
Population Dynamics Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"The biggest issue in 20 years will be population collapse, not explosion."
"If you think that a planet that has too many people on it is bad for the planet, wait until you see what a planet that has too few people on it is like."
"The population growing at the lowest rate in 80 years has immense implications."
"Immigration is the only policy that can affect long-term consequences in population size."
"The population system adds a much more grounded feel to the game."
"Now we have a lineage they won't take long before these rare replications lead to a population explosion of sorts."
"In a world filled with amazing technology and big political changes, Elon Musk wants us to pay attention to something quieter but really important: the fact that the world's population is not growing as fast as it used to."
"An apathetic, divided, and confused population is much weaker overall."
"We have now come to the final days of the pre-pottery neolithic, a period marked by a sudden decline in population at many centers throughout the Near East."
"Humanity at one point appears to have decreased to around 2000 in our past."
"Two people have one kid, population goes down. Two people have two kids, population still goes down."
"Mutation is not blind; context molds populations."
"Unleashing 1.3 billion people suppressed for 1,000 years creates an incredible tsunami of excitement and energy."
"Population collapse due to low birth rates is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming."
"They've gone mad fighting, dying, and multiplying non-stop for a world they don't want anymore."
"It is remarkable to see that it has maintained a level of peace because there is such a volume of people out there right now."
"The human population may decline but the AI population will grow."
"A smaller global population has its perks... the planet certainly isn't complaining."
"Nature rebounding: populations can rebound dramatically."
"The elite are riding on top of this natural cycle to match crop losses with population reduction."
"So we've got the rabbits, they grow because they reproduce, and they go down because there's more foxes."
"Thousands or perhaps millions of people that once teemed this area... you wouldn't know that, would you? Can never even cross your mind."
"The world would be a very different place if every city had roughly 100,000 people."
"So, we need a reduction in human-generated carbon emissions, and China's population is declining. Like, that's as good as it gets, right? That's what you want. Fewer humans are going to generate less carbon."
"I think it's fair to say... the population saw a massive increase."
"Population growth is a function of how much population already exists."
"Please tell me that the Estates will have something to do with the population and economic mechanics of the game instead of just existing as their own disembodied thing with no connection to the material conditions of the state."
"A single unit of people in a single location can be any size from 1 to a billion, as long as they share the same three attributes: culture, religion, and social class."
"We don't really have an overpopulation problem."
"Happiness... speeds up... the arrival... of new residents."
"Every individual actually is important to the population."
"Now some indicators that all that this is all about control would be deer for instance deer herds are soaring in every state."
"Nature achieves some kind of a balance... populations that go way too far in one direction or another are punished not by someone who wants to punish them but just by the facts of life."
"The elves are up to level four now, their population is definitely growing faster than the humans are."
"The United Nations says they want basically over 600 million migrants brought to the United States."
"We're not overpopulated, we are going to have a collapsing population."
"The biggest threat right now is population collapse, the super low growth rate."
"I want to find assets where population migrations are happening."
"If the birth rate is lower than the death rate, the population goes down."
"Whenever a species has increased its numbers to the point where it outstripped its food supply, it has always redressed its numbers by an increase in death rate."
"Populations that are split hundreds of thousands of year back come back and mix and this is a common feature no matter which set of populations we've been looking at."
"Whereas, when you have the Allee effect, what that's saying is that over some range of population size or densities, there is a positive effect of other individuals in the population."
"New York is not losing population. It's just there's a lot of people moving out, but there's also a lot of people moving in."
"My bunny population may grow exponentially until they run out of resources or run out of food or until wolves or foxes come into the neighborhood and there's some non-linear effect."
"...the population is stable declining not increasing..."
"Because in every population you have 20% that lead, 70% that follow. That's why you have leaders, because you have followers."
"Gatwick is a self-sufficient community; on any given day, the population of the airport swells to the size of a small city."
"Carrying capacity is the maximum population size an ecosystem can support."
"The human population builds up slowly for about 10 years and then there's a pig festival and a war, it drops down suddenly."
"If current trends continue, robots will far outnumber humans."
"You can't win like that. You are losing too much of the population because you have to be more inclusive, not less inclusive."
"We are a country, given the vastness of our land and the sparseness of our population, that has existed in defiance of some of the worst conspiracies of both man and nature."
"Note: Individuals do not evolve; populations evolve over time."
"The population plateaus and reaches something called a carrying capacity."
"The fish got giant so now they're spawning more, there's more fish, more competition for food, and they're not getting as big."
"The exponential growth model is fairly limited since populations do not expand in size indefinitely; there are limits on the size of a population."
"What are the effects of the social behavior of a species on population growth, and population density on social behavior?"
"Human beings have a propensity to utilize abundance for population growth rather than for maintaining a high standard of living."
"The more birds you have, the larger the population size, the more variants you're going to get, and the more stuff that's going to happen."
"If you don't do this, you get this really explosive relationship between population size and tool count."
"There's no guarantee that less people equals better world."
"We no longer are a world that is just surging with population; we're actually a world that birth rates are coming down."
"Changes in population size can result from various factors which include birth rate, death rate, immigration, emigration, and competition."
"The carrying capacity is met when there is a balance between the biotic or the living population and its environmental resistance."
"There's a sharp increase over a very short period of time because there are so many resources available."
"Populations can increase or decrease dramatically over time, and how species interactions within a community can alter species numbers."
"Overshoot refers to when a population exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecosystem."
"The impact of population shifts can be profound, so it's crucial for leaders to closely monitor and respond to these changes accordingly."
"The risk of extinction in a metapopulation does depend on patch size."
"The colonization rate, the transmission rate, and the number of occupied sites is high enough to keep that population going."
"Natural selection acts on individuals, but only the actual populations evolve."
"If we know how each species population is changing and the competitive effect they have on each other, we can then determine whether one species is going to win the competition and drive the other to extinction or if they will both be able to coexist."
"Index of diversity also measures the number of individuals as well as the number of species."
"The carrying capacity is the max number of individuals that an environment can support of a particular population."
"If there were no sheep, you'd have x dot is just 3 - x times X, which is a logistic equation."
"This logistic map here describes population dynamics."
"This strongly suggests that interactions over three trophic levels - the vegetation, the hares, and their predators - work together to shape the trends in population growth and decline."
"Friendship adds structure to a population... it reduces the scale by adding structure to the population."
"The death of one male leopard is not such a big deal as long as the metapopulation is being looked after properly."
"Limiting factors within the environment keep the population under control."
"Per capita income has increased while population growth has slowed down."
"Population ecology studies how and why a population changes over time."
"The maximum population size the habitat can support is known as carrying capacity."
"What actually tends to happen is that the population ends up with exponential growth but then starts to level off."
"We realized that all of the things that they had been studying actually could be explained, almost entirely, by the changes in the wildebeest population."
"The population with respect to time is no longer C; we know that stands for initial population e to the KT."
"Every environment has a carrying capacity, and once it's above that carrying capacity in terms of population, that is when you have problems."
"There are more brightly colored king snakes in the habitat, and they survive, and there are more of them; the proportion increases."
"This is how the logistic equation works; it would have one relevant critical value right there, that would just be M, that's the equilibrium solution, this limiting population."