
New York Quotes

There are 1905 quotes

"I don't think New York is failing, I just want it to be the best it can be."
"If you are interested in finding the best eats in New York, I suggest Roberta's Pizza, legendary Brooklyn bagels, and Tom's Diners."
"If you can make it here in New York, selling seafood, you can sell seafood anywhere."
"New Yorkers are tough, smart, united, disciplined, and loving."
"It's a quiet exodus of capital leaving New York."
"At first glance, Lamar Miller Whitehead gave off the vibe of a successful New Yorker."
"I've never been bored a single day in New York. I don't think I ever will."
"The time is now to show some kindness, show some compassion, even as a New Yorker."
"Let's find our better selves in doing it. Let New York lead the way in finding their better selves and demonstrating their better selves."
"It captures an important part of New York and American history that hasn't really been told before."
"She wanted to move to New York and told her friends she wanted to work for Rolling Stone magazine one day; she was determined, she was going after what she wanted, and there was nothing that was going to stop her."
"It's a beautiful day in New York. We had a little bit of rain over the weekend, Sunday was beautiful, today it's beautiful."
"More than 180,000 people have come to New York seeking asylum, many of whom still reside in the city's shelters."
"Walking around New York pre-COVID was just so inspiring."
"I am extremely honored to have been part of the process of repatriating a half a billion dollars to the great state of New York."
"New Yorkers will return the favor. New Yorkers will be there, and you have my personal word on that."
"We saw it after 9/11, we saw it in the blackout of 2003, we're seeing it tonight."
"People that live here love New York. It's like East Coast people till we die; it's in your blood."
"You may try to kill us, but you will never kill our New York spirit."
"It's good news, and New Yorkers are just going to keep keeping on."
"So to me, the best black and white cookie you're probably going to eat, especially if you don't live in New York, is the one you make at home."
"New York at Christmas time, I feel like that's almost everybody's dream."
"We are going to New York for Christmas... I've been wanting to go to Serendipity, this place with frozen hot chocolate, for like my whole entire life."
"Build back better. That's what we're going to do because we are New York Tough! Tough isn't just tough. Tough is smart, tough is disciplined, smart is united, smart is loving."
"For New York, off of less than two weeks of full-on practice to come through and beat this Boston team the way that they did, it's impressive."
"It's the first Die Hard to show John McClane in his native New York setting."
"Just a great backdrop here, myself flew into Albany last night and Albany, New York, and drove three hours down. Just a beautiful part of the country, really enjoying it."
"New York as a state has lost about 500,000 people since COVID."
"It's nothing new for the president. He's not just attacked New York in tweets. His policies have been vicious to New York."
"Every New Yorker must know that there is equal justice under the law."
"New York tough means New York loving, and I love New York."
"New York, man, the culture out there is just on another level." - Andre Ward
"New Yorkers have been truly amazing and what they did was historic. They tamed the beast, because they are New York tough, which means smart, united, disciplined, and loving."
"Great cities have a pulse and few mega cities capture the complexity, chaos, and vitality of a living system more vividly than New York."
"New York is the poster child for bad governance."
"New York pizza... it's nostalgic, it's special, it's one of a kind."
"One famous song goes that if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. And it's true."
"New York is still a top spot for global financial centers, but London strengthened its position in second place."
"New York, New York, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere."
"Dark you mess with one of us you mess with all of us. Only in New York, baby." - Unknown character
"New York's subway: the largest single-operator rapid transit system worldwide."
"New York offers a lot of opportunities for the ambitious, hard-working, and creative people who want to succeed in finance, fashion, and other industries."
"What New Yorkers did nobody could have imagined if they show that same resolve and intelligence in this next phase, it's up to them."
"New York, where so much of American history got its roots. Proud people with big attitudes and they never sleep."
"New York is undoubtedly the capital of the world."
"And as soon as I graduated I went to New York and everything happened from there."
"New York gotta support New York. We gotta get back to supporting each other."
"If you like freedom, New York has got you covered."
"I finally moved to New York City in September of 2021."
"New York has a new attraction and it's 1,300 feet above street level."
"New Yorkers, God bless them, went from the highest infection rate in the United States to the lowest. And that was all New Yorkers."
"The amazing triplex penthouse situated in Dumbo overlooks the Brooklyn Bridge and New York Harbor."
"We're gonna have to visit you, we love New York!"
"We are problem solvers, the state of New York, Empire State. You're a problem solver."
"Welcome to New York, because it's the one kind of loves and insists we play all the time."
"We are New York tough, which is New York tough and smart and united and disciplined and tough enough to love."
"A day in the life of New York's criminal court."
"New York [ __ ] is like [ __ ] is this old big tall ass [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yo who the [ __ ] is this n."
"Everyone belongs in New York. It doesn't belong to anyone."
"In New York, we're seeing hospital admissions declining very substantially."
"So many banana ships arrived at these docks on Manhattan's Lower East Side."
"It was fun, it was exciting, it was fun to be shooting that kind of New York movie."
"This race has the most impact because it's New York."
"There's real people out there in New York dying. My heart goes out to you guys. Y'all are dealing with the most coronavirus cases, the most deaths."
"One quintessential New York hot-dog experience."
"No New York hot-dog tour would be complete without a trip to Nathan's Famous over in Coney Island."
"The center of the Marvel Universe is the very real New York."
"New York is going to always be... because we invented it and also because we keep coming back and reinventing it."
"This is New York, we don't back down, we fight back."
"That final scene of seeing him swing through New York in the winter, you know, during the snow, it like brought back the memories."
"Rental arbitrage is not some new thing, struggling actresses and Broadway stars in New York do this all the time."
"I still do believe that there's going to be something very special at Madison Square Garden."
"These were the final glory years of New York."
"We're New York tough, smart, united, disciplined, loving, loving, loving, loving."
"The Dakota located at 1 West 72nd Street at the northwest corner of Central Park West in Manhattan is one of the city's most iconic and historic apartment buildings."
"The people make New York the greatest city in the world."
"The governance of New York is a garbage heap."
"For me, a home is somewhere very cozy... New York has really become my home."
"New York itself is its own personal stamp in the world."
"City Hall Station, with its Romanesque style architecture, remains virtually untouched since 1945."
"The real story is that I took a weird edible in New York and it floored me."
"It's amazing, I mean it literally is like I'm walking into India here in New York."
"New York is 30 countries in one city so love it here."
"Decades of cuts to New York's health care services, many of them championed by Cuomo, have contributed to the present crisis."
"The Empire State Building will always be an icon synonymous with New York."
"Brooklyn is everything to me, it's the best city in New York."
"You know you can't come here without visiting Times Square."
"If you say you're going to New York and where should I eat... they're going to send you a million different recommendations."
"New York emerged as London's equal if not her superior as the world's financial center."
"Hey, look at the nice things that are happening in New York subways. This is off the chart."
"I gotta give kudos not just one both New York football teams this year way over performed showed huge progress."
"It's the largest fire disaster, single fire disaster in a single building in the US at that point, the largest disaster in New York City until 9/11."
"It's New York City at its finest. Man, you smelling all this Gary love that smell KG. See this is what retirement's all about slowing down, smelling stuff like these. This smells like covering the spread, baby!"
"I flew to New York for the first time... I couldn't get my head around that... just insane."
"As drag queens we are the leaders of our community and that's why I love New York so much because I just I love I love I love everyone here."
"In New York City, this really is something of a staple. I mean, I have heard people describe the New York slice as nothing short of a way of life."
"Now, Laquan Smith is one of New York's fashion talents that is burning brightly."
"New York really is the city that never sleeps."
"Hot dogs are as true to New York as bagels, pizza, and pastrami and rye, but only one spot has been serving their franks with tropical drinks since 1932."
"For me, there's nothing better than a Papaya King to tamp it all down, send me off into the arms of Morpheus properly. It's the gold standard."
"Katz's Delicatessen has been a New York institution for over a hundred and thirty years."
"Katz's nostalgic setting has been the backdrop for countless movies and TV shows."
"I think people in New York, they like Sichuan Mala flavored things."
"It's not a regular [ __ ] like it's like that's just how New York is."
"New York is his people, it's, it's, it's like I was just there this weekend, it's like that place is like really, you got to be there to like really understand like that place is really freaking special."
"The District in New York is going to start bringing suit on everything."
"My favorite thing about New York is genuinely the people."
"There is a duty to mitigate intentional defamation in the state of New York."
"This is New York. No other place comes close."
"It was the most surreal week and I cannot believe that I was in New York."
"When 120 kilometer per hour winds hit New York State, a rare and dramatic weather phenomenon occurred across the Great Lakes."
"New York is the mecca so we started all of that."
"Appreciate you, bro. Hey, New York stand up. Shout out to New York in the building."
"New York doesn't even rank in the top 10 most populated cities but it's by far the most popular just worldwide everybody is searching New York."
"Population has nothing to do with popularity. New York seems to be the most popular but it's not even close to the most populated."
"New cases in New York are down 50% compared to a week ago."
"I have family in New York, my sister's a nurse practitioner in a Westchester hospital, and my niece is a nurse on a Long Island Hospital."
"It deprives a typical New Yorker of their right to carry for self-defense."
"I felt like I was making it in life because when we moved to New York."
"Researchers from the wildlife conservation Society spotted a pair of humpback whales off the coast of New York."
"Thin crust, sweet tomato sauce, creamy cheese—this is what New York Pizza is."
"Now, this archway underneath the Manhattan Bridge was used..."
"In our number two spot, we have Robbins Island Robbins island is another Island located off the coast of New York and it is also forbidden to the public."
"That's because back in the late 1800s, the state of New York started to use Hart Island as a dumping ground for unclaimed bodies, thousands of them."
"It was such a whirlwind because I just got into New York and it really felt like a movie."
"New Yorkers aren't buying electric cars but they're buying the electric versions of pretty much everything else."
"Russ & Daughters is considered an appetizing store... and they make the most incredible bagel and lox sandwich."
"Welcome to New York, this is the real stuff right here."
"The festival became a celebration of New York's underground drag scene and its wildly talented performers who bravely broke down boundaries before drag entered the mainstream."
"It was during the time where you know you had the whole hip-hop scene starting to heat up in New York."
"It took less than 90 seconds for American Airlines flight 11 to hurdle the entire length of Manhattan Island."
"I love living in New York. I love the diversity, the culture."
"I've always wanted to live and move to New York."
"A New York nanosecond is the time that it takes between the lights in front of the taxi in front of you, turning from red to amber, and the taxi behind you starts hooting."
"Monday Night Raw debuted on the promotions TV schedule replacing eight-year standby Prime Time wrestling the then one hour broadcast emanated from the Manhattan Center in New York City and promised unpredictable chaos with a decidedly New York bite"
"Rap was born out of the Bronx, you know. I'm from New York. I lived in New York from being a toddler to a teenager."
"Broadway is the only road that runs the full length of Manhattan and breaks across the street grid; it's a defining feature of not just New York but of American culture."
"Good night from New York, we'll see you soon."
"It was such a great New York moment and to be able to confirm it in 10 days was just a great story."
"New York was founded by the Dutch, a lot of people don't remember that."
"Everything can change in a New York minute."
"When I first moved from New York City, I was captivated by the blue skies, palm trees, and scenic hikes."
"New York is the place that you go to become someone new, and LA is a place to find yourself."
"We start right here in New York City."
"From New York, it's Saturday night!"
"Many New Yorkers will tell you this is their favorite street food."
"It's so simple, it's so New York."
"Reborn in the sewers of New York."
"It's a great Monday; we're live in New York."
"You never know what the hell you're going to see in New York."
"Thank you all for watching, I'm Decker Shadow, and remember, you never know what the hell you're going to see in New York."
"Hazel can see ghosts and there's so many in New York."
"I really love New York man, I'm be real, I didn't know that many people loved me."
"New York is so beautiful, especially around Christmas."
"It's really, really good. I can see why most New Yorkers want to start their day with one of these."
"It's incredibly popular. It's a mainstay of the bodega menu."
"The ideal New York slice should be just sturdy enough to maintain a bit of tip sag so as to make the slice easily foldable."
"I was absolutely overwhelmed by how different apartment searching in New York is from anywhere else."
"I was meant to have my New York experience."
"That, my friends, is an authentic New York slice at home."
"Scars is quickly becoming known as one of the best slices in New York."
"New York is known for having soft water which helps the gluten develop in the pizza."
"New York style pizza is considered the best kind of pizza in the world."
"I think it's the water, the New York water."
"On the balcony, looking at the buildings in New York, all the beautiful buildings."
"His reign over New York has finally begun."
"This Grand museum with one of the greatest collections in the world is essentially free as long as you're a New Yorker."
"Nothing quite like Christmas in New York."
"I think everyone should go to New York... it's still a city that when I land I never have jet lag."
"I'm fun. I'm not like your typical Hollywood girl. I'm a New York lunatic."
"I fell in love with New York, realized I was in the right place for me."
"New York is such a beautiful space, it has so many amazing opportunities and things to do."
"...turning the Twin Towers into more of an Easter egg displayed subtly for the attentive audience member is a small way to pay homage to their memory without putting it front and center to bluntly remind the audience of New York's Darkest Day."
"The cool thing about New York, you know, we have so many cultures here."
"New York is the financial capital of the world, in a country that is the de facto global center of trade, geopolitics and military power."
"Don't judge a book by its cover, unless that cover's in upstate New York."
"New York is very resilient. We fight."
"This show has literally just become a New York-based sitcom."
"New York was always more progressive even in terms of slavery and giving black people rights. It's always been way ahead of the South."
"The feeling you get web slinging yourself halfway across New York is almost unrivaled."
"New York is a great place to have kids."
"Taxis are notoriously hard to come by in New York on stormy nights."
"They were just in the New York Journal, American."
"New York reminds me of downtown LA on steroids like times 10 like I totally enjoy watching interesting people like people dressing Spider-Man and then people playing like the most randomst instrument"
"these Vagabond shoes are longing to stray right through the very heart of it New York New York I want to wake up in a city and sleep and find I'm King of the Hill top of the Heap"
"The best tasting water in New York comes from South Huntington."
"New York is so beautiful for just walking."
"I'm loving all these cute outdoor places to dine and just chill and hang."
"New York has been amazing, so vibrant and so much to do."
"This is the New York Bodega like elevating the game to levels we've never seen before."
"Everybody I met in New York was absolutely [ __ ] awesome."
"I feel like New York doesn't sometimes get the credit it deserves for the amount of parks it has."
"The biggest thing I tell to everyone who comes to New York: it's about the character and it's about the culture."
"At the end of the day, nobody's the king of New York, it's a bunch of kings in New York."
"from up here it feels as if each light below were a small dream representing the hopes and Ambitions of every person who calls New York their home"
"but New York is more than just a city across the world it is a symbol"
"The Highline is New York's worst kept secret but I like to say it's my favorite tourist activity to do nothing quite like walking on an abandoned train line converted into a gorgeous elevated Park."
"Going to a Broadway show is an iconic New York experience."