
Political Opposition Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"I do believe Trump poses a direct threat to this democracy and we should be doing everything within our power to keep him from returning to office."
"Even if he was being put in the harshest of conditions... he still bothered Vladimir Putin."
"If Trudeau does not declare today an end to his forthcoming tax increases on food, gas, and heat, we will introduce a motion of non-confidence in the Prime Minister."
"They're not taking Trump's BS and that's a good thing."
"I don't like you, I am never going to live under you nobody watching this is gonna we're gonna fight into the end."
"Republicans plan to use that as a cudgel against her but she now has been on the bench for a full decade."
"We must do everything we can to end the tyranny of Putin..."
"Of course, they're against me. They're against everybody."
"That's where they're going to sort of justify opposing the conviction of the president."
"If our ways to change the world will affect their special interest, they will stop you."
"Please for the love of God to keep this guy out of the White House."
"They want to erase your vote like it never existed, they want to erase your voice and they want to erase your future, but they will fail because in America the people rule again."
"I am not going to support Federal rules that block the ability of states to do what they wish to do."
"The surge in Democratic votes will not be as dependent on the policies advocated by the Democratic candidate as it will be as a result of fear of Donald Trump."
"If Democrats hate Trump so much, he must be doing something right."
"America only succeeds when Joe Biden's policies fail."
"Freedom Phone could actually be very, very good, very, very important and why the establishment is probably coming after you so hard."
"The Democrats are stopping it, but I don't think they're, you know, flexible."
"Republicans have their way. That means 100 million Americans with preexisting conditions can once again be denied health care coverage by their insurance companies."
"We need a rational and evidence-based opposition to Trump, not an opposition mired in delusional conspiratorial fantasy."
"The left will tell you outright that if you oppose them... you're wrong, you're genocidal, you're violent."
"Trans-Pacific Partnership? Oh yeah, that pissed off Republicans and Democrats."
"Who stops Biden? Who stops the bad policy that affects me and my family and you?"
"That's the only way to put an end to the Donald Trumps, the Ron DeSantis's, the Josh Hawley's, you know, the Marjorie Taylor Greens of the world."
"There are two types of people who don't take the vaccine: those who don't think it's necessary, and those who oppose it politically."
"If you believe immigrants like my wife's family should be demagogued and locked in cages, vote for the other person."
"Every member of the campaign... joined this movement in order to defeat Donald Trump."
"Whenever you see me splurge against Michelle Obama, understand that it comes from a position of god-like fear."
"So somebody needs to break navalny out of prison right now he's in in a Russian prison and he is the guy to come in and Lead that country away from the current trajectory."
"He voted against legislation that would help reduce the cost of prescription drugs and help cap the cost of insulin."
"If Ruth is not prepared to tolerate government by Boris Johnson, then why should the people of Scotland?"
"His legacy is one of defiance, a constant thorn in the side of the Kremlin."
"Canadians expect opposition to hold the feet of a minority or majority government to the fire, not to work together for the benefit of government just for the sake of it."
"I know they're scared, and they should be scared, and Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party should be scared because their days are numbered."
"There is a tendency to think that Russians who support Putin must all be like him... but there are incredibly inspiring people within Russia who are willing to stand up against him."
"If everybody who differs with the left shuts up, then the left won. We've surrendered. So you can't do that."
"We've got to stand up Republicans are Banning abortion rights tearing down democracy blocking progress."
"Who wants Mitch McConnell blocking legislation for the next two to four years? Not me."
"The Republican party was against the Affordable Care period."
"Maloney's biggest opponent says she's not a fascist."
"They will do anything by any means necessary to stop Donald Trump."
"They want you to forget that they want to cut Social Security and Medicare."
"The anger at Trump existed for Bush, it exists for all conservatives."
"The Canadian population is not happy with the Chinese Communist Party."
"I oppose mandates, it's wrong and it's the road to tyranny."
"Pong was punished largely because she opposed the CCP."
"I'm proud that people are still out protesting because this is the only way people can show that they do not want Russia there."
"Opposition is normal, but a network of terrorists is deadly."
"Americans from all political backgrounds and walks of life oppose this insane march to nuclear Armageddon."
"Assume infinite malice from the Republican party."
"We won't give an inch, we won't give a centimeter, we won't give a millimeter, and we will obstruct him better than any of you guys will."
"I'm going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be president of the United States again."
"Yes, we are going to protect women and I don't care how much the right wing fundamentalist Theocratic zealots in this country I hate that sorry we're gonna fight like hell for women in this country."
"Embrace the culture battle and embrace the fact that everyone is opposed to what you think." - Michael Knowles
"No more deference to the executive branch... no more expansion of second amendment rights."
"Your party blocked criminal justice reform when barack and i were in the white house where were you."
"If we lose that system, it means people like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Bobert and Matt Gates and Donald Trump and Jim Jordan and James Comer, they don't like you."
"There's nobody making the case against the deal from a position where they're going to vote against it."
"The other path is the ultra MAGA plan put forward by congressional Republicans."
"He is the essence of everything that we fight against as progressives and ostensibly as Democrats."
"Whatever your issue is from a policy perspective... understand that the people that you're up against will show up."
"The situation parallel[s] that of the Soviet Union at its end."
"You've got 7.5 million people... who hate the guts of the Chinese Communists."
"Immediately suspend the Trump administration's effort to eliminate the Affordable Care Act's protections."
"I'll do whatever it takes to make sure Donald Trump is nowhere near the Oval Office, and I mean it."
"As we oppose their efforts to seize greater political power, we must simultaneously propose a better model of the faith."
"The greatest threat... would be a Labour government."
"The opposition will fight tooth and nail to protect their outrageous profits. They'll put billions into ads against Medicare for all."
"We need to defeat the most dangerous president this country has ever had."
"Look at California like we look at Texas... You think that you just imagine Governor Abbott... they want to get rid of Governor Abbott."
"We need your help because we're in the fight of our lives against the Biden administration on behalf of medical freedom for all Americans."
"I don't believe in this war, I don't believe in Putin, I don't like him, and I stand with Ukraine."
"If you prove Trump is bad, 90% of people are gonna want the bad man gone."
"I'm running against the head of it precisely to try to knock out the leadership and steer it in a different direction."
"It's time to stop being afraid of the big bad monster that's the Republican Party and conservatism because it doesn't exist."
"Joe Biden wants to kill American energy and impose the Green New Deal."
"It's not enough to simply beat Trump, he must be destroyed thoroughly, his kind must not rise again."
"The fraudulent election results and the strengthening communist grip on power created a need for anti-communist forces to rally together."
"Who's standing in the way of that? The unions, the progressives, the Democrats."
"She's the antithesis of the Republican Party."
"I think it's absolutely shocking what's going on in this country we should not even be debating a second referendum."
"We have to defeat the most dangerous, corrupt president."
"It's not about the money, it's about stopping a political bully."
"The people rising up, it's the Republicans' worst nightmare."
"The choice in this election is between a Trump recovery and a Biden depression."
"Opposition pressures Kremlin to end the war."
"Oppenheimer was a security threat... opposing their desire to build more of these weapons."
"And you’re anti-Democrat and you’ve convinced yourself that nothing, nothing could be worse than having a Democrat in the White House."
"She stands firmly in between our freedom and our opponents who want to drive this country into a place that we can't even recognize."
"This is nightmare for Ali, he understands that Tawfiq Yagublu is the leader who can lead the people."
"Manchester's veto allowed America to dodge a serious bullet. The Build Back Better bill is dead." - Republican Representative Dan Crenshaw
"This country does not belong to the radical left who are trying to destroy it. This country belongs to you."
"Sometimes you have to be judged by your haters and when your haters are a state-backed propaganda Wing you know you're doing something right."
"My opponent supported the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would have destroyed your automobile business. And I ended it immediately."
"Vote by mail is here whether we like it or not we have to push back against hr one at all costs."
"I don't know whether going right at him will be successful but I think it's not only the right thing to do but it's the only way to try to wrest the nomination away from him."
"My mission is to win the presidency and at the same time it's to take down Donald Trump because of what he's done to my party and what he's done to our country."
"In response to that threat, the consternation was expressed by his opponents."
"Trump is trying to stop the dictatorship that is globalism."
"They oppose liberal policies in classical liberals."
"The liberal government of the New Deal and the Great Society had to be stopped."
"Millions of Russian citizens are currently counting down the days for their country to be freed from Putin's dictatorial regime."
"The more invisible and bigger force already out there which really already does look like the start of an anti-trump movement is regular people already starting this organizing themselves."
"Glory to Ukraine! We want the victory for Ukraine and we want defeat for Vladimir Putin."
"I've seen the joining of dark forces that work together to bring him down... and I could even list the signed documents they will have produced to achieve what they achieved."
"John Lewis, I'm sure he faced things that I can't even imagine, and if he did all that for us just for equal rights why should I be afraid just to stand up to a couple of right-wing nut jobs to attack me of course I can stand up."
"The left seems so adamantly opposed to the policies that have delivered us a 4.2 percent GDP rate."
"If you believe that human beings should be treated with respect and dignity, you must oppose the Chinese Communist Party."
"Opposing government proposals... that's where we are, big think."
"Overall we're all just more likely to laugh when those who we oppose lose more than we are to sympathize."
"They watch his presidency get stymied by resistance and they see Democrats still attacking him."
"Putin's invasion of a sovereign country must fail he must not be successful in that ambition."
"President Erdogan opposes Finland and Sweden joining NATO."
"We are not the party of government shutdowns, they are."
"I don't want unity with Mitch McConnell. I want you to kick Mitch McConnell's ass and accountability for the corruption that we know has been going on."
"Opposition to this regime was fierce and led to the creation of the Mujahideen Islamic resistance fighters."
"Every day that we delay our decision to oppose him most decisively increases this risk."
"He's the real like daredevil and he's out to defeat the Chinese Communist Party."
"People are tired of Putin's despotism and are united in their opposition to the war."
"The wall is immoral, so that means it's a non-starter."
"Conspiracy oriented attitudes towards the climate have existed for as long as conservatives have been opposed to stopping climate change."
"If we're being put on those lists, I suspect we're doing something right."
"You do not need to support the Convoy to oppose the emergencies act."
"The last thing these people want is for Trump to come into power and turn their agenda upside down."
"If the current government is going to destroy Germany, then naturally he has to oppose it."
"We will not defeat the left and we will not destroy what they're trying to do without every single person in this room sacrificing some form of comfort. It's that simple."
"No amount of fossil fuel funded obstruction here at home is going to stop the clean energy revolution happening in the rest of the world."
"It was a very humanizing moment and I think it was important, especially given what our country looks like right now, to see that people on opposing sides can sit down and actually be real and genuine and like each other."
"The reason she takes that step is because of the rage that is directed at her from liberals and from the democratic party."
"You're being opposed politically now... by Delta Airlines, Major League Baseball, and Coca-Cola."
"Stop falling for it! The reason that we have a Republican Party is to fight back against the Democrats."
"On October 14, we must say no to the voice of division."
"He's not allowed to be President. The left doesn't want the President to be able to be President."
"We are fortunate enough to be in a country right now that happens to be labor friendly and yet we were facing opposition that was so labor unfriendly, so tone deaf to what we are saying."
"It's pretty clear to me that they do absolutely see me as the enemy, which is why I think they're ramping up the rhetoric on leaving on the 31st of October." - Nigel Farage
"You've set it up so with in the strongest possible language you've set up the narrative is that this guy wants to build a wall and that you oppose him for wanting to build a wall."
"If Don Jr. did one percent of what Hunter Biden's accused of, they'd be calling for a life prison sentence."
"Ours is not the popular resistance of the left... we want the administration to succeed."
"Everything Trump does is terrible. If Donald Trump came out in favor of oxygen, the Democrats would say we are against it."
"Thank you for fighting for us, thank you for always fighting against the Liberals and setting up for our way of life."
"Courage is the key to countering leftist movements."
"There is a specter over Russia. It is the specter of national populism, and me and Victor Chernov are the last men able to stop it."
"He should be soundly defeated. It should start in the Republican Party, grow a backbone, stand up to this guy."
"Every time you make it harder for somebody to vote... I ain't scared of you bruh."
"You need to think about your opponents across the aisle as opponents, not enemies."
"Lockdowns are completely unpopular and everything related to these impositions and mandatory provisions of COVID related legislation deeply unpopular."
"Consumer advocacy groups and Democratic lawmakers said the move will harm consumers and internet businesses." - The New York Times
"We are gathered here today in formal opposition to the unconstitutional, Un-American, and unconscionable mandates that are rocking our communities."
"Opposition for opposition's sake isn't right, people are dying out there."
"Corporate democrats led by Nancy Pelosi fight the left and working American families struggling with the cost of this pandemic far harder than they've ever fought the president."
"I oppose the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and many western interventions."
"The failed Washington establishment is trying to stop me because I'm fighting for you and because we're winning."
"It is not good enough to just be opposed by the left; you actually have to oppose the left."
"I'd rather be in opposition just for the sake of the constituencies and the social base and the working people of this country."
"You make friends, you build a social network, and that's how you fight against the left."
"All this is going to do is generate opposition on the other side."
"I genuinely cannot see a single good reason for pushing Kavanaugh over a replacement candidate."
"Every headline, every story, even some of the former paper's punctuation will be designed to convey just how very, very much everyone who works here wants to see this president crushed." - Mr. Third
"This is a wholesale rejection of the Biden agenda."
"He's the perfect person for Bernie to run against."
"They want to undo the agenda you voted for they want to stop the progress we have obviously made."
"Russian civilians condemn Putin's invasion of Ukraine, blame for troubled economy."
"We won't be enforcing Joe Biden's unconstitutional and tyrannical vaccine mandate."
"They trying to do everything they can to stop this man from winning. That's all it is."
"The only cheering to have gone on last night will have been in the homes of opposition politicians."
"Finally the people that survived socialism and communism saw someone that was willing to bring the fight to the socialists and the communists."
"The Democratic establishment actively opposes legislation despite overwhelming voter support."
"So just think of it is my opposition because I don't like Joe Biden or is my opposition because this offends me at a deep level and the reason why this issue is so animated and so intense is because it offends people at a very deep level."
"There can't be unity until people on the left realize that Rush Limbaugh wasn't their enemy, he was just their political opponent."
"They know the biggest threat to them is that all of the toughest [ __ ] in this country unite against them."
"We're gonna fight against this woke mob and these radical Democrats who are trying to absolutely destroy this country."
"The only way to treat these people is to defeat them."
"Donald Trump can't just be beaten; he must be destroyed."
"Several Republican congressmen joined in the calls of communism and socialism against the New Deal, including representative Robert F. Rich and senators Simeon D. Fess and Thomas D. Schall."
"The opposition parties need to be prepared not only to criticize but also to provide viable alternatives."
"There's always a growing tendency to react against the dominant forms of writing, dominant ideology, or even any form of dominant political thought."
"His rule had lost Sweden territory, bankrupted the nation, and turned all of the North against them."