
Personal Liberation Quotes

There are 328 quotes

"We're free in a lot of extents, not maybe not from our own minds, maybe not from the judgment of other people on Instagram or the judgment of our parents, but in actuality, we're pretty free."
"Reality only exists in your head, which is why it's beautiful; you can unlock the cell door and walk out."
"Satanism, for the satanic temple and its members, is a non-theistic religion that is focused on the central symbol or metaphor of Satan as depicted in Romantic Era literature as a symbol of rebellion against arbitrary authority, the pursuit of knowledge, and personal liberation."
"Forgiveness is liberating, and you're just not going to be able to serve anything without it."
"One morning in August of 1987, our world did indeed end, not in the way our leaders had imagined."
"It's the truth that's going to set you free."
"Just that sense of freedom, everyone is turned on by it."
"As heartbreaking as this is, I also feel liberated."
"Understanding your own proclivity for evil is liberating because there's unbelievable utility in knowing you're a monster."
"Release what no longer serves you, free yourself from conditions to negative influences."
"We're here to put them in our heart, and that liberates us from the illusions that disempower us and the confusions of trying to change others into us or us into others."
"I accept the lessons that I've learned. I am free. Claim this energy. I'm ready to move forward in my life."
"I'm no longer a slave to fear. Yes, I am a child of God."
"You're already perfect enough as it is, so it's time to let it go and cut those ties."
"I think maybe it might have saved me in a way from going down the path of trying to chase that high of everybody's approval forever."
"But so I guess it was liberating in a way in the long run."
"I've never felt more free in my life than after having gone through postpartum depression."
"Telling the truth is painful, but it ends up being so liberating."
"Whatever cage we put ourselves in, we have to use the key to open that cage up."
"I just allowed myself to be me for the first time in my life."
"The big question is how you liberate yourself and others from suffering."
"It's liberating when you know someone's full of [__] and someone else is just honest."
"No matter where you end up, the nice thing is that if you wind up giving that up and freeing yourself entirely from religion and superstition, you've already got multiple built-in communities ready to go."
"This New Moon represents creating something new in your life."
"You're on the brink of achieving something really big."
"Our greatest enemies play a role in our greatest liberation."
"You can break free, you can go no contact, you can break the trauma bonds."
"You really help people unshackle themselves and tap into more of who they are."
"You're not letting life pass you by. You're getting out there and sort of living life. You're not being held back anymore."
"Forgiveness isn't about me forgiving you for what you did to me, it's for me to liberate myself."
"Stanley felt the cool breeze upon his skin, the feeling of liberation, the immense possibility of the new path before him. This was exactly the way right now that things were meant to happen."
"Amelia prepares to meet them on the field," she's no longer a caged bird.
"That's really what 'Judas' is about, releasing the things that haunt you, releasing the things that you regret. 'Judas' is about saying 'If I never went through that, I wouldn't be where I am now.'"
"This is a free state you and your daughters can be free."
"Utilizing those things and embracing them can have a real effect that makes you feel very liberated."
"Be courageous, take charge, break out of illusions, and liberate yourself."
"What rule do you want to break, need to break? What kind of freedom are you desperately seeking?"
"The truth shall set you free this week Virgo."
"Uranus always wants to liberate you and free you from self-imposed limitations."
"Now I know who I am... none of your laws apply to me."
"It feels liberating to know that you're good by yourself."
"You don't have to stay stuck in that little miserable box."
"Forgiveness is making the decision that the ones who hurt you no longer get to limit you, label you, or project the lies they believe about themselves onto you."
"Your answer is inspiration. That is how you will free yourself."
"We are co-creators of our own reality... once we see that we have a choice, we liberate ourselves from that routine which is no longer serving us."
"Liberating yourself from habits, gaining freedom."
"You're being freed, liberated, saved from this because it was just dragging on you and your energy in your heart."
"Competition is over when it comes to a connection, and now an emperor is free and liberated."
"Music is a vocation, painting is liberation."
"Release yourself with forgiveness, like shedding shackles and moving on with life."
"You know the way out, you're not as stuck as you seem."
"Long run they are releasing codependency and judgment—it's the weight off their shoulders."
"It's very liberating and I just feel the best I've ever felt in my entire life."
"Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?"
"Now you're walking away from what no longer serves you."
"For me, the WAP song is, another, I also covered it. For me, it was like a huge liberating moment."
"Be courageous, be confident, play, have fun, don't hold yourself back anymore."
"There is nothing, there's no reason to stay in a situation that is no longer serving you."
"Break free, break all of the chains that are holding you down."
"You've been keeping yourself caged in, so freedom, contemplate on that."
"When we break out of the definitions and the programmings, that's..."
"You don't have to live a lie anymore," Seamus said.
"You feel liberated when you don't have fear."
"Realizing this is the first step on a path to liberation."
"Saying no can be an act of Liberation, an affirmation of your own autonomy and dignity."
"When people take steps to unmask, that is something that should be celebrated."
"The only way to break the subconscious stronghold of abuse and its impact on your choices is to intentionally forgive, shut down all fake relationships, and reclaim control of your life and future."
"It takes courage to be a genius, it takes confidence to go against the grain, but that's how you're going to liberate yourself."
"You're setting yourself free through this, Scorpio."
"It's about freeing yourself from unhealthy habits or thoughts that pin you down."
"You're only free when you can move into honor."
"This oracle comes to you with a message: a new day is dawning for you. This is a time when the past will very soon cease to have any holds over you."
"I'll never forget the Liberation that I felt. Oh my God, I'll never forget. I was like high for like two months. It felt like because I experienced so low that like when I felt normal or above holy [ __ ] like it was just like freedom, freedom."
"March: a month of transformation and liberation."
"It's like something has taken hold of your soul and won't let go. That's why you need to pray for Purity, repentance, and ask the Lord to break that tie once and for all."
"Uranus wants us to continue to embrace our liberation and our authenticity."
"Setting yourself free, gaining clarity in the situation."
"This understanding, this activation of this light code within you is truly what allows you to break free."
"You didn't get free by asking more questions. You got free by taking action."
"You're breaking free and reclaiming your power, saying 'No, I'm breaking free from that.'"
"The truth sets you free. No truth, no Freedom."
"Here, I've been stuck in there for years, but I'm out now. I'm finally out, finally free."
"You don't have to be owned or chained to the trauma of your past."
"The truth will set you free, Pisces, even if you already know what happened."
"I'm so relieved, I don't feel held hostage anymore."
"I don't feel ashamed anymore. I have murdered my shame."
"It's up to you to unchain yourself from your own inner demons and external demons."
"You can never be a free man, you will never be free in your head."
"It's only when you can see the chains that you can break them."
"When I left comics gate, it was like taking off a heavy dirty coat that wolves were trying to rip off a mate."
"The best moment of my life was the day I realized I no longer give a damn what anybody thinks."
"It's time to forgive, and you know what? It was very liberating."
"Release anything that is an illusion or causing fear."
"The truth sets you free... That's the fast that God cares about."
"We all want truth, the truth will set you free."
"You're ready to drop it, turn your back on the situation, and move forward."
"Breaking the chains to whatever has been keeping you stuck."
"Our experience of love tells us that there is more to reality than simple matter and energy."
"You can be free. You can absolutely be free."
"Free yourself from whatever this is, whatever this is, free yourself because you're meant to be here for bigger and greater things."
"It's freedom from that sin, freedom from that addiction that will bring you actual liberty."
"You're finally breaking free of this devil energy which has been restricting you."
"He's choosing to walk away from eight cups and trusting he's walking towards nine cups."
"Cut those chains off, forgive yourself for past mistakes you've made."
"Letting go of the past, letting go of the things that were holding you back."
"If you can surrender and let go certain cravings... that's the most direct path."
"When I realized that I was an empath... I felt liberated."
"Free yourself from the past and welcome this new beautiful life."
"Freedom is not only possible for you but it is what God intends for you."
"Judgment is freedom. It's like you're stepping out of the coffin, getting away from this coffin energy, and moving on to something new."
"You have broken free. Their plan didn't work."
"You're leaving this person in the dust, okay? You're leaving them in the dust, okay?"
"We are not the fearful stories of our lives. We all have permission to let go of the fear and to feel everything within us."
"There's power and freedom in speaking the truth that God should not hold you prisoner any longer."
"This is an energy of breaking out of those containers, those cages, those parts of ourselves that we thought we had to be a certain way."
"Allow yourself to experience relief so that you can have hope and liberate yourself and move on."
"If my fear of being seen as who I am truly is such that it prevents me from being who I am, then you never actually live."
"The truth shall set you free in ways that you couldn't possibly imagine."
"The ultimate end goal and the end result is liberation."
"You're gonna have this knowing and it will be very freeing and liberating for you."
"Liberating yourself from that technology that limits your frequency is the fight."
"3D to 5D is like transitioning from a frequency-controlled prison to liberation."
"Suddenly, you're free. You've been waiting so long."
"You are no longer bound to the statistic or stereotype."
"Free your mind and be creative, be fearless."
"It's freedom, getting your health is freedom."
"This is the season laid before you to come out from that captivity, to grab hold of Deliverance set before you."
"This might be the permission that you need to just say goodbye to some things that are not serving you."
"Not caring gives us the permission to throw caution to the wind, to stop worrying about other people’s opinions, and ask who it is that we really want to be and what we really want to do."
"You will start to feel safe. You will start to feel the separation between you and other people. It will be liberating."
"You're gonna actually remove yourself from the part of your life that has been keeping you restrained."
"It felt really liberating to open up and put myself out there on YouTube."
"When you released other people's opinion on me and stopped waiting for a savior, I realized I was already saved."
"Finally being set free from something that's been causing you to feel stuck or oppressed."
"The chains of my past have finally been shattered."
"And when you finally get it together and you get the heck out of there..."
"Self-love for me has been letting go of all of that booyah absolutely yeah that's it that's what self-love is stopping it I accept all of myself now warts and all."
"Forgiveness is truly freeing yourself from the shackle of that lower vibrational energy."
"You have the ability to escape these issues, to wrestle free of whatever has been holding you back."
"Forgive not for them, but for us, to set ourselves free from resentment and anger."
"Forgiveness is the path to freedom and wholeness."
"Set your mind to be free from suffering, set your mind to be emancipated from your mental defilements, set your mind to be free from your jealousy, your hatred, your violence, your greediness, the disappointment, the depression."
"Guilt is a wasted emotion, okay? Get yourself free."
"Finally, after 31 years of that garbage, I am free at last."
"You're meant to break yourself free... to really look at what is that frequency about... what lights you up."
"It's a liberation... very liberating, the south node energies."
"If you actually got really quiet and stopped having any equity in other people's judgment, your life becomes remarkable."
"Set yourself free from this comfort zone that's actually like a prison that's really painful."
"You're releasing somebody that basically was weighing you down energetically."
"Freeing yourself. It's time to take control back of your life. Yes, it is. Libra, amen, hallelujah, and you deserve love. You are lovable."
"You're in the process of completing some toxic cycles here. You're freeing yourself from nasty, nasty people, negative energy. You're done with it."
"There arises the desire for what gets called enlightenment or truth, or self-knowledge."
"So I surrendered to the simple, vast, ancient desire for freedom."
"Breaking out of the Matrix is pretty much breaking out of that system and having your own mindset, having your own way of thinking, and elevating consciousness."
"You have to detach from that and wake up and now okay, I'm gonna do this with my life. I'm gonna do this, that's how you escape the Matrix."
"I feel like a sense of freedom, like a little burden got lifted off of me."
"I finally broken free from that toxic relationship."
"One of the beauties of going broke is you no longer care what people think."
"Your past narrative no longer has control over you."
"Forgive others, let it go. It's difficult, but liberating. Every day."
"You're going to be free from judgment, free to love."
"What is freedom? Freedom from limitation, freedom from want, freedom from suffering."
"Breaking the chains from anything that no longer serves you."
"You all deserve each other. You're all absolutely disgusting, and thank you for removing me from your family because honestly, if you didn't cut me out, I don't know how many more years of my life I would have wasted trying to connect with you."
"I forgive everyone and everyone forgives me. The gates swing open for my good. I call on the law of forgiveness. I am free from mistakes and the consequences of mistakes."
"I'm done being controlled by yesterday, I'm going to live for tomorrow."
"It's very liberating to walk away from a cycle that wasn't working at all."
"May will be very promising, very promising indeed, especially when it comes to that particular liberation."
"There's something here that is going to set you free if you're really ready to powerfully honor your own growth process."
"Are you willing to let go of those hands, then go? Let go of those people that are dragging you, let go of the dead weight."
"There should never be a person who makes 40 million dollars a year who's still a slave. If money does not liberate you, the money has not done its job in your life."
"Going high means unlocking the shackles of lies and mistrust with the only thing that can truly set us free: the cold hard truth."
"You find a resolution or a solution... and you break free from anything that has been holding you back or trying, you've been struggling with."
"Ebenezer, I release you. You are a free man."
"You're no longer tangled in something, you can wear a new coat of many colors."
"Until you are free spiritually, you're not free."
"When you experience the truth, that is what will begin to set you free."
"Release themselves from some self-imposed bondage."
"You are no longer tied to karmic issues, you are going to be free."
"We stripped down all the conditioning, and punk helped us to do that."
"When you understand this revelation, you will be free."
"After I had this burden lifted from me, I felt such a relief."
"Living in fear is what it's like to be a slave. No thanks."
"Cycling to me is my freedom. I should be dead. I shouldn't be here doing this. It's that sense of being alive."
"When we're driven to a corner we find liberation and that's when a person's true nature comes out."
"Walking away from something that wasn't fulfilling."
"And you have heard the truth, and the truth has set you free!"
"This connection is so powerful that it's really helping liberate you both into being more of your true selves."
"Most important thing is I got my life back, let me. I got my freedom."
"The truth will piss you off first and then it will set you free."
"If you are bound, then there's a truth that you've not yet allowed yourself to believe."
"You're going to release yourself from something that's been holding you back. You're going to detox the toxicity within your mind within your life and any unnecessary worry."
"I release any and all contracts which hold me back from True sexual Freedom."
"Freedom: breaking out of self-imposed restrictions gives you freedom. Don't buy into the doom and gloom. Remember the light; fill yourself with light."
"Liberation means becoming free from the basic structures of body and mind..."
"A time of breakthroughs, personal liberation, and authenticity."
"The worst part of our enslavement is not the shackle on the hand; it's the shackle on the mind."
"You can only look up now; there's nothing chaining you to the past."
"Something incredible happens when you stop giving a fuck about other people's opinions about you."
"What you've done today on one hand will probably be selfish as you move forward and realize that the release of your truth and talking about it and processing it with people is always liberating."