
Legal Quotes

There are 2311 quotes

"My client specifically is charged with attempt and conspiracy, so he's not charged with actually doing a specific act."
"Joel survived, Halyna did not and now both Alec and Hanna have been charged with involuntary manslaughter."
"Win if you put up a sign that says 'No Trespassing, Private Property' or 'Closed to the Public,' and someone walks past it, they have now trespassed."
"The decision sits with Judge Scott McAfee... he expects to issue a ruling in the next two weeks."
"You get told, 'Don't check your common sense at the door,' and you take testimony exactly what the arrangement was, and if it looks like what happened here substantially is that she took money that she represented to the county was going to be used for one purpose...they start to go here, there, and everywhere...this is freaking fraud."
"I mean, that the what bitter irony, right? That she tries to find some innovative use for the RICO statue and it winds up potentially getting used against her."
"This person, Miss Vanderark, you intentionally engaged in these acts. This wasn't negligence; this is not understanding why, but you intentionally did this with a goal."
"The Supreme Court is now...trying to regulate from a constitutional standpoint all of these things through various cases."
"The Trump organization has been convicted of all 17 counts."
"This is the first ever criminal conviction of anything remotely close to former President Donald Trump...this is huge."
"Donald Trump inflates and deflates the values of his assets...for his personal reasons or for tax purposes."
"The very fact of a former president being criminally prosecuted has never happened before in our nation’s history."
"This is a huge victory for the Manhattan DA’s office and for democracy."
"Woman charged with felony embezzlement for not returning Sabrina the Teenage Witch VHS 21 years ago."
"Fraud and deceptive practices are prohibited."
"What I'm telling this jury is that I went down there and when I took that chicken from Bubba, I would have said something to Mags. I got back on that golf cart and I drove back to my house. After getting back to my house, I went inside, and in short order, I went to the couch. That's what I'm telling this jury."
"Elizabeth Holmes has been found guilty on four counts of fraud."
"Juries were persuaded that Ms. Holmes conspired to defraud investors."
"The Espionage Act is very important because it's illegal to gather, transmit, or lose important National Security documents, defense information."
"The case before The Supreme Court right now... was about a graphic designer in Colorado who was claiming a free speech right under the First Amendment to refuse to create websites celebrating same-sex weddings."
"You need to start asking a different question... What is the easiest way to legally stay in the Philippines long term with as little money or hassle as possible?"
"Given the grave stakes, we trust that the appellate division will overturn this egregious verdict and end this relentless persecution against my client."
"Welcome to Audit the Audits where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions."
"This is not the Chewbacca defense; this is a Jekyll and Hyde defense."
"The diagnosis and its very real effects as we have seen over a timeline on Mr. Arbory impact the relevant issue in this case."
"The real factor in a Barker v. Wingo analysis is the possibility that the accused's defense will be impaired by dimming memories or loss of exculpatory evidence."
"The mere fact of being incarcerated itself is prejudice."
"I respectfully submit that it would be an abuse of discretion not to grant Mr. Bryant dismissal with prejudice in this case."
"It violates the Eighth Amendment in so far as it imposes criminal sanctions against homeless individuals for sleeping outdoors on public property when no alternative shelter is available to them."
"The lawsuit applied to select iPhones affected at the time, and this has not been a widespread issue since, so for all intents and purposes, this issue has been solved."
"The false and defamatory statements have caused me to suffer severe emotional distress."
"This case was the first to bring criminal charges against the most senior executives of a publicly traded pharma company for their role in the opioid epidemic."
"Unless you have an objection under the rules of evidence or procedure, statute, case law, or Constitution, one of the two."
"Decisive evidence, a decisive witness, what else could possibly be required?"
"Hunter Biden defied his subpoena, and the GOP says they're going to hold him in contempt."
"The judge has suspended Trump's election interference case pending a result."
"SCOTUS has granted certiorari to the obstruction charge in the January 6 cases."
"Their reaction is such that in order for them to justify these warrants they're going to have to have said under oath that this was an authentic diary."
"Why is your phone in my house, you're gonna have to explain it to the cops."
"Blizzard is subject to penalty under 15 U.S. code 50 for false advertisement law."
"If she is guilty of defamation because she's a liar, you can't then say Depp is guilty of defamation."
"In what may be one of the most shocking displays of authoritarianism we've seen yet, a judge has taken away custody from a mother of her child for not being vaccinated."
"People trusted their attorney and they should be able to."
"I'm fascinated by the Elizabeth Holmes Theranos trial."
"Defamation suits are one of the most challenging to win from the plaintiff side."
"Bankruptcy: a chance to resolve debts without liquidation."
"Each bankruptcy is unique, no one-size-fits-all solution."
"We'll see. I hope there's an investigation. I wish he was transparent just to say, 'hey, take a look here's the transcript, prosecutors, yeah, go look at it.'"
"Every account, every defendant found guilty on every count. Unanimous verdicts in record time."
"It took us longer to order lunch than to find this man guilty."
"Short condemnation, long acquittal. It's the DC way."
"So, why was this girl given a $250 fine rather than being punished further? Ah, because she was just exercising her right to fight against the patriarchy, duh."
"It's actually illegal to treat men and women differently based on gender."
"Some scummy lawyers encourage their clients to claim DV to increase their benefits from divorce. This is another reason why you do not get married."
"February 27th, 2014, the court declared Brian and his uncle guilty for the murder of Ruth Talia."
"Nobody named Donald Trump or any other occupant of the presidency has absolute presidential immunity to commit crimes while in office."
"Lawsuits are expensive, stressful, and not an easy thing to do."
"Imagine how terrifying that must feel. This is almost 2 am, right and everybody in the house is asleep. They must have gotten a call saying we just arrested a man for attempted murder of you, a sitting supreme court justice."
"Finding defamation against a public figure is a difficult legal bar to clear... but clearly the jury found that was the case here." - Legal analyst
"It's a remarkable verdict from the jury... They awarded punitive damages... that says something." - Legal analyst
"Listen to my questions. Your job is to listen to my questions and answer your questions under oath."
"Contracts are important, folks. You think you're talking the same language, and you're not."
"If Donald Trump struck a deal with the prosecutor, he could have avoided what's about to happen to him."
"Defining what is and what isn't fair use is higher than trying to hit the toilet bowl when you're half asleep."
"If you have bound by clear and convincing evidence... you may award punitive damages to punish Mr. Depp."
"He's just a person of interest right now in this case."
"This really just puts in into Stark relief that is her position two years ago whatever the state Supreme Court decides will be good with me." - Political Analyst
"Yesterday women and men Republicans Independence Democrats woke up to a situation in which the Arizona Supreme Court reimposed this 1864 ban... it's insane, it's egregious, it's an affront to our freedom." - Arizona Attorney General
"You're their star witness, and you don't even know the person you're testifying about."
"Kenneth Richmond had not been mentioned at all in this case up until this point."
"Hunter Biden: 'I'm confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately.'"
"The First Amendment means the government has no power to restrict expression because of its message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its content."
"A child has a right to be raised by and in the care of their parents."
"Judge orders vaccine data released in 8 months."
"First Amendment does not protect fraudulent speech."
"This is not a drill, Britney Spears will be speaking for herself about her conservatorship."
"Epic versus Apple court hearings start on Monday."
"A prenuptial agreement is basically insurance to ensure that if you part ways, it's going to be a peaceful parting of ways."
"Ultimately it's going to be who has that stronger case to present to the jury."
"We the jury find the defendant Kyle H. Rittenhouse not guilty."
"My 'Let Me Travel America Act' would prohibit the federal government from mandating shots against COVID-19 for interstate travel."
"Seriously, if you can make it to September, we can change the succession laws."
"Proposed DMCA exemption would allow people to resurrect dead online games."
"It's kind of like a Pious fraud kind of case with Lori Vallow."
"It's a classic class action lawsuit, I mean it's a very good case."
"It's not illegal to fortify American democracy; it's only illegal if you do those things to undermine American democracy."
"They were convicted of misdemeanor neglect charges and each of them were sentenced to five years of supervised probation."
"A courtroom showdown between federal prosecutors and former President Donald Trump's legal team. They're in a legal battle over Trump's request for a special master to review the documents seized during an FBI search of his Florida estate."
"It's insane, it's... insane to hear heinous accusations... of violence, sexual violence that she's attributed to me, that she's accused me of." - Johnny Depp
"Horrible, um... ridiculous, humiliating, ludicrous, painful, savage, um... unimaginably brutal, cruel... and all false, all false." - Johnny Depp
"The mountain of evidence that Mr. Depp abused Ms. Heard is simply not there."
"This case comes down to whether you believe Ms. Heard or you believe Mr. Depp."
"This trial is about clearing Mister Depp's name of a terrible and false allegation."
"The court considers that Ukraine has a plausible right not to be subjected to military operations by the Russian Federation for the purpose of preventing and punishing an alleged genocide in the territory of Ukraine."
"A jury convicted Utter of conspiracy, arson, and using fire to commit a federal felony offense."
"The fact that they're thinking about it now, verdict watch two, they've been back there for what now five ten minutes, that tells you something."
"The court should deny defendant Amber Heard's motion to strike because Mr. Depp has come forward in his case in chief with multiple credible witnesses, documents, and authentic tape recordings of Ms. Heard herself."
"Just to be clear, you're denying that you sought a pardon for yourself?"
"All rent was paid up to the point to where I was locked out."
"You cannot use advertising material puffery language that advertisers use in their companies' advertising as an argument in court."
"The court is now in session for the trial of Truth or Square versus the public opinion."
"I'm very happy Cal Rittenhouse has been found not guilty. I'm sorry, it was a clear case of self-defense. That young man was persecuted, and justice prevailed."
"If you're wrongfully terminated from a platform, you can walk into federal court, get an injunction, and force the companies to restore your account."
"Omission is the failure to act when you have a legal obligation to act."
"Patrick Frazee was found guilty by the jury and convicted of felony first-degree murder."
"The jury unanimously find the defendant Lisa Joey guilty of murder."
"It's not irrelevant to their issue of just how big of a set of Damages punitive included they're going to hit Donald Trump with."
"Yes, they cannot give him legal advice they can't explain them what uh case law means the judge can explain her ruling but they can't coach him or give him any legal advice."
"What they did was not just misconduct or negligence but gross malfeasance."
"Here he is in his own words: 'We should not burden with criminal investigations or criminal prosecutions.'"
"Federal Migration Service has confirmed publicly that they have issued Mr. Snowden temporary asylum for one year and allowed him to leave the airport."
"Jessica Pennington broke down and at that time admitted to us that she had lied."
"Your family has filed to make your father your conservator. Money help me. No, that's not what this is about. Yeah, it is. I just want my life."
"Obstruction of justice is an abuse of power. It is consciousness of guilt."
"He's brought as you've said over 30 indictments."
"She seems like a fierce woman and a fierce lawyer."
"A bankruptcy court ruling has dissolved Purdue Pharma, ordering the Sackler family to pay billions for addiction programs."
"The death penalty for drug trafficking, death penalty for firearms trafficking, death penalty for date rape."
"Manufacturing illegal drugs, corruption and bribery, government membership to terrorist groups, kidnapping, money laundering, all right, so 50 years imprisonment for money laundering."
"The trial itself feels like it was written by comedy writers and is just a play that is happening and isn't a real serious trial."
"Predicting trial outcomes based on initial juror opinions is 90% accurate."
"Simply recording police interactions is not interfering with police activity."
"I won the first state again for the record that I do not identify by that name nor do I consent to being called that name."
"Nintendo felt their case had clear and compelling evidence."
"A contract agreement can be an agreement or a contract or a vow connected to third house matters."
"This case is probably one of the most important civil rights cases in the last 100 years." - Benjamin Crump
"If there isn't a conviction, then it would be one of the worst miscarriages of justice in the history of America." - Benjamin Crump
"I think he might be the most damning witness of the that have taken please so far."
"The back pocket Biden strategy is that this indictment presents leverage for him to get away with pardoning himself and his allies, his family."
"Don't lose track of the fact that we've got to prove a criminal case."
"Judge Mary said nothing of substance against Dr saladino's arguments."
"Unlike England or other countries, we have a specific constitutional amendment specifically dealing with the gun issue."
"I believe it, and if we believe it then that means there's enough evidence to support it going before a judge in a formal hearing."
"The big story that's just breaking now is that amid the ongoing derek chauvin trial, minneapolis has agreed to settle with the family of george floyd for a historic 27 million dollars in a wrongful death suit."
"Miles is facing three counts of first-degree murder and is wanted."
"The glove did not fit which created reasonable doubt."
"Defendant has more than satisfied its burden of proof."
"The troubling part about this case is not just that this happened, that's problem number one."
"It's not about being sued, it's about doing the right thing."
"There would be multiple eyewitness testimonies to exactly what happened to Paul Fugate."
"Fortnite versus Apple and Google. Yes, plus monopoly business. This is crazy, I am so excited!"
"It was a very very sensitive case... it nationwide... we were determined to solve... we wasn't gonna rest until we figured out."
"The thing I wanted to squeeze in is like you know look I secured hundreds of millions of dollars in excess of a billion total from two auto companies for cheating."
"Let's wait and see what happens with the US case." - John Campion
"Prosecutor Leticia James from New York is now demanding that Trump and his sons... be fined ten thousand dollars each."
"It is unacceptable that Leon County violated Florida law, infringed on current and former employees' medical privacy, and fired loyal public servants because of their personal health decisions." - Governor Ron DeSantis
"Tali Zorah vas Normandy. The Council had her name legally changed."
"If you guys do manage to win this at the level of the courts you're not going to keep me down I'm going to keep running again that's the right attitude."
"That's my opinion, dan lok sent me cease and desist letters."
"Ultimately, we ask the court to affirm on qualified immunity and on lack of municipal liability."
"The relevant question here is whether the law was clearly established at the time of the incident."
"Nathan Matthews was found guilty of murder and Shauna Hart guilty of manslaughter."
"Giselle Esteban was found guilty of first-degree murder."
"A judge just used chat GPT to make a court decision."
"The United States Supreme Court, for the first time, took a constitutional right that was granted and guaranteed to women, took it from the women of America, from the people of America, and this is no small matter."
"Ripple scores significant win as judge denies SEC's attorney-client privileges claims."
"I think this is open and shut... based on the video evidence in the first place the prosecution should have never brought these charges."
"The last person they should have put on the stand."
"Grosskreutz testified he advanced on Rittenhouse."
"CBS News says 'Lone survivor shot by Rittenhouse at Kenosha protest testifies he thought he was going to die.'"
"I believe in taking action. I believe in accountability. So I sued them."
"The Supreme Court has said that is it, your tax returns are going to the house committee that is investigating you."
"The FBI recovered nearly a dozen sets of top-secret documents from Mar-a-Lago."
"If he is ultimately charged, that's going to be something that a federal prosecutor stands up and says."
"The evidence gathered did not establish that the president was involved in the underlying crime."
"A federal judge in Texas has ruled DACA to be unlawful, putting pressure on Congress to make a permanent solution for undocumented youth."
"Michael Camelo, the arson expert, was called to the stand."
"All of The Proud Boy leaders charged have been found guilty."
"This trial will start March 25th, it's great news."
"This is not only about our First Amendment right to speak, but here's the thing about the First Amendment: it protects free speech. It doesn't protect lies that amount to defamation."
"This is not a going out of business sale for Jack Smith."
"The armed citizen not expected to face any charges... obviously acting in self-defense."
"The courts have dealt with the existence of God; now they are going to have to deal with the existence of the devil."
"Better protecting the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution."
"Maintaining a strong legal and cultural environment that supports free speech is not only essential to the expression of ideas and values we all think are good."
"This lawsuit is probably the most important of our time when we look at the issue of the first amendment in free speech."
"You do not force people to give up their Fifth Amendment rights to exercise their Second Amendment rights or their Second Amendment rights to get the benefit of their Fifth Amendment rights."
"Ripples possession of records...provides it with strong leverage."
"The umbrella of rights has constantly extended."
"What do you call it when someone alters evidence? Falsifying evidence, and that's a crime."
"I absolutely am, your honor. We won hands down, no further argument needed."
"The Bar Standards Board ensures that the bar works well for consumers."
"Juan David Ortiz was found guilty of four counts of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole."
"The evidence against Plant must convince a jury of his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Justice Ginsburg's close relationship with a friend of ours, a friend of mine, Justice Scalia, is also a powerful reminder that we can disagree on fundamental issues while treating each other with decency, dignity, and respect."
"We're engaged in a constitutionally protected activity right now."
"The waiver was vague, meant to strip Kaepernick of rights. Desperate times, desperate measures."
"It's going to be a lot of fun when more subpoenas go out to everybody else."
"Her actions the evening of April 3rd, 2022 were taken to save her life."
"I'm fine with that but you're confessing without much of a fight."
"Finding the culprit is more important in this class trial, talking about the motive is meaningless."
"Circumstantial evidence is the lowest form of evidence, okay? But it's still evidence."
"My character is questioned, your whole case can be thrown out."
"You have to have effective competent counsel."
"No charges have been filed. I and my prosecution Task Force believe we do not have sufficient evidence to warrant the filing of charges."
"There is a preponderance of evidence that this dude is guilty."
"The Fulton County district attorney is heating up again, it's like a movie, this is part two."
"A former president enjoys absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for his official acts."
"We hereby find the cause and manner of death to be the cause death by strangulation and manner is homicide by Wyoming state statute."
"Roe v. Wade protected a woman's right to choose up to the point of viability... viability was always the main question when it came to Reproductive Rights."