
Geopolitical Stance Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"We should support Ukraine because it's the right thing to do."
"I think that Israel's mission to destroy Hamas is good."
"The world is watching where you're going to stand as it relates to this conflict."
"Many people from the former Yugoslavia view those times with nostalgia, but for a good reason: the country was a partner of the West, a friend to the East, and an ally of the South."
"We can't out-China China. Let's face it. We don't want to. We want to double down on the advantages of our own system."
"My message to Russia's neighbors is this aggression cannot stand. The United States and the world are watching."
"Russia will be held accountable if it invades."
"We must redouble our support and solidarity for the Ukrainian people."
"I want them to win, I want them to push the Russians out."
"We're going to defeat them; Russia is not going to win this war."
"China is very clearly showing which side it stands on in this conflict."
"The U.S. and its allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way."
"The only way for Ukraine to be robust, free, and developed is if Russia is defeated."
"We cannot allow the Russian army somewhere on Ukrainian soil knowing that they are committing such mass murders everywhere."
"Let's be clear from the beginning: there is only one side of this battle to stand on, and that is the side of Ukraine."
"Now could be a good time to know where countries stand more China treats the rest of the world in the way they have been doing recently."
"The Free World stands with Ukraine." - Narrator
"Israel has an inherent right to defend itself."
"Russia needs to get out of Ukraine. Let's be clear with that."
"China wants peace; it's trying to rise. Wars and conflicts and colonization are never the way we do things."
"Maintain your cool, support the Ukrainian resistance against Putin's armies."
"The Russians are now confident about their economic stability."
"Some policymakers in Japan have described their country as being on the front lines."
"Russia has every right to take retaliatory measures to ensure its own security."
"Imagine if all of this energy were channeled instead into building a future of true abundance."
"France vehemently rejects the arguments that blame Ukraine or Europe for this war."
"That will be a price worth paying, Mr. Speaker, for defeating the objectives of Vladimir Putin and showing that aggression does not pay."
"Trudeau blamed maga influenced thinking for causing the conservative party in his country to turn their support for Ukraine."
"Despite all the assertions that China is a neutral actor in this conflict, it is very evident that Russia genuinely supports China's stance."
"We must support the Ukrainian people in their fight, and we must ensure that Putin fails."
"We need Ukraine to win not just for Ukraine but for the global proposition that you cannot by force take another country's territory."
"We must and we will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes."
"Even after that is over, there's a belief that Washington, Brussels, and London are just going to say, 'Okay, we've had enough, we give up.' That is not going to happen."
"Ukraine is a scrimmage line for Liberty on the European continent today."
"Putin is completely unfazed by these Ukrainian counter-offensives."
"Focus on making America better, let China be China."
"Our commitment to Israel's security against these threats from Iran and his proxies is Ironclad."
"The reality is India is an essential partner of the United States."
"We're not going to stand by and allow one country to roll over another country and try to wipe it off the mat."
"Politics tends to be war by other means... Draw is better than war."
"China's rise in this region is definitely a positive thing."
"China needs to slow their roll... any area where something can happen to slow down China's ability makes me happy." - Commentary on Chinese expansion
"Human life has to be valuable and important. Ukraine stands for this."
"Putin's invasion of a sovereign country must fail he must not be successful in that ambition."
"Our nuclear deterrence is not to attack other countries, including Australia. Our nuclear deterrence is to protect our selves from the nuclear threats from the US."
"We do not have to be dependent on Russia at all for energy."
"China is not going along with these sanctions against Russia."
"9/11 disclosure is a non-negotiable condition for ridding America of the Zionist pest."
"NATO's commitment to countering Russian aggression remains firm." - Summary of NATO's response to the situation in Ukraine.
"Europe against all and against a new enemy, not the Soviets."
"Disney is pausing the release of its films in Russia... citing not only Russia's invasion but also the massive humanitarian crisis as it is unleashed on Europe." - Disney Spokesperson
"Ukraine is on the front line of civilization, guaranteeing security for Europe."
"Europe needs to learn to stand on its own feet... not just of the US, also independently of Russia and China."
"Iran was a terror when I came into office right now they don't want to mess around with us."
"India wants peace but if provoked we are capable of giving an appropriate response."
"We are committed to defend Taiwan against Chinese aggression as we should be."
"Nixon, Clinton, and Obama were all helped China... Trump was the first one who stood up to the CCP."
"This is academic cover for spreading pro-NATO disinformation."
"Stop supporting Ukraine means to just agree to let Russia destroy it."
"From isolationism to rivalry with Moscow, it seems there is a broad consensus about the United States."
"America's solidarity with the 23 million people of Taiwan is more important to now today than ever as the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy."
"He wants to essentially send the message that he's the tough guy on Taiwan."
"President Zelinski: 'Ukraine will not give up.'"
"France has made it clear they will actively oppose any Russian military incursion into Ukrainian territory."
"Mutineers can join the army or go to Belarus." - Vladimir Putin
"Biden and America's allies are protecting global democracy by standing up to Putin and Russia. With it, they protect freedoms like voting, freedom of speech, and the right to live a life free from dictatorship and violence."
"Ukraine's president tells the world: don't create panic amid Russian troop buildup."
"We're going to support Ukraine as long as it takes."
"The Democratic party is the one that believes in defending a democracy against Russia, and that's a favor to the Democrats." - Jake Tapper
"Latin America is really at the Vanguard of this International struggle against imperialism and against neoliberalism."
"Let our position be absolutely clear: an attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interest of the United States of America."
"Moscow has said that there are no possibilities for nuclear talks until the U.S stops arming Ukraine."
"Russia's idea of peace is basically, 'Ukraine surrender and be under Russian control.'"
"I think Ukraine will say, 'Hey, you know, we can stand this at the moment as long as the supplies continue.'"
"The U.S sees peace as something negative not something positive."
"Proud people in Europe and far beyond have stood up for the rules-based international order that keeps us all secure."
"Russia is the biggest provider of weapons to India, and even India... was refusing to stop buying weapons and jet fighters from Russia."
"It's true, many countries and people are supporting Ukraine."
"I think we're gonna win. [ __ ] Russia, yes, yes."
"NATO's confirmed the full support to Ukraine."
"The whole world agrees with us regarding China's trade practices."
"The operation sends a clear message to Russia that Ukraine is ready to defend its sovereignty with fervor and military prowess."
"Ukraine shouldn't be a threat to anyone and nobody was a threat to Ukraine."
"We cannot let deterrence fail in the Pacific; we have to ensure peace. And part of ensuring peace is peace through strength."
"Solomon Islands is one of the very few countries in the world that they were still recognizing Taiwan and not China."
"China's not isolated; China is doing quite well."
"This country is so rich that we can afford to send crutches and wheelchairs to our enemies."
"It's really important to understand how the US and UK oppose peace in this conflict."
"We're asking Nations to step up and be counted. They're going to have to decide: Are they going to stand with the United States and believe in freedom and democracy and civilization, or are they going to stand with the terrorists and The Barbarians?"
"He talked about, for instance, 'I would look into recognizing Crimea as being part of Russia.' If you're Putin, that sounds pretty good."
"India today is going to support any prospect of peace and any solution that is put forward."
"President Putin thought he could cause division, but he has achieved the opposite; we stand here today more united than ever."
"It may be that the West will only be satisfied with Russia's withdrawal from Ukraine."
"The United States has clearly made it clear that they're taking the side of the Philippines with respect to those freedoms because it is a matter of common interest."
"Strong, self-confident nations are assertive."