
Indigenous Cultures Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Costume designer... pursued counsel from Indigenous elders and hired Indigenous artists directly."
"Human rights campaign or HRC explains, 'Research shows that more than 150 different pre-colonial Native American tribes acknowledge third genders in their communities.'"
"In indigenous cultures of the world, they don't just function in the physical world; they have practices and rituals that help them go deep into the world of spirit, of mind, of soul."
"The promise of this country is older than our Constitution. Over 500 years ago, thousands of Indian tribes were vibrant, democratic societies with rich cultures and traditions."
"For coastal indigenous peoples, the ocean has been vital to their culture and survival for thousands of years."
"The discovery of that first artifact in 1997 coincided with a Yukon native culture beginning to find itself again."
"Indigenous culture... is just a smidgen of what you see in the media, a pittance compared to the big, beautiful blackness which we love."
"Despite these challenges, the Surma have continued to maintain their unique culture and traditions."
"She's wearing a wolf skin on her head, and has some like paint under the chin, that seems to be stealing a lot from Indigenous North American and Maori stuff."
"For indigenous people gender non-conformity has been around since time immemorial."
"In the rich tapestry of Native American mythology, the Thunderbird occupies a special place, a creature of immense power revered for its significance across many indigenous cultures."
"The Iroquois created a system similar to modern democracies and Republics without any influence from Western civilizations."
"They believe that in this way they can contact the spirits of their ancestors and the forest."
"It's hard for many to wrap their heads around this subject but the Ojibwe and many other first nations and American tribes see the Sabbe, the Sasquatch, and Oma, etc., as spirit and flesh at the same time."
"Indigenous people created unique housing from ice, wood, stone, adobe, and hides."
"Our architectural accomplishments are not limited to houses; throughout the Americas, large cities featured temples, central plazas, markets, and ball courts."
"They were known as the Chachapoya or the cloud people by the Incas who by this stage had re-inhabited the ancient pre-Incan ruins which dot Peru."
"It's amazing how indigenous people are so connected. Food was survival, but it was also cultural identity, you know? It's something really... it's the core of us."
"Archaeologists have shown, for example, that indigenous populations around the Great Lakes mined and used the copper near modern-day Lake Superior for over six thousand years."
"For thousands of years indigenous hunter-gatherer groups lived in the area of South Florida."
"The little people resemble smaller versions of Native Americans, usually measuring between two and four feet tall."
"Using the same basic vessel, the canoes of Indigenous people living inland were smaller and lighter to accommodate long stretches of river or lake travel."
"The people who developed and used this rich soil were not farmers in the traditional sense, but horticulturalists."
"The religion and mythology traditions of the modern Pueblo peoples have been studied by academics for generations."
"We know from several documented practices, histories, and languages that the Indians who inhabited this area had traditionally followed the customs of their forefathers."
"They built an empire so powerful that when the Aztecs came knocking, the P'urhépecha crushed them."
"It's looking more and more likely that the mummy belonged to a group such as the Chiang Kai who inhabited these valleys close to the Pacific Ocean."
"The structure is the greatest and best known work of the Hokoham people who historians like to call the masters of the desert."
"Native american societies were thriving and had set up in North America for centuries."
"They're a great source of pride and group and they're also a reminder of the cultures of South America derived long long before Europeans appeared on the horizon."
"You're watching a movie about Comanches fighting an alien hunter."
"The Yakumama is described by the indigenous peoples as being a huge snake that grows up to fifty feet in length, with a head six feet wide that catches its prey by spitting out and flopping it like a water cannon."
"According to the study, many indigenous people who populated what is now Alabama during that time believed that the caves were 'paths to the underworld,' and the art could have spiritual or ritual significance."
"The Bison Hunters of the Plains were the masters of their world."
"Ancient Native Americans were way ahead of the curve."
"While some of the details of spiritual ceremonies may differ between the tribes of the Oceti Sakowin, the seven basic rituals have not disappeared with the coming of the European religions and governmental suppression."
"Indigenous people interacted between these communities through a complex network of trade that connected every region of the Americas."
"Sites such as this really reveal that there was a long history in this land before Europeans came and that it was sophisticated."
"Cambodia is home to various indigenous communities, each with its unique customs and traditions."
"Traditional history, as taught, is just pure fantasy. Before long, the whole theory of how North America was populated will be stood on its head."
"This site has many painted pictographs and carved petroglyphs from many different native cultures."
"Psychedelics have been used for possibly thousands of years by certain indigenous cultures around the world, particularly in Central and Southern America."
"What is now Mississippi was originally home to a number of different indigenous peoples."
"I will never look at indigenous peoples the same way again. Thank you."
"Indigenous people have always been on that sustainability train."
"The river was central to numerous indigenous cultures, including the Mississippian culture known for their large complex societies and mound building."
"There's one thing that we tend to forget because we don't get taught it very deeply in Britain, and that is the thousands of years of native history that happened before we even turned up."
"The series takes viewers deep into Alaska's frozen landscape to reveal some of the realities that Alaskan native people face."
"Archaeologists believe that indigenous people were using the Susquehanna River Valley as early as eleven thousand years before present."
"...these were works of art proving that the people who once occupied the continent of America were not savages."
"Their genetic markers show connections to other indigenous groups in the region and ancient populations that inhabited Southeast Asia."
"Fierce warriors, like loving guardians of the world around them, the first peoples of these lands sought to live in harmony with their land and the spirits that inhabited it."
"As a student of history, I am enormously impressed with the staying power of the indigenous populations of the Americas."
"It's expected that the most exciting secrets that still slumber in the heart of the jungle today are those of the indigenous tribes."
"The forest islands reveal the remarkable ingenuity and resourcefulness of the indigenous people who lived there."
"The indigenous people, all indigenous tribes and cultures, are going to outlast all the rest, absolutely."
"Indigenous populations carry humanity's ability to have a sensitive relationship with the landscape."
"They freely roamed the land, hunting and gathering for subsistence, they developed languages and rituals, and had a very spiritual side, a very strong connection to their natural world."
"The great serpent, the alligator, two ruling spirits of the cosmology of the historic American Indian cosmology."
"All Indians I have ever met believe that certain highly favored individuals can by means of conjuring look into the future and foretell events that are to happen."
"In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue, but you never really hear about the indigenous peoples or the native peoples that he met when he came over from an emerging Europe."
"I've always been fascinated by all the primitive hunting techniques that were used by the indigenous people."
"...Rodriguez had read Cabeza de Vaca's stories of traveling through this area and hearing these stories about these people that lived northward who live in these multi-storied homes, wear cotton clothing, and have a large population."
"I'm here to share what I've learned over the years either through the educational systems in the US or on my own personal journey working and being around indigenous peoples."
"The very existence of these indigenous people changed what was predominantly a Eurocentric view of that day."
"Igloos are thought to be one of the oldest types of human homes."
"Home to two-thirds of the world's polar bears, Arctic and sub-Arctic Canada has many indigenous cultures and peoples that have co-existed with polar bears for thousands of years."