
Social Judgment Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"We're free in a lot of extents, not maybe not from our own minds, maybe not from the judgment of other people on Instagram or the judgment of our parents, but in actuality, we're pretty free."
"The worst label you can get is 'creep' because it means people don't want to spend time with you without a clear reason."
"Don't judge a book by its cover. He's coming, giving seasoning, he's got something to talk about."
"The most impactful prison we place ourselves in is being afraid of what other people think of us."
"I don't know why people care so much about what anybody's doing in their bedroom, period."
"These guys, they're pretty foul individuals and they're willing to."
"Nobody does care about my parents, that's hard to grasp because you may get some people commenting on the way that you look..."
"Like when a friend of mine goes up to the bar and orders Bud Light I still cringe I still want to make fun of them."
"If somebody don't like you for no reason, it's probably because you're good."
"There's some contempt right away about these public assumptions."
"Shaming child-free people is never the answer."
"When you're reduced to the point in your life where you're doing this kind of stuff, you should be embarrassed at that."
"She cheated on me and you know what? 90% of people will nod their heads in ascent. They will agree cheaters deserve the worst."
"Don't be ashamed, who cares what people think, you want to enjoy and you want to use your camera."
"Why are you so hell-bent on calling someone ugly?"
"Maybe I would rather be hated than pitied." - Matt Hancock
"How about instead of judging the women that are going for men who are pretending to be nice guys, how about you start judging the men who are pretending?"
"I think people deserve to be a little bit more compassionate before they just really want to ruin somebody's life."
"She just didn't want people to think she was a loser who had given up."
"Even if someone perceives you as doing something bad they will [ __ ] rip you forever."
"If I had to imagine what a pedophile would look like, it would be just a photo of that person."
"Ultimately it comes down to people giving too much of a [expletive] about what other people do with their lives. It's them that has the problem, they're the ones who need fixing."
"Karen was a snob, she thought she was better than everybody else because her husband was a CEO."
"You cannot underestimate people based on your preconceptions."
"How do you out of a case about whether or not this lady was shot in the foot by this person walk away from that case and be like yeah Meg is a bad friend."
"Everyone around me, like, hated the color pink, and like, didn't like anything that was popular. And it's like, you like Hannah Montana? That show's for babies."
"Would you treat a murderer because they speak well and dress in a suit?"
"Consider the source, I don't care if she thinks I'm weak."
"She just has to live with the well-deserved shame she's been trying to act nicer to Dan lately guess the grass Isn't So Green living with her parents."
"People are allowed to be disgusted by her actions."
"If you're not saying what you're supposed to say... you can be any color in the rainbow, you are going to be painted badly." - Dr. Joseph Latapo
"If you can tag them as bad people either stupid or bigoted, you don't actually have to listen to their concerns."
"If you got a job that paid more money and you're the same [ __ ] person, are you evil now?"
"To the entirely stone-deaf audience who can't hear the music, the man dancing by himself must appear to be insane."
"Tattoos become your skin; you don't necessarily notice them in a way where you would get bored of them."
"Once you become a rat, all your relevance is gone, man. Hey, you can't say nothing good about a rat."
"There's a natural hesitancy to want a woman who's the 'town bicycle.'"
"You're miserable, yeah you're a rat, you're bogus definitely."
"Shame on Carson, creepy disgusting behavior by him."
"A whoremonger is a man who consorts with or pays for the services of whores."
"Men are saying, 'Yeah, I'll sleep with you, but you're too easy. I'd never date you long term.'"
"The higher the body count, the less valuable."
"People will say things about other people's choice of colors, choice of hair, choice of interests. It doesn't mean they deserve to die."
"If you are a man who doesn't want to make out with a biological man that looks like a woman, you are now considered transphobic and a bad person."
"You can't afford to just wipe people away and shun people when you don't understand the circumstances of their lives."
"How far are we willing to take guilt by association? If you visit a website, read a book, or attend a meeting, are you permanently tarnished by something someone else wrote or said?"
"You're not doing anything that's bothering anyone. You're not doing anything wrong."
"So if you block me now, and that time you allowed me, it is double standards because that time you didn't know me. It's only that I was doing it not in the light."
"Not everyone believed him, not everyone believed that he wasn't really behind it because everyone else also thought to themselves well there's actually a good reason like there's a good case for Ben being the guy who's been turning him in."
"I wish people also look at my community marvelously rather than with a moral judgmental framework."
"You shouldn't be worried about those type of people who cares if they're making fun of you."
"That person is a f***ing loser, and you know they don't get it."
"And what fear they fear judgment from people. That's it."
"It's interesting that this guy is good to go, but this guy's like no, nope."
"The mob isn't exactly the most objective judge, and the pitchforks come out way too fast if you ask me."
"It's always a shame to invite such a beggar like you to parties."
"Only losers put thumbs down. You've got to be kind of a loser to really think about that."
"Some people just deserve whatever it is they get."
"Imagine if someone just walked into the room right now and saw me doing this, they'd be like 'what the hell are you'."
"When somebody calls you a racist this is far worse than somebody who casually drops the n-word."
"Your thoughts, why do we fight for rights of women to have control and freedom over their bodies, then judge women like Khloe Kardashian and not support her?"
"It's time that we all stop being so judgmental of people's appearances and choices."
"If the world knew all of that, I'm pretty sure there'd be a new petition to start all over me to put me to death."
"Those who were dancing were judged insane by those who could not hear the music."
"Now everybody knows he's a fuckboy piece of [ __ ]."
"People are going to wonder why you're doing it."
"There's very little accountability for some of these people, and because there's no accountability, that means that people who are not good stay in their jobs."
"The only thing is the private life. There's people who don't like you, they want to see you fall."
"I earned this, and then for them to act like I'm a lesser man because I didn't accidentally reproduce right out of high school to me that was both laughable and pathetic."
"It's not disrespectful to say that single mothers have made decisions that impact them negatively and that they should accept those consequences."
"Make a stand for what you believe in, despite judgment and disapproval."
"If you're judging somebody's merit or their viewpoint based on their color, this makes you a racist by definition."
"Most people won't see the inside if the outside looks janky. We gotta be honest about attraction."
"Anyone who comes and objects and says hey this isn't appropriate are deemed a Karen."
"People were calling him names that I was like that's words that you use exclusively for people who do what that word means."
"They need me to stop dancing in a bikini on Instagram so they can feel comfortable and not have to experience the dimension of themselves that is just rattling around because of what they're seeing."
"Members of traditional religions may look at these self-worshipers and think, 'Must be nice to put together your own version.'"
"You're gonna be judged for what you said ten years ago today, and that's kind of dangerous if you ask me."
"When you can walk around being vulnerable as [bleep] and not caring what anybody else has to say or what anybody else tries to do or what anybody else judges you about, you're living life in a great [bleep] manner."
"Any form of shunning or alienation based on a judgment that's made by people, I think, is harsh."
"The measure of a man is judged by the company he keeps."
"Absolutely not the a-hole, I love that you know he was just being absolutely bloody rude in that situation."
"The worst thing you could be called is a racist."
"If we feel that somebody did something wrong these public witch trials we we have to at least have that dialogue with a person."
"I genuinely do not care what other people think about me having a YouTube channel."
"Never met the guy but guarantees made an opinion off clips and lies. I never understand people who make decisions about people without meeting them."
"You know what the 10 most dangerous words in the English language are what will other people say and what will other people think you're the only person who needs to be okay with how you live your life."
"Don't immediately just jump on the bandwagon of hating anyone."
"She consorted with the enemy, therefore she must be the enemy, and that is just such an absurd and toxic orientation."
"I don't judge nobody, nobody can judge black women, I told you to show me the black woman that turned a black man into a hashtag."
"It's like when we look at someone and we just profile them or assume things based on what they look like."
"Back in the day, the worst thing you could be was a snitch, a hoe, a junkie, or a thief."
"Positive reinforcement for five-star days, public shaming for two-star days."
"Honestly, it's like humanity's problem with everything. When you see someone doing something that you're not too familiar with, either they are an idiot or a genius, and you don't know which way it is."
"I used to doubt them and make fun of them like everybody else until I realized, oh no no no, these people are like, like it's something, something hit where I like suddenly the light switch went off."
"You can't go anywhere without getting judged for something stupid."
"It's hilarious that the woman thinks you're an a-hole because you made her aware of the horrifying actions of an actual a-hole."
"It's normal to judge yourself based on what people around you say. That's probably you need that for like a healthy society."
"I feel like at this point I already know what I want and I'm so over other people judging me for it, you know?"
"Wow, doesn't your friend think that's a little bit too much?"
"There are going to be people who don't agree with what we do and there's going to be people who find us weird."
"You're gonna have to get really good at making a judgment on who's being real and who's being like really, who has really good intentions."
"I don't feel like I'm uppity, but at the same time, if you feel like I'm uppity, it's like, what do you want?"
"Society shuns people too much when they make mistakes."
"That one bad day, they talk about you for a lifetime."
"Care about people's approval and you will be their prisoner."
"Am I the [ __ ]? I mean, even if he didn't want to park his car in the driveway and he wanted to just park his car on the street, anywhere, he's not really an [ __ ]."
"Most the time yes it does but people always seem to do this if I say something they don't like they're like 'oh yeah we do a thing you'll spoil kid you'll rich your parents are rich you went to boarding school' and like okay okay let's unpack this."
"When gaming is the only hobby a person can come up with, when pressed, it's not necessarily a huge red flag but the person definitely is less interesting as a person if literally their only hobby is gaming."
"People will however stare at you and look at you like you're an idiot if you load up the squat rack with six 45 pound plates on each side."
"I don't have any problem with her making millions of dollars or anything."
"I think it's just disgusting how you all turn against him and how you treat him."
"Regular people judge people on if they're good people or not."
"There is no greater curse for a human than to be thought of as a liar. Liars can never be trusted."
"If you care about skin color to a degree that you categorize an entire group of people as being ignorant, arrogant, and oppressive based just on how they look, then you are a racist."
"I think in 100 years people are going to look back and they're going to say, 'How did we stand back?'"
"Nobody says that... but just because someone has a bad attitude doesn't make them a criminal."
"They're trying to paint you as drama, but in reality, you're just being you."
"This woman acted like anyone working or making a living was beneath her. It disgusted me."
"I hope people don't forget this because he is a grade A scumbag."
"Every single time a man sleeps with a lot of women, he's called a stud."
"By treating all in cells the same, we're defining the morality and value of men based on their romantic success."
"One day men will be judged not by the number of their erections but by the content of their..."
"You sow this, you sow that, you sow rich, but you're such a punk."
"Once you let that man walk home, there's a lot of people looking down on that incident."
"How does somebody stare at a human being and say I'm better than you because I'm drinking chili out of a mug out in the middle of the day with a swastika emblazoned on my body?"
"Now i know that i'm not this awful person that everybody said i am i'm just different than you"
"If you say you don't like a cat video you're a bad person."
"We are only judged by the people who are made uncomfortable by our desire for something else."
"It's almost like if you post everything people are gonna judge you and if you post nothing people are gonna assume."
"You can't concretely say that he was a white supremacist just because he scrawled swastikas into his notebook."
"I am punished, I am punished. I'm still a good guy, haha."
"Just because I sleep around a lot and I'm loose with my clothing doesn't make me easy."
"At the end of the day, if someone doesn't like you for you then they probably don't like themselves."
"You gotta think about somebody really putting something like that on your name. That's one of the worst things, besides a snitch, you could call somebody."
"I don't agree with judging women for just trying to fit in."
"Beware the mocking sneers and scoffs of those in the great and spacious building."
"The people marked you often but now's your time to shine."
"I don't care if people give me stairs when I'm in the store or think that I'm stupid for carrying around a little Grandma card this is the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"If people don't like her, it's because she's being unlikable. It's got nothing to do with persecution or people not liking her upbeat and spicy personality."
"Just because you can't afford grass-fed panda massage beef, that does not make you a bad person."
"The fine embodies a social judgment that this is wrong."
"Get your money, ma'am, and don't worry about what people say or think."
"For example, you may see a man commit armed robbery but heaven forbid he does it with a pair of Sketchers on. 20 to life is not a problem, but can you imagine how it feels to be socially ridiculed? I sure can't."
"I'm already gonna say no you're not the a-hole."
"Don't judge a book by its cover and so before you judge anyone or before you condemn anyone or like take part in mocking and shaming people just remember that I could be and that's it."
"He doesn't understand why people judge each other based on the color of their skin, but he knows they do."
"Anyone that's just rating you just because you've got designer clothing is not someone you really want to be trying to impress in the first place."
"People are using warmth and competent signals to make up 82 percent of their judgment of you."
"We once used to judge people mostly based on their deeds, but in the age of social media, we judge people mostly based on their opinions."
"I just wish people'd just stop staring and just look at us for being who we are."
"People who struggle aren't allowed to do anything they enjoy or buy anything that they want without being completely crucified by people."
"Love is blind; certain areas of the brain concerned with negative social judgments and moral control are damped when in love."