you have a public company? I'm listed on the New York Stock Exchange, folks."
"I think being around the right people is the most important thing."
"Respect your weakness. Surround yourself among righteous company and righteous people."
"...most of this stuff came from M*Carbo, I think it's a great company."
"All future sailings were canceled, and the company went bust."
"Federica's father, Pio Boffa, was the fourth generation to run his great grandfather's company."
"It's very obvious to me at this point in time this company is destined to be a trillion-dollar company in the future."
"I'm in a good mood because I have company."
"This is going to build into one of the most profitable companies in the world."
"I'm so self-conscious that people don't enjoy my company."
"This is not a company to me that says this is a checking account for Adam Newman to personally go out and just buy whatever he wants."
"The beauty of being a big company is you can price for customer acquisition."
"We learned that misery does not love company."
"This is a huge milestone for the company."
"It's not about where you're at, it's who you're with."
"I'm delighted that Sebastian Maria and Ernesto have joined me and they have brought their delicious empanadas with them."
"I look forward to the next hundred years and what this company can bring to us."
"Meals like these and great company make hidden gems like this worth discovering."