
Existential Inquiry Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Everything has a purpose around us. Just look at yourself. I challenge people often when I talk to them, look around you, find something that doesn't have a purpose."
"Is the mountain first, or you are first? What comes first, you or the mountain?"
"We are exploring the next logical place to look for signs of life, an answer to the question, 'Are we alone?'"
"This story began with our protagonist wondering if the world was born out of chaos, then it should have come into existence the same way the chaos was."
"What is it about physical reality that gives me complexity?"
"We may actually have a biological need for a god, goddess, or spirituality in the way that we have a need for sunlight and water."
"I started questioning like what happens when you die because I'll be dead a lot longer than I'll be alive."
"I've learned this recently: We are not humans who then go into The Ether or whatever. Who knows? I've never died."
"Are we leading conscious or unconscious lives?"
"The meaning of life to me is the struggle to impart meaning to meaning."
"However improbable the origin of life might be... it has to have happened at least once because here we are, thinking about it."
"Immortality opens a rich vein of questions that span ethical, metaphysical, and existential dimensions."
"Philosophers have wondered... does time move like an arrow... with all the phenomena in nature pushing toward an inevitable end?"
"Who doesn't want to know? You research what you're gonna be doing on this trip, but you can't research where you're going when you die."
"Is regret truly the thing that can change the nature of a man? Where's the answer?" - Doug Stanhope
"Science tries to figure out the knowable. Science can explain the mechanics of the universe and can explain the mechanics of biology and Anatomy but can it ever explain the why? The answer is no. It can never explain why."
"Death is something that we will all go through and so will everyone we know so it makes sense that we'd want to know more."
"I need to know what the reality of the universe is."
"I do truly believe there is another realm, a spiritual realm of some sort."
"If there is a form of happiness to be found..."
"We're going to explain... explore... what our reality is."
"What is the nature of time within this world?"
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
"He wanted to know the reason the universe is the way it is."
"How about if we boil it down to that standard question that often gets asked: would you know your death date if you could know now?"
"What are we seeking to gain by this exploration?"
"Our art is the story that we tell about ourselves to ourselves. It's how we grapple with the problem of existence. It's how we search for deeper truths."
"The universe is finely tuned... had they been any different this universe would not exist."
"That's a very important feature of being alive is to not just live for the material world today but start asking serious questions about where were you before you were born."
"Is the God of Israel present in the larger world? Can I find him and his guidance even in places where it seems like he might be absent?"
"Most of us have already spent 2/3 of our life before answering those two questions."
"Purpose, we gotta know why we're here in the earth."
"There's so much that we aren't aware of and that we are unaware we are unaware of, if you like, about the universe."
"It makes you question reality, it makes you question whether or not you can tell the difference between dreaming and sleeping."
"I started questioning everything... how could this world be like this?"
"The question 'Is there anyone out there?' arises because the entire Cosmos is filled with worlds, and we are becoming better listeners."
"What would you do with the life you got left?"
"In a very real sense, we are asking for proof of the existence of universal intelligence at all times."
"Reflections on the existence of god is a collection of short essays that tackles the biggest question of all does god exist the book is well researched easy to read and is now a bestseller on amazon."
"Do you sometimes feel like we're all living in a computer simulation like the Matrix?"
"Are we animals, extraordinary animals, but animals all the same? Or aren't we something more than that?"
"Why now, on certain levels, but why now on the big picture I have no idea."
"We need to establish the existence of God and what kind of God we're talking about from first principles."
"Why did Jehovah create a global ecosystem of fear, pain, and death? Excuse me, He didn't."
"There's reason to believe that while we use consciousness to our advantage in our experience, it can also be present outside of our experience."
"We can't say exactly what happens in the death current, but we can get a pretty good idea."
"You need to ask yourself, what is it that you want to do till you die?"
"We deserve to know our place in the universe."
"I do not believe that a God exists. Do you believe that a God does exist?"
"Every human is actually looking for God; they don't know where to find him or how to find him most of the time, but they're seeking God."
"When we're all old on our deathbed, all I want to know is: were you happy?"
"Consciousness is so rare, so precious, that how could it have been an accident that it came out of nothing?"
"Humanity has been waiting to find out why we're here, what are we here to do, and bizarrely, this issue around a vaccine and the adaptive immune system is bringing new life to a new perspective to this crisis point of self-identity as a species."
"Your life is meant to be awesome... why were we put on this earth if not to be happy?"
"Why? Yeah, and I guess everyone has a different answer to that."
"Philosophical questions are the most important ones."
"Until somebody shows me a better world, a realer world, and some way to access it, I gotta keep dealing with the reality I experience."
"If there is a God, it's definitely not what any of the religions describe."
"The universe came from nothing. There was nothing before, no energy, no space, no time."
"Why we fight is to ask why the leaves fall. It is in their nature."
"What is time? Do you know that there was a time when time didn't exist?"
"Everyone wants to know what is this most difficult of fields, what is it telling us about ourselves, the purpose of being, reality itself."
"We started with the question what created God and now we have an answer nothing created God God is nothing God is the void from which all things emerge."
"But don't look for a purpose because if you look for a purpose, you're seeking madness. If you find one, you are sure mad."
"To ask why we fight is to ask why the leafs fall"
"Time means space exists only because there is time. It is possible to move from point A to point B not because there is space but because there is time."
"We're not just nearing the answer to one of the greatest questions in history: Are we alone in this universe?"
"What are you anyway? Like, what are you this chunk of meat on this planet?"
"Purpose when you say what is the purpose, you mean what purpose were we created for."
"Underneath all that is just a spiritual unit that's interested in it and whatever a spiritual event being does."
"How do we know this isn't happening to us already right now? Might we have been in a simulation like that all along?"
"How do we fit our conception of ourselves with the world at the most fundamental level?"
"In any attempt to really comprehend the human condition... it's essential for us to know what we are, to know where we came from, and to know what our true relationship to this realm we inhabit really is."
"How many people do you want at your funeral?"
"What is it you're trading your life for? You know that your life is not a practice run."
"And what I want us to think about in this message is, can we be sure?"
"Time is cyclical, maybe we live in a simulation, or maybe if you gaze too long you will look for the anomalies because that's what people do."
"What gives you the right to cut such a happy life?"
"What am I? I'm actually nobody. I'm actually no thing because 99% of who I am is empty space."
"Human life... appeared to him the one thing worth investigating... compared to it, there was nothing else of any value."
"It's one thing to know who you are it's another thing to know why you are."
"What would you like people to say about you? What would you hope someone would say about you if they were speaking at your funeral?"
"What is it essentially that you are looking for living this life?"
"It's a film that stands on its own and asks brave new questions about the world the characters live in."
"Studying the question of time and what it really is isn't something which is of interest merely because it's fascinating philosophically speaking."
"What does it mean to live a happy and contented life?"
"How do you turn something so empty into something meaningful?"
"Is there a border we will never cross?"
"So what is the truth? What is the fall? What have I found?"
"I'm not seeking. I'm interested, turned on to life, to find out what is life, what is reality, what is God, what is being."
"I've always said one of the times I want to write a book called why things are the way they are and not some other way."
"As for the questions, we might never get answers."
"It tells us whether the universe is finite or infinite and whether it will eventually collapse or continue to expand forever."
"The Russians, I am told, report that they have not found God in outer space. On the other hand, a good many people in many different times and countries claim to have found God, or being found by God, here on earth."
"Cultivate your desire to know who you truly are because your knowledge of anything or everything depends upon your knowledge of yourself."
"What exactly makes us conscious? What separates a living entity from a non-living entity?"
"How you attain to full knowledge of things, how you penetrate the mysteries of existence."
"For once in your life, you're being asked to look without trying to find."
"Whether it is an aiming at the true or an opening towards the true, this is perhaps what we have asked in our questions."
"Find your purpose in life, what's your purpose, why did God put you on this Earth?"
"It's opening a doorway into who we are and what does it really mean to have the potential of a human being."
"I don't see how we're not in a simulation."
"Now death has come; what does it mean? What is it that is dying? The body dies... but with the death of this body am I dead? Is the body 'I'?"
"The universe is such that it asks for an answer to the question, why there should be a universe in the first place."
"You got to be honest with yourself, you got to be sincere and ask the one who created the heavens and the earth to guide you."
"We're gonna have to start asking ourselves... where is your faith?"
"What are we really fighting about, or what do we want in life?"
"If life is truly valuable, sacred, you have to understand why, what makes it so valuable."
"There is something—how much, we do not know—definitely extraphysical about humans."
"What it means to be a human being is something we don't quite understand."
"Where did we come from, where did the universe that we live in come from, and why does it look the way that it does."
"Have you pondered the fire that you kindle? Is it you who produced its tree, or are We the producer?"
"What's the purpose of life? Why are we here in the first place?"
"How should we live? That's what I'm interested in."
"There's no doer... I think frustration and being fed-up with suffering and confusion and coming to the point where you just want to know what's true because you are finished."
"What is it that knows itself? What is it that is aware of itself?"
"Help us understand the purpose in these things."
"If we believe that we are something that was born and does die, then if the statement is an accurate statement, if what we are wasn't born and doesn't die, then it makes sense that we have the wrong idea of ourselves."
"The fundamental question that humanity probably started with: where did we all come from?"
"You need to be honest about who you are, why you are here, where you are going, and what you are seeking to accomplish while you are here in this beautiful biomechanical vehicle called the human body."