
Conflict Analysis Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Look at each conflict, get an understanding of the facts and find which side you think we should probably morally support."
"Which geopolitical bloc will do the least harm to Ukraine? Since Russia is the one doing the invading, I think the argument there has been settled."
"I think both sides of this conflict are evil. My objective is not to favor one side or another but to tell accurate history."
"Russia has lost strategically, operationally, and tactically."
"Russia is losing this war, and part of the reason why is because they're only capable of offensive operations in one place at a given time."
"We have to assess as individuals and as a culture whether or not we want to continue escalating and prolonging a conflict in which it has privately already been admitted that they will not get any of that territory back if all it's going to lead to is more death and more violence."
"Last night when we talked about how there is this pending interview coming we talked collectively about how maybe we are wrong maybe we unreacted have missed something maybe we're not right about certain parts of the conflict."
"Wars are the result of bargaining failure, not merely military capacity."
"Russia really is, in trying to make up numbers here, tending to deploy these DPR/LPR troops in many cases as cannon fodder."
"If you go and you look at the median age of places that have conflicts they always have younger ages so as older ages you know as populations get older the ability to wage war but also the desire to wage worse tends to decline."
"It's plain they've come off worse in some important ways, but on the other hand, we don't really know what the objectives of this attack are."
"Attacking where it hurts: Ukraine's best shot."
"Bachmut and Soledar have become the epicenter of the wars fighting."
"The use of Open Source intelligence like satellite imagery has revealed key developments in the war in Ukraine."
"Putin's bet is that he can Outlast the Ukrainians, Outlast the Europeans and Outlast us."
"Superimposing today's wars on erroneous recitals of acts of yesteryear is a recipe for disaster, both the accused and the accuser." - Albert Watkins
"This offensive is not sustainable; it has its limits."
"The effectiveness of Russian troops and the Wagner PMC in the area began to diminish."
"The point is to understand why, because I think any time people feel this strongly about anything, there's always something we learn."
"In a war, there's two sides... the Russians are the occupiers, they're the invaders."
"Such conflicts could threaten reality itself…"
"If Russia is losing the conflict on the ground in Ukraine, they're winning in the rest of the world."
"It's absolutely to say it's unprovoked is insanity."
"Claims of victory and success don't make sense. They don't add up..."
"Russia was not a party to the conflict. Truce concerns only the forces on either side of the disengagement line."
"The conflict between Arabs and Israelis is not just about land but in my opinion there's a religious aspect that can't be ignored."
"The root causes of the conflicts haven't been addressed."
"The tactic of gaining a mission kill by depleting defensive missile magazines is termed winning the salvo exchange."
"We heard from a senior defense official that some Russian forces have actually moved away from that city and may be moving northwest as part of the ongoing offensive."
"I would tell Vladimir Putin the same thing I would tell Zelensky, this is both your fault because there were things that could have happened, everything is happening, every life lost, every building destroyed, everything didn't have to happen."
"Ukraine is gaining no ground. It is suffering increasingly heavy losses, and the situation for Ukraine continues to go from bad to worse."
"All countries' offensive attempts made so far have failed."
"Westmoreland underestimated the enemy's staying power."
"I can already tell happening here is that this guy possibly didn't get paid or paid in full or satisfactory... so that's why there was maps of where they lived."
"Kagame's call for impartial investigations is not just a strategic move to deflect blame but an appeal for a fair and objective understanding of the conflict's Genesis."
"War is murder, that's all it is, it's organized murder carried out by both parties, what the side that wins knows how to organize murder better than the other side, that's it."
"In a war of attrition, lack of progress often stems from poor tactics and bureaucracy."
"We won't know for a long time historically, but the thing to remember is that large conflicts begin with smaller conflicts." - John Meacham
"81.4 percent of the civilian casualties in the Donbass war came on the side of the Donbass civilians dying there."
"So let's go ahead, let me go ahead and break down the Porsha versus Lonnie team."
"It might be a fatal mistake to start a full-scale military operation in Ukraine."
"A war with China is a big enough war that America could win but a war with Iran is a small enough war that America would have to lose."
"Germany is not legally responsible for The Inferno that has engulfed Gaza or rather it is only responsible through its own breaches of its own International obligations linked to this horrific situation."
"The Ukrainian Army has effectively encircled the Russians."
"The Ukrainian Army has started to get ahead of Russia in a very serious way."
"All these negative nuances developing in the Russian army are a sign that our Ukrainian Fighters are doing a good job."
"Riz's way of expressing his true self was dangerous, and Tim's reaction, while somewhat understandable, was also too quick to brush off Riz as wanting to eat him from the beginning."
"Putin was unsuccessful in this conflict despite the fact that he employed more extreme tactics against the Ukrainian military."
"The thing with these kinds of conflicts is that we tend to look at them continually through the prism of geopolitics, right? But one thing that can get lost is the real effects on real people."
"Logical thinking: ask yourself a simple question - why all the attacks?"
"You feel so bad and also like that whole situation should not have escalated to where it got to..."
"There is a natural separation occurring, leading to polarization and conflict."
"Western arms supplies to Ukraine at this point in time are both a case of too little too late."
"If the Taiwanese fight, the Chinese have very little chance of actually succeeding."
"Britons think that Ukraine is now winning the war rather than Russia."
"We all overestimated Russia's military capabilities while underestimating Ukraine's."
"They tend to be known as very intelligent and even logical."
"The biggest aha is how in my view... I see dotted lines to many of the fires that are being ignited around the world... I see dotted line back to Russia if Russia benefits."
"While it seems paradoxical to say this, when it comes to mass murder during wars, there are always ethical concerns regarding how you can kill someone."
"My focus has never been on the battlefield successes and failures but really to look and understand how this conflict came about and what is likely to resolve it in the long run to lead to what I call social harmony."
"If you're looking at this war and asking how does this end and when does it end, that's a very bad sign."
"There is no leftist justification for defending Russia in any respect."
"The fact that they are rejecting a ceasefire outright suggests that as far as the Russians are concerned the offensive is failing."
"The truth is there are three main military objectives for Russia."
"The worst gunfight was 1993, Task Force Ranger in Mogadishu."
"The lesson of the war in Ukraine is not deciding whether Biden's an angel and Putin's a devil or vice versa. This is useless. It's not going to solve anything."
"The Russians are under a lot of pressure... morale is really low."
"The Russians are not very good at coordination... lack the competence to solve this problem."
"Why are we getting mad about this? I mean, first off, let's just talk about the situation."
"People who do not understand how unsustainable this is and they're just looking at territorial games again they think that this is a turning point in the conflict in Ukraine's favor it is not there is more to Victory than taking territory."
"The Ukrainian Army has rendered the Russian Air Force nearly useless."
"Whether it's the humans that are trying to expand their territories endlessly or the sea beasts that have surfaced to invade the continent to unify their race all of these battles Bloodshed and grief are completely meaningless."
"It was never the plan to attack civilians and civilians were never attacked."
"If you're firing anti-ship missiles at apartment blocks, it does seem a misdirection of that particular weapon system." - Franklin
"Whoever has the best logistics is going to win and right now it is obviously clearly Russia who has advantages head and shoulders above Ukraine."
"Evidently Moscow did not believe that Ukraine possessed the necessary capabilities."
"In real life, you'd want to try and strike at an enemy's command and control to greatly reduce their ability to coordinate and fight back."
"It's all about psychological warfare, not just the weapons."
"Peaceful liberation or violent conquest, each story in history has at least two sides."
"Assess the root cause of insurgency."
"Don't take anything surrounding Conflict at face value. Check your sources and gather facts for yourself on the ground."
"Consider how does this battle affect the story."
"World War One is always particularly tricky in alternate history because the lead-up to the war and the fighting itself have so many factors that combine into the single conflict."
"We believe without addressing root causes of conflict, we cannot sustain peace."
"Western analysts who are monitoring the conflict say that Ukraine is achieving its tactical objectives."