
NATO Quotes

There are 496 quotes

"Europe has for the most part enjoyed basically their most peaceful prior decades in all of European history as a result of being under the NATO umbrella."
"NATO served a very clear purpose, and I think it can continue to serve a purpose."
"I don't think there will be a democratic country in Eastern Europe that won't be in NATO."
"There are many things NATO can learn from this."
"At a time when NATO needs to ramp up defense production to help Ukraine and to replenish its own stock, having Swedish defense industry in the mix is very, very helpful."
"The Swedes have a number of modern armed brigades with heavy equipment at a time when many NATO countries got rid of tanks and artillery because they didn't think they needed them anymore."
"The real debate has been you know obviously unleashed by President Macron... suggesting that maybe the West should send combat forces to Ukraine."
"If you want to make NATO less vulnerable to criticism from Donald Trump, the best thing the Europeans can do is to get up to that 2% benchmark."
"For 75 years, NATO has been the most important military alliance in the world."
"An attack on one is an attack on all. That's what NATO's Article 5 says. It's a simple but powerful concept and embodies why one of America's greatest sources of strength is our alliances."
"When America gives its word, it means something. When we make a commitment, we keep it, and NATO is a sacred commitment."
"President Biden: 'When America gives its word, it means something. When we make a commitment, we keep it, and NATO is a sacred commitment.'"
"If NATO ever dissolved, there's no reason for Putin not to continue to push Westward."
"The president will reaffirm our ironclad commitment to our NATO allies and to defend every inch of NATO territory."
"Victory would come at a cost, NATO would most likely win a resounding victory over the Russian armed forces."
"The security of NATO members is indivisible. A threat to the security of one member of the alliance is a threat to the security of the alliance as a whole."
"The fact that countries next to Russia are [__] terrified of Russia, and they want to be part of NATO."
"It is crucial now that Europe and NATO stand together."
"Russia's principal goal for the war wasn't to invade the whole of Ukraine but to force Ukraine to become a neutral country that would not be part of NATO."
"Finland and Sweden, NATO's newest members, look poised to play a central role in European deterrence measures."
"NATO does not need all of its equipment all the time. It has a conventional overmatch against Russia anyway."
"Far from facilitating disarmament, the Russian invasion is instead driving the rapid modernisation of NATO's various armed forces."
"NATO policy says, we've got your back. That's a promise, not a maybe."
"NATO is not supposed to be an aggressive alliance. It's a defensive alliance, at least on paper."
"Putin and Zelensky were apparently open to diplomatic solutions, agreeing on territorial issues and Ukraine not joining NATO."
"The NATO and the EU were set up so that together we're stronger."
"NATO doesn't want to trigger Article 5 either because nobody really wants nuclear war."
"NATO enlargement was neither unprecedented nor unreasonable."
"He's been shocked at the Ukrainian resistance; he's been shocked that NATO is now talking more like Winston Churchill than Neville Chamberlain."
"I think it's a catastrophe that we didn't integrate Russia into NATO when we had the opportunity."
"The reality is NATO is only as strong as its members and the United Kingdom has historically been behind the United States, the second biggest nation. We need to keep stepping up to that plate."
"If NATO troops are deployed to Ukraine in anything other than an advisory capacity, then of course, that's patently a huge escalation in the war."
"Poland is one of the NATO members least reluctant to support Ukraine militarily."
"Knowing that when you're in NATO, like, nobody is [expletive] with you, especially on a continent in Europe...it's just a really, really good assurance towards building stability in a country."
"Sweden's ascension makes NATO stronger, Sweden safer, and the whole alliance more secure."
"NATO identifies space-based assets as critical to the alliance's security, vital in areas from weather monitoring, environment, agriculture, transport, science, communication, banking, and of course allowing alliance militaries to respond to crises with speed, efficiency and precision."
"Fearful of Soviet intentions towards Western Europe, the U.S. and other European nations created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization."
"It was a decisive victory for Russia and for Vladimir Putin as it kept Georgia from joining NATO."
"NATO should be very clear that there will be a response, that it will maintain the nuclear taboo in the event that Russia deploys... nuclear weapons."
"We have to reaffirm again that under article 5 of the NATO treaty we stand four square behind every one of our NATO allies."
"NATO has never been more united than it is today." - Joe Biden
"There's no intention of the U.S. fighting Russian troops. He described this as a defensive move on NATO territory."
"We have no intention of fighting Russia, but we want to send an unmistakable message that the United States, together with our allies, will defend every inch of NATO territory."
"Why didn't we just give that concession that Ukraine would never be a NATO in order to avert this horrific war?"
"But I think he feels he has to to protect the Russians that are there, he has to force this in order to get the attention of the United States and its NATO alliance."
"NATO is the largest and most powerful alliance in the history of mankind."
"If Finland enters NATO... Russia's ability to threaten the West with nuclear missiles and bombers will be challenged."
"The Finnish and Swedish announcements to join NATO changed the geopolitical landscape irreparably."
"They are explicitly joining NATO for the purposes of deterrence and protecting their own country from an invasion."
"It would be very, very easy for NATO to surge supplies across that border."
"From Finland's perspective, joining NATO would guarantee they do not get invaded a third time by Russia."
"Russia doesn't want NATO to expand any further to Ukraine."
"The next step can only be a formal application for NATO membership... announced together on May 18, 2022."
"For NATO to function, it needs to be more than an American Alliance."
"This one could destroy NATO and it could destroy the United States and it could change the balance of power in the world."
"The strong hand of NATO will stop at nothing to get its proxy war."
"Montenegro's accession is good for Montenegro, it's good for NATO, it's good for the stability of the western Balkans, and it's good for international peace and security."
"Spending in 2023 would probably better reflect NATO countries' views on the security environment post-February 2022."
"Every Ally and every inch of NATO territory would be safeguarded to the best of their ability."
"European collective defence is pretty well entrenched by things like the NATO Treaty."
"Europe has a very well configured collective defence through mechanisms like the NATO Treaty."
"Russia is afraid of Ukraine joining NATO because if NATO decides to become more western friendly and as a thriving happy and healthy democracy right there I think that's a threat to the autocratic rule of Putin."
"Trump admits as president he would not protect NATO allies if Russia invaded them."
"If a Russian missile hit NATO territory... it will be war with NATO."
"Russia and Vladimir Putin in particular have dealt maybe the biggest blow to NATO in its history."
"NATO's actions could very well lead to the unthinkable, a permanent proxy war which will, in their eyes, lead to a regime change scenario in Russia."
"NATO membership is the only guarantee that someone wouldn't knock on your door and ship you off to Siberia."
"NATO has been hugely successful last 75 years, but the next 25 could be the most difficult yet."
"If NATO didn't exist, there's no doubt in my mind that he would have been sending missiles into striking those weapons delivery points in Poland."
"If NATO isn't able to respond to an attack on one of its members, then that credibility is gone."
"The United States and our allies are prepared to defend every inch of NATO territory from any threat to our collective security."
"Every second that passes, Russia is getting weaker while NATO is getting stronger."
"The United States and NATO actually extremely well aligned in terms of Russia right now, the Democratic and Republican parties somewhat less aligned."
"Both Finland and Sweden are becoming members of the NATO alliance."
"It looks like that some NATO members are actively preparing for war."
"Recently you probably have heard about this, but NATO's organizing one of the biggest military exercises they've had since the end of Cold War."
"We will defend every inch of NATO territory with the full force of our collective power."
"The idea that we would do anything to split NATO... would be a big mistake."
"Romania announced that they're uh starting construction on the largest NATO base in Europe. This NATO base will be bigger than Ramstein in Germany."
"The United States commitment to Article 5 is ironclad."
"The U.S. is prepared to defend every inch of NATO territory."
"Putin wanted to undermine NATO and destabilize the US-led world order."
"NATO's role... unloading of large numbers of M1 Abrams tanks... this shift is already happening."
"If he moves into NATO countries, he will be involved. We will be involved."
"‘No!’ he screeches. ‘NATO has gotten away with too much."
"Putin knows he could never win a conventional war against NATO."
"This isn't just about me but about America national interest. We can't allow this kind of moral equivalency when dealing with Vladimir Putin."
"It's extremely dangerous. It just sends a dangerous signal because uncertainty about our commitment to NATO undermines the whole purpose of NATO."
"Joining NATO is a significant development for Finland."
"He wanted us to sign the promise never to enlarge NATO."
"There is far more at stake than Ukraine, and NATO has been criminally irresponsible in the last two years."
"The dark realization that America, the very linchpin of NATO, is no longer a reliable ally, has sent shockwaves around the world."
"If Putin started the war because he was worried about Ukrainian entry into NATO, then the war should end when that is no longer a possibility."
"NATO is not the evil vanguard of Western might."
"Rammstein is very important to the USA as a NATO partner; they would always support us." - Anna
"When he started addressing issues about the lack of NATO partners not doing their part and letting the bulk of the responsibility fall on the American shoulders, that costs money."
"Finland's special operatives advance as NATO pushes deeper into Russia."
"NATO is like the Coachella of foreign policy… with slightly less stupid outfits."
"That’s why China is telling NATO to butt out of Asia."
"NATO's Navy launched its massive exercise in the Gulf of Talim."
"The balance of power in the Baltics is currently moving in favor of NATO."
"NATO is basically like somebody sabotage something and if you come for us we will retaliate with Collective force and we're like what does that mean."
"Joining NATO isn't just a matter of Finland and Sweden deciding to become members it is also about whether current members would agree to this."
"NATO will be conducting its largest military drills in decades with 990,000 troops from late January to May."
"NATO is aiming to conclude the discussion by July."
"A NATO-ification of the support for Ukraine is emerging."
"He's threatening Ukraine not to even think about joining that North Atlantic Treaty Organization because he knows that will mean U.S. troops, U.S. weapons, and of course missiles that Russia doesn't want to be on its border."
"He called the bluff on this thing where even today we saw on one of the news channels where NATO is now pulling away from helping Ukraine."
"Ukraine wasn't about to join NATO, Ukraine was slowly inching more toward the West and Europe but there wasn't... what was the catalyst? What? Why now? Why did he choose suddenly to invade a sovereign country?"
"Ukraine's Deputy foreign minister stated that his country should join NATO even if it violates Vladimir Putin's most stringent red lines."
"The NATO Secretary General also contends that Ukraine should join this military alliance as soon as the war ends."
"The overriding issue for the Russians of NATO enlargement needs to be addressed unless Western leaders are finally willing to grasp that point and to address that point in a way that the Russians will find satisfactory."
"Putin spoke bitterly once more about NATO's Eastward expansion made in violation of the promises given to the Soviet and Russian leaderships at the end of the Cold War."
"Putin pushed all the right buttons... the Russians really believe that expanding NATO over the past 20 years... is a real threat to their security."
"I will say over and over the United stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance."
"Celebrating Adele's weight loss promotes fat phobia and misogyny."
"This is a NATO war at a certain level not formally not legally not officially but that you had pointed out that to a large degree in terms of armaments even you could say professionally trained soldiers and aspects of it."
"The message needs to ring clear and hard: NATO is unflinching, and we're all in."
"Sweden is joining NATO... taking a new vow to whip some ass."
"NATO countries will be paying $530 billion more. More, not total."
"NATO which Donald doesn't even know what it stands for 30 30 States and if in fact you do something to one you do it to all that's how you build a coalition to ensure that democracy and human rights flourish."
"The purpose of NATO is to deter conflict, to build a safe space."
"The expansion of NATO was the most successful if not the only truly successful piece of American foreign policy of the last 30 years."
"The real problem is that Ukraine knows NATO is the only collective security apparatus that has unequivocally worked to guarantee the security of its members over the past seventy years."
"Finland's decision to join NATO was made in the face of what they see as World War III."
"Russia's war in Ukraine has raised serious concerns among NATO's Baltic member states."
"The Ukrainians have wanted to be in NATO since G-Dub."
"The expansion of NATO... has been crucial in creating the conditions that led to the present state of the world."
"NATO is prepared to pull together to respond."
"Canada's commitments to NATO are extremely important to us and will be respected whenever called upon."
"NATO countries are bound by Article 5, which states that an attack on one is an attack on all. NATO countries will continue to maintain a defensive and deterrent posture in compliance with Article 5."
"If Ukraine becomes part of NATO, there won't be any more trouble with Russia invading Ukraine."
"Article 5 states that any armed attack on a NATO ally is considered an attack on every other member of NATO."
"NATO forces wrest control of the skies over the front away from the Russians."
"NATO enlargement did as well. We need some balance and prudence, that's my point." - Jeffrey Sachs
"It is at the epicenter of the conflict between NATO, the United States, Ukraine, and Russia."
"It's about the future of NATO and the security of Europe. War lines are now being drawn in a new Cold War."
"This is much bigger than Ukraine. This is about NATO and ending NATO's dominance in the world."
"NATO's leaders had agreed to a package that would eventually bring Ukraine into the alliance."
"So what the hell is NATO? What does this all mean?"
"All the United States had to do in December is formally say Ukraine will never be a member of NATO."
"We don't want to see any more NATO expansion, we don't want to see any more escalation, we want this war to end."
"We no longer just talk about the transatlantic nature of the NATO alliance; we are going to start talking about the trans polar aspect." - NATO Official
"We Stand United with our NATO allies and partners."
"The perception of Russia... is that NATO expansion... is incredibly provocative."
"General Todd Walters said, 'This is a historic moment and the very first time that the alliance has employed these high Readiness forces in a deterrence and defensive role before The Invasion even happened.'"
"A non-NATO member that is being de facto NATOized and militarized right on Russia's borders more dangerous because it can be part of a massive proxy war without the rest of NATO ever having to intervene directly."
"America is fully prepared with our NATO allies to defend every single inch of NATO territory."
"The commitment to Article 5 is of course Ironclad."
"America is fully prepared, prepared with our NATO allies to defend every single inch of NATO territory."
"NATO member countries continue to build up and modernize their offensive capabilities."
"NATO will be in a fight with Russia if Ukraine falls."
"Look at Berlin, where a victory over tyranny gave rise to NATO, the greatest alliance ever formed."
"It's a recognition that NATO, America, and its allies are in it for the long game."
"NATO has not been more united in the last several months in decades."
"What is at stake for the U.S and for NATO... their Primacy over the planet."
"The expansion of NATO beyond the borders... the greatest diplomatic blunder."
"We have responsibilities to lead with our values as the other members of NATO."
"Russia expanded NATO countries on their borders as a result of the conflict."
"To me the most significant thing that has happened in the last two weeks is that a very slight threat of the use of nuclear weapons caused NATO to back off."
"NATO as an institution relies on consensus among its 30 member states."
"NATO would win... immensely stronger than Russia."
"NATO currently faces the most dangerous and unprecedented security environment since the Cold War."
"Poland has repeatedly been one of few NATO countries willing to fulfill their obligations."
"Poland is the security linchpin on the NATO alliance's Eastern flank."
"Ukraine is not a NATO treaty member and US or NATO is not going to send military troops into Ukraine or Donbass." - Mark Sloboda
"Why are the US and our NATO allies so concerned? We have Article 5: an attack upon one member is an attack upon all."
"Ukraine not necessarily so on paper but with Western NATO support it's apparent that Ukraine has been able to hold their own."
"The overall objectives of NATO and the US with regard to Ukraine are not going away."
"NATO has finally called them out as a threat."
"Putin's war has united the west and NATO like never before."
"If Russia acts, it'll show weakness in NATO."
"The war should have and could have been avoided because it's a war over NATO enlargement."
"NATO has never been more unified in its entire history."
"One thing to understand is if Ukraine is a member of NATO there will be no war."
"NATO and the Scandinavian alliance will deter Russia from initiating full-scale military operations in the region."
"If Ukraine had been part of NATO before the war, there would have been no war."
"Even if a little bit, that could in and of itself be justification for NATO to invoke Article 5."
"NATO will lead the effort to assess the impact of climate change on security."
"President Erdogan opposes Finland and Sweden joining NATO."
"Russia is unhappy about Sweden and Finland's interest in joining NATO."
"Turkey's opposition to NATO bids of Sweden and Finland raises diplomatic tensions."
"NATO chairman John Stoltenberg is saying that we should prepare for some bad news on the Ukrainian front."
"We stand with them, fighting for their freedom and their future." - NATO's solidarity with Ukraine.
"NATO's commitment to countering Russian aggression remains firm." - Summary of NATO's response to the situation in Ukraine.
"General Christopher Cavely, the U.S European commander, on April 26th, told U.S lawmakers that 98% of NATO allies' combat vehicles for Ukraine had arrived."
"Support Ukraine because NATO's stability is now at risk."
"NATO stands together... this is an extraordinary day."
"NATO says it's concerned about China's nuclear expansion."
"My friends, we are probably looking at World War III because any kind of conflict between the U.S and Russia would likely trigger... well, actually no, it literally would trigger Article 5 of NATO, pulling basically all of Europe into a conflict."
"NATO's Baltic air policing Mission promotes collaboration among NATO member and Ally countries."
"You take the United States out of Europe and NATO effectively ceases to exist."
"When NATO kills civilians, it's always an accident. NATO always means well."
"NATO can never do any wrong. This is the hypocrisy."
"Steadfast Defender sends a clear message: NATO is capable."
"Putin's openness to joining NATO turned to annoyance with NATO and is now just opened hostility toward NATO."
"NATO's actions are defensive, designed not to provoke a conflict, but to prevent one."
"The acceptance of Finland into NATO set a precedent for other countries that might have tried to remain neutral."
"We believe in free and fair elections, supporting our true allies abroad, and supporting NATO."