
Energy Dynamics Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"Energy is inherently orgasmic... orgasm energetically is the union of two different energies basically, and that can happen internally."
"The Pokemon with solar power are behaving like living solar panels; they're getting energy from the Sun that boosts their power, but that excess energy that's lost has to flow through them and hurts them."
"It's incredibly easy to get there when you start in a state of compassion. Compassion is a much different energy than empathy."
"Femininity and masculinity, they are regarded as sexes and genders, but there are energy systems available to all genders."
"You carry multiple energies; that's how powerful you are."
"Money is energy, and it moves like magnetic energy."
"When you have coherence in the brain and heart, you have a laser of energy."
"We're building out a universe here, positivity will meet with energy."
"Understanding the secrets of the universe would require to think in terms of energy frequency and vibration."
"The energy of an energy vampire is so [expletive] real."
"Retrograde planets encourage our energy to move inwards before the energy moves outwards."
"That same energy is gonna bring everything that doesn't resonate with it up."
"A huge amount of exalted Mars energy applying to the Capricorn part of reality for the world."
"Every day, your energy feels different or new, as if you're traveling between different timelines and dimensions."
"The more you go into your masculine energy, that's how you're going to meet them."
"Motorsport, if you really drill in, is a display of energy actually, you know, Formula One car is a manifestation of energy in really dense format and it won't work electrically, the numbers just don't stack."
"When you make a person whatever energy that they throwing at you seem like it don't matter, that demon feel crushed."
"The joining of two energies to create another one, that goes beyond measures."
"Energy is fluid, roles can be flipped or reversed. Trust the process."
"You two will connect again, the energy could get better between you two."
"Energy is committed to harmonizing. Like magnets, they're going to come together or they're going to repel."
"I feel like desperation will repel the energy instead of bringing it towards you."
"that energy is just going to return and it would really be a shame for that energy to block the love that that could really bloom between the two of you"
"Life is energy, money is energy, and there's plenty of both."
"Everything has to do with energy, that's neat."
"Understanding where energy is flowing, where there's growth, is crucial."
"Energy seeks its own kind; positivity attracts positive manifestations."
"It's kind of like that clear open kind of like Sunny energy and then it's like um that electric Iranian energy so there could be the energy like lightning strikes throughout the entire year of 2023."
"You have to utilize both of these aspects, masculine and feminine energy, to pull you in, to conquer what you're kind of inspired and to do here."
"Fear is that energy which is most used and fed upon by those entities you describe as negative."
"Energy is information moving through the universe."
"Every choice we make is an energetic choice. It involves consent—either taking full responsibility for your life or giving away our energy and our choice to somebody else."
"Where you put your attention is where energy grows and expands."
"The energy that you give out is the [ __ ] that's gonna come back."
"There's a flow of life, here's an energy that is a returning force, and if you don't resist it and you just flow with it, you'll get more energy."
"The more that a woman fully embraces her feminine energy, the more that her man will naturally step into his masculine energy."
"There is no competition, they just vibe at the same frequency."
"These feminine masculine labels are just that they truly are just labels and really descriptors of energy dynamics."
"There's a fluidity going on here that this is fluctuating energy."
"All attraction is, by the way, is an energy game."
"Say ladies first is we want to see the energy."
"If you understood energy frequency and vibration right, you would understand you would hold the key to the universe."
"They feel a very powerful, strong direct energy towards you, like they want to make this work."
"You know what little kids are morning people because you're weak in the morning as a grown up and they know that instinctually."
"We need masculine energy and same thing if it's all just feminine or if it's all just masculine there's no Beauty inside where's the play where's the deliciousness where is the really Savory juicy feminine energy so we need both."
"You're marching to the beat of your own drums, and I really get a sense of energy starting to move fast."
"Your energy opens up towards them gloriously once you know that one thing."
"Shift happens, and it is a powerful energy. Have you felt it? The energies are a bit intense, yes?"
"The energy that has turned into failure, sickness, and discord in no way differs from the energy that manifests in success, health, peace, and other forms of good."
"Everybody has divine feminine and divine masculine energy."
"Your strategy is fine, but the energy behind the actions is what's giving you the opposite effect."
"The more someone is attached to somebody else, the more they are sending them energy, the more that they then feel repelled."
"The discontent in your absence divine feminine is actually pushing him to heal to make that choice to heal to begin embodying more of that Emperor energy."
"Feminine energy attracts, masculine energy pursues."
"When you learn the behaviors that summon down positive energy versus when you learn the behaviors and perspectives that summon Low Energy you can begin to see something there."
"Don't be exceptionally fearful because ultimately you could end up attaching that fearful energy onto yourself and doing yourself more harm than good."
"There's more energy coming from the heart than there is from the brain."
"It's a world of energy, and astrology is a brilliant modality for these times."
"There's a truth around your energy, a truth around your frequency."
"If Kai can feed off Tyson's energy, I'd better come up with a new battle strategy for him."
"You're much more empowered after this... you just understand life and energy and how things work."
"You feel the energy of the room. It's different than just listening to the music."
"Trust your intuition; energy never dies, it just changes form."
"You've got someone in your energy who wants an opportunity with you."
"You're using the power of your mind to create amplitude in your field, and when you have a very precise focus, all these pieces join together to create this beautiful structure or this beautiful universe."
"So often we hold energies hostage when we entangle ourselves unhealthily and dysfunctionally with other people."
"When you need help, who's gonna be there? That [expletive] energy."
"Male energy is focused and female energy is creative and random."
"This is a supercharged full moon energy with a lot of fire."
"Cultivate the attitude of gratitude because like energy attracts like energy."
"His impact on me was like finding out the power of energy, extremely contagious."
"Energy is fluid and the rules could be reversed, so only take what resonates."
"The positive energy that you put out into the universe is working exponentially."
"The blood uses negative space which exists between the molecules, providing an influx of energy."
"It's very powerful energy, it holds a lot of Courage especially for stepping into the new, for Quantum leaping and manifestations."
"There's this frequency about it when you're in the car just everything transmits this energy or aura."
"Money is energy, what you put out comes back."
"Harsh energy is a good thing, needed to balance something else out."
"Yo, everything is energy. You do something here, it could attract something over there."
"There's encouragement here so stay stay aware of where these two energies are connecting."
"There's an opening with the Neptune and Pisces now as all of these energetics and themes square the galactic center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius."
"This is the truthful energy now finally coming out."
"You are what you put out; the energy you put out is the energy you get back."
"It's very contagious, and when it finds other positive energy sources, it's like a freaking high energy party where no alcohol or anything is needed to get that high."
"Everybody puts an energy out, negative or positive. So, whatever kind of energy you put out, you will attract back. It's called the law of attraction."
"Instead of the fundamental constituents being little dot particles as we have long thought of them, the new idea is that they're actually little tiny filaments of vibrating energy."
"They're gonna notice your energy withdraw and that's going to lead them to start questioning."
"Energy vampirism is something that's very real."
"Some people gain their energy by talking to people, they're stealing our energy."
"There needs to be reciprocity... it's all about an energy exchange."
"Energy, intention, belief. Different words for what often is conversationally referring to the same thing."
"These people that you were energetically pouring into without speaking, talking to, that weren't giving you anything back, when you pull them back, pull your energy back like pounds they're gonna seek out where that went."
"She was a life enhancer, not an energy vampire."
"The concept of the warp is not just a stagnant realm of infinite energy in every direction and has distinct areas to it."
"Change is here, change is the overall energy."
"Your intentions are powerful. They have more energy behind them."
"That energy that you put out is the same energy that comes back to you."
"If you feel incomplete and then you try to have someone in your life to feel complete, that's not the kind of energy that things work in."
"Wow, you built up all the energy and when you let it go, it walked like an insect."
"Emotions are energy in motion; trust that feeling, meditate on it, understand where it's coming from."
"Feminine energy and masculine energy, we need them for different things."
"Positive energy magnifies, amplifies, expands, and connects."
"You get what you put out, the energy you push is what you're gonna receive."
"When you're throwing a lot of energy at them, they can feel that. But when you figure out how to flip that switch and take your energy back, they feel that."
"Sexual energy isn't just related to physical or romantic things; it bleeds into every area of our life."
"Apparently there are people who gain energy by sucking it out of you."
"Everything is energy, you manifest who you are."
"There's a strong magnetic attraction between you and this new energy."
"The dynamic energy and power entering man from without is not uniform in vibratory rate. It may be of too high a voltage, readily to be endured by him within."
"It just feels like you've got some very big energies, you know throughout the next three month periods but they do seem to resolve themselves in a very balanced and positive way."
"There's slow moving energy going on here because somebody wants to be wise in their decision making."
"Amazing exchange of energy, balance, give and take."
"When you consistently think of someone, you are sending them energy."
"You start to see that we live in an energetic universe; everything changes."
"All that energy is at the expense of rotational kinetic energy."
"If we have good energy and we're putting good energy out to the world then we're going to get good responses back."
"The more energy you exude, the more energy you have."
"Reality is a system of self-transforming and optimizing energy."
"Understand that it's not personal, it's the energetics, it's the cosmic energies that are holding you in this uncomfortable energy."
"The energy you put out is the energy you get back."
"Feel your energy starting to build and to accelerate."
"You see what's closing, what's opening, where the energy is moving."
"Energy has three characteristics: it aggregates, it attracts like energy, it accelerates."
"Stay positive because the energy that you put out is what you bring back in."
"This is a card of energy, so this is about taking the Journey of love."
"The field or the chi is not only the underlying essence of all material objects but also carries their mutual interactions in the form of waves."
"You gotta prioritize, is this person giving you energy or are they giving you something that's making you feel meh?"
"Things are probably gonna go very positive for you with this energy."
"Money and spirituality go hand in hand, it's all about energy."
"We are energy, and it is because of your positive energy and your support."
"Positive energies attract positive energies and negative energies attract negative energies."
"It's showing us not only the results, but it's a reap what you sow energy right now."
"Anytime you have Mars in a conjunction with Saturn, it's this sort of hurry-up-and-wait energy."
"The construct is not based on morals and ethics; it is a neutral field that understands kic buildup and energy attachment."
"The timeline feels really tight, overlapping energies."
"There is no payoff if there's no effort being put forward in anything, that's just how energy works."
"Energetic exchange overwhelms and transforms every aspect."
"Our energy is constantly in flux. There is no right or wrong state necessarily. It's, is it working for you, you know? Is it helping you? Is it helping your path?"
"Energy is fluid, so whenever you hear the messages, when you're meant to receive it, keep in mind that."
"People can't get enough of your energy, they just want to take more and more, and that's where the balance then has to come in."
"And that's essentially what's happening with the solar plexus of a narcissist it's too wide. It's too open it's siphoning energy, the more energy it siphons, the more it needs."
"The only way that you know that a man has masculine energy is based on how much feminine energy he acquires."
"Your energy has been returned to you, and now they're having anxiety because they can't manifest without it."
"It's amazing the effect that has on feminine energy."
"I tend to channel divine feminine and divine masculine energy dynamics. These messages could apply to your internal Divine masculine or divine feminine or to an external person or situation."
"One of the cool things about this is when you're in your feminine energy, you're going to attract a man that's in his masculine energy."
"You might have a lot of people that are in a lower frequency reaching out to you, trying to Claw at you, trying to get back into your energy."
"Masculine energy sets a container so feminine energy can feel safe to flow."
"Masculine energy always wants a compliment to it, not compatible. Compatible is boss energy on boss energy; complementary is masculine, feminine, yin yang."
"Together, energy, momentum, and pressure participate in the requirements for energy conservation."
"The moment that we understand what karmic retribution is, we stop lending our energy to those creations."
"When the waves are shorter, they're filled with more energy."
"Energy exchange and interchange is real, rapid, and fluid."
"Societal collapse can typically be cast in terms of energy; when energy expenditure begins to outweigh energy return, that's when collapse ensues."
"This event where your energy kind of ebbs and flows, you know, you can feel bad one minute and then have energy the next."
"It's a feminine energy that penetrates the masculine in a way that a man cannot describe."
"Energy is absorbed when you break something; break bonds, and energy is gonna be released when you form that."
"All energy is expressed in motion, all motion expressed in waves, and all waves are curved."