
Sensation Quotes

There are 4268 quotes

"Orgasm really is an increase in sensation accompanied with an expansion of some sort and accompanied with a surrender of some sort."
"It feels like you have absolutely nothing on your face."
"ASMR... can be defined in several different ways but generally regarded as a relaxing or enjoyable feeling, perhaps accompanied by a tingling sensation."
"The scent molecule has a particular shape that allows it to fit into the receptor molecules in our nose, like a hand in a glove or a key in a lock."
"Different receptors are wired to different parts of our brains, so when a menthol molecule locks into its specific receptor, it triggers that minty fresh sensation."
"Sensations like pinprick or sharp cut information should go immediately...but there are some sensations which nature enjoys to take them slowly, even neurons enjoy them step by step."
"It's an orgasmic kind of smell. I find it to be a masterpiece."
"You can feel the acceleration, you can feel the climbing speed difference."
"When that happens man, you're feeling this buzz that goes and your legs feel all of a sudden little weird."
"Gravity hurts. Yup. It's going to be like... when you're in a pool... it's going to feel like."
"A sensation which had accompanied him for days."
"Frozen is their heart and you can feel it beating right now."
"It's like breathing pure oxygen for the first time."
"The discovery of an untouched burial chamber is a real sensation in the world of archaeology."
"I felt a sensation of warmth, which I'll admit was the opposite of what I expected."
"Not filled with regret, just that I felt so, um, I don't know, alive. Kind of like eating a hot sauce really, that's what it does, blew my mind, it does, yeah, gets the blood pumping, gets the heart racing."
"We're not alone out here in this universe. I'm telling y'all something is not right. Can you feel it?"
"I was immediately overcome with a very physical sensation of being held and comforted."
"The pounding within me was it just from the orchestra? It was from beneath me."
"I felt something rush right by me, look at my arms."
"It was such an experience I will never ever forget. It was amazing, it was so deafening."
"No need to force anything, surrender into it as long as you feel the sensation or a strong sensation, it's all good."
"He marveled at the tangible reality of everything around him, the sensation of the soil slipping through his fingers was too realistic in contrast to a mere dream."
"It's one of the greatest sensations in the world."
"Life yearns for experience and sensation above all else."
"I thought it was gonna be a lot worse. People said it feels like someone is tickling your brain."
"My head still feels like it's literally in the clouds."
"It pauses and then the person's awake... often what they feel like is that they're riding the sensation between being awake and being asleep."
"You're gonna feel the friction of the bow as you go and stuff like that."
"It was sort of like how you feel when you get an adrenaline rush."
"It feels like a quick drink of water for your skin."
"We are flying right now, this is unbelievable."
"It's like gliding your hand over a stone that's been lying at the bottom of a river for hundreds if not thousands of years."
"If you're feeling sensation, if you're getting a good stretch, if you're feeling the strength building up in your arms, you're doing it perfectly."
"Honestly, just give that you know fresh paint smell kind of thing."
"Even when it's rough, we still loved each other."
"You're basically paralyzed, you can't move, but you hear and potentially feel it. That's messed up."
"It surprised me, it almost feels like you're writing on glass."
"Better having a small poke feeling like atomic bomb than an atomic bomb feeling like a wet fart."
"I felt the distinct sensation of being watched."
"It's an interesting sensation playing on bar frets."
"When you enjoy driving your car, you are fast, and that's the best sensation you can get."
"You could feel the crispness of the air, it was more clean."
"I felt the ground shift under my feet. I felt increasingly like I was talking to something intelligent."
"And then at that point I just felt the sensation of when a warm hand just lays their hand on your shoulder like a comforting I'm here."
"Watching Magnus completely obliterate his opposition is simply sensational."
"When you skip a meal, you kind of get this biting feeling."
"Juvenile's 'Back That Ass Up' was a goddamn sensation in 1998."
"All about momentum... weightlessness and zero-g."
"After feeling a strange sense that torments my whole body, a view opens up before my eyes."
"When it's right, the bike will feel like it just floats underneath you."
"What you're looking for is the feel the experience of the car and this offers that in droves."
"I legitimately felt the sensation of my face melting off and I don't put that lightly. This is the fastest thing I've ever experienced in my life."
"It's like just relaxing in a hammock as it takes care of you all the way down the entire throat into your stomach with a nice little tingle at the very end to top it off."
"When you run through some potholes or some waves it's always like a little bit of a flying carpet."
"Isn't it wonderful? Reduce the idea of ecstasy to the single sensation."
"Capture the feeling as he says, reduce the idea of ecstasy to the single sensation isn't it wonderful?"
"It's very cooling when you put it on it's extremely dark it's a pretty much black."
"A breeze of blue out of nothing, just a breeze cold enough to set my teeth on edge."
"It's like a spark, it was like a little tingle."
"You're feeling the bass as if you were at a concert."
"When you pick up a Japanese sword, it actually feels, it's almost alive."
"And in a sense, it's like the deposit of gold is creating a scent."
"Love at first sight, leaving my face just feeling plush soft and elastic."
"Feels like something like a finger almost just like going like this, right?"
"It feels like it has negative intention. Oh my."
"Gradually Isabelle showed signs of sensation returning to her new face."
"Almost immediately I felt myself lift off the ground, completely weightless. It was really cool to be able to be in control of it..."
"Archaeologists made a sensational discovery."
"A pint of Peroni was like an angel crying on my tongue."
"It's like an angel crying on my tongue."
"I sensed something, a presence I've not felt since."
"One hundred and fifteen miles per hour. At this speed, you wouldn't feel a thing."
"That first bite just immediate, you have crunch."
"It's spicy, it's sour, it's sweet. Ah, and just absolutely divine."
"You're going to feel the entire inner thigh start to light up in the best way possible."
"Everything looks, feels, and smells brand new."
"Do you remember what it was like, a cool fall breeze is in the air?"
"it feels so good putting it on like it feels bougie like obviously it's Dior but it like actually feels bougie putting it on"
"It pops in your mouth, this is little like nature's like popping candy."
"Love works like the universe: unseen and outside of the spectrum but tangible in everyone's senses."
"The autumn breeze carried my breath away in white puffs as I lingered across the street."
"You literally feel like you're walking on clouds."
"It feels amazing, literally like silk."
"My breath turned to visible vapor as it left my lips, and the cold air felt like an ice cream blanket on my skin."
"It just dissolves on your tongue and it's cool, it's refreshing, the creaminess is unbelievable."
"To this day, I get a shiver at my spine when I hear the whistling wind."
"Oh wow, oh that's hot, oh it's still on fire, oh it's so good."
"I'm really loving the scents, the texture, I love the way it feels on my skin."
"It exploded in my mouth with delicious flavor."
"I love when I can feel skincare working."
"We followed that cold air, that low whine, until the sensations grew stronger and stronger."
"It's like an explosion of sweetness and flavor."
"It feels Australian but it feels great."
"It's so bright I can hardly open my eyes."
"It is emotion that reminds you that you have lived, not what you saw but what you felt."
"And every time we kiss, I swear I can fly."
"I love the way it feels, I love the way it blends on, I love the way it looks."
"It feels light, it feels super breathable, it feels very comfortable."
"It feels kind of like nothing on their skin."
"The whole soul of the car is like the noise, the feel of it."
"It smells magical, like a ray of sunshine."
"Holy shrimp, holy Spider-Man, my lightning senses are tingling."
"The really mind-blowing tech is not even the actuators, it's whatever Tesla is now using to give their robots some tactile sense in its fingers."
"The car feels alive, it feels alive and it makes you feel alive."
"It smells like what relaxing would feel like, or smell like, I mean."
"That was like an explosion in my mouth."
"It's a new day, it's a new light, feel the wind, feel the sun."
"There's simply nothing like the sound and feel of a Harley."
"Synesthesia alters a person's perception of reality."
"This is the story of Andrew Dawson, a man who shocked social media with his alleged 'giant' spotting and subsequent disappearance."
"The duck looks insane, it smells so good, the juices just dripping down."
"It's like a crispy pocket of creamy mashed potatoes; it's two distinct experiences in one bite."
"It feels nice and smooth, very nice."
"It's like a drug but a perfectly pure and benign drug. A power I feel surging inside me."
"He loved that feeling of Freedom."
"It feels good on the skin and it's very nice in the morning."
"I love how they look on my lips; they're not too sticky."
"The first time I felt her move, I described it as like the same sensation of something brushing your arm lightly but on my insides."
"This feels so gross, dude. This is so nasty."
"It feels like it both sinks into your skin and also offers that occlusive protection by sitting on the surface of your skin at the same exact time."
"I feel the heat in my chest from that spicy chicken."
"That is a fall brisk breeze if ever I felt one, it's very haunting indeed."
"It's sweet and then it's done being sweet, and then it's hot."
"When Tilly goes to bed her body feels strangely heavy."
"The flavors are melting on my tongue."
"You feel a centrifugal force pulling you down towards the floor, and that feels like gravity."
"The ride is so firm, you just feel absolutely everything that's going on underneath you."
"It smells so good, it really does smell like pancake and butter."
"It's freezing my teeth; it's so cold."
"I'm all tingly. Me after I finish the whole bottle and I lose circulation in my legs."
"They're so gushy and comfortable on the ball of your foot."
"He's becoming quite the sensation, spreading his fame far and wide."
"It feels like you're more in control."
"I felt an enormous amount of energy rush through my body."
"I feel good, it ought to be a crime just to feel this good."
"As she stood up, there was a strong scent of roses, as if someone was shoving a bouquet right in your face."
"It feels like the most incredible drink of water and hydration for your skin."
"It felt as if something was pulsing strongly throughout his body."
"It was an eerie feeling, not creepy, but like being close but not in touch with an electric current."
"I feel like I am riding on a cloud."
"This looks so odd yet it feels so right."
"It's a very very milky texture but it's thicker than most toners and Essences, so it feels very plush and plump on the skin."
"I only feel coldness where you don't have the layer of fat."
"It's not that bad, it like climbs up your nose."
"It's good to have a sniff sometimes."
"I felt my entire body grow cold in an instant."
"You can feel the structure, not that you're being squeezed."
"The Elise is nothing short of amazing to drive, all of your senses are going to be in play."
"I was just so impressed by how easily my fingers slipped into this; as you can see, they just sink in."
"Holy smokes, it's like it's a bit tangy but at the same time it's sweet."
"The water is colder than I had anticipated, sending an icy jolt through me as soon as I made contact."
"I find myself overwhelmed with a sense of freedom; it feels like the open sea."
"I change my clothes about five times a day to fulfill my sensation-seeking desires and to stay exactly the right temperature."
"When I say buttery, what I mean is that it is literally buttery."
"I couldn't help but feel this ominous energy around me."
"We felt like we were both being watched by something."
"It is impossible to tickle yourself."
"Close your eyes and listen to the music, man. Feel it in your heart, and when your spine tingles, you'll know it's right."
"It looks like an F-150, it feels like an F-150."
"It's insanely light to the point that it hardly feels like you're wearing shoes."
"I sensed the presence of absolute evil that evening."
"The rolling over a surface generates a vibration that goes through your feet up into your body."
"It melts in your mouth, incredible."
"She feels something warm, something she can't quite put her finger on, something that makes her blush."
"Sometimes it's nice to feel a little sick."
"The simple act of donning the dress fills Esther with a euphoric sensation, as if she's floating on air."
"The sensation I get in driving it is so much."
"It's a form of rebellion against reality, creating living spaces in relation to the senses."
"Architecture isn't just a question of style, volume, or function but also of ambiance and sensations."
"My heart was beating so hard I swear it could have come through my chest."
"It's amazing you don't get the yuck of chlorine in your eyes and on your body."
"It's like a mixture of adrenaline and nervousness."
"I feel pressure in my chest every time I eat."
"It feels so nice on the lips, almost like a lip balm would."
"I got this feeling that just threw me. It was exhilarating."
"The drums seemed to beat in Laura's head; they seemed to beat deep inside her."
"I feel like I'm in a video game. I'm in GTA."
"It was like being on a pretty fast fairground ride or something."
"The surface temperature stayed relatively cool."
"Kissing had nothing to do with their first meeting as everything depended on the atmosphere and sensation."
"This uses the transmission; you can feel it in electric actually shifting this 8-speed Auto."
"Shockingly, I think I actually prefer the feel of this."
"It's like you're seeing stars for a hot second there."
"Gravity is now opening up my chest."
"This is not for the timid...this is like I just rubbed cayenne pepper all over my mouth."
"It's already getting spicy on my lips."
"If you numb your tongue with ice, does it cancel out the sour when you eat it? Is it cold? Okay, okay. I'm gonna do it fresh. Wait, I didn't taste sour. I'm getting hints of sour but my tongue is... it's dull. I would say this myth is confirmed."
"Just thinking about it makes my eyes hurt."
"Words can't describe what I'm feeling in my mouth right now, little hot, little steak, crunchy fries, avocado, sour cream, wow."
"This was tremendous [ __ ] television. I mean, Dominic... has been transformed into an overnight sensation."
"You can feel the heat that's coming off of the water that is coming out of the spring."
"You can't describe it, you have to go and feel the water on your skin and feel the energy, feel the smells, the love of the people."
"Rich, soft, tender, fatty, decadent. This is how Jeff Bezos feels when he wakes up in the morning."
"Flan is like taking an ecstasy pill, except that you don't have a hangover the next day."
"The weird energy, it feels really cool though, this feels really good."
"It feels like a cleanse. Yes, I arrived at the place where I could actually play the song and not just have to listen to it gripping a metal chair."
"It feels really moisturizing, doesn't it?"
"It's like bum bum, you know like [__] guarable guava in your stomach."
"You could feel suddenly excited or exhilarated, or suddenly feel buzzed with energy."