
Launch Quotes

There are 674 quotes

"We finally got that one must-have game... Super Mario 3D World launched on November 22nd, 2013."
"After nearly 22 months of testing, tweaking, and polishing, Livik is finally ready to be officially launched."
"I am hype as can be to put this out there and to have you all support it this much."
"It was so cold that day... literally icicles forming on the launch pad."
"At T plus one, Captain Michael Smith says, 'Here we go,' and NASA commentator announces the Challenger has achieved liftoff and cleared the tower."
"The shuttle makes its way to the sky: at liftoff, 6.6 million pounds of thrust begin hurtling the vehicle and crew at speeds that will reach 17,500 miles per hour."
"Spaceport here in French Guiana and to your front row seat for the launch of the Jupiter icy moons Explorer on an Aryan 5 rocket."
"This Grand Odyssey of exploration begins with the launch of juice on an Aryan 5 rocket from Europe's Spaceport in karoo."
"Pathfinder 2nd edition is finally out of its playtest, and we can now crack open our Pathfinder 2E core rulebooks and bestiary and jump into the newest edition of Pathfinder from Paizo."
"Any countdown that ends in a successful launch followed by spacecraft separation is a great day."
"Engines throttling up, Challenger go at throttle up."
"All parties are reported go for launch countdown."
"Delta four heavy ascending into the clouds one last time, that's just beautiful."
"This launch is going to be the 61st orbital launch attempt of 2024 and SpaceX's 31st Mission."
"Let me show you guys some of the merch, I'm excited for this launch."
"Legends of Runeterra is available right now."
"RuneScape 2: A new era begins." - The launch and reception of RuneScape 2.
"This is the biggest launch of my lifetime physically and I think metaphorically."
"The next launch for SpaceX is Inspiration 4 from this very pad."
"I'm launching season 1 of my merchandise, so get ready!"
"Power and telemetry nominal. Beautiful Falcon 9 has cleared the tower."
"Halo, which had problems entering the fray, came out on day one and it was amazing."
"Falcon 9 has now cleared the tower on its way for its first flight from Florida in 20124 carrying the Aon 3 satellite."
"Welcome to the Space Coast of Florida where we just witnessed the first launch of NASA's Clips initiative."
"Elrond's long-awaited Mayer exchange is set to launch in a mere matter of weeks."
"We have ignition and we have a liftoff of the seventh Starlink flight from 39A at the Kennedy Space Center."
"I think Blizzard's Diablo 4 launch was actually pretty strong."
"And there we go liftoff of the one vehicle, look at that sucker go!"
"The Xbox one on launch will get used because it actually has some utility outside of gaming."
"Blast off! I'm on, everybody! All systems go!"
"This game's launch is one of the most successful launches in Steam history."
"Chat GPT itself was officially launched in November of last year and has already become widely regarded as the most advanced AI chatbot in the world."
"One of the most eagerly awaited video games finally goes on sale."
"Biggest retail launch in entertainment history."
"There's a ton of really interesting games in that 22 title launch lineup."
"Launch is about 15 minutes from now at 229 universal coordinated time or 1029 Eastern Time."
"It's about as perfect as you could hope for for liftoff conditions." - Ideal conditions for liftoff.
"We have and we also got the biggest news we've ever had in our eight year history: the launch of GCN plus."
"We're gonna be releasing the brand new merch store today."
"The launch of online definitely was significant."
"FIFA 18's global launch day on September 29th. Starting then, Ones to Watch will be available."
"We don't know when it's going to launch. But it sounds soon, sometime in July sometime in August."
"Facebook's digital wallet finally launches without DM cryptocurrency."
"RTX 4090 at 450 watts all but 100 confirmed for October launch."
"The Nexus saw instant success upon its announcement."
"I will be keeping a close eye on this and most likely playing this game when it launches."
"We're launching later this year and we have tons more to share."
"Absolutely gorgeous launch of the Falcon 9 today, a totally cloudless sky."
"We had a successful launch, that is a very, very good thing."
"Tucker Carlson's network launches, a nail in the coffin of Legacy Media."
"This is the world premiere of Star Wars Battlefront 2 multiplayer gameplay."
"The launch of Sora by OpenAI, it's absolutely amazing."
"The Rockets rise was spectacular cutting through the clear skies."
"It's not too often I do a video about a brand new game right at launch."
"Let's dive right in and talk about some of the things you can expect from early access and worldwide launch."
"It's just exciting to finally see this thing actually back to launch."
"Folks, we are standing by for a potentially imminent static fire attempt."
"For a first launch, I think they've done really well."
"Halo 3 set the record for the biggest game launch of all time."
"Sunday Swap launching as a fully functional beta decentralized exchange on January 20th. Will it affect the price surge? Buy the rumor, sell the news? You decide."
"Hopefully this game breaks the mold of games like this and isn't buggy at launch."
"I'm really excited to be launching our fall collection."
"Congratulations to Electron for soft launching the new platform, I'm so stoked to see what's to come next."
"This is one of my favorite watches that has been launched this year."
"We launched an entire acne collection this month. I'm so pumped about it."
"We had this vision for the YouTube channel and we launched it February 1st."
"The 2017 Toyota Land Cruiser 70 series has just been launched in Australia."
"You're ready to launch, fire ready to launch."
"Great month to release, birth, create, launch, etc., something big."
"How big of a deal is it that people bought something on our first launch without any reviews?"
"I am launching something super new, super unique, never been done before."
"Well besties, the good news is my mascara is officially launching and I'm so excited."
"The iio coin is going to be launched really soon."
"The toughest thing to do is to launch, to have the rocket fuel to go, but once you go it's very hard to stop that momentum."
"Pretty good launch, wouldn't you say?"
"Finally, AMD finally, that is what I said that card needed to be out when it freaking launched."
"If the Earth had no atmosphere, you could actually just launch from Mt. Everest and go up just a little bit so you don't hit it on the second orbit."
"Spotify just launched this at streamon recently."
"Prepare your FAQ before launching your product."
"So as of right now, your ecommerce website is live and you can start accepting payments right away from credit cards all over around the world."
"But first we got to get a good launch."
"I ordered a bunch of stuff and the collection launched at 8:00 a.m. so I woke up at 7:30."
"I am super excited to announce that eOcean Club is launching May 15th."
"Generation 4 was officially launched with a movie in summer of 2009 titled 'The Sky is the Limit'."
"GM had to stick the landing on the launch of the C4."
"Blizzard launches Starcraft, an RTS set in space. It sells bigly and quickly grows a massive Esports scene."
"We hope that with this, we'll be able to bring responsive air launch and responsive launch to the world and such that you can go to any orbit at any time from anywhere."
"It's become so popular that they're launching the volcano range."
"They've been a successful team since launch, which is crazy."
"Timing is key, wait for the right time to launch."
"The launch of Counter-Strike 2 has been up and down like my skill level at things."
"This is an impressive first launch for the brand."
"If you want results like this when it comes to your launch then you definitely want to make sure that you check out the ultimate launch course."
"The VOR 4 is launching with Rats 2.1, and this version of Ros s is really something else."
"The Nintendo 3DS did not have the most graceful of launches despite being an overall success for Nintendo."
"So many anti-heroes if you want to sign up for the waiting list so you're one of the first to find out as we begin to think about launching in the future make sure you sign up for that email list."
"It's the car of the moment. They launched it at the beginning of April. They've sold... took something like 80,000 deposits for it within a few hours."
"We got so much early ahead of launch. This is insane!"
"They were stocked globally within just 10 days of their official launch party."
"Pho's brand launch marks a much-needed shift in the fashion landscape."
"So I am super excited about it. We're hoping to have it launch for May 1st."
"...Nissan Aria, the first pure electric model that Nissan has launched since the Leaf."
"This is definitely the most impressive launch to me."
"If you're not completely embarrassed by the first version of your product, you took too long to launch."
"We have launched some new apparel, some t-shirts, sweatshirts. We got you fixed up, so be sure and check them out."
"The goal is to get up a minimal viable post."
"The turbo launch feels the same, even with no launch control."
"That project is nearing completion, and we plan to launch it officially with a symposium here on campus next September."
"The North American launch was officially celebrated in 1989."
"Now, Sony is not launching just one but two, two new a7c cameras."
"...good luck as this campaign launches."
"Just getting Scrappy boots on the ground, taking imperfect action, and then launching."
"For sure and I mean like you could just see the excitement that was there when the launch happened."
"Words can't describe how good that is, that launch was so powerful, it completely took my breath away."
"After a few more edits to the website and getting some feedback from a few friends, it's finally all finished, and my shop is now live at last."
"We just launched the 90-day challenge app."
"The IC-7300 actually was launched in 2016."
"The moment it goes live we're gonna start making posts about it."
"Combining my social media strategy with my email strategy with my sms strategy with the waitlist strategy with the pre or pre-sale early bird access strategy I was able to make that amount of money with my launch."
"This is a new Ducks camo we are launching this year."
"One of the most successful app launches of the year."
"One of the most exciting things about selling a digital product is launch day."
"I think the most important part for a launch is consistent sales and not highs and lows."
"Don't feel too much pressure to have this crazy intense launch day."
"But whoa did not notice that on launch day original Gibson modified."
"My big announcement is that my Patreon is up now, which is very exciting. I just released it today."
"let's give this launch control a go shall we"
"Start your pre-launch activities. So, driving people to your landing page to sign up for your email list, promoting sneak peeks on social media."
"I mean, the day we launched that thing, it was just a few minutes before we had a million people in it."
"So something I've been really excited to share with you guys is that we're going to be launching a retro collection on gnarly speed shop dot com."
"...we're gonna launch the all-new Lexus NX and it's gonna go a zoomy zoom isn't that right friend..."
"Sometimes revolutionary products aren’t understood by customer clinics but are embraced by customers when they’re launched."
"That was the state of the game at launch, mind you, that was actually accurate."
"On July 1st 2023 the European Space Agency launched a new Space Telescope named euklid."
"This launch it's on the brake it's just so easy on the brake."
"Helped launch the American Environmental revolution in the 1960s."
"Speaking of videos, together with Shadia, if y'all don't know it, Shania and I have officially launched our vlog channel."
"Given the unprecedented challenges of the last month, we've worked feverishly to launch a new digital engagement hub called the Beaver Lodge."
"I am seriously so excited for the launch."
"The first 1,000 copies... are going to go for the promotion of our new Sanctuary."
"We're launching a brand new companion newsletter with sneak peeks and extra content."
"We're gonna be launching our first video."
"The launch for JH Collective today was very, very successful."
"Blue Sky, the alternative created by the people who created Twitter in the first place, is now publicly open."
"I think when you look at the economics of launch, the economics of full rapid reusability are so powerful that there's really no other future end state."
"We launched in the fall, it was a success."
"Projects postpone their launch in a bear market until the launch of the bull run."
"Launching a big organizational transformation."
"It's all about evaluating an idea before it's launched."
"We launched that yesterday yeah yeah yeah"
"I mean, this is just the truth of the matter here, right? Colossal order, the people who made the game, they did not have the game ready for launch. That's just objective. I mean, the vast majority of people trying to play the game on PC literally couldn't even run the game."
"We're launching this today. I just tweeted it out."
"If we're designing an app, we can have it kind of go live and onboard a bunch of customers and start leveraging the advantages from the very beginning."
"In late April, the Hubble Telescope was launched into space aboard the space shuttle Discovery."
"It's time to prepare for the launch."
"Yesterday was the first day ever that we dropped the official merch."
"A dynasty has now truly been launched."
"The capture came out um in 2013 and this is the second generation car just launched right at the end of 2019 I think the Press cars for the Mark II launch were registered December 2019."
"I think TikTok might just be the way for James Charles to have a successful launch."
"Do we know anything about what NASA thinks about SpaceX's recent launch? I haven't heard any specific announcement of it yet but I'm sure they're thrilled."
"Just think about where this is going this is a very good example right here of how you make a successful launch and give real value to your token and then have constant income just pouring in to the treasury all the time"
"The game launches with such overwhelmingly positive reception."
"We declare from this house and around this planet ecclesia launch launch into the new era launch into the new times launch launch launch into the nations launch into the world."
"Thank you guys, just click the link in the description down below. Midnight Moonrise, first launch is on Monday."
"NASA has just two hours on Monday to launch the 322-foot rocket on its first test flight."
"It was with some friends from UCLA, one speculated friend actually having the name credited on early versions of the webpage, that Lee officially launched fanfiction.net on October 15th of 1998."
"Dark Moon really good reviews at launch."
"We're launching commercially first, so it'll be maybe a couple of years before we get into homes unfortunately."
"Being in a VC startup residency type environment, everyone's just like 'yo, launch every day.'"
"Unfortunately, this also means that I've had to delay the official launch of the poster to June 23rd."
"It's launch day today, the 31st, and I'm super excited."
"I'm so excited to report that the first part of their most ambitious project to date has officially released on Kickstarter."
"Launching something and having user buy-in and user adoption is sometimes a little bit dependent upon trust."
"Your launch strategy should be really exciting. Whether it be a campaign, whether you're doing like a giveaway on launch day, you want it to be something super, super exciting."
"Craft your hero content to fit into that bucket then do it each week for that hero piece of content those six to eight weeks leading up to your launch."
"The launch, you know, quote unquote, flagship motherboards generally are a good idea."
"With the launch of your community, it's not about getting it perfect, it's about getting it going."
"This is a brand new launch, now it is an exclusive launch for us at Hobby Maker."
"You couldn't ask for a more beautiful morning for this historic launch."
"Prepare for liftoff in three, two, one!"
"The launch on there was great and we got some nice pockets of airtime which is really good."
"This is really cool excited to see what it'll look like when it launches later this year."
"This is the launch price for a limited time."
"Project Me shop has officially launched."
"So I've actually just finished editing the Vlog that you're watching it is a very chatty Vlog so we have a project me launch happening really really really really really soon."
"Project Me, it's launch day baby!"
"One of my biggest launch strategies is I'm going ahead and trying to rank for 18 different keywords."
"Every golfer should set out to get the highest inertia product that gets the right launch conditions for them."
"My secret Community is launching soon... everyone will want to be in this Society... Tri S Society coming November 30th."
"Let's get the website up and running first, get the business going."
"It's been around for a few years now, having launched internationally in 2017."
"Launch control, this is Houston, we are go for launch."
"I love the quality I love this color for this to be a first launch I feel like there's so many options for you."
"To date, Sandia has launched over 1500 missions on 60 different types of booster systems from nineteen launch sites around the world."
"The launch of the new venture was in the UK at London's Tower Bridge."
"The crew used the callsign Yantar, Russian for amber, and were launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on June 6th, 1971."
"Just iterate and launch cool stuff."
"We are launching in over a hundred countries later this month with iOS 8.4 for your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, as well as a new version of iTunes for the Mac, a new version of iTunes for Windows, and Android is coming this fall."
"Yes, but I'm here for work. My product, we're launching a product called Polar Bear Candy."
"And today, we're launching a new accessibility website."