
Female Leadership Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"When women get power, yes there are exceptions to this, and they're like anchored in their [ __ ] and their magic and their energy, it's like I just want everyone to thrive, including the men."
"Deborah, in her role as governmental judge, does not seem to be any overstepping of anything at all."
"This is a really strong case, a really strong case for at least occasional high-level, not highest level, but high-level female leadership in the Old Testament in Israel by God's appointment."
"Girls can actually run shit, but they're too busy fighting each other."
"This 10-day Mission will see the first female commander of a private space mission."
"She is the most experienced candidate ever, first female president of America."
"Hatshepsut proved - more so than other Ancient Egyptian female rulers - that a woman could rule during a long, prosperous and expansive period."
"Ancient Egypt undoubtedly flourished under her rule."
"The power of the black woman, power the mother, the power of our community."
"Nikki Haley could be the first woman president."
"Not only that, you will have a female president of the United States. It will either be me or it will be KLA Harris."
"Elizabeth took what her sister Mary had started and made it her own."
"In a world dominated by men, Kathy Wood became the symbol for a new generation of investors."
"Like the strong female rulers who were her ancestors, Anna had found herself in control of her own life."
"I'm not surprised by the results, I'm really glad to see both those phenomenal women up there too."
"Behind these female powerhouse movies are female powerhouse producers Margot Robbie, Taylor Swift, and Tina Fey."
"Our nation's first woman vice president, Vice President Kamala Harris."
"Elizabeth Warren cannot be discounted, she persists, she perseveres."
"We have the first female Treasury Secretary of all time, Janet Yellen."
"As the king’s mother, Margaret became the most powerful woman in the realm."
"The election of the first woman prime minister in a country always represents a break with the past and that is certainly a good thing."
"Vera began telling stories to her sisters about the magical world outside of school three and how their ancestors became strong female leaders."
"If women ruled the world, the world would be a better place."
"She's a boss lady, boss woman, and we here to give her flowers off top."
"You are a girl boss and you're really good at your job."
"We need strong powerful women to come in and like be bosses and like make these amazing makeup companies outselling other companies."
"It paved the way for female-led Action shows."
"Joan of Arc's achievements are testament to her bravery and bold leadership in a time dominated by male power."
"Empress Wu's achievements were unparalleled in the history of China, as the only female emperor in over 2,000 years."
"For the world that can be world leaders who are women."
"It's pretty clear that some female will rise to power politically or whatever in the next couple of years."
"I feel like it's really significant that we're doing a female-led superhero film."
"Cleopatra remains one of the most renowned female rulers in history."
"Everything works better when you have great women leaders leading in tandem."
"I think I'd probably have a little bit more for General Leia to do."
"Female-led superheroes have had a rough track record at the movies, but this, this was a cultural milestone."
"For all of us minorities, it's a nice moment to have a half-black, half-Indian female vice president."
"Just showing people that you can do it. Even if you're a woman and you wanna have a family and you're a minority. It's really important."
"Women participation in ownership and control raises the health of the community."
"Shout out to aka alpha kappa alpha... first female vice president."
"It's such an interesting fact... alf cap alpha has the first female vice president."
"Girls can rule the world right now. You can set your whatever you want. You're born in the right time. There's no reason to not just kick it and go."
"Sisters, dark queens, be way better than us."
"I'm excited about the rise of the divine feminine. It's going to be so cool to live in an age where we see female world leaders."
"She was named president and chairman of the board and became the first woman to head a major aircraft company."
"Women being the change makers to bring peace rather than a war."
"Not only did Wu Zetian rock the boat; in some ways, she overturned it."
"Women who rule the Empire themselves in their own right, women who pull strings, who were King makers, who manipulated rivalries and wage spectacular Wars."
"I need you to live up to your power and your potential so that we women around the world can make a difference for the better."
"Big congratulations to Lieutenant Commander spoken Commander uh amber Cohen for becoming the first female executive officer in the United States Navy submarine Force."
"The achievements of Hatshepsut's Reign was evidence that the traditional male role of pharaoh could be successfully held by a woman."
"We served alongside the longest serving female senator in American history."
"Girls doing it for themselves. Welcome to Service Ninja with me, with Sophie and Philippa."
"Look at the countries that have women running them, how they've coped with the pandemic, for example."
"We must look not only at what the Apostle Paul said but what he did in relation to female leaders and interpret his words accordingly."
"...portray strong female leads..."
"We need special effort for promotion of human compassion; in that respect, females should make more important role."
"The story of Francesca Cabrini is a story of empowerment, of female empowerment; it's a story of inspiration."
"When a woman takes her place, great things happen."
"The first time a female astronaut has commanded a private space mission."
"Just look at how well she governs; she is only a woman, only mistress of half an island, and yet she makes herself feared by Spain, by France, by the Empire, by all."
"She certainly proved to be a remarkable woman, contributing greatly to the forging of England."
"It's finally nice to see a woman on top."
"Folorunso Alakija is power personified; she is the richest woman in Africa."
"It's not easy being a female entrepreneur of a small business, but I guess it comes with the territory."
"Female leadership is very prominent. I love the idea of a society with so much tradition and so much respect for women."
"Shout out to all of the female CEOs."
"If it's a she, maybe our daughter will be the first woman president of the United States."
"In Barbie world... it's like President Barbie and it's like, you know, whatever, like it's just the women rule Barbie land."
"Zoe would soon become a very popular Regent and earn a spot as one of the greatest women in Byzantine history."
"Sahle-Work Zewde is the current president of Ethiopia and the first woman to hold office."
"Stasher is a North American company, it's owned by a lady which also makes me a little bit happy because I like to support female-owned businesses."
"Leadership that comes from a feminine standpoint... are the companies that are the happiest, the countries that are the happiest."
"Female leadership is making progress on the global stage."
"The Sultanate of Patani... was ruled almost exclusively by women between 1584 and 1711."
"Female rule was viewed as a way of establishing peace and stability."
"Indira Gandhi remains the world's longest-serving female prime minister."
"Sri Lanka elected the world's very first female head of state, and she served from 1960 to 65."
"She was the first female prime minister and came to power in 1979, 61 years after women got the right to vote."
"Judges is thousands of years old and it shows an independent woman sitting on Israel's highest seat."
"My children will never be born in a world where a female has never been vice president. That is so freaking cool."
"Priscilla is a female teacher according to Acts 18:26."
"A woman named Phoebe is a teacher according to Romans chapter 16."
"This temple, this great monument that you see here behind my back, was commissioned by a woman."
"In Nubia, the queen is the top ruler."
"The man who is willing to have a female lead relationship won't mind being dominated."
"Nollywood has a lot of strong women. In fact, I would say women run Nollywood."
"Now Eleanor was the main female presence in Henry's life, and she was ready to impose her will on the political stage of England, even if it came at the cost of being the dutiful wife."
"100% of the leadership positions here are held by women."
"Just in general, a woman in power is kind of cool to see, bro."
"After this year's elections, a record-setting 12 States will have female Governors."