

There are 127 quotes

"It's hard to grasp what SpaceX achieved in 2020 alone."
"2020 has been unlike any year I could ever remember."
"This year has been outrageous, masterfully crafted by the divine mind to awaken us."
"2020 affected everybody in one way or another, whether it was through mental health, whether it was through physical health, whether it was through spiritual health."
"What if the word for 2020 is not social distancing? What if the word for 2020 is undoubtably Jesus because a spiritual awakening came to this world like we have not seen in our generation?"
"My motto is take advantage of 2020, so make sure you're taking advantage of all these great deals we'll continue to get thrown at us throughout 2020."
"Well done, cheers to you for navigating through this crazy year that's been 2020."
"Maybe we're all in one big simulation... everything's crazy, 2020 makes no sense."
"God bless you and your families; y'all were the best thing about my 2020."
"It's a lot harder to accurately capture that complexity without appearing like you're constructing a weak or inconsistent character."
"2020 could be the darkest winter in modern history."
"Election years are always weird but 2020 is proving to be uniquely so."
"This concludes the perfect beginner's guide for no man sky in 2020."
"2020 has been a pretty awful year... but there's one thing that has made it very special, at least in my heart, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is Lily's garden."
"2020 was the year that gaming became to the world what it always has been: this social experience that connects people straight away."
"2020 has thrown every standard out the window."
"2020 might be the only thing in existence worse than 2018 rewind."
"Nothing is guaranteed, especially in this 2020."
"Sht's absolutely fcking wild. All of 2020, every single month has had something new and massively horrible happen. It's crazy."
"At last we've reached the end of 2020. The world is breathing a huge collective sigh of relief that we survived it at all."
"It does feel eerily similar to 2020 where there's not a lot of jobs."
"Cancel 2020 if we can do anything with cancel culture we must cancel last year."
"I think it's the perfect summation of what is 2020. Agree? Just a weird-ass year. Nothing is making any sense."
"Blinding Lights is the biggest hit of the year."
"The hand signal used by the teenage girl originated from the Signal for Help campaign launched by the Canadian Women's Foundation in 2020."
"Imagine if we went back to March 2020 levels."
"The economy began gaining steam in late 2020."
"If 2020's taught us one thing it's that anything can happen."
"2020 introduced us to the reset button. You know when your computer gets a virus, what happens? Right, it shuts down."
"Streets of Rage finally made its triumphant return in 2020."
"My top pick for 2020 has to remain the Volvo xc60."
"2020 is over and quite frankly no one is going to miss it."
"2020 taught us... the wonders of video calls."
"If there's ever been a year where we need some laughter, it'll be this year 2020."
"I know 2020 has been a little bit of a stressful year to say the least and it looks like all of you guys could really use a good hug right now."
"We did it people, we actually made it to the end of 2020 and what a year it was."
"2020 has definitely been an eye-opener for me and it's just allowed me to reflect and grow."
"We've had a tough 2020, and this is like the best news of the year."
"It was called the day that changed everything the media said this is the day that changed everything it was March 11th okay 2020."
"Did Sorcery plan this in advance or was it done in response to 2020?"
"But that was 2020, right? That was the pandemic."
"2020 was not everyone's favorite year. During this year, we had exceptionally good music in rock, metal, alternative, industrial, indie, etc."
"Time just does not feel real anymore after 2020."
"That's a great thing to come out of 2020."
"2020 is not a normal market. It's a market that will go down in history as one of the best markets of our time."
"It's a lot to have to fight, and it seems like in 2019 about to be 2020, we're still dealing with some of these same issues that should have been gone a long time ago."
"Survivors of 2020, that is definitely our title today."
"Is 2020 just a holdover, or are they coming out with a totally redesigned vehicle?"
"2020 should add something else to your [ __ ] life, something else that you want to do."
"...even the most bullish bitcoiner will have to admit 2020 will have seriously given you a lot of food for thought on that question."
"Just when you think 2020 can't get any worse...the most recurring villain in the Baker years may now be the murder hornets."
"2020 was rough for all sorts of reasons"
"2020 can't get any worse. Researchers at Large Hadron Collider: Hold my beer."
"2020 was like a really, really crappy."
"2020 has been the year that showed us more than anything that it's not just about calories you eat or how much you weigh."
"2020 for lots of reasons was hard for everybody."
"That's the very, very weird 2020 NBA draft."
"So like I said I have the iPad 8th Gen this is 2020 iPad."
"We wanted them to be able to wake up with his kids Christmas morning 2020."
"2020 has been weird, but we're all going through this together."
"2020 is going to be remembered as the year that it all went a bit mad."
"I want to first wish everyone a Happy New Year. It's 2020."
"This trip has been postponed time and time again given the circumstances of this year, 2020, but we are here, we made it, and I could not be more stoked."
"It was a little bit strange, but to be honest, the year of 2020 was not a typical year, as everybody knows."
"It's the perfect antidote for all of 2020."
"That's what they'll go down in history for, 2020, when we all stayed in for two and a half months."
"Starting off with a hippo, this is literally how I feel after 2020."
"I think what we have is so unique, we brought a lot of joy to everyone's lives in 2020."
"We all know 2020 has been a crazy year."
"It's my favorite discovery of 2020."
"The first eight months of 2020 have been a crazy rollercoaster."
"After so many negative things this year, we have to ask ourselves what the rest of 2020 is going to be like."
"If 2020 taught us anything, it's that anything can happen and we don't have control over it."
"I think 2020 was the year of the pivot for everybody."
"Love is the only thing that would get us through 2020."
"Let's make 2020 the start of something special."
"So if you're looking for a family vehicle here in 2020, it's really hard to beat the good old Chrysler Pacifica."
"Happy New Year's Day, happy 2020, it's crazy."
"Now you have kind of like your 2020 essentials right on hand, easy access."
"2020 of all years is the year of everything being digital."
"I feel like this announcement is one of the best things to happen in 2020."
"This is my album of the year of 2020 so far, no question."
"2020 has already been an incredibly bad year for the UK economy and for economies around the world."
"The FTSE 100 index has dropped something like 22% since the start of the year."
"Sometimes we all need a break, especially in 2020; it's been a hell of a year."
"In the spirit of Christmas, we'll be showing you around with the Christmas decor for 2020."
"While 2020 has become known as the weirdest year in modern history, it's actually been very kind to many crypto projects."
"It's October, it is the month we have been waiting for all of 2020."
"It's got to be better than 2020. It's got to be."
"Ted Lasso was a surprise hit in 2020."
"2020 has been a very challenging year for most people."
"We only want Christmas to come early as a coping mechanism for like 2020."
"It's holding down my number one spot even though there were lots of other great games in 2020."
"It's rated one of our top inflatable SUPs for 2020."
"This, to me, is the best vehicle for 2020 coming from Arrma."
"It's honestly one of my favorite bows for 2020."
"Everything paused at that 2020, everything just slowed the [__] down."
"There are bright blips within the darkness that was 2020."
"It's important to remember that there were bits of positivity that we could pull out of this year."
"What we've learned from 2020 is that you can't take anything for granted; anything could happen."
"Ever since the clock struck 2020, time has doubled in speed."
"2020 taught me that there are a lot of things in life that are replaceable, if not everything."
"Do you remember 2020 when people would come in, start talking, and then you'd be like, 'Go out and come back in'?"
"I think that pretty much sums up 2020."
"I cannot believe that 2020 is going along so fast."
"2020 was probably the most introspective year."
"This was the best purchase we ever made of 2020."
"Whatever is happening in 2020, only 2020 knows exactly what's happening because the rest of us do not know a thing."
"If I could describe 2020 in one word, it's an endurance test."
"What a year it has been, though, right? 2020 is nuts."
"Thank God you've come to save us from 2020."
"One of the few bright spots of 2020."
"I'm happy to say that 2020 is over. I'm sure a lot of you are happy as well."
"This book is the romance we need in 2020 and proof that sometimes good things can come out of Twitter."
"I'm excited for this next chapter, and this is gonna be one of those things that we'll start building in 2020."
"So truly, thank you for making this such a highlight of 2020."
"2020 saw a 700% increase in pet adoptions."
"We're gonna reminisce a little bit about the glorious year that's been 2020."
"This one was definitely an awesome find in 2020."
"These are my favorite books of 2020, the books that I enjoyed the absolute most out of everything I read."